
Master Fisher Wolf


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-25-2021, 12:13 AM

Rudy was up early, at least for him it was early.  Art was always awake at this time already and would probably make some dramatic statement of shock if he were to see Rudy now.  The sun had only just finished getting itself over the horizon and the day already had a hint of warmth to it.  It had rained yesterday and so as he’d made his way from the castle there had been plenty of puddles to move past.  When he had been smaller those would have been perfect for jumping in and splashing all about.  Today he jogged past them and then farther away.  

It wasn’t social time this morning.  He loped his way towards the beach, a perfect spot to sit and think.  Rudy found himself not even thinking much, it was more like he sat there and let the world soak in around him.  He let himself hear and smell everything without reacting to add to any of it.  He sought peace and stillness to chase away a nightmare that had woken him.  The young wolf didn’t so much remember the dream well as much as the emotions that it had brought up.  The sense of pain and loss and being alone.  That was enough to guess what had happened in the dream.

Here the world was quiet and alone didn’t feel so terrifying as it had when he had woken.  Family was nearby and safe.  The waves were sluggish today, with no wind to power them up.  A bit past the slow tide he spotted a bit of movement that didn’t belong.  Well, it didn’t belong as far as the normal water pattern went.  A moment later several fish leaped out of the water only to splash back in.  What the heck?

They were too far out to see details.  Curiosity killed the peacefulness and the nosy wolf made his way into the water.  Once his belly was in the water he saw more water ripples and the reflective glistening of lots of shiny scales.  Why so many fish so close to each other and near the surface?  As he took another step the ground seemed to disappear, apparently, a deeper spot, and Rudy found himself having to paddle.  Looking down he finally saw what was happening.  There were several larger fish herding these fish.  Much larger.  The fast-moving fish looked as big as he was!

Rudy was willing to fight just about anything on land but less keen to fight a giant-fish creature on its own turf.  They could fly in the water whereas he paddled awkwardly.  Rudy made his way back to where he could stand and backed up a bit.  The dolphins hadn’t cared about the wolf with their intent being the school of fish.

Rudy made his way a bit farther down the shore before stepping into the water with curiosity nibbling at him.  No sign of the giant-fish creatures here.  No huge number of fish here either.  Rudy stood with his ankles in the water, feeling the soft sand squishy on his toes as he watched the water with his body still.  Birds swept by and Rudy ignored them.  One seemed to show off as it dove down and scooped up a fish farther away Rudy had no idea was there.  Still, he stayed in place.

Waiting was a long game but it helped center him.  The morning was slowly slipping by and the nightmare faded out with his focus on more important things.  A crab came by and momentarily took the boy's attention.  He could kill the crab?  No, he had decided to fish.  There were other things that would provide a bigger meal and be far more fun but that wasn’t the point.  This was just something that he had decided to do and it was helping him focus.  That was it.  He’d move on after he had a fish.

Two then three birds were flying around nearby.  Rudy took the hint and move towards them.  One dove towards the water and flew up high again.  Yah, fish must be there.  Rudy spotted the slippery silver scales even before he was far in.  Finally.  Slowly Rudy made his way towards them.  One paw step at a time.  They were close.  Rudy imagined trying to pounce at where they were and easily pictured a mouth full of salt ware for his attempt.  The birds had flown up higher but hadn’t fully left yet.  Rudy was rudely trying to steal their hunting spot.  Rudy’s eyes looked back to the fish, watching for any sort of pattern unsure if fish even had patterns in movement.  Rudy crouched down low, not too pounce but just to get his head further in the water, closer to the target.  He let the water pull him towards the fish instead of truly stepping.  Rudy quit worrying about strategy and followed his gut as he had always done.  He waited and when the moment felt right he stretched out his neck and snapped his teeth closed, finding he actually did catch a fish in his mouth.  Proud as punch he strode out, waterlogged tail spraying water as he wagged it.  Not a huge catch and it would be bony but he had done it.

Rudyard Carpathius