
Purpose Driven




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-25-2021, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2021, 02:07 AM by Irilyth. Edited 1 time in total.)

The small sandy-blonde fae trudged wearily across the open prairies, doing her best to ignore the rain that was falling down around her. The chilly autumn day had begun simply as cloudy, but it hadn't taken long for those heavy storm clouds to begin to open up across Boreas. The rain wasn't too heavy yet, just a steady sprinkling that threatened to get worse at a moment's notice. Raspberry red eyes tried to stay up on the horizon as she walked aimlessly with no destination in mind. Her paws were covered in a plethora of cuts, some old and healing and some fresh, from when she'd escaped that massive dangerous brute down in Auster, and from the general travel she'd made from the southern continent up to Boreas. The more distance she could put between herself and that psychopath, the better...

Irilyth's body ached, tired and ready to collapse, but still she forced herself forward. Her stomach growled, but no prey was in sight, all the little edible mammals seeking shelter from the storm. She pursed her lips and sighed, scanning the horizon with futility. Was this truly how she died, alone and out in the middle of nowhere with no one around? She'd always known she couldn't survive on her own in the wild, but never had she actually expected for the ruthlessness of nature to claim her. Perhaps that had been her hubris, and perhaps this was what she deserved. But she refused to give up just yet.

Tiny paws plodding across the muddy ground, Irilyth began to head east, hoping to come across somewhere to rest and wait out the storm, or perhaps find a kill to scavenge from. At this rate, she wouldn't survive more than a couple of days out here—not without someone to rescue her from her own predicament.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-25-2021, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2021, 11:51 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)
The storm that had kicked up while she was out finding a quick meal had kept her out in the prairie far longer than she had anticipated. She was certainly no delicate thing and she had never shied away from walking through a storm before, but she wasn't just thinking for herself now anymore, was she? She glanced down at her stomach with an adoring smile, watching the rise and fall of her swollen side for a moment. She was still only a fraction of the size she expected to grow considering the size that she and her husband were, but when she was laying down on her side like this it was a bit more noticeable than when she was standing. The pups she was carrying took precedent above all else and she was being more cautious about things than she normally would have been. The pronghorn she had hunted while Alastor was out scouting laid half eaten beside her in this small cave she had carried it into just as the dark clouds had begun to roll in. The idea of walking through the rain to get back to the cave where she and Alastor had been staying was tossed out as soon as the cool autumn rain started to fall. The last thing she wanted to do was be soaked to the bone and risk catching a cold.

She looked back out across the prairie outside of the cave, the open grassland vacant save for some larger creatures like buffalo in the distance. All of the smaller creatures that could hide from the storm had already escaped and it made for a fairly boring landscape. Well... that was until a wolf crossed into view. Her brows lifted with interest and her aqua eyes followed the small, delicate woman that trudged through the quickly thickening mud, looking pitiful out there in the rain. She hummed thoughtfully as she watched the woman for a few moments longer, a smirk pulling at her lips. After the absolutely disappointing girl that had been slaughtered in the efforts of conceiving these children, the itch to enjoy a woman had gone unsatisfied. It didn't seem like the rain was going anywhere any time soon, so why not find herself some entertainment to help pass the time?

"Hey!" she called from where she laid in the shelter of the cave to get the woman's attention, lifting a large violet paw to wave her over. "Over here!"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 12:21 AM

The wind picked up across the prairie, whipping about in a gale that whistled in Irilyth's ears. She walked as best she could, but the wind pummeled her and threatened to knock over her smaller body. Her will to survive kept her pushing on though, refusing to give up. During a break in the wind, that was when she heard it. A voice calling out. Iri's eyes lifted and scanned about; was someone calling for her, or was she imagining all this? Nope, there! Raspberry eyes spotted the purple shape of a wolf waving to her from a nearby cave, beckoning her over. Was this wolf offering to save her from the storm?

With no better options, Irilyth turned eager yet exhausted paws toward the cave and made for the shelter as fast as she could. The rain began to pick up right as she reached the entrance and hurried inside, grateful to no longer feel her coat getting damp. The cave wasn't tremendously large, but it was more than enough for the two wolves waiting out the storm. Speaking of... "Thank you," Iri said, turning her gaze over to the wolf that had become her temporary bunkmate. She looked over the other woman, awed by her size and by the regality of her rich purple coat swirled with dark blues to look like the night sky. She was nearly twice her size and double her weight in muscle! The woman looked strong, powerful, confident, with the lithe physique of a fighter and all the curves of a bodacious woman.

