
Know How To Make Me Cry




Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
07-27-2021, 05:56 PM
! Extreme Mature Warning !

Duchess didn’t normally go out on her own, but she was becoming more and more secluded to herself as time went on. There was a lot of stress with everything going on, at least she was stressed. She did have a tremendous guilt for what she did to Indigo, and she was only hoping it could go up from here. Or at least once the pups were here.

She was a little more noticeably pregnant now, but she still had a ways to go. With her slim frame and Indigo’s large one, she was sure it was a sign that she was carrying a hefty load even though it was still pretty early, or maybe around half way.

She had gone out to go scouting, but really she had gone out to get away. She spent a lot of her days inside camp, but she just couldn't stay like that all the time. She needed to provide for the band, she wouldn’t let herself be lazy.

It was easier for her to collect herbs, so she had a couple she had noted in her mind as she searched along the plains and forests. She had caught a familiar scent that came from behind her, and she was instantly put into a panic. She swung around to see the brute of her nightmares approaching her, cowering before the dark man, much larger than herself but nothing compared to Indigo. “Did you miss me Duch?”" At first he didn’t break into her personal space, stopping a few feet from her as he looked her up and down. She didn’t say anything, she couldn’t. She was inside of her mind hoping this was just a dream, that moments from now she’d wake alongside the others.

“No?”" He questioned as a grin pulled across his maw, his time away from her had only escalated his behavior. There was a time when he wasn’t so harsh and abusive, but maybe the way he acted reflected across what had been his own troubled past just like Duchess had. “That’s a shame, I would have said I missed you.”" It was maybe a lie, or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe his perfect woman didn’t exist. Duchess was obedient and provided for him, maybe he couldn’t find that in others.

He closed the distance between them, towering over her but it didn’t help that she was submissive in her own nature, but to him even more. Wake up. She told herself, she needed to. This had to be over. Indigo wasn’t here, Emersyn, Segin, she wouldn’t be able to get away from him without them. She was terrified of him and she knew she couldn’t fight back even with what she had been taught.

He didn’t hesitate to put his muzzle to her cheek, his shoulder gently brushed against hers and along her side as he inhaled her. She tensed to feeling, drawing back from him but not disconnecting their bodies from each other, “Man, it looks you’re all used up now.”" She took a deep breath before she finally went to fly forward, away from him, out of his grasp. But he quickly made her regret it. He swung around fast, knocking his shoulder into her hip, toppling her and pinning her onto her side. Her voice was able to let out a yelp in the motion, but he climbed up her body with his paws still pinning her at her hips and one on her throat as if to keep her quiet. “Shh, sh. Don’t want him to find out, do ya?”" His chest laid down on her own to let her hips loose to get them in the position he wanted, “Don’t, Draco, please don’t-”" Her voice cracked as the panic finally found it’s way to the outside through tears and trembling under him. He shot her another wicked grin, because he liked the way she was reacting to him. His legs kept her down at her shoulders while a paw laid across her throat to choke her, but also to make sure he could force her eyes on him while he raped her. He started, enjoying every slow second of it. Duchess couldn’t do anything but oblige under him.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-03-2021, 06:49 AM
Duchess had been quiet and absent. Indigo knew she was still around, her pregnant scent was everywhere even if she remained out of sight. He was honestly grateful for that fact, looking at her just reignited the feeling of betrayal she had made in him. Indy had never had a reason to distrust anyone, but Duch did something to him. She changed him in the worst way. Of course, he was keeping an eye on her as well as short round. The badger was much less obtrusive than himself and he doubted that Duch even realized the small creature was trailing her.

Neither did the wolf trailing Duchess. Short Round came racing back to Indigo, telling him about the wolf that approached Duchess but hadn’t stayed long enough to really know the danger she was in. She just knew Indigo needed to hurry. The massive man lifted himself and moved faster than he had ever moved, massive paws ate up the ground beneath him as he raced to where Duchess had wandered.

The scent of fear, sex, and an unknown man hit him like a wall when he approached, he didn’t hide his presence and burst through the foliage into the clearing where Draco held Duchess against the ground. He saw red, and barely knew what was happening as he knocked the man off of Duch’s prone form. Draco was no small man, but Indigo was massive and used his weight to his advantage. Growls and terrible rumbling erupted from Indigo as he tore into the offending wolf. Blood and screams went flying as Indigo released his rage and defended what was his. Slowly Draco stopped moving and he was silenced.

"Indigo Fatalis"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
08-03-2021, 07:07 AM
She hadn't expected for Indigo to save her, she hadn't expected anyone in the band to. She had made all of their relationships strained. She did, she blamed herself.

