
I'd fight the world for you

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-19-2021, 05:35 PM

Dalila walked beside Siren as they made their way back to the den after visiting her deer and walking the island. The island they lived on had never felt small, but something about being closed off here made it feel more restrictive than it originally had. She knew she could swim across if she really needed to, but with the cooler fall weather creeping in on them the water was pretty chilly and the last thing she wanted to do was leave Siren here alone. All in all she didn't mind all that much since Siren was her one and only focus in life, but it was something she noticed now that Chimera had left them for the time being with the bridge to the main land pulled away. The only thing she didn't really like was the fact that Viper was on their island as well. The smaller woman made her nervous ever since the time she attacked her.

She ducked into the den to put away a few herbs they had collected during their walk, stashing them away on the shelves. Turning her attention back to Siren she smiled and leaned her head down to sneak a gentle kiss to Siren's cheek. She did her best to restrict her affections to when they were alone in the den or at night when they were curled up in bed, though it was difficult to not shower her love in kisses and attention all hours of the day. "Would you like a bath before or after dinner?" she asked, wondering if she should collect their soaps and combs or get ready to prepare some of their stored meats for a meal. If she had to be contained to an island she was glad it was with Siren.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
07-19-2021, 06:46 PM
Siren spent a lot of her days with the deer, it was one of her favorite pastimes. However she couldn’t deny having Dalila there with her made the experience far better. The small island whitetails were growing more used to the woman’s presence, she was very nearly as accepted in the herd as Siren herself. Her days went as usual, even being confined to the island life wasn’t much different beyond counting the days until Chimera returned. Thankfully she hadn’t seen much of Viper, she kept to herself and so did Siren. There was peace.

The tiny Klein princess followed her woman, keeping beside her as the returned ot the den they shared. For the most part their love was a secret, neither woman was eager for the world to know how they really felt. She was especially nervous about what Chimera would do. He had his slave for his pleasure, she argued in her head that her relationship with Dalila wasn’t a far stretch from what he had with Ali or Viper. It wouldn’t be fair to Siren to deny her this love she shared with Dalila.

Siren leaned into Dalila’s innocent kiss, her body demanding much more than the gentle affection. The girl ignored her baser desires, knowing it was mostly her heat trying to speak for her. But her desire for Dalila was real, the love they shared was real, and it was their secret. "After dinner,” she liked to relax with a bath and get right into bed afterwards. "I’m not very hungry.” She added a little warning not to prepare anything ginormous.

The girl grinned up at her lover, her heart beating excitedly in her chest as she caught her aqua gaze with her own and leaned into the woman’s mottled chest. A little affection now, and more during and after a bath.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-21-2021, 03:55 PM

Dalila nodded when Siren directed to have her bath after dinner and to the fact that she wasn't very hungry, already mentally planning what she might prepare. Before she could move away to do such things though, she caught a glimpse of Siren's grin, her gaze easily captured by Siren's own. She still hadn't gotten used to her lady returning her affections and even just feeling her lean into her chest made her breath catch in her chest and made her heart skip a couple of beats. She grinned back down at Siren, her ears folding back shyly as she leaned down to press a more genuine kiss to Siren's waiting lips. Ever since Siren's heat began Dalila could tell the difference in her boldness and her eagerness for their affections, but she was more than happy to give her anything she desired.

She wrapped Siren's delicate shoulders in one of her forelegs as her lips slipped away from Siren's, hugging her close while nuzzling and kissing across her ears and crown. Whenever they were alone like this it was hard to resist the temptation to give her lady the affection she craved and with Chimera being absent it was even more difficult. She didn't want to resist this woman she loved, but she also didn't want to bring more trouble onto them from her brother so she was still careful about when and where she indulged her.

