
Not Your Average Physical

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-27-2021, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2021, 12:30 AM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was a quiet autumn night in Auster, the sky clear and moonless, the weather mild and temperate. Crickets chirped in the courtyard, nightingales cooing in trees in the surrounding forest, and the gentle lap of the surf on the nearby shore creating a tranquil atmosphere. But despite it all, one wolf could not fall asleep in the castle. Syanna lay restless in her bed, tossing and turning amongst the sheets and furs. Her heat had gotten significantly more aggravating, that incessant, aching need inside her belly burning like a fire that couldn't be put out. Hormones had flooded her mind, making her thoughts one-tracked and obsessive. Going through the daily motions was gradually getting more and more difficult, and though Syanna had started the season with determination to get through it with her head held high, not even halfway through and she could feel her willpower falling apart, like a rope fraying under an immense weight.

Syanna flipped over with a heavy sigh and stared out the window at the dark night, trying not to focus on how much her body felt restless and energized, or how her mind kept drifting to the waterfalls where Ezra had held her, his paws roaming over her back and his lips on hers... NO! No, that wasn't helping! A frustrated growl escaped the vulpine-like fae as she buried her face under a pillow, trying to shut out the world. But nothing could help her escape the desperate yearning she felt in her gut. Throwing the pillow from her head, Syanna climbed out of bed with a defeated sigh. She knew there was no beating this, not like this. She needed something to soothe the unrelenting ache, to cool the heat burning her insides. But the only cure she knew of was sleeping on the next floor up.

A quiet click of her door opening was the only sound in the hall as Syanna slipped out into the dark corridor. She wandered down the east wing, heading to the foyer and making her way upstairs to the second floor and down the east corridor where the Adravendi wolves slept. She followed her nose past each door until she found the one where Ezra's scent clung the strongest. This had to be his room. Syanna glanced up at the door handle, her heart racing in her chest while she steeled herself for what she was about to do. A deep breath, a swallow past the lump in her throat, and then dainty cream-colored paws opened the latch with a quiet click.

Ezra's room was dark, but thanks to the large windows, she could easily make out the large bed in the corner. There was a surprising lack of furniture—or anything else in the room for that matter. His armor was strewn to the side by the door, but other than that, the room felt very sparse. But that didn't matter to her right now. What mattered was the giant shape snoring gently in the bed. Syanna took another deep breath, unintentionally drinking in his scent which perfumed the air heavily in here and made the ache in her belly flare to life. Syanna quietly crept over to his bed, placing her paws up on the edge of the mattress while she watched him sleep. His face was peaceful, relaxed, like nothing in the world could bother him. It brought a little smile to her lips while she gazed at him, feeling her heart beat faster and flip in her chest while her eyes remained on his handsome, youthful face.

Gods, what even was her plan right now? She'd have to wake him up. And then what? How would she explain being in his room in the middle of the night? Checking up on him? Because he'd gotten hurt, right? That made sense. Okay, that was what she'd go with. Well, no turning back now... "Eeeeezraaaa..." Syanna whispered in a hushed coo to the sleeping dire wolf, giving his shoulder a gentle nudge from the edge of the bed. "Eeeezraaaa... Waaake uuuup, sleepy head."

WC: 679 / 1500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-28-2021, 02:40 PM

He had taken the last patrol of the night and when he did finally flop down into his bed he was out almost immediately. With Artorias gone for training with the Warlord in the Armada, he had stepped up to try and help more around the pack, taking on some of the patrols his friend usually did. That meant he was pretty beat by the time he went to bed, but he knew that if something had happened to him or he got pulled away for some reason that Artorias would have done the same so he didn't complain. He hadn't always dealt well with the idea of responsibility and duty - and sometimes he still didn't - but his friend had inspired him a lot since he became his mentor and if nothing else he didn't want Artorias coming home and finding out that he had been slacking while he was away.