Stepping away from the woman so she wouldn't get sprayed, Iri gave her coat a shake to rid it of the loose water, then returned back to sit down on the opposite side of the cave's mouth from her gracious host. "Thank you for your generosity, Miss," she thanked the purple fae again, dipping her head as she spoke. "I hope I'm not intruding on your home." She peered over to the pronghorn carcass as she spoke, but noted no furs or bedding in the cave. If this was the woman's home, she had very recently moved in. The tiny blonde fae brought her gaze back to the other woman's face, giving her a small smile while listening to the rainfall grow heavier outside.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 12:54 AM
Manea lowered her paw once the stranger seemed to spot her from across the stretch of prairie and waited as she moved closer, the details of the dainty woman becoming more clear as she neared the cave. Blonde and white with striking berry hued eyes, the little fae was at least pleasant on the eyes. She watched as her guest came in and escaped from the rain, a small smile pulling across her lips at the thanks she was given. "You're quite welcome." Manea waited as the woman moved across the small cave to shake some of the water out of her coat, her aqua eyes roaming over the woman's slender form while she did so. The striped markings that covered her legs were intriguing at least and her features were fair and feminine. She knew it would be incredibly easy to break this poor girl like a twig, but she didn't want to ruin her fun so quickly.

She chuckled softly as she was given more thanks once she came back to sit across from her, mentioning a hope that she wasn't intruding on her home. "No need to worry, this is just a temporary shelter, I assure you. I was caught by this storm the same as you." She followed the girl's gaze when she noticed her glancing away, noticing that she was looking off toward the remains of the prong horn she had already had her fill of. "Help yourself," she offered with a tip of her horned head, crossing her front paws one over the other with a smirk. "There's more than I'll finish in one sitting anyway." That gave her plenty of time to continue enjoying this woman with a gaze filled with a hunger of a different kind, though not quite as ravenous as she had been the night she captured that other pudgy girl. This woman was far more delicate and desirable, so much so she almost didn't want to break her.

"What is your name, darling?" she asked once the woman had settled in with her meal, aqua eyes curious while a smirk continued to linger on her lips. If nothing else she had certainly found a decent bit of entertainment for the storm that tore and battered at the world outside.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 01:19 AM

It was easy for Irilyth to miss the looks of wanton hunger her host was giving her between eyeing the pronghorn and trying to will her stomach to now growl too noticeably. The woman reassured her that this was not her home, but a temporary shelter for the two of them. That made Iri feel a little better than she wouldn't be invading someone else's privacy. She was so used to being told what to do by whoever owned her that freedom to roam and do as she pleased simply felt... wrong. The large fae offered her the remains of the kill, and Irilyth's raspberry eyes lit up with relief and gratitude. "Oh, thank you, Miss!" Iri wasted no time moving over to the pronghorn, her hips giving her usual feminine sway her gait always held as she did. She tore off a sizable chunk of meat and brought it back to the entrance of the cave so she could watch the rain and keep holding a conversation with her host.

Irilyth lay down and began to tuck away into the fresh meat, her stomach no longer roaring in anger at her. That first chunk sliding down her throat felt like heaven, like water after wandering for days in a desert. Her tail instinctively flicked up and curled over her shapely hip while she ate, gazing out at the cascade of rain that had begun to fall freely. It looked like she'd just missed the worst of it, thankfully. If it hadn't been for this woman, Iri would be drenched and lost. The fae asked her name, her voice a smooth purr while she spoke. Irilyth swallowed her mouthful and turned to look at the lady before she answered, noting the way the violet fae was smirking at her like she knew something Iri didn't. "My name is Irílyth, Ma'am," she replied in her usual soft, smooth vocals. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What may I call you?"

Irilyth looked to the purple fae with curious berry-hued eyes while she finished of her meal and began to groom her paws and muzzle clean. Her tail flicked again, unintentionally releasing some of the scent of her heat. Her season had begun during her travels up north and had been a constant gnawing ache, though Iri had tried to ignore or deal with it as best she could. Right now, she was trying to keep her tail over herself so as not to make her host uncomfortable—though she was grateful it was a fae that had found her and not a brute. The thought of falling pregnant while unpossessed was not an enticing one and would certainly put her odds of survival somewhere between zero and nonexistent.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 01:44 AM
Manea enjoyed the soft words her guest spoke, seemingly quite well spoken. That certainly made her continued presence more enjoyable even beyond her attractive looks. She wasn't anything remarkable, but as far as random women she had come across in this land she certainly wasn't the least interesting. She took in the name she was given with a soft smile. Irilyth. "A lovely name," she commented, a feline claw drawing absent minded circles in the dirt under paw. "I'm Manea. A pleasure." As she was speaking, the woman's tail flicked and let a hint of the smell of her heat reach her over the clean smell of the rain. A brow lifted with interest and another smirk crossed her lips. Ah, this was even more interesting and enticing then. It really was her lucky day.