"I don't have to prepare dinner right now if you're not hungry," she replied, tilting her head to place more kisses across Siren's cheek. "If there's something else you'd rather do instead we can. Maybe a walk on the beach? Or something else? Whatever your heart desires, I'll do for you." That was true in all things, not just this moment, but Siren already knew this. Dalila would turn the world upside down if that's what would make Siren happy. She smiled down at the woman she loved, brushing a gentle paw over her cheek and tracing the braid that fell down along her shoulder, she admired her delicate beauty while she waited on her answer.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
07-23-2021, 05:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2021, 05:26 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Just being close and feeling the warmth of her fur on that chilly Autumn day was pleasant. The subtle sweet scent of her and the adoration Dalila gave her made Siren smile softly. She was at ease, relaxed and at peace. Being restricted to the island was no terrible fate, she was well cared for and looked after by the woman who wrapped her arm around her shoulders. Siren closed her dual toned eyes and leaned into Dalila’s affections. She nuzzled into the soft mottled fur of her chest and nestled into her embrace.

The day was not done yet though, even if all she wished was to bask here in Dalila’s kisses while she had the chance. The lovely woman reminded her that she didn’t have to start on dinner yet and offered her some choices where they could spend their time together. This was Siren’s perfect life. Living unbothered on this island, with Viper far away, free to do as they pleased.

Siren smiled softly up at Dalila, bright dual toned eyes gazing at the woman she fell in love with. "Will you take me to the beach?” They spent the day in the woods, enjoying the deer as they started going a little crazy for rut. It was always a pleasure seeing the bigger bucks with their impressive antlers strutting around. Watching them with Dalila was even better, and she knew they would see something on the beach. Enjoying life as it performed in front of them together was the highlight of her days. Maybe they’d find something interesting in the sand, or see dolphins or a whale off the coast.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
07-23-2021, 11:10 PM

Dalila smiled once Siren asked to go to the beach and she nodded, giving her lover's lips one more gentle kiss. "Of course I will." She reluctantly let her arms fall away from Siren's sides sides then getting back to her paws. There was still a bit of daylight to be had and perhaps they'd get to enjoy the sunset while they were on the beach. She led Siren out of the den, but once they were outside she walked side by side with the delicate woman beside her. When it was just the two of them she could almost forget that she was a slave. The way Siren looked at her made her feel like she was simply a doting partner that took care of the woman she loved. Yes, she had begun taking care of Siren out of duty and obligation, but even if she was given her freedom this moment she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. She wanted to always be at Siren's side, enjoying this love that they shared.

They moved toward the beach and quickly their paws were in the sand. Dalila guided their path along the shore, walking leisurely as the waves washed back and forth over their paws. "I enjoy spending time with you," she told Siren with a loving smile as she turned her gaze down to look at her. That was no secret, but she didn't know if she had ever said it out loud either. Maybe it was just assumed that she would enjoy being with the one she loved, but she wanted Siren to know that she wasn't only here because she had to be. If that was the case she probably would have tried to run away while Chimera was gone, knowing that Siren wouldn't be able to chase her down. She leaned her head down to give Siren's cheek another kiss before she turned her attention back to the beach ahead of them so she could keep her eyes peeled for anything interesting to take back with them.

As they were walking, she noticed some figures she didn't really recognize and couldn't readily identify and she eyed them curiously. There seemed to be a whole cluster of them, maybe five or six from what she could tell from a distance. "What are those...?" she mused quietly. From here she couldn't tell if they were friend or foe so she didn't divert their path just yet, too curious to see what these creatures were that had taken up residence on their island. As they got closer she was able to make out some more details and realized they were sea lions. She blinked with surprise slowing to a stop maybe a dozen feet from the creatures with a tip of her head. "Hm... I've never seen them around here," she wondered aloud. She knew the weather had been very strange over the past year so perhaps some animals were venturing places they didn't usually stray.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-03-2021, 03:18 PM
Being beside Dalila felt as natural as breathing. She was given one more soft kiss as Dalila agreed to her request and reluctantly pulled away so they could walk there. Siren might’ve suggested lingering in the den, but she was feeling more restless than snuggly. Dalila let her lead the way from the den, but they traveled side by side, gently leaning and bumping against one another’s shoulders or hips. Siren held a soft smile on her face, feeling relaxed and stress free. There wasn’t much to think about here on the island, she was provided for completely in every way.