He was sleeping deeply when Syanna slipped into the room, completely oblivious to her presence as he snored softly, his paws giving soft twitches occasionally from the dreams he'd ultimately not remember. It wasn't until she nudged his shoulder that she started to pull him from sleep, breathing in more deeply as his legs stretched with a groggy grumble, his front paws suddenly finding the soft fluff of her chest which made him blink his eyes open with surprise. He looked from the white fur around his paws up to her face as his sleep muddled mind started to slowly catch up with the present. It was dark in the room with just the moonlight to see by so he knew he hadn't over slept... so...

"Syanna?" he questioned softly, still blinking the sleep from his eyes as his jaws stretched in a yawn. "What are you doing here?" Even as he questioned her though, her scent hit his nose as it steadily filled the room, and as his gaze refocused on her face that was just a few inches from his own, his mind immediately went back to the day they spent by the falls and his face flushed, watching her curiously as he fought the urge to reach out and pull her onto the bed with him.

WC: 372
Total: 1051/1500

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-28-2021, 11:47 PM

As Ezra began to stir and wake, Syanna felt her heart beat faster, realizing this was all happening for real now. Before she could change her mind and duck out of sight, let him fall back asleep thinking nothing had happened, those giant speckled paws of his pressed forward into her chest. She blinked in surprise, gazing down at his paws in her fur, then froze when she heard his groggy voice say her name. Green eyes followed his legs up until she was gazing back into his eyes as he slowly came to with a yawn. Her heart raced under his paw's touch and her breath caught in her throat, her tail involuntarily beginning to wag and spread her scent of heat while she stared at him, those cravings and urges of her hormone-addled body coming back stronger than ever.

"Well, I couldn't sleep, and when I can't sleep I start thinking," she started to explain when he asked what she was doing. "I realized that I never actually gave you your final checkup for your injuries because I was trying to hide from you. And as your doctor, I can't neglect my patient like that." Was she reaching for a reason to be alone with him and get her paws on him? Yes. Did it make her seem less desperately horny for him? Maybe. She was grateful for the darkness of night that concealed the blush that formed hot under her cheeks while she gazed over his body, mentally repeating her mantra to remain composed and in control. Gods, he was so big and handsome and strong...

Giving him a little smirk, Syanna reached a paw over and tapped his shoulder, then placed her paws on the edge of the bed and hoisted herself up onto the mattress. "Sorry to disturb you, but I couldn't wait for morning. Now stay on your side for a few moments, okay?" Syanna settled in on her haunches right beside him, angled so her back and rear end was turned more towards his head while she gave him his overdue checkup. In the low light creeping in through the windows, she could just barely make out the distinct form of his muscles when her paws came up to rest on his side, gliding slowly across his side partially to feel him over but also to count the ribs as she danced her paw pads over them til she reached the mostly healed injury. There was still a mark where the fur was trying to grow back, and she knew it'd become one hell of a scar, but at least he had survived and recovered.

"Have you had any pain, aching, throbbing, or soreness since the stitches came out?" she asked, very gently probing around his rib and noting no give. It had healed in full and set back into proper place. "Anything out of the ordinary, either with your side or anywhere else?" As she worked, she tried to keep her tail still, but it was impossible with how keyed up she felt when touching him like this, imagining things she'd imagined with him at the falls but now set in his bedroom, and her tail would give short, gentle wags, just enough to fan out more of her scent right next to him.

WC: 552
Total: 1603 / 1500

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-30-2021, 12:36 AM

It took him a while to decide if this was actually real or if he was caught in some kind of dream. It certainly felt like a crazy dream with Syanna sneaking into his room in the middle of the night like this, but feeling her fur against his paws felt too real to believe it was a dream. He listened to her explanation of how she had been thinking because of her not being able to sleep and gave the excuse that she had to complete her final exam as his doctor for his injury - to which he gave her a skeptical look. Before he could ask the obvious question of why she had to do it right now and not in the morning, she seemed to read his mind and tell him that it it couldn't wait and then instructed him to stay on his side. "Um... okay," he muttered with a chuckle. It wasn't like he really had much of a choice since she was already pulling herself up onto the bed beside him before the response had even left his mouth. She settled at his side, but from where he was laying and how she was sitting all he could really see was her tail, butt, and part of her back. Her scent completely filled his nose and made his face flush, his ears flicking as he laid his head back on the bed to try and hold still while her paw moved along his side.