Manea rolled and rose to her paws, giving her galaxy swirled pelt a brief shake before she set her sights on Irilyth again. Without so much as a warning, she walked over to where Irilyth was laying on the opposite side of the small cave and laid down beside her, shifting onto her side so that she could wrap her foreleg around the smaller woman's side, easily pulling her into her chest so that Irilyth's back was against her stomach. She was such a small thing she could have picked her up and carried her away, the thought making her chuckle. "Tell me, Irilyth," she said in a low purr against one of her pale blonde ears, wrapping one foreleg around her chest to keep her held firmly in place while the other traced down across her soft stomach. "What is a little morsel like you doing wandering around the world alone? Surely someone as pretty has been scooped up already."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 02:06 AM

Irilyth couldn't help the flush of bashfulness that came over her when the woman complimented her name, noting that she was still under the appraising gaze of the gorgeous galactic woman. She had met wolves with unique coats in her life before, but none had been quite so stark and impressive as hers. The fae introduced herself as Manea, and Irilyth dipped her head to the femme. "It is a pleasure indeed, Manea," she said with a tiny smile. No sooner had the wolf introduced herself, Manea began to rise, and Iri watched with curious and confused eyes when the large fae rose to her full height and came to stand over her. Irilyth's pulse began to quicken, wondering what Manea was up to. The wolf was twice her size and looked easily capable to crush any part of her with whatever part of her body she chose. Hopefully she meant her no harm, or this was about to go very badly for her.

Much to her surprise, Irilyth felt Manea lay down beside her, giving no space between them while her larger body pressed to and curled around Iri's much smaller, petite form. Before she could ask what was happening, Irilyth felt one of Manea's large feline paws wrap around her side and pull her lightweight body taut to her lithe, muscular stomach. Iri gasped under her breath, the sudden touch and manhandling making her heart race in her chest. She tried to twist and turn her head to look back at Manea with questions lingering in her gaze, but Manea intercepted her first, purring her seductive words directly into a blonde-furred ear while her other paw looped around her chest to hold her firmly to Manea's body, locked in place while the other large paw began to roam freely down her smooth, soft-furred stomach. Another series of breathy gasps escaped the dainty fae, little tremors running through her body elicited by Manea's touch and entirely involuntary.

Manea's words sounded like a seductive purr of a predator, making Irilyth give a quiet whine while her body squirmed against Manea's, not nearly enough to break free, not that she could escape this powerful woman even if she wanted to. "I... I... M-Manea...?" she spoke between quivering breaks and whimpers. Her tail tried to swish anxiously, but it was pinned between her and Manea, nervousness in her reddish-purple irises. "I... I used to have a master. He's-" Her words broke with another quiet whine as Manea's paw ran over a very sensitive spot on her lower belly, making her legs kick and squirm a bit. "H-He's dead now. I'm... looking for a new home." Irilyth silently prayed that Manea didn't intend to kill her once she found out she was alone without anyone looking for her or expecting her. She hadn't realized how vulnerable of a target she'd made herself sound until she'd uttered the words.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 02:33 AM
A wicked grin pulled across her lips as her new little play thing squirmed and twitched in her grasp, her foreleg wrapping tighter around the smaller woman while she listened to the stammering, breathy words of the girl she was enjoying. She hummed with interest when Irilyth admitted that she had once had a master, but he was now dead. So she had been a slave then? She was growing more interesting by the moment and already Manea's mind was beginning to turn with the possibilities. While she most certainly would have a swell time ravaging this woman and ripping her to shreds when she was done, she couldn't deny that she would enjoy having an obedient girl to keep around for her and Alastor to use when they wished. She obviously deeply loved her husband and wouldn't trade his perfect body for anyone else, but there was no denying that she often had a heady craving for the soft curves of a woman as well. It would be oh so convenient to have someone at the ready whenever she desired. Besides, with her children on the way and such grand schemes and plans in her mind she might need an extra set of eyes around occasionally...

"What a shame... A servant with no master," she hummed, catching Irilyth's ear lightly between her teeth while her soft feline paw continued to wander along the woman's stomach, shifting lower and lower with agonizing slowness. "Perhaps I could offer you a home. A someone so delicious and delicate as yourself shouldn't be left out in the wilds, after all." Her paw finally found its target with a low, rumbling growl in her chest. The scent of Irilyth's heat had begun to fill the den by now, even before her talented paw went to work making this girl gasp and squirm in earnest. "I'll give you a place to sleep, I'll keep you fed. In exchange you keep my husband and myself entertained and occasionally babysit our children... Not such a bad arrangement, hm?" She grinned, nibbling along the side of the pale girl's neck. "Of course, this all hinges on whether or not you can keep us entertained... What do you think, Irilyth? Do you think you can live up to those expectations?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 02:53 AM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2021, 03:47 AM by Irilyth. Edited 1 time in total.)

Irilyth's breathing had picked up into a shallow, rapid panting while Manea expertly manipulated her body, feeling sharp teeth catch her delicate ear while dulcet words echoed in her head with everything Manea said. She could feel those thick, soft pads of Manea's feline paw shifting lower, lower, moving at such an agonizingly slow pace, letting Irilyth know exactly what the end result would be yet keeping her in suspense for the moment when that paw reached its destination. A moment later and her paw arrived between her legs, drawing an immediate and breathless gasp from the petite girl in her grasp. Irilyth's body responded on its own, hind legs kicking out into the air with every touch, stroke, or rub of Manea's paw, coaxing gasps, whines, and coerced moans from the blonde fae.

