
he's no good, girl, no good for you


05-22-2014, 06:59 AM

Be good. Don't misbehave. Don't act like a fool. Be mature. Be a man. Speak properly. Stand straight. The words of his mother and father swam in his head, albeit in very different tones than they'd actually been uttered. He growled, the noise resonating in the caverns. There was a chill in the air, enough to cool the southern boy considerably had he not already been hot with frustration. The once-King had taken to the shadowlands of Alacritia, keeping his nose to the ground and his body - above all else - out of sight. He'd done it again, gone and run off to find himself. Why he expected this time to work more than the others, he had no clue, but here he was. Miles and miles of land separated him from Epiphron, but certainly not hours and hours. He could easily go back, but the thought never truly crossed his mind. He didn't want to go back, anyway, not without some newfound hope to get him through the next year. Not with some adventure to remind him who he was. Not without something, anything.

The scent of a woman ensnared his senses, drawing him forth slowly but steadily. There was little hesitation in his saunter - he was beyond hesitation. She smelled strongly of estrogen, in the sense that she seemed to be in heat. She also smelled incredibly enticing, and for a moment he found himself enraptured before he'd even seen her. Then she appeared, a figure in the distance - dark and foreboding - hidden almost completely save for the outline of her form. "Hello," he uttered, a near-hunger in his tone.



05-22-2014, 09:11 AM

It was awful. Winter had struck, bringing along with it her heat. A damn near constant longing filled her belly, it was an ache that never seemed to go away. The only upside was the voices were oddly quiet for the moment. She had wandered, having only recently returned to her homeland but she was just as restless as ever. She had found her aunts pack, she had seen her brother and his family. But she has yet to see her father He doesn't want you. Voices hissed in protest. The woman had left the lands of Covari without hesitation, ebony stilts carried her nowhere yet somewhere.

She slipped into the caves with ease, her nails clicking softly against the hard ground. Scents of stone and moisture swirled in her nostril, only one standing out from the rest. Male. Heady, powerful, male. Against her better judgement, she drew closer, her steps slow, hips swaying. Her perfume filled even her own nose in the confined space though it did little except remind her of the aching deep in her belly.

Eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, but all she could really see where shapes. His scent became stronger until his voice broke the silence, the soft click of his nails only background noise. The woman came to a halt, eyes defying over the outline of his figure. "Hello." Soft words echoed off the walls of the caverns. He doesn't want you! Voices returned with a vengeance, screeching their protests, only sometimes forming coherent sentences. There was little she could see of him, darkness cloaking them both. All she knew, and all she needed to know what that he was a man.



05-22-2014, 09:30 AM

The darkness of the cavern only served to add to her mystery and allure. Testosterone raged in his frame, and yet he would fight it initially. Curiosity had brought him here, at least that's what he told himself. Besides the copious amount of estrogen in her scent, she carried something else with her - a pack he knew not of. It was faint, leading him to guess that she may have only been near it and not actually a part of it. Of course, there was always the chance that he was wrong completely - his mind wasn't exactly in perfect working order at the moment. Her perfume nearly choked his senses, as it was very nearly the only thing he could focus on - but he tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. "I'm Maverick." Lost were the civilities of old, lost were the fancy phrases, surnames, and other such courtesies. Oddly enough, a nervousness filled his gut, and he wondered idly where it had come from. His haunches sought the earth gingerly - almost as if he thought if he moved too quickly she might evaporate into thin air. Indeed he wondered if she might. After all, he still wasn't certain she was there at all - perhaps his mind was merely playing tricks on his senses. This wouldn't be the first time it had done so.



05-22-2014, 10:19 AM

He would stop, presumably taking a seat from the look of his moving shadow. His name would roll of his lips easily. The dark woman remained standing, tail swaying idly at her hocks, audits stood at atttention, verdant gaze searching the darkness. "I'm Maia." Nostrils quivered, inhaling his intoxicating scent. But beneath that, there was the lingering scent of a pack. It wasnt enough to spark her interest though. "What brings you here?" It was idle conversation, but she wasn't sure whatelse to say, she had neverr found her such a perdictament before. The woman, though three years old, had no experrience in the field of men. She had always been reclusive, not branching out from herself. She had spent most of her time in solitude. He's going to kill you! Whispers hissed in her mind, their dark little hands clawing at her mind, distracting her for the a brief moment. Eyes would refocus on the man, trying to determine his looks through the darkness, she could imagine what a hard time he was having with her ebony pelt. Her weight would shift with brief uncertainty, she didn't know what she was doing here or what was going to happen. She could hear the hunger in his voice, but he had kept a respectable distance, even seated himself. But would it last?