Her paws moving along his side and feeling at his rips started to leave little tingles of warm electricity along his skin and his toes flexed on reflex, silently thankful that his paws were out of her view and not the focus of her attention. Her tail fanning her scent right next to his face was intoxicating and he had to wonder if she was doing this on purpose or not. "Um... Uh, no, no I haven't," he managed to her questions when she asked him about having any aches and pains. Her paws pressed around where he had been injured but he didn't feel anything out of the ordinary - well, not with his side at least. Everything that had been pent up back at the falls quickly returned while he continued to be surrounded with her scent, all of it starting to settle between his thighs again. He tried really hard not to, but he couldn't help but shift slightly in some effort to make himself a bit more comfortable, hoping maybe that Syanna wouldn't notice.

"Everything check out, doctor?" he asked after a moment, while he tried to resist the urge to look at her butt and failed horribly. He kept sneaking little glances at her, the moonlight coming in through the window accenting her curves with how the shadows highlighted where her sides dipped. He kept thinking about holding her and how good it had felt to have her so close and how much he wanted to hold her like that again... And before he could really think rationally about what he was doing, he sat up some to wrap his foreleg around her waist, pulling her down to lay on her side beside him, wrapping his forelegs around her like he had at he falls. His heart was already beating hard while she was giving him her exam, but now that he was holding her body to his it felt like it was doing flips in his chest. "Did you really come here to give me a check up?" he asked softly, a little smirk tugging at his lips, lowering his head to leave a soft kiss on her lips.

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-30-2021, 04:04 PM

Ezra was a well behaved patient and didn't squirm or move too much while she was busy inspecting his healed injury. She did notice the way he stammered his words some when he answered her, and she saw him shift his hind legs like he was getting more than a little uncomfortable. A sly smirk touched her lips knowing exactly what he was doing, her emerald eyes lingering on those powerful thighs as curiosity twinged in her mind as to what he was hiding down there. He didn't respond with any signs of pain or discomfort when she probed his side, and given that he didn't report any pains, reactions, or other symptoms, she felt comfortable confirming he had healed. "You'll probably have a hell of a scar, but you're fully healed," she answered his question about his condition. Syanna bit her lip, looking over his lower half again and silently wondering if she'd be able to convince Ezra to allow her to give him a full over physical just to get more paws on with him. He might have been dopey and slow on the uptake, but he wasn't stupid.

Turned out that Syanna didn't need to think of an excuse to continue touching him, as no sooner had she answered his question and pronounced him healed, she felt the mattress shift with Ezra's weight as the large wolf sat up suddenly, and then she was in his arms again. Syanna gasped in surprise when she felt a singular powerful foreleg wind around her waist and pull her down to the bed with him like she weighed nothing. Syanna's heart skipped beat after beat while she found herself on her side and wrapped up in his arms, rich verdant eyes blinking until they met and held his sky blue jewels. A wide smile crept across her lips while she pressed her smaller paws to his broad chest, feeling his racing heart just beneath her touch while he held her tight to him just like he had done back at the falls. That burning ache got infinitely worse in this position, a heated emptiness deep inside her begging to be filled and cooled. Ezra had everything to offer her the relief her body demanded.

She snickered and shot him an innocent grin blended with a less than innocent gleam in her green eyes when he asked if this was really why she'd come to his bedroom in the middle of the night. She ran her paws over his chest, dainty digits parting his fur to stroke over the smooth planes of muscle wherever she could reach. His scent, strength, and warmth surrounded her, overwhelming her, making her feel like she was overdosing on the most exquisite drug in the world. "You're not so dopey after all, Speckles," she remarked with a titter in her purring voice.