Manea gave her a proposition while she proceeded to violate her, an offer of a home, a purpose, safety and survival. All she would have to do in exchange is keep the celestial fae and her husband entertained and look over their children. It was a little hard to focus on what she was saying though when her paw was doing such practiced things between her thighs, but somehow Iri managed, noting how strong her own scent of heat and sex had started to get in the confines of the cave. Though she had a strong hunch she knew what Manea meant by "keep them entertained" based on their current positions, it wasn't a bad deal by any means. It wouldn't be the first time she'd offered the talents of her sex for her survival, and it would mean she'd have wolves to help keep her alive. How bad could being used by this fae and her brute be? Certainly not as bad as dying of starvation out in the wild.

The light-furred fae gave a higher pitched whine when Manea's teeth nibbled along the side of her neck, her head tipping back on reflex to offer her vulnerable throat to her would-be owner as a sign of submission and a silent plea for mercy. Her forelegs stretched across the ground, reaching for nothing in particular while she scratched at the dirt, her body squirming almost uncontrollably from the way Manea's masterful paw was bringing her to peaks of pleasure, digits finding her most sensitive and intimate parts, willingly or unwillingly being dragged along this ride with her. "P-Please, Manea...!" she whimpered between airy moans and breathy gasps. "I can! I... I promise I can...! Just please don’t kill me…!" She bit her lip to stifle a keening moan as her body reacted on its own to her stimulating paw, raspberry eyes disappearing behind fluttering eyelids as her body twitched in Manea's firm hold despite her objections.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 11:57 AM
A shiver went down her spine as she listened to the delicate woman's whimpered pleading, a wicked grin pulling across her lips. Oh how she had missed this... Having a woman to pull these delightful, airy sounds from, feeling her slender body squirm against her own... Really the only thing missing was the taste of her blood on her tongue, and the sound of her struggling and choking as she crushed her windpipe, but she wouldn't do that to this little one. If she was to have what she wanted she would need obedient wolves to follow her and what was more obedient than a servant? She gave a dark chuckle as Irilyth begged not to be killed and Manea couldn't resist not giving her at least a hint of fear. The paw that had been wrapped tightly around the girl's chest slipped up around her neck, one large paw curling across her throat just under her jaw, forcing her head to stay tipped back as it was and completely exposing her vulnerable throat. Her claws lightly pricked at her neck while she tipped her head to nibble along her throat, savoring how she squirmed in vein while her other paw continued to force her pleasure ever higher. It would have been so incredibly easy to close her jaws around her thin neck and rip her apart, but she wouldn't. Not this time.

"I won't kill you," she replied with a chuckle, her paw relentless while she went back to holding the small woman around her chest to keep her pressed to her, kissing along her neck and cheek. "As long as you're good I'll have no reason to. You'll be good, won't you?" A grin remained on her lips while she continued to have her way with this woman, letting her scent and cries fill this small cave while the sound of the rain drowned out anything that happened between them from the outside world. She pressed her face into the fur around Irilyth's neck, breathing her in and pushing her closer to that peak that she knew was inevitable. Whether Irilyth had wanted this or not was irrelevant. Manea was enjoying herself and that's all that mattered. "Since you agreed so nicely, I think you deserve a treat," she purred, a slight, breathy growl to her words. All of this had fed that never ending fire in her core, winding her tighter and tighter while she took advantage of her new servant, enjoying this feeling of power over her lovely body. She finally pushed her woman over the edge, making her sing and filling the cave with the most delightful noises, a low rumbling growl in her chest as she held Irilyth tighter as it fueled her own desires. So far Irilyth hadn't disappointed, though she wondered how well she might fare once Alastor was involved... She supposed only time would tell, though she made a note to warn her husband not to break her toy. She was quite liking this one.

Once Irilyth was done, Manea wrapped her foreleg across the girl's stomach with a smirk, kissing along her neck while she let her enjoy the after affects of her prize for being so agreeable. She'd have her own pleasure soon enough, but she wasn't an unreasonable mistress. She held her close, warming her still damp pelt and holding her steady in that after glow. "Do you have any questions for me, my dear?" she questioned, opening the floor for Irilyth to ask whatever she pleased before she was taken into her new role as a Mendacium servant, content to just enjoy letting her paws run along this feminine form in her arms for now.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-26-2021, 11:37 PM

No sooner had Irilyth begged for her life, she felt Manea's foreleg wound around her chest move until one of those massive feline paws gripped her by her throat, making her give a startled gasp. Unable to move or lower her head with the fae's paw around her throat just beneath her jaw, Iri was forced to remain exposed to Manea's sharp teeth while she nibbled the tender skin covering her most vital veins and vulnerable flesh, feeling those razor-like feline claws bite into her throat just enough to give her a taste of the danger this woman could pose to her. Iri whined and shivered, her hips still squirming from the manual stimulation between her legs, but her upper body forced to remain still for fear of jerking too much and causing those claws to tear into something vital. Irilyth's berry-toned eyes gazed around at the cave wall in front of her, unable to turn or look anywhere else as she gasped and panted in a combination of fear and forced sexual pleasure, her body reacting beyond her own control, completely and totally under the will of Manea.