When Draco had been forcefully removed from her, she had only laid there among the commotion. Her mind and body living in this aftermath of what was, or just had happened to her. It was much different than her first time, her only time with him. He knew what he wanted, he had gotten experienced. And his evil nature had just grown larger from the last time she saw him until now.

When she looked up to Indigo, her vision was blurred from the near out of body experience and it hit her straight into her mind when she realized what Indigo had done. She flew from her laying position and threw herself onto Draco's lifeless body, "NO Indigo!" As she broke out into sobs while holding her once lover, now dead. It may have been a true sign about how messed up she really was. How much she needed Indigo, how dependent she was on him and their relationship. Because even after everything Draco had done, this was not what she wanted. Laying here in his blood, with her own beaten body. And she certainly didn't want it in the eyes, or through the jaws of Indigo.


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-09-2021, 12:16 PM
She warned him that she would go if Draco called for her, so now especially with their relationship so strained he shouldn’t have been surprised that she did exactly as she said. Surprise and uncertainty were drowned out by the rage he felt at the scene. There were no thoughts until he heard Duch’s voice and she threw herself in between himself and the dead and dying man. Out of breath, uncertain of what he had just done, and taken off guard by Duchess and her reaction he lifted himself to his paws and backed away.

She sobbed into bloodied fur and Indy realized there was no return from what he had done. His sabers were coated in blood along with his chest. Much like the image of himself when he had killed the saber cat in front of Duch, now he took the life of her tormentor. Indigo looked away, silent as she cried over the first man she thought she loved. The Fatalis wasn’t fooled though, he knew she mourned an evil man, she acted against his wishes, he didn’t feel bad about going against hers.

This felt different from the moments after he killed the hunter in pursuit of Emersyn. This battle was much more personal, and Indigo learned a lot since his belly had been ripped open. He lowered his head as he breathed deeply, catching his breath as the adrenaline left him. There was no guilt or remorse, oddly he almost felt better. Satisfied with himself. The dark thought was unsettling. Indigo shook his massive frame, blood splattered on the ground as she shook his coat. There was only one liquid worse than water to be soaked in. He tried to ignore it as his sapphire gaze returned to Duchess. There was nothing here for them now, she was clinging to a corpse.

"Indigo Fatalis"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
08-09-2021, 04:47 PM
Indigo seemed the reveal in what he had done, just like Duchess had only a moment or so earlier after Draco had been thrown off of her. But Duchess was paying little mind to Indigo, she was too busy grieving over her abuser and rapist. She stayed there over his bloody and destroyed body for what seemed like forever. She clung to the corpse until there weren't any tears. And there was only a few seconds where she had hated Indigo for what he had done. Maybe justifying him for the way he felt about her and what she had done.

She wasn't done mourning, but without the support from Indigo, there was nothing else left to do here. Draco was dead, and maybe after all these emotions she threw over his lifeless body, she could let it go. She could feel relieved. But even if that's what she thought, she didn't translate that to the outside. She didn't want Indigo to think she was grateful. Because if he could treat her harshly, she could do the same.

Moving herself off the lifeless body carefully, she turned away. From Draco, from Indigo, and headed back towards camp without even a glace to her children's father. At this point she just wanted out of here, even if this made it easier to move on from her previous trauma.

-Exit Duchess Unless Stopped-


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-16-2021, 04:07 PM
He didn’t forget what she said, that if Draco came for her she would leave with him. That should have alerted him to the distance that was actually between them. To the vast disconnect Duchess truly possessed. Sapphire eyes watched her with pity, unable to comprehend how she felt about a man that had abused her. Indigo vowed to protect her, and he had. Now he just felt numb. He watched over her, sitting slightly apart, his attention in the woods as he allowed her to have her tears. Indy would rush or condemn her, she felt what she felt and it was his duty to keep her safe. Keep her and the children within protected.

Then she was done. Indigo tilted his head but she gave one lingering glance to the now lifeless body and turned to walk back to camp. Indigo sighed and lifted himself to his paws so he could follow her. There was an impassable rift between them now, and he didn’t know if it would ever be healed. She had damaged their relationship beyond repair, and his own actions helped no one. He had swiftly gone from the highlight of his life, to the lowest point. They should have been happy and celebrating the new life they created, but it was so heavily tainted.

Indigo hung his head as he returned to camp, but he was eager to find a task to occupy himself with instead of the deep ache in his chest.

"Indigo Fatalis"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.