Her pulse raced in her veins while she pulled herself closer to him, pressing every inch of her chest and belly to his, going so far to give a languid stretch of her hind leg up over his side, looking as if to wrap it around his waist, though with their size difference it was more akin to resting her thigh over his side. She murred quietly under her breath when he kissed her, feeling that electric fire frying her nerves all over her body, and Syanna gave a little whine of protest when it ended too soon, already reaching her muzzle up to give little licks and kisses to the end of his muzzle. "You've got me all wrapped up in your arms, in your bed, pressed up close to you, all alone in the middle of the night... Looks like you've got something in mind for us, Ezra."

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
07-30-2021, 05:15 PM

Maybe it was good that she had come here unexpectedly like this and had caught him off guard while he was groggy from getting pulled from a deep sleep. It kept him from overthinking everything and questioning his every move and let him do things like pull her down to lay with him on the bed and pull her tight to him without second guessing if it was something he should be doing. It wasn't until after he did it that he started to wonder if he had gone too far or if he would make her uncomfortable, but as soon as she mentioned how he wasn't so dopey with this look in her eyes that made his heart skip he knew she approved after all. Her paws moving across his chest and her body pressing tighter to his with her leg draping over his side took his breath away while he was suddenly engulfed in this fiery desire and need. His forelegs held her tighter, leaving not an inch of space between any part of them from their chests to their stomachs, a grin across his lips while he looked at her with his mix of awe and lust. He had never felt anything like this before and even though he didn't know exactly what to do he just knew he wanted as much of this beautiful, feisty wolf he was holding like his life depended on it.

He chuckled softly when she pointed out the position they were in and said how he had something in mind for them, already a little breathless from how this desire burning him up was making him breathe heavier with his heart pounding away in his chest. He didn't know the mechanics of everything, so to speak, but his instincts hadn't led him astray yet so he tried to let himself follow those for now, every part of her overwhelming his senses and driving him onward. "I just know I need you..." he said softly against her lips before he kissed her again, more deeply and insistently this time, his eyes fluttering closed with a soft murr rumbling in his chest. That feeling between his thighs became impossible to ignore, making him shift and squirm, pulling her into him until their hips met and he could press against her, a gasp escaping him and forcing him to break their kiss. The warmth and softness of her against parts of him that had never been touched by anyone else sent a shiver through him and he lost any kind of conscious thought, all of his thoughts over taken by Syanna. He needed her, every part of her.

He rolled them over to make things a little easier, holding himself over her and blinking open his eyes so that pale blue could find emerald green again. He gave her a little grin, while he gazed at her with adoration and desire. He was already falling hard for her and this moment only seemed to cement that in his mind. His foreleg wrapped around her waist, holding her steady while he settled himself over her, kissing her again and tasting the inside of her mouth, groaning quietly into their kiss with a hungry need that he was slowly learning and beginning to understand. It took some failed attempts and a bit of experimenting to get things right, but as soon as he melded them together into one the feeling made him gasp again, biting his lip to hold back a louder groan, the paw holding himself over her gripping at the furs under them. "Syanna..." he breathed against her lips before he completely lost himself in her, experiencing all of these firsts with her and falling ever more for her.

-- fade --

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-31-2021, 11:32 PM

Syanna knew why she had come here tonight. She knew what she was getting into and what she hoped to get out of their midnight encounter. So far, Ezra wasn't disappointing her. His forelegs wound tighter around her, keeping her body held so snug and protected against his, allowing her to savor the feel of his muscles tucked beneath thick fur, all pressed up against her in all the best ways. The way he looked at her made her heart do somersaults in her chest, recognizing nothing but lust and affection for her in those gorgeous blue eyes. They were such a far cry from the venomous ire and possessiveness she'd seen in the eyes of her intended mate. Ezra treated her better than any wolf ever had in her life—even better than she treated herself. She gripped tighter to his fur, taking in the sensations of him, from their fur mingling to his chest and stomach pressed to hers and his paws all over her body. The ache in her belly grew stronger, ravenous for this virile young brute. She'd never felt this way for anyone else before and she'd never felt such a desperate need for someone like she did with Ezra.