Manea said she wouldn't kill her, then released Iri's throat so the petite woman could move her head again, instinctively tucking her head down to try and protect her vulnerable throat while her dire mistress kissed the edge of her neck and cheek. She sucked in a few desperate gasps for breath, her paws flexing and releasing as her toes curled from the strong surges of physical pleasure she was powerless to resist as Manea had her way with her, her body betraying her to the skilled fae's paws and mouth. Irilyth could only offer a high-pitched, keening whine in response when Manea asked if she'd be good, the ability to speak having left her by now.

Held tightly and securely in her arms, Iri could only kick and squirm and writhe while Manea brought her closer and closer to an edge of ecstasy she hadn't wanted. She only barely caught Manea's purred words about giving her a treat before Irilyth was dragged to that plateau and thrown off of it by her assaulter. The coil Manea had been tightening steadily in her gut exploded, and Iri let out a loud, wailing moan as she reached her peak and came crashing into euphoria, singing for her new mistress while her body trembled violently in Manea's grasp. Her body thrashed, her hips bucking against the paw still working her most sensitive flesh, paws scrabbling and clawing at the dirt to find hold of anything while her world spun around her. Heat flushed over her face, embarrassment from finding pleasure in her assault and her total inability to resist. That had always been her purpose though: to be used by those stronger and bigger than her in order to survive.

When she was finished, Irilyth collapsed limp against Manea's chest and stomach, the larger fae's arms still clutching her tight like she owned her. Her pink tongue hung from her mouth as she gasped and panted for breath, her hind legs still giving little kicks and twitches from the residual shocks of her pleasure. She felt Manea's paw drift from between her thighs to wrap around her stomach, holding her so secure that she had no chance of escape even if she wanted it. Irilyth was still fully under Manea's power until she decided otherwise. While Manea kissed her neck and asked if she had any questions, Iri was busy trying to blink her vision back into focus and catch her breath. Wouldn't that just be her luck, surviving one rapist only to wind up in the paws of another? Only this time, her attacker had been successful. But now... Irilyth might have found her new purpose in life.

"M-Mistress..." she gasped between heavy breaths, trying to form a coherent thought, though she was still very clearly frazzled and lost in the throes of orgasm. She had many questions. What would her role entail specifically? What would her daily chores and tasks be? What was expected of her beyond being a plaything for Manea and her husband? But her brain couldn't form the sentences right now. One thing did linger in her mind though, and she supposed that would be as good of a first question as any. "Y-Your husband... You want me to entertain him like I do you...?" Was this an open marriage she'd stumbled her way into, or was she just a toy for the two wolves to use in their bedroom antics?




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-27-2021, 01:04 AM
Manea smirked as she watched Irilyth struggle to catch her breath and refocus enough to be able to speak, greatly enjoying how much she had affected her new servant. Half of the fun of being with a woman was the reactions she got from them, all these breathy gasps and feminine squeals and moans were delightful to listen to and Irilyth sang beautifully. She no doubt would enjoy letting her little blond beauty get a taste of her eventually as well, but just listening to her and feeling her squirm helplessly under her touch was so much fun on its own. Even just thinking about it now while Irilyth caught her breath tempted her to start pleasuring her again, but she wouldn't interrupt her just yet. They had a whole rainstorm to enjoy one another after all... Or for her to enjoy her at least. It still remained to be seen whether or not Irilyth was a willing party in this.

Her ears perked to listen to the smaller woman's first question, grinning as she looked to confirm her husband's involvement in things. "Yes, he'll have free reign to enjoy you if he wishes... though not now while this pesky heat of yours is here - at least not till I get you some herbs to prevent you from getting pregnant. I imagine you'll most often be entertaining me or both of us together, but either way... There will be no shortage of sex in your life from here on out I assure you." She chuckled and left a lick across one of her blonde ears, letting the paw draped around her stomach begin to trail up and down along her stomach and sides. "You're beautiful when you're squirming and moaning," she purred with a smirk, giving her cheek a teasing nip.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-27-2021, 01:23 AM

Slowly regaining control of her body again, Irilyth managed to turn her head just enough to peek back and up at Manea's grinning face, seeing the approval in her glistening aqua eyes as well as a hunger that hadn't been in them previously when she'd entered the cave. Manea must have really enjoyed what she'd done to her. Irilyth was in a little awe of the dire fae, not just at her physical size and strength, but at her confidence and power of will. Whatever she wanted she took, and whatever she desired she did. Irilyth had always belonged to brutes before now, as they exhibited the most power and control, but Manea shattered that stereotype to pieces. Manea explained with a salacious delight that her husband would indeed be sharing her the same way she did, then qualified that he wouldn't so long as she was in heat until Manea could find the right contraceptive herbs for her. She was silently grateful for that. Irilyth held no desire to be a mother, and to know these wolves wouldn't wish to breed her brought a little ease to her nervousness.