05-22-2014, 10:44 AM

Her name came, almost as elusive as her figure. Maia. He cataloged it for later use, though he was unsure in what means he would actually find it most useful. 'What brings you here?' came her query, to which he would flash a pearly white smile. "Boredom... and yourself?" Turning a question back onto the asker was his strategy, not to mention he surprisingly did care what brought her here. Perhaps she was trying to wait out her fertile season in the safety of the caverns. If she were, that wasn't the smartest of ideas. All it took was a man to find her and she was trapped - unable to escape his grasp. His tail flicked at this thought, waving in the darkness. Slowly his eyes were adjusting, but he could still only faintly make out her outline, and the barely visible glow of her eyes. It wasn't much to go on, but it was enough for him to know the way in which she was positioned. Exactly why he needed to know that - he didn't have a clue. "It's awfully quiet in here, isn't it?" Came the idle chatter, though it may have concealed a bit more sinister nature. There would be no one to find them. Oh where were these thoughts coming from? He battled his masculinity in his mind, though he feared it was a battle he would quickly lose.



05-22-2014, 11:07 AM

He would turn the question back on herself, bringing a small smile to her dark features. Leave! Voice disturbed the silent around her, making demands of her that would not be answered. "I suppose the same." Boredom could be a dangerous thing though. Especially for her. He asked yet another quick, but this one was different. It sent a chill down her spine and for the time she realized how alone they were. They were cut off from the world, shielded in protective bubble of silence. Though she was far from being protected. His question held a thousand meanings, none of which she understood completely. And if she was honest, the world was never silent for her. We are always going to be here. The voice lowered to a threatening hiss, reminding her that was indeed stuck with them. "I suppose so, but then again, most caves." Whimsical laughter rolled off her tongue, though it was more of a nervous gesture rather than one of amusement.

As her eyes adjusted, she slowly got a better look at him. He was larger than herself, and his pelt was odd looking in the dark, but she couldn't place the color with the lack of light. She could make out the dull color of his eyes, similar to her own Nervousness competed with desire, both sat heavy in her stomach, making her skin hot, making her heart skip a beat and race just a bit faster. She was tongue tied now. She didn't know what else to say. She should leave, but she found herself glued to her spot, unable to move, her instincts screaming at her to move closer. He's going to ruin you! Voices yowled in delight as she fought the urge to growl at them, the last thing she wanted was to appear crazy.



05-22-2014, 11:26 AM

So she was bored too. How fortuitous. Maverick gave a smirk, one laced with danger - mystery. He had only recently decided to try new things, to branch out and do what he'd never dared to do before, and here she was - practically laid out on a silver platter for him. But was he brave enough? Was he strong enough to break away from a lifelong pattern of good behavior? She laughed, and though he noted her nerves icing the laugh, he couldn't help but join in with his own nervous giggle. "Yes, that's kind of a trademark of caves - isn't it?" He rose to his paws, slowly - but deliberately. With long sweeping strides he inched closer to her, allowing his nails to drag across the stone floor in order to keep her fully aware of his movements. All she had to do was flee from him and he would stop - but something told him he had to try. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, though there was no real reason for it to be there. There was just something exciting about being bad, something right about doing wrong. This was only the first step, would this intoxicating feeling only grow as he pressed the boundary? How far must he go to reach euphoria? The russet man finally stopped moving when he was only a foot from her, not yet ready to push forward any closer. "Are you afraid of the dark?" he murmured - not really wanting an answer, but simply seeking for something to say, clawing in the dark for his next move.



05-22-2014, 11:37 AM

He would counter with his own nervous chuckle, agreeing with her easily. Audits would twitch at the slightly russeting noise, quickly followed by deliberate steps. Muscles tensed as the man moved closer, his steps slow, each on intentional. Logically, she should turn and run, but she found herself rooted in place, unable to move, unable to escape his reach. He would stop only a foot from her, his intoxicating scent drowning her. Words seemed to shake her from her panic, bringing her eyes to focus on his once more. We aren't afraid of anything! The voices were enraged, screaming at the man even though he couldn't hear them. "Should I be?" Her reply was bold and startled herself. Where had that come from? Legs moved on their own accord, bring her one step closer. One step closer to the jaws of danger and regret.

Her heat clouded her mind, her body demanding to satisfied right then and there. But was it wise? All sense of right and wrong fled long ago. The woman had gotten herself into this situation, she had found herself in the grasp of a man with an appetite. She was no fool, she knew the consequences, but they were far from her mind. Her sole focus was on the man before her, the man who held the control of ripping away her last piece of innocences. You are done for. Voices rang out loud and clear, there was no escape, there was no backing out now, she had gone to far. Her crown tipped up towards the man, she felt small before him. She was naive in this department, she had no idea what she was doing, she was lost, unsure of herself for the first in awhile.