Tiny pale paws left delicate tracks through the sand as the two of them strolled leisurely on the beach. Besides the forest with the deer this was where Siren spent her time. All of the sand she tread on made her paw pads soft as down and Dalila’s efforts to keep them clean gave the little princess perfect paws. Dual toned eyes watched the waves come up onto the sand before them, but her attention was grabbed by Dalila as she mentioned an obvious fact. She hadn’t said it before, but Siren knew it. She smiled up at her love, feeling again the familiar rise of butterflies in her belly as she gazed into her eyes. "Me too,” She whispered back as Dalila reached forward with a sweet kiss to her cheek.

Siren blushed as the two of the continued down the beach, enjoying the changing colors of the sky and the comfortable temperatures. They were already walking slowly but they nearly stopped when Dalila brought Siren’s attention to the strange figures in the distance. Siren tilted her head curiously but also shook it in answer. No she did not know who or what they were. "Do you think they pose a threat?” She asked with a tilt of her head as she looked back to the mottled she wolf beside her.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-04-2021, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2021, 11:05 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

She hummed thoughtfully when Siren questioned whether or not the blubbery creatures were a threat, her head tipping as she looked at them. They were very round and were currently sprawled out across the beach. They certainly didn't look like a threat at least. If anything they looked down right soft and squishy. "I don't know," she answered honestly with a little shrug. "Maybe we should check them out? If they are dangerous we might have to get someone to help chase them off." They may have to wait for Chimera to return to get him to do it, though if they were really dangerous she'd be willing to go ask someone else in the pack to come out to their island in order to protect Siren. Though at least from here it didn't look like they would be all that interested in moving inward toward where their den was, but she would never be too careful when it came to her lady.

"Stay back behind me a bit just in case," she warned before starting to move closer curiously. At first the sea lions paid them no mind. They really did seem to just be soft, sun bathing creatures that were almost kind of cute. However, as she got closer one of the smaller sea lions, obviously a young pup of some sort, got curious about them in return and started moving toward them in an adorable bouncing wiggle across the sand. She paused where she was and chuckled, watching the young one come to investigate them. "Well, aren't you cute," she mentioned with a chuckle, her tail giving a gentle wag.

The growling, barking sound form one of the much larger sea lions alerted her first and her smile fell away when her pale blue gaze darted up toward the imposing creature that was now moving toward them much faster than she would have anticipated. If she had to guess this momma did not like that they were near her baby, even though the baby was the one that came to them. "Run run run!" she told Siren while skittering on the sand to get turned around and start running from the sea lion, nudging Siren to get her moving and out of the way.

The momma sea lion went snapping at Siren, maybe because she was the smaller and less dangerous looking of the two, but Dalila immediately reached to bite at the sea lion's face, digging her teeth into the top of its snout to stop it and give Siren a moment to find her footing and get running. The sea lion yanked out of her grasp with a pained, barking sound, but immediately went diving back in to bite at her instead. Its sharp teeth caught her hind leg before she could fully get away, making her yelp and twist around, clawing at the sea lion's eyes to make it let go. She got away and ran off to catch up with Siren, limping a little as she went until they were well out of range of the sea lions.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-10-2021, 07:09 AM
Being with Dalila was unlike anything she had experienced in her life before, the love the woman showered on her every minute of everyday was almost overwhelming. The devotion, the loyalty, and trust she shared with the woman was different from every other relationship she had ever had. Her affections, her kisses, the way she held her when they were alone, did something to her heart that couldn’t be replicated. She felt complete with Dalila, and she embraced and admitted the love they shared. Siren was happy.

Dalila didn’t know who or what the creatures before them were, but they certainly didn’t look like they were dangerous. Siren stayed at Dal’s side but the pair of them shuffled forward curiously. Ever protective Dalila had Siren stay behind her, just in case, her first priority was keeping Siren safe. She did as was requested of her, pressing her shoulder against Dal’s mottled hip as the pair of them advanced on the mob on the beach. Siren peeked around Dalila’s form as the pup scooted up towards them curiously. Dual toned eyes peered at the odd pup, it was so funny with its flippers instead of feet.