Manea continued on to explain that she would most likely be entertaining herself or the couple together and less so her husband alone, but guaranteed no shortage of sex in her life from now on. Irilyth believed that if this was her first thirty minutes with this stranger she had literally just met. Captured and claimed in under an hour, that was a new record for Iri. Irilyth's thoughts were swiftly broken when she felt Manea's warm tongue dance over her ear, making her gasp audibly while her body gave little shivers and jerks under her touch. The way her paw trailed up and down her smooth stomach and slender sides made her muscles quiver wherever she touched, and Iri got the vague idea that Manea wasn't anywhere near done with her yet. The rain outside had begun to fall heavier yet, now fully concealing them from the world, and leaving her alone in the paws of her new mistress to do with as she pleased.

Iri's face grew hot with an embarrassed flush when Manea complimented her reactions to pleasure. Although they had entirely been coerced and against her will, Iri's body had reacted like it would to any other stimulation, and though Manea had forcibly brought her to climax, her body didn't know the difference. "Thank you, Mistress..." she said, biting her lip to try and keep herself still while Manea teased her with her stroking touches. Each stroke broke her words up with little breathy gasps while she could do nothing but let herself be subjugated to Manea's will. "You're very... very talented... with your paws..." Her chest began to heave a little more as her breathing hitched once more, still extra sensitive all over while her nerves buzzed with sexual energy from her heat.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-28-2021, 12:32 AM
Irilyth's reactions were addictive and she was already very happy to have her as her play thing. Every little touch made her twitch and squirm and there was no shortage of reactions to enjoy which made her all the more fun to play with. She had tried to play with some faes that hardly reacted at all and that wasn't any fun. Irilyth though... Even if she hadn't agreed so easily, Manea might have tried to find a way to force her into staying and fully enslave her instead of simply claiming her as she had. She could make Irilyth's life as pleasant or as difficult as she wanted, it was really up to how the pale girl decided to play it and so far she was doing very well. A grin pulled across her lips as she complimented her skill with her paws, the sound of her breathy gasps between her broken works quickly becoming one of her favorite things.

Moving the slender girl as if she weighed less than a feather, she rolled her over within her embrace so that they were laying face to face on their sides, wrapping her forelegs around her to pull her tight into her so their stomachs and chests were pressed together, their fur mingling together. "Luckily for you..." she rumbled as one of her paws came up to hold the back of Irilyth's head, pulling her head back to expose her throat, pressing a firm kiss to the tender skin that separated her from the veins and arteries that could be so easily severed. "I greatly enjoy watching the ladies I'm with lose control from the pleasure I'm giving them... So half of your entertainment for me is just letting me pleasure you."

She chuckled with a sly grin across her lips, letting go of her head so that her paw could catch Irilyth's jaw near her chin instead, holding her so that her aqua gaze could meet the rich berry color of the girl that fate had brought her. Her eyes held a dark promise in them, a wickedness that contradicted the passionate way she was holding her new lover. "However," she warned, "If my children are harmed under your watch or if you ever go against mine or my husband's wishes... I'll have just as much fun ripping you apart piece by piece while I listen to you scream... Do you understand?" As she spoke, her paw that had been holding her around her waist slipped down to massage around the base of her tail, slipping down between her legs and reminding her of the pleasure that could be hers as long as she proved to be a good servant.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-28-2021, 09:52 PM

Not long after Irilyth had spoken, she felt Manea's strong forelegs twist her around and roll her body as if she weighted nothing, bringing their chests and stomachs to press together. She blinked in surprise, now fully able to take in just how massive the woman was compared to her. Locked in the larger fae's tight embrace with their fur mixing and bodies entwined, Iri gazed up at the grinning face of her new owner, her mistress, whose eyes were gleaming with a hungry lust. A soft gasp was pulled from the tiny fae as Manea pulled her head back with a powerful feline paw, exposing her vulnerable throat to firmly kissing lips. Irilyth's pulse raced against Manea's mouth through her thin skin, each kiss making her quiver and her paws grip at the purple fur of her chest.

Manea stated she was lucky that she took great enjoyment in bringing pleasure to her ladies, and made it very clear that their playtimes would involve even more of this and far more pleasure for her. Iri gave a quiet whine under her breath, but the sound was cut short when Manea released her head to grab her jaw, forcing startled, nervous berry eyes to lock with darkening, threatening aqua ones. The thinly veiled threat of what would occur should she fail to look after her children or decide to be disobedient sent a real thrill of fear through the tiny fae, and despite the way Manea was holding and groping her like an impassioned lover, Irilyth felt like her life was truly in danger as well. She saw the wicked teeth in her grin and had felt those feline claws against her skin when she grabbed at her. She knew Manea had a plethora of means to end her life if she wished it.

Iri opened her mouth to speak, perhaps to reassert that she wouldn't disobey, but no words came out. Instead, a breathless gasp came out while Manea's paw massaged the base of her tail and found its way lower over heated flesh, just a soft brush of her digits to remind her what she had just experienced. Iri's hind legs twitched, her paws flexing over Manea's chest once more, her ears folding to her skull in a sign of submission as she gave the underside of Manea's chin a submissive lick. "I understand, Mistress..." she replied. Naturally, she wouldn't know how well she would do until she got into the role, but how hard could it be? Let herself be used by her mistress and her husband and keep an eye on some fluff balls, and in turn she gets shelter and food and security and pleasure.