She listened to the way he breathed, each inhale and exhale ragged with that same urgent need she felt. His chuckle was breathy and broken, the poor boy sounding like he was barely holding onto himself to keep from letting loose on her. She was just as unfamiliar with the actions themselves, though she had gotten awfully close to learning them against her will. As a fae in her birth pack, she'd learned of sex and mating from a very young age, but this would be the first step into using those lessons, and she couldn't be more grateful that it was with a gentle soul like Ezra. He whispered that he needed her, and Syanna was barely able to whisper back, "I need you too," and then her mouth was being claimed by his in a much more intimate and passionate kiss. Syanna gave quiet moans of delight into his lips, green eyes vanishing behind eyelids while she gave herself up to the lust with him. Her paws caressed his face, cheeks, and neck while her tongue slid into his mouth to taste him, her back arching to press herself tighter to him still. It was like she couldn't get close enough to him no matter how much she tried.

While they made out, Syanna felt Ezra shift and squirm against her, but it didn't register in her lust-addled brain until she felt Ezra pull her hips into his, both of them breaking their mouths apart with surprised gasps. Syanna's body arched again as she felt him for the first time, toes curling and flexing to grip into his fur while she clung to his larger, stronger frame. He made her feel so petite, so sexy, so feminine, simply by existing and she loved it! The heat aching in her core radiated throughout her body, but settled between her legs, where Ezra was currently situated. The vulpine-like fae gasped quietly under her heavy breathing, a hot and airy panting replacing her regular breathing. Her forelegs wrapped around his neck while her paws reached behind his head to cling to his fur and play with his ears, just holding herself to him in preparation for what was coming. Her eyes fluttered, her teeth biting her lip while she pushed her hips slowly into his in a silent plea. She was ready for this.

Ezra rolled them so Syanna found herself on her back beneath the massive dire brute. She gasped quietly when she felt him press to her body again, emerald eyes peering up into the cool, loving blue of his in the darkness. She held his gaze like he was the only thing in her world, still holding and caressing his neck and head, never wanting to stop touching him. He grinned, that silly little grin that sent her heart into a tizzy and made him look so gods damned adorable! She smiled back up at him, marveling in how amazing he was to her. She didn't deserve this kind wolf. The moment his foreleg hooked around her waist and his body settled over hers, Syanna lifted her hips to press herself into him more insistently. She kissed him back, clutching onto his neck while her tongue danced with his, her own feminine sounds of pleasure mixing with his masculine groans in a chorus of their passion and desire.

It took Ezra a couple of tries and a few shimmies of his hips to get the right angle, but Syanna actually loved it. This clumsy and learning sex felt perfect for their first time and she wouldn't have traded it for the world. It felt so right for them, and the moment that Ezra found his mark and began to sink himself into her and fill her Syanna knew that this was it. This was how passion and romance and sex was supposed to feel. Not domineering, not commanding or degrading. It was about pleasure and heat and wanting one another more than anything else in the world. This perfect moment with this perfect brute was how love was supposed to be, not the violations she'd endured. No other wolf in the world had ever deserved her. Only Ezra.

Syanna gasped while Ezra melded their bodies together, rolling her hips up to meet his, cream paws clinging to his shoulders as airy moans slipped from her. Her name on his breathy voice was the sweetest sound in the world. She wanted to say his back in the same way, to speak the only thing on her mind as she gave herself to him and he took her, but the words never came out. All Syanna could do was gasp and moan as Ezra brought her to heights she'd never imagined possible, losing herself to him. She had thought she was falling for him at the falls, but the truth was she had already fallen for him long before. And now she was his—wholly and completely his.

- fade -

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.