
Jeremiah 24:9

Tox pups/ Cala



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-24-2021, 05:11 PM

After leaving the pack, Toxicity took her pups with her to the swamplands. She made sure to lead them through the dry parts and eventually found a place to settle down. She offered each pup a piece of jerky to help settle them as they must have been weary from the sudden travels. "I apologize for rushing you all. It was no longer safe there for us." She looked to each of her children, trying to will a different fate for them than had befallen her siblings. "Venom has rejected us, she did not wish for her pups to come to the sermons nor to finish the lessons needed to ascend. When given the facts, she was so overwhelmed by guilt that she couldn't by herself handle. She had grown too far from Abraxas, but rather than try to grow closer to him, she tried to strip him from us, taking our Abraxas name and banishing us from the pack."

She gave a moment for the words to settle. "Ashen is our home no longer. Instead, we will travel and see the world Abraxas has created firsthand. We will meet many new wolves and your lessons will be put to the test." Toxicity offered a smile. "I will answer any questions you have, then I think it's time for you all to meet your grandfather through the ascension ceremony."




Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
08-24-2021, 08:04 PM

It was eerily quiet as the troupe made the journey into the fog blanketed swamp beyond the borders they had once called home, the children carrying their lives in bags upon their backs and shoulders. He clung to Faith as best he could, keeping her in his sightlines to anchor him as his emotions roiled and swelled within him. He sought to keep an eye on everyone, and Hallux stayed overhead as best she could. Once the trees got too thick to navigate, she had perched over his hips for the rest of the trek into the swamp. Eventually, Toxicity gave the signal to stop, and they quietly unpacked and settled at a clearing deep within the swamplands. A sickening emptiness had settled over the boy, though his mind was whirling, it seemed to only be chasing the same few questions in circles with no sign of letting up. The space between his ribs felt hollow and yet distressingly tight at the same time, he wondered if he was dying. When he finally dropped onto his belly, heavy and clumsy in his sorrow, the wraith tucked his forepaws to his chest and cast his two toned gaze despondently upon the bare earth beneath him.

"I apologize for rushing you all. It was no longer safe there for us." his mother began, and her voice bore less of the strain that it had while they were packing in the Shrine. He could feel her gaze boring into him, but the tired yearling couldn't quite bring himself to lift his gaze and meet hers. His heart hurt, he didn't like leaving his home behind so suddenly. "Venom has rejected us, she did not wish for her pups to come to the sermons nor to finish the lessons needed to ascend. When given the facts, she was so overwhelmed by guilt that she couldn't by herself handle. She had grown too far from Abraxas, but rather than try to grow closer to him, she tried to strip him from us, taking our Abraxas name and banishing us from the pack." Toxicity explained solemnly, and as the words tumbled from her jaws, so too did silent tears begin to fill his eyes again. He could feel them beginning to track down his cheeks, and he couldn't stop them. They were banished? Nameless, homeless, and abandoned by their family. It hurt more than he could put to words. Hallux hopped her way into the boy's personal space, easing into the space between his folded forepaws and chest. The familiar warmth of her small form resting against his chest was a welcome sensation, and he pressed his nose against her back to exhale softly, haltingly, into her feathers.

"Ashen is our home no longer. Instead, we will travel and see the world Abraxas has created firsthand. We will meet many new wolves and your lessons will be put to the test." his mother continued after a brief pause, and though her tone was gentle and warm, there was little room for excitement or glee in his sad little heart. All at once, he wanted to rush up and bury his face in her fur, and cry like a child. He lifted his gaze to her features, wondering if he ought to do just that- let the moment of weakness move him against his better judgement. When his mother offered up a smile, it managed to ease the turmoil in his soul enough for him to take a deep, shuddering breath in through his nose. "I will answer any questions you have, then I think it's time for you all to meet your grandfather through the ascension ceremony."

Wide eyed and struck dumb, the fanged godling found himself lost for words. Shifting his position so he could look at his mother without craning his neck, he blinked owlishly at her. "Are you certain we're ready, mother?" he asked quietly, as though daring to speak the words might break the spell and she would change her mind.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21KHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseDream WeaverTrick 2019
Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
08-26-2021, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2021, 07:04 PM by Calamity. Edited 1 time in total.)
where is god now
there’s only you

Calamity trod wordlessly behind their caravan, bringing up the rear to nudge along anyone who fell behind. There weren't far from the shrine but it felt like they were leagues away. She already found herself missing its comforting glow, but in the same thought she cursed herself for wishing so dearly for mortal comforts. Their father had fought and sacrificed for that shrine. He had bled out, only for their mother to forsake her blessings by climbing into bed with her own brother. Living side by side with the creatures that haunted the islands nearby, the cursed result of that pairing, had kept the bile that now rose in her throat at bay. Now that they were apart from the pack, Calamity found herself consumed by reminders of the sin that had dwelled in its lands. Venom and Hattori could fool themselves by thinking they could strive for a brighter future, but there was no light without Abraxas. There was no future without Him. And still they let the wound fester, the infection growing deeper until it wrapped around the very bones of the pack itself.

All of it was built on blight.

They came to a stop finally and Toxicity addressed the children. She offered Pontifex an encouraging smile. "Your mother has taught you well. Your entire life has prepared you for this moment," she murmured. Calamity brought her eyes up to meet Toxicity's bi-colored gaze. "Shall we accompany them through the ceremony?" Her words were a simple question, but a raw ache ran underneath it all. Please. Let me see him again too.

"calamity ordains you unworthy"


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-28-2021, 07:17 PM

Modesty was less consumed by turmoil than her brother seemed to be, for all her new companion couldn’t perch upon her shoulders (his talons were very sharp), she was more than happy to invite him to ride upon the bag on her back when the trees grew too close for him to keep sight of them by flying overhead. She would need to find a trader of some sort to craft her something wearable on which he could perch for situations like this. If travel was to be their future, adjustments would need to be made for all terrains.

As her mother handed out jerky, she took it with thanks and a smile. Sure, times were trying, but if her lessons were to be believed, this was all part of His plan. There was no need to feel despair. If their faith was to be tested it shouldn’t be so close to the start of their journey, and honestly, she was excited to meet other wolves, ones that didn’t think themselves princes and princesses of a remnant of someone else’s hard work.

She was glad that Calamity had joined them, and offered her aunt a broad smile as her nebulous tail thumped against the earth. Why everyone was looking so glum, she couldn’t quite fathom. She could feel the sight of the gods against her skin, and couldn’t help but think that they were proud of the faithful little family for breaking free from such a sinful cage.

An excited little gasp left her lips as her mother mentioned ascension again. She was so ready! But she needed to stay composed. It was hard, but she tried her best and almost managed to make it believable.


heard you’re new in town