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-28-2021, 10:43 PM
The fear in Irilyth's expression and the way her ears fell back against her skull while she gave her chin a submissive lick was all so incredibly delicious that Manea almost couldn't resist devouring her. Every little gasp and whine fueled her even more and a pleased grin pulled across her features at her agreement of understanding her terms. "Good," she replied simply, that hungry lust flaring to life in her aqua gaze once more once she got the confirmation she needed. She could contain her blood lust and relegate it to less desirable women like the plump woman she and Alastor had destroyed on their honeymoon night. Irilyth seemed like the clever sort - at the very leasts smart enough to know how to appease the wolf that could kill her without effort and could keep her warm and fed if she behaved.

She twisted and shifted Irilyth in her grasp again till she was almost on her back, pulling apart her hind legs to expose the most intimate parts of her again. Her hind leg hooked over that of her plaything to keep her legs apart, absolutely intoxicating her with the scent of her heat. One foreleg held her around her shoulders to keep her held to her chest while the other trailed down across her chest and stomach just to feel her squirm under her touch. "What happened to your last master?" she asked curiously, her feline-like paw drawing slow figure eights and circles through the thin, pale fur of her soft stomach, speaking casually as if she wasn't taking advantage of the smaller woman at the same time.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-29-2021, 12:10 AM

Irilyth must have been responding well to Manea's questions and demands, since everything she said and did seemed to make the giant she-wolf grin again and again. She had no idea what sort of darkness or bloodlust loomed behind those pretty aqua eyes. Manea was a gorgeous wolf, and Irilyth could definitely admire and appreciate her beauty, but more than that Manea commanded power and respect, and that attracted Irilyth like a moth to a flame. As soon as Iri had given her the answer she was looking for, Manea began to move her again, twisting her body until she was partially rolled onto her back, exposing her soft underside to the air. Her breath hitched when Manea spread the dainty fae's hind legs and hooked one of her own legs around Irilyth's to keep her hind legs spread open, exposing her intimate nether regions to the lust-hungry fae's desires.

Now held spread like so, Iri's heady, pheromone-laden heat scent freely perfumed the air around them with her smell of arousal and desire. Manea seemed to love this though, as her new mistress clutched her insistently to her chest, one big paw once more returning to her soft belly to trace small patterns across her skin. Like flipping a switch, Irilyth's reactions were immediate, the petite blonde fae sucking in sharp breaths and gasps while her body started a languid dance of squirms and twitches in her mistress' grasp. The ability Manea had to hold a casual conversation with her while she had her way with Irilyth was astounding, and it took a solid minute before Iri had regained the faculties to even try and respond, and even then her words were choppy, breathless, and broken and punctuated with gasps and airy moans.

"He... H-He was a loner... It was just me and him for two seasons. He... mmmmmmm... He got into an altercation... with a brute over me... The other wolf wanted to use me—hah!—and he didn't want to share... They fought, he lost, but the other—ah!—the oooOOOoother brute wasn't content just winning... He tore my master's throat out and then h-haaaaaahhd his way with me... I-I tried to go with him, but he said he'd had his fun... and didn't want dead weight slowing him down... So I was left alone... That was a-about two weeks ago..."




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
07-29-2021, 12:29 PM
Manea had her attention split between the enticing squirming and twitching of the delicate fae in her grasp and the story she was being told of a brute that had kept her and gotten killed for it only to be abandoned by the male she had attempted to follow afterward. A smirk pulled across her lips at the idea that Irilyth would just follow whoever the most ruthless, powerful wolf around her was whether they had murdered in front of her or not. That hadn't slipped past her in the telling of her recent past and she decided that would be a trait that would only end up serving her well in this new arrangement. At least she didn't have to worry about scaring her off if she and Alastor ever killed in front of her. She wondered just how far Irilyth would go to keep herself cared for. Clearly she was at least willing to follow her master's murderer and willing to let her body be used by a married pair for their pleasure. How much farther could she push the girl currently gasping and moaning in her grasp? There was going to be plenty of time to find out.

She chuckled softly and started leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles along her pale throat, listening to more of those delightful reactions while her paw continued to tease and play with her soft, tender belly and brushing across the most intimate parts of her just to tease and drive her crazy and start building that all consuming desire in her again. "I'm pregnant with our first litter," she admitted to the girl she was currently assaulting, speaking against her skin between kisses and nips. "My family has always laid claim to a piece of land wherever we settled and had an informal structure of some sort among ourselves, but... These children deserve more. I want more." She lifted her head to look down into Irilyth's berry gaze again, a smirk pulling across her lips as she left a teasing lick across the end of her muzzle. "I want a pack. I want to establish the power my family deserves and create a legacy for my children to carry on."