05-22-2014, 11:47 AM

Perhaps he had gone too far. Perhaps he had better think this through. Perhaps he didn't care anymore. His parents weren't here - in fact, they were both dead. His siblings were gone, probably dead too. His wife was back in Ebony, his children in Seracia or gods-knew-where. For the first time in his life Maverick was absolutely, positively alone. There were no eyes on him save for hers, no expectations on him except for whatever ones were brewing in her mind. There was nothing, no one. There was freedom. He'd lived a caged life, caged by one thing or the other every second of the day and night. First it had been his mother, then his father, then Seracia, then Epiphron, then children, then Ebony - now, nothing. He could finally breathe.

And breathe he did.

To his surprise, she came nearer, nearer still - craning her neck up at him. He felt power, raw, masculine power in his chest. He was hungry for mistakes, starving for regrets. He longed for what was wrong - for the first time in his life. She was the treasure, the embodiment of everything he longed for at this particular moment, and he would win her - he would take her. Instantaneously he lowered his jaws, craning them open and offering a single phrase. "You want this just as much as I do," if she didn't - she need only say it. He might long for danger and wrongdoing, but he did not long for rape - never would. Pearly fangs dipped downward still, aiming a possessive nip at her scruff, then another. If she fled he wouldn't pursue her, but what reason did she have to flee? She was in heat, she desired this possibly even more than he did.



05-22-2014, 12:09 PM

Suddenly his breath was hot on her face, words dropping dangerously from his lips. He was the forbidden fruit. Her lifted himself to towered over her, nips dominating nips landing on her neck. Against her own will she would lean into his touch, silently agreeing to his words. She wanted this. And yet something in the back of her mind said she would regret this one day. Let him fuck you. The voices egged her on, encouraging her. Hesitantly at first, she would nip at his throat, slowly growing bolder. She had no experience in the art of seduction, she fumbled her way through the darkness. His heady scent sent her over the edge, sending her straight into euphoria. She would move to close any distance left between them, pressing herself into his warmth.

Instincts guided her, telling her that his touch was good, his touch was welcomed. She has never experienced another mans touch before. Lust swirled in her skull, the last of her innocence slipped away, plunging her straight into darkness. Voices growled and moaned with eagerness, unable to control themselves. Paws would bring to press against his side, nips falling along his side. Adrenaline kicked it, spurred on by nervousness and excitement. There was no turning back now.



05-22-2014, 12:20 PM

Consent. It tasted so good. Her flesh gave beneath the pressure of his fangs. He wasn't as delicate with her as he would have been with Epiphron. She drew herself nearer, her jaws teasing the sensitive flesh around his throat. So dangerous, so real. A deep rumble vibrated in his chest as he felt her move to his side, paws and jaws groping his flesh. It was different than with someone he loved, and yet still exciting - enthralling. As she moved to his side he mirrored her, working his nips over her side, teasing at her ribcage. Her scent grew stronger as he neared her rump, jaws reaching out to hopefully snare her tail within his grasp. If successful he would gently, yet deliberately, pull her hindquarters toward him. He could wait no longer, could waste no more time. The air between them grew hot and moist with their ravenous breaths. One paw raised to lay across the center of the back, drawing himself up. Desire was palpable in the air as he aimed more nips along her spine toward her pelvis. His heart beat rapidly, feverishly in his cavernous chest. He felt strong, viral, the epitome of masculinity.

And he liked it.



05-22-2014, 12:31 PM

The tension grew inside her until she felt like she would explode. His felt his rumble as his flesh vibrated against her. She would feel his fangs along her spine, sending a shiver down her back. She would flinch in surprise as she felt his grip on her tail, pulling her towards him. Even though she knew she should fight, she gave in, submitting to both their desires. A power leg would rest across her back, instinctively her legs would move to widen her stance, her body preparing to hold his weight. She felt so small beneath him, swathed in his power and masculinity. His nips continued, trailing down towards her pelvis. A low whine slipped from her jaws as she pleaded with him to take her. Her skin was on fire, her body ached for his. For once, the voices had fallen silent, relishing in the attention that her body was being given. Her mind clouded with pleasure, her body leaning into him, demanding to be sated. Her tail would sweep to the side, opening herself to him completely.



05-22-2014, 12:55 PM

He too felt like he might explode. Desire was mingling with the uncertainty of it all, and the sheer thrill of wrongdoing. As his jaws successfully ensnared her tail he would hungrily pull her hips toward him, his paw raising to balance on her. Quickly the other would rise to meet it, and his front half was balanced precariously atop her now widened stance. Dew claws scraped across her flesh as he secured his hold around her hips, sliding forward and into the abyss of adultery.

