
Can You Feel My Heart Beating



6 Years
05-25-2014, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2014, 09:07 PM by Azalea.)

Azalea walked through the winding stone corridor, open to the sky. The day was overcast and cold. Each step on the chilled rock left a painful feeling in her pads.

Her tail was down, not in its usual almighty position. It was winter and that meant that Azalea was in season. It also meant that she was another year older but that should ignore entirely. Something about being three years old made her damn old and she cursed the thought.

Silent steps carried her out of view of the sky and into a shallow tunnel to which she quickly u-turned and continued on. Finally she found some branches from the main path and worked her way into the dark, pricks of light flooding down at random where holes where made in the earthy ceiling.

She plopped down onto the cool ground, sprawling her legs out with her belly firm on the ground. Her tongue lulled out to one side as she began to pant and her amber eyes searching the little cavern she had found herself in. It was open to the sky, a hole about 3 or 4 feet in diameter. Her jaws parted to let out a yodeling noise. She wanted attention. She wanted Sarak.

Any desire to get up and go to his, no, their den had left her. Maybe he was thinking about her and would find his way to her. She called again, the end snippet managing to sound like a howl, something that might carry out of the open ceiling above her.




8 Years
05-26-2014, 06:15 PM

Long lanky legs carried the mottled brown, mud brown and black Psi Secondary along in slow, graceful strides. He had his mate back, and his sons were free of Glaciem, free to do what they wished with their lives. Kismet had had something he?d wanted to do first. As for Soren, Sarak imagined it would take the black and white male a little while to lose the reserved manner. Sarak would give them time. After all, it would give him some time to spend with Azalea.

As if on cue, her voice called out to him; from directly underneath him. A bit to the left. His passage halted, ears cocking, before a sly grin crossed his jaws and he ambled to the hole in the ground. Lowering to his stomach, he poked his head into the hole, moss green eyes seeking out her frame. A split second later, his nose was bombarded by the alluring scent that was definitely exuding from his lithe love. It was enough to send a quiver down his spine and glaze his eyes with a more primal instinct, but he shook it off with some minor difficulty. He wasn?t some brute like Isardis or a wolf from Blackmoon anymore. He was Azalea?s mate, and her most trusted friend. He wouldn?t risk that, not for all the release in the world.

?Hello, my star. You called?? A Cheshire cat grin pulled over his face, his tail wagging behind him as he looked down at her. It wasn?t often that he could see many wolves from above. Gods, she was beautiful, even splayed out like a pup freshly fed. ?What can I do for you, beautiful one?? That silken, seductive purr thrummed in his words once more.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
05-26-2014, 06:59 PM

Azalea's ears pulled sideways as a shadow moved over the light the filtered in. At first she thought perhaps it was just a bird flying over until she noticed the characteristic wolf silhouette and looked up.

His moss eyes demanded her attention and she could not miss for that small moment the look of pure desire in his eyes. It made her heart jump and electric spread through her. There were few things Azalea enjoyed more than being wanted, desired. ?Hello, my star. You called?? His grin was all consuming and she smiled back, setting her chin on her paws after drawing her legs more under her, prepared to get to her feet. "Mmm," was her response, eyes still cast up to him and the smile on her face evident in her tone.

?What can I do for you, beautiful one?? His question made her head pop up. "Well first you could come down here. And then..." Azalea trailed off as she rolled over onto her back and reached her paws up toward her man as if to be closer to him. She had to wonder if he would find him way in or just jump through the ceiling. By her estimation it was only about 6-7 feet up from where she lay. Not too terribly deep but still she worried of a sprained paw.



8 Years
05-27-2014, 06:42 PM

The Cheshire cat grin grew wider as she made a suggestion as to what he could do for her. He judged the drop to be a good six feet. It was something he could handle, due to training. In and out of difficult spaces and terrain was second nature. His shoulders slid through the roof hole, followed shortly by the remainder of his lean frame, and in a swift moment, he landed exactly where he intended to; Straddling his lady between all four long legs, tail swaying happily behind him.

Sarak lowered his head to drop his muzzle next to her ear, warm breath fogging in the cool cavern, winter air lending its chill and he purred into her ear. ?And then what, Lady Star? What shall I do with you then?? He nipped playfully, seductively, along her jaw, doing exactly what he knew would driver her crazy, before giving a low chuckle and stepping away to allow her up. ?I missed you, my light.? Full honesty in his low voice and moss green eyes as he gazed at his auburn-headed beauty.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
05-27-2014, 08:10 PM

Azalea's needs were met, Sarak fell like an angel from the open ceiling. Admittedly the sight of him headed directly toward her was enough to make her body jolt, eyes squeezing shut and teeth clenching to hold in the yelp that threatened to escape.

He straddled her now and Azalea let her greedy eyes eat up every inch of him. By all right he was hers to look at and look she did. She was glad that her disappearance hadn't left him completely dazed and confused. He held weight and more so, muscle. Someone had been busy getting the edge on her since she ran like a rabbit from a fox. Now, looking at the rippling slopes of his shoulders made her grin. The idea of him having such physical power, not just mental power, over her was appealing.

Suddenly his nose was by her ear, his warmth alone setting her body on fire. ?And then what, Lady Star? What shall I do with you then?? He nibbled along her jaw line and Azalea lifted a paw, pressing it lightly into his chest, as if to touch his heart. Her breath had left her and as she pushed him lightly back to end his end his barrage on her control she stared into his eyes to gain back the lost oxygen and focus.

When she finally answered him her voice was low, her face straight. "And then I want me to make me yours."