Her paw lightly brushed back and forth over the most sensitive parts of Irilyth's body between her thighs, enjoying torturing her like this too much to stop while she continued to force her to focus on what she was being told. "Would you enjoy being a matriarch's handmaid, my little Irilyth? Will you help me bring my dream to life?" she questioned while her lips lightly brushed across Irilyth's, absolutely obsessed with this little fae she had found. She might even have a hard time sharing with Alastor, but she had no doubt that she would.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-31-2021, 11:51 PM

Manea was a very private wolf with her inner thoughts, Irilyth was coming to realize. While she struggled to sputter out her story between gasps and moans, Manea would smirk or grin with this wicked fire in her eyes, but whatever she was thinking was difficult to read. Manea seemed pleased with her however, so they had to be good reactions and thoughts, right? Manea's teasing never let up, keeping Iri locked in this constant loop of twitches and pleasured cries. Soon little kisses and nibbles joined the teasing of her leonine paw, leaving tingles of static across her throat. Irilyth tilted her head back on reflex, offering more of her throat to her new mistress' mouth. Her forelegs kicked and pawed helplessly at the air while she found any way she could to squirm and move while Manea's paw moved lower to brush over her most intimate parts as part of her circuit, stoking the fires inside of her belly. It was just a feather-light touch however, barely enough to leave tingles over sensitive flesh, making Iri whine in amongst her breathless gasps and keening moans. How was Manea so good at teasing her and winding her up like this?!

Irilyth's ears perked up when her mistress began to speak again against her tender throat between kisses and bites. Manea was pregnant with her first litter and she wanted to conquer land and establish a pack for her growing family. Iri blinked her rolling eyes to try and focus on Manea when she saw her mistress' face hover over hers with a sly smirk on her muzzle. Another whine from her when Manea licked her muzzle, reaching her mouth up to place a submissive lick beneath the purple fae's chin. As if determined to drive her mad with pleasurable torture, Manea's paw now solely focused on light, ginger strokes between her thighs, stealing Iri's breath constantly in heavy moans. Her toes curled, her back arching to press and wriggle her hips under Manea's paw. It was nearly impossible to focus on what Manea was saying, but she tried her best, knowing this was exactly what her new mistress wanted.

The question came, and Manea asked if she would like being the handmaiden for a powerful matriarch. Irilyth's face flushed hot while she imagined what that future would look like for her. If this was a sample of what life serving Manea would be like, then yes, yes she would like that a whole lot! "Y-Yes, Mistress! Yes, I will!" she spoke in heavy, hot breaths. "I'll do anything you desire!" Iri's paws came up to stroke along the side of Manea's neck and shoulders, caressing her mistress with affection and appreciation while their lips brushed against one another's in the most awful of teases. Iri whined desperately directly against Manea's lips, desperately pleading with her owner for more. She wanted Manea's kisses, her touches, her lusts and passions—all of it! She would do anything to be exactly what Manea wanted her to be.



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
08-01-2021, 07:31 PM

The sky had gotten nearly pitch black and the rain fell like a deluge while the jet black brute trudged across the mucky prairie. His scouting trip had been cut short by the encroaching storm and his worry for his pregnant mate's wellbeing. Although he knew Manea was smarter and had far greater survival skills than to let a little rain do anything to her or their children, he also didn't relish the idea of her being out here somewhere on her own. And so Alastor had gone back to the place he'd seen her last, following her scent as best he could across the open plains until he found a cave set into the side of a hill. He approached, noting her scent getting stronger—but also noting the scent of a fae in heat as well. Alastor raised a curious brow and walked up to the cave.

No sooner had he gotten to the mouth of the cave, he heard a wailing moan of a fae inside, her voice breathy and desperate, pleading to someone. Curiouser and curiouser, Alastor slunk into the cave just as a loud clap of thunder boomed overhead. The massive brute saw the two women entwined together against the wall of the cave, his beloved purple galaxy wrapped around a much smaller blonde-furred bitch that was currently whining and squirming underneath his wife's paws, which seemed to be focused very keenly between her legs. A wicked, salacious grin split the dire brute's lips while he watched the two for a moment, shaking the rainwater from his coat and announcing his presence with a deep, rumbling chuckle.

"Well well well, what have we here?" he asked, his voice a deep, husky purr as he padded over to the two ladies, his black eyes gleaming with a hungry lust and lewd appreciation for the sight before him. "Did you find yourself a new toy to play with, my galaxy? I do hope this one lasts longer than our previous one did." Alastor chuckled again and ran his tongue over his teeth, positioning himself at the rear ends of the faes as he sat and looked them over, making no effort to hide the way his lecherous gaze roamed down both of their forms. Manea was his beautiful queen and he appreciated and loved her beauty on a daily basis, but this new girl was quite the looker as well. Small, petite, curvy, and oh so soft and fragile looking. His eyes settled between her open hind legs while Manea held the girl open to his appraising gaze, watching the way his wife's paw pleasured the woman she was playing with. His nose twitched, inhaling the fae's heat scent deep and feeling the primal synapses firing in his male brain, the hardcoded urges in his DNA to breed the wanton bitch surging in him.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