-- fade --

He thought surely the woman had to have been a virgin, or else very very new to the act of intimacy. His jaws released her scruff and he slid from atop of her when it was done, leaving a trail of nips down her spine all the way to the tip of her tail. Satisfied and desire-abated, Maverick moved a few feet away and rested onto the cool stone floor. The russet beast would flop onto his side as his tail beat a lazy rhythm on the floor. "This is the most exciting cave I've ever visited," he chided - perhaps unnecessarily. His tongue drug slowly across dry lips before lolling out the side of his mouth. The once-King was spent.



05-22-2014, 01:22 PM

By the time he released his grasp on her, she was spent. She had experienced an entirely now world that was full of bliss and pleasure. Whore. The voices were blunt rather than screaming. Nips would trail down her spine as he released her, his heavy weight leaving her. He move only a few feet away, sprawling out on the cool stone, clearly exhausted. She would smirk at his words. "I couldn't agree more." She would fold her limbs beneath her, pressing her belly against the cool stone, not sure of what to do now. Did she keep her distance? Did she leave? Did she move closer? She was lost again. Verdant gaze would lift to the man, from the sounds of it, he was panting. Much to her disappoint, she still had yet to full see what he looked like. Slender limbs stretched before her, her own dark jaws parted, tongue lolling out to the side. Sleep quietly began to beckon her, but she at least she knew that would be rude. Desire ebbed away, her body sated for the time being, the farthest thing from her mind was the consequences that may follow. Idly, she wondered if she would ever seen him again after this, or if he was disappear just as suddenly as he arrived.



05-22-2014, 03:21 PM

It seemed she was just as tired as he, and was equally unsure what to do next. Awkwardness filled the cavern like water - drowning them both. He continued to lay in the darkness, panting and relishing in the cool touch of the stone in contrast to her warmth. She agreed with his statement, and he would allow a lazy laugh to lilt from his parted jowls. It seemed they had both done a good job at steaming up the cavern. "I need some air," he commented idly - half wondering if she would bother coming with him or if she was content to stay inside and bask in the afterglow of their infidelity. It occurred to him that he honestly didn't care either way. Their tryst had not been one of passion, merely convenience and desire mingled together. There was no need to make it anything more complicated. He rose to his paws, toenails clicking on the stone as he slowly but surely left the cavern - not bothering to look back at his recent conquest. If she joined him, so be it - and if she did not, so it would be. As the cool air of winter buffeted his face he breathed a sigh of contentment, having been sated in every possible way. His desire for intimacy was gone, and gone with it also was his persistent desire to do something wrong. Perhaps he was cured, or perhaps this was just the beginning of Maverick's crime spree.



05-22-2014, 03:38 PM

His laughter would fill the cavern, echoing off the walls before fading away. He would rise, claiming to need some air. For a moment she wouldn't move. Did she follow? Did she stay? She should probably head back to the range. That sounded like the best plan. Whore! The voices practically chanted it now. The woman would rise, nails clicking as she followed a moment or two behind him. Eyes would squint against the sudden brightness of the sun, the woman taking a moment to shake out her ruffled pelt. Verdant eyes would glance over him, middy startled by what she saw. His pelt was vibrant red, interrupted only by white spots on his rump. A brow would lift but would fade away before he could notice. ""I should probably be going."" The winter air felt wonderful against her heated flesh, cooling her almost immediately. The trek home would certainly be filled with many thoughts and emotion. She would peer up at him, an easy smile would pull at dark lips, her ringed tail curling at her hocks. ""See you around." Picking up an easy trot, she would turn away from the man and the caverns, completely unaware of the trouble she had just caused, and headed home. Perhaps her aunt could shed some light on the situation, enlighten her to the world of men. Her mind was busy, tuning out the curses of the voices in her head, thinking over what she had just done.

-exit, unless stopped?-



05-23-2014, 11:55 AM

Not much to his surprise, she would follow after him in a matter of moments. Her nails could be heard clicking and scraping along the stone floor. He smiled slightly, if only out of amusement, and cocked his head in her direction. She was a deep ebony, marked only by a striped tail and lighter patches around her eyes. She reminded him of something - but of what he could not remember. Idly he wondered if he ought to say anything to her, that is until she spoke of her own accord. "Me too," he murmured, though he honestly didn't have anywhere to go. He was a drifter now, and could go or remain wherever he liked. Perhaps he would stay here for the night, and bask in her perfume. "Sure," he chided in response to her final phrase. Her hips swayed as she departed from the area, carrying herself gods-knew-where. He watched her go until she was a faint outline, and then turned back into the cave to rest.

- Exit Maverick