They were barely able to say hello when mom noticed where her pup was. Siren’s eyes widened as the much larger than she expected, creature turned its attention towards the two of them. Dal disrupted her frozen thoughts and jump started her action as she encouraged her to run. Panic filled her voice and Siren started to move. She didn’t often run, she was a princess after all and was taken care of to the point her endurance and physical prowess were non-existent.

She was lucky she could move as fast as she could, the mother sea lion had her in its sights. She pulled her long furred tail to her belly and moved her paws as quickly as she could, just barely avoiding the snapping jaws behind her. She couldn’t look back when she heard the commotion, the sea lion was making its weird barking noises but Dalila’s yelp was almost too much to ignore. Siren’s tiny paws carried her over the sand, hopefully far enough to keep the angry mom from chasing them.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-11-2021, 01:24 AM

Dalila kept running as long as she could, occasionally glancing back behind her to make sure the sea lion wasn't following. She quickly picked up on the fact that the sea lions couldn't run very fast - at least not on land - so they didn't have to go all that far to start putting distance between themselves and the large creatures, but she would rather be safe than sorry. They were very nearly back to where they had begun their walk before she finally let herself start to slow to a limping hobble, saying, "O-Okay, okay, I think we're safe now." She slowed to a stop, panting and breathless. Even though she was standing with most of her weight on her other three legs so she could keep the pressure off of her injured back leg, her worried gaze still immediately went to Siren, her brows pulled together with concern as she limped toward her and let her blue gaze comb over Siren to make sure the sea lion hadn't injured her after all in the scuffle.

"Are you okay?" she questioned worriedly, leaning her head down to gently brush away some sand that had gotten caught in Siren's fur on her cheek with the side of her muzzle. "I'm so sorry, I should have been more cautious. We should have just watched them from afar instead of getting so close." Guilt pulled at her gut for getting Siren into that situation in the first place and was silently just happy that she had been there to defend her. If Siren had encountered them on her own it could have gone so much worse. A bite on her leg was more than worth it just to know that Siren was safe and unharmed.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
08-12-2021, 07:39 PM
The pair of them were lucky that these creatures weren’t very fast on their awkward flippers. Had they been in the ocean Siren was sure the story would have been a bit different. She still thought she saw Dalila take the bite that was aimed for her, not that she had time to stop and think as they raced down the beach. Siren had lost her breath by the time Dalila declared them safe from their pursuer. Dual toned eyes returned to the woman as she limped closer, her concern obviously focused completely on her and not the injured limp she walked on.

"I’m fine, Dalila.” She spoke softly, leaning into her touch as she tried to assure her. Siren could see the guilt in her eyes and the worry on her voice as she spoke. "Don’t be sorry.” She tried to assure this sweet woman she loved. She didn't want her to blame herself. "You didn’t know, and I couldn’t resist that pup’s face.” She chuckled softly and offered her shoulder for Dalila to lean on slightly. "Lets get back to the den, I’ll help you patch that up, and then you owe me cuddles.” She promised the woman with a grin and bold kiss to her cheek.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-13-2021, 12:22 PM

She breathed a sigh of relief when Siren insisted that she was okay, smiling a little when she joked about not being able to resist that pup's face. "It was really cute," she agreed with a soft chuckle even though she was still incredibly guilty over the whole thing. If something would have happened to Siren while they were out just because of a bad judgement call on her part... She never would have forgiven herself. She gently leaned into Siren's side as she offered her shoulder to her with a grateful smile, her tail wagging softly at the thought of the cuddles she owed her lady. The kiss she placed on her cheek made her heart skip and a grin pulled across her lips in return, leaning down to put a small kiss on her lips. "I like the sound of that." She started slowly making her way back to the den alongside Siren, wondering to herself yet again how she could have gotten lucky enough to have this sweet woman's love.

