
your favourite sinner


05-20-2014, 11:39 PM
Eyes were narrowed and head was down with shoulders hunched forward heavily. Anyone who saw the green she devil would get the vibe that they should immediately turn around and leave her to her own devices. She was tiny, short, and thin with long bony legs and a tail that didn't match the rest of her rather frail frame. Her coat consisted of varying shades of green, sticking out like a sour thumb against the granite backdrop. Starting from her head, lower jaw, cheeks, the underside of her neck and belly were all black along with her legs up to her shoulders. The rest of her was a mixture of colors from forest green to deep teal. On the top of her head was a messy mop of neon green that could only be described as hair. Tail was as long as her body if not longer, fluffy and patterned like a raccoon?s with colors switching from dark green to that teal color.

But despite the foul mood she seemed to be in and her peculiar appearance she was in fact quite lovely, maybe not drop dead gorgeous but pretty enough to turn heads. Though when in a better mood she didn't only turn heads, she broke necks. Or... maybe not broke necks but she did use some charm to kill. A lovely little seductress. That was her role and she was fine with it, she drew other wolves in, charmed them and played them while her partner was usually the one to end their miserable little, insignificant lives. But where was he? Weeks had passed since their separation though he had promised only to be an hour but of the two of them he was the least likely to be killed. Most ran away terrified, he was no only huge but his mutations were abnormal.

"Tan... Where are you?" she called not for the first time, one paw lifted as she stopped mid step, head raised for red eyes to peer out from under that stock of neon green hair. Angry demeanor was gone, if nothing else she looked completely and utterly lost, sad and forlorn. Small paws were having a hard time grabbing and keeping a hold on the rocks; pebbles skittered down noisily as she continued her trek down the one narrow trail that lead down the cliff face. She was no amazing wolf that could go bounding along and not be out of breath, her muscles were beginning to shake from the exertion of keeping herself steady while she made her way down to the beach. It wasn't that she was out of shape but it was steep, there was no level ground and even if there was it was made of pebbles and dainty paws were constantly scrabbling for a hold.

"Tan??" she breathed, the high elevation making the syllable come out in a cloud of condensation. A thicker cloud followed as a sigh escaped parted lips as the thin creature continued on with her journey. She didn?t even know where to begin looking, well, she was here because he had always loved the cold, he was from the arctic originally so maybe he?d be in the mountain? Maybe? But her search of the cliffs had been in vain, he was not in her new home or in many of the surrounding areas. She had though she has smelt him down towards the beach and that was why she was making her way in that direction but the going was hard and she was beginning to loose hope. She had spent so long in a pair that hunted together she always felt like she needed Tantalus or Dec around. But Dec had buggered off, probably to rape some teenage girl if her guess was correct and he had been on his own before Tan and herself so he may or may not decide to ever come back, it was all up to him. And of Tan and Dec she would rather try and reason with Tan and drag him back.

She was pretty lost at this point, red eyes staring blankly out at the ocean even as long limbs worked at making her way down to the beach. Even if Tan wasn't down there she would be more then happy to get off this god forsaken cliff face. But the going was just getting harder and harder. A rock slipped under a forepaw and immediately her butt slammed to the earth to try and scrabble backwards, eyes snapping wide even as forepaws sunk and her descent began. It was probably the leaning back position that saved her life but it didn't stop her from screaming the whole rest of the way down. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" It came out a more of a high pitched squeal then a scream, a long drawn out sound that didn't end until she was being tossed head over tail onto the beach. She hadn't seen it from above but the bottom of the cliffs were mostly shale and was sloped just enough to let her not break her neck. But as she picked herself up she felt heat radiating from her hips and paws. Blood was beginning to trickle from the hundreds of small and the handful of larger cuts covering her body.

"Ow? Ow? Ow?" She grumbled, casting a hateful gaze back up the way she had come while making her way towards the beach. There was no way she was going to let some red bleed onto her lovely green pelt? As well the salt water might hopefully take any extra rocks that might be lingering in her new wounds. Shoulders rolled back as she reached the gently rolling waves, teeth gritting together as the waves lapped over her wounds. But the pain felt good and after a moment she eased into it, letting her legs buckle and fold beneath his as she curled up in the shallows. The waves were gently pulling at her, large tail floating out behind her like a buoy. Red eyes closed as her head tipped back, it was chilly, the cool winter air harsh against her dry skin but it all felt so good. There wasn't enough blood to cause a huge scene but enough to stain the water in her immediate area a light pink. Eyes would open and neck arched to stare down at the colour, a sadistic smile slithering over her dark lips. Such a pretty sight...

"Talk here."


05-22-2014, 04:19 PM


let me be your PANZRAM

The panzram was a daemon. Her mind was encased in hellish thoughts and devilish tendencies. Due to her mother and father abandoning her at such a young age she has dwelled within the pits of hate and rage for so long. Her mind had gone wrong. The behemoth had turned into the girl your mum warned you of. The woman had been alone, within isolation. She began to find entertainment with the small things. The things she should not find entertaining. Watching a creature bleed. Watching someone suffer and cry out. To quickly shut them up with a swipe of the paw. To torture and maim. The woman was sick but oh, she saw nothing wrong with it. Who would? No one had the right to judge her. She was a Saxe, the prime species. Her mother was a legend and her father a Devil. Her brother was deranged and disgusting, but she was very close to him. Neios and Nausica loved each other in more ways then one. Though, she was not dealing with family in those moments. The babe was on an adventure.

The siren sauntered with such confidence it could make an insecure whore cry. Her steps were wide and her hips were out. That inky tail was high but her head was held higher. The yearling had to much confidence for her own good. It was because of her size. She was already very large for a yearling, in fact she was nearly 40 inches already, her birthday being soon. Her paws were massive and her muscles were ripped. The girl was a monster in the making. It was marvilous. Though, her lovely thoughts were completely diminished by a high pitched scream. A cringe was seen as she growled and sought out the source of her hell. Paws stamped loud with annoyance as she heard fumbling and a round of 'ows.' As she continued on her violet orbs feasted upon an emerald babe. Fresh wounds slowly seeped that lovely life liquid, blood. Her mouth watered at the scent. Nausica rolled her broad shoulders as she hid herself, not wanting to spook the specimine. What was it with Alactrica and odd colored wolves? The girl slithered closer and closer. Following her to the beach, watching her get into the water. The panzram then made herself know by clearing her throat and letting out a round of luxurious tones, "What are you?" The ebony babe sat down with her nose slightly pointed up to show she was all chopped full of confidence.