He stepped away though, allowing her up. His eyes met hers and she could tell he was serious with whatever he was about to do or say. ?I missed you, my light.? She was in motion, taking back the space between them. Impact came with a paw to Sarak's face, a sure sign of her affection though quickly replaced by her face. She pressed hard against him. Damnit she just couldn't get close enough to sate her need to be near him.

Like a cat she moved with her body pressed against his, the amount of her pressure testing his balance surely. When she got where their bodies were about even at the ends she reached out grabbing his tail playfully and giving it a light pull like a puppy would before rushing off, back arched, legs under her. Doing a 180 she faced him again, front end hitting the ground and her tail wagging hard enough to make her entire rear end sway with it. She let out another garbled yodeling noise, though she still doubted he had heard the first.

"Don't make me wait, it hurts how much I want you." And then she on the move again, positioning herself in front of him, teasing her rump against his chest begging, begging him to fuck her.

All at once her sense of time and nature seemed to return to her. Azalea jolted forward, her tail falling to protect her privates and her smile disappeared. Head snapped over her shoulder, eyes wide. "Fuck me... just don't... just... don't," The struggle for words was real, her throat squeezing shut the way it did around the words the raked her fur the wrong way.

ooc: permission granted to get Azalea pregnant though we both know she's gonna have some choice words to say about it lol




8 Years
05-27-2014, 11:54 PM

She reacted exactly as he knew she would, pressing against him, a paw on his chest over his heart. His tail swayed softly, weight slightly dropping against her before his paws would carry him away. However, she ended up pressed against him again, hardly sooner than he?d spoken. A low chuckle thrummed in his throat as her paw reached out for his face. It was her trademark affection sign for him. When her face replaced it, he snaked his tongue out, licking her nose, before moving to embrace her, nose pressing into the nape of her neck. One paw on fore and hind stepped back to save his balance as she pressed into him, and his canines nibbled along her ears before they got out of reach, at which point they continued long her back and spine, to her tail, where a lick placed itself on her rump. ?Oh!?

His tail was being tugged. He cast a glance back at her, a low, silky laugh brushing from his maw, before she rushed away a short distance. He stood erect, tail waving playfully above his hips as he watched his star cavort until she faced him, yodeling again, making him grin. ?My playful princess.? He reached out a paw, tagging the ground between them with a chuckle. ?I never really learned how to play and cavort and dance. My life was fight for every breath, fight for the right to exist, then train to take away lives. You are my savior, my star.? As she pressed against him, rump against his chest, he chuckled, nipping her along the hindquarters lightly, teasingly as her demands reached his ears. The nibbling continued to her hocks, until she lunged forward, her senses returning to her.

Her fear was obvious, and he strode forward, draping his head over her rump, trailing his jaw along her back as he padded to stand abreast of her. ?I will try my best. But I don?t ?fuck?. I make love. And only for you.? His words were a husky purr. Gods above, but she smelled amazing, every bit the siren for a male wolf?s nose, but he took his time, nibbling and licking at her ears and jaw line, along her scruff and shoulder, making sure to lavish attention on her key points as he slowly, torturing, worked his way down her frame. He wasn?t rushed, however much his instincts begged for him to obey her right away, and then not obey that last bit. That last bit would be extremely difficult? Their anatomy? He would see about that creek when he reached it.

Teeth scraped and nibbled, hot breath filtering through her fur. Until he knew she was burning and beyond ready, upon which point, he tenderly caressed her tail with a lick, casting his moss green gaze over her frame. Gently, he rose, settling gently on her rump, shivering with his own pleasure. ?My glorious, auburn star? I love you.?


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
05-28-2014, 09:59 AM

It had been over a year since they had touched this way and roughly a year since he had been allowed much physical contact at all. She had broken but time away and her need for Sarak's affection had mended her. Once more she was a glorious dove, free to fly as high as she wished.

"oh," came his voice as she grabbed his tail, surprising him. She gave no words by her pleasure over any touch he offered was evident. He knew how to push her to the edge of raw desire.

As she bowed Sarak remained tall, strong, solid. His tail waved in a lazy manner over his back. ?My playful princess.? She licked her lips. ?I never really learned how to play and cavort and dance. My life was fight for every breath, fight for the right to exist, then train to take away lives. You are my savior, my star.? Azalea answered with a sweet smile. "This pack was your savior, I'm simply the girl who fell in love with the lonely boy." She didn't notice but it was probably the most open proclamation of her feelings that she had ever made to him.

She was back near him, pressing her rump into his chest and his teeth teased at her rump and legs. When she jolted forward with wide eyes he came forward full of comfort. ?I will try my best. But I don?t ?fuck?. I make love. And only for you.? She looked away from him with a half smile, her body loosening. Despite her request he tortured her, making her ache all the way to her bones. Why couldn't he just listen? Still, she endured until finally he was lifting himself over her. She felt him tremble, his body revealing just how he was feeling. ?My glorious, auburn star? I love you.?

And just like that he swept her away into a sea of oblivion.


When all was said and done Azalea sprawled on the cold floor with her back pressed to a wall. She panted heavily and was ready for a long nap. Heavy lashes fell over her amber eyes as she look at Sarak. A fat block of denial in her mind. In truth she didn't know how one stopped getting pregnant when in heat. Surely it was possible, it was torturous to ignore the desire. Her memory, however, was quick to remember how it had gone last time and this had been much the same (sans this being MUCH better).

She rested her head on the floor, thoughtful gaze still on Sarak. "I think I'm going to be pregnant." She was too tired to cringe against the words so they came out as fact and she simply waited for his reaction. "We can't know yet though."