Luckily they weren't all that far from the dens after their mad race down the beach so she didn't have to limp for too long. Their running had made the bite look worse than it really was, the blood covering most of the lower part of her back leg even though the bite from the sea lion was mostly just a surface wound of torn skin. Most of her limp just came from the fact that the bite was near a joint so every time her leg bent it pulled on the wound. She waited for Siren to step into the den before she followed suit, going to their room of herbs and healing supplies before settling down onto her side with another sigh. She stretched out her leg so that Siren could do her work, giving her love a sweet smile. It was still so strange for her to be looked after in return, even if it was something like this where she was injured somewhere that would be difficult for her to treat herself, but at least with Siren she could justify it with the love they had for one another. She knew she'd just make Siren upset if she refused to let the princess treat her so she laid still so she wouldn't interfere with her work.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-16-2021, 06:21 PM
She could tell that Dalila still felt guilty over the whole scenario and the tiny princess reached up to kiss the woman’s cheek in hopes of soothing her just a little more. Neither of them could resist getting a closer look at the baby one, but that didn’t mean Siren would allow her to bear all of the blame. Dal smiled and leaned into her kiss as she mentioned how agreeable a night of cuddles sounded. Siren always wanted to be close to Dalila but her heat made the feeling so much more intense. She knew that her love was always there for when she needed her. Dal leaned slightly against her and they were quick to return to the den. Siren needed to get her wounds cleaned and bandaged, then she would make sure to kiss her to make her feel better.

Siren paused at the door and tried to knock off some of the blood soaked sand from Dalila’s lifted paw before she led the way inside, eager to get to work. Dalila stretched out over the patients bed, revealing the wounded leg to her with a soft smile as Siren’s attention returned to her. The tiny princess couldn’t help herself as she pressed her lips to Dalila’s before she could even begin. Her heart swelled when she looked at her like that, and she craved her affection.

She pulled herself away from soft lips and focused on Dalila’s leg. She started by cleaning the wound, removing the old blood and sand stuck there before revealing the bite. Concern crossed her features as she put extra attention to the punctures, disinfecting the best that she could before beginning to wrap it with her nice bandages. She couldn’t help but admire the woman she saw to, she could feel the soft fur of her belly and the warmth of her body. Dalila was a beautiful woman and she had easily fallen for her sweet soul. Siren carefully worked the wrappings around her thigh, stealing glances up towards Dalila’s bright eyes the whole time.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
08-17-2021, 12:16 AM

Siren surprised her by coming to press a kiss to her lips before she began any of her work, catching her off guard enough that she couldn't stop the soft, delighted murr that she gave at the sudden affection. She smiled adoringly at her love as she began to move away to go get the supplies she would need, watching Siren move with the delicate grace of the princess she was. Never before had Dalila ever considered someone attractive or had any desire to be with them physically in any way, but Siren defied all of her usual notions. Siren was stunningly beautiful, breathtaking in every way, and just watching her like this was more than enough of a distraction to keep her mind off of the discomfort as her lady began to clean around her wound. It certainly wasn't the worst wound she had ever received and it wasn't a deadly bite by any means, but it still hurt and feeling siren clean and maneuver the area to disinfect and treat the bite wasn't a pleasant thing. She sat still through the whole though though, only the occasional grimace giving away her discomfort.

Occasionally her blue gaze caught with Sirens as her lady began to wrap her wounds with bandages, a little smile pulling at the corners of her lips each time. She would never get over how striking Siren's gaze was, each eye unique and utterly captivating. She realized a few moments too late that Siren had used their good bandages to wrap her leg and her ears flicked guiltily, but she stopped herself from saying anything, knowing already what Siren would say. She still had that deeply ingrained train of thought that she was a slave and therefore shouldn't be allowed to use or have nice things like this, but even just the fact that Siren was caring for her like this at all was a testament to how their relationship had changed. "Thank you for patching up my wounds," she said softly as Siren finished with wrapping her leg, her light blue gaze shining with love as she yearned for more of those delicate kisses.
