
Dione Lydia


05-20-2014, 10:10 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dione
How did you get here?: Lu pooped me out
Age: 22

Character's Name: Dione Lydia
Age: 1
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 24in
Appearance Description: Green, think green. She loves the color possibly because that is the dominant color covering her body. Ears are darker green like the rest of her body on the back and rims are black like her underbelly on the insides. She has what seems to be a mop atop her head. Longer fur grows here, so long it sometimes gets in her eyes and she tends to snap at it though the majority of the time she just lets it be. Neon green in colour it isn?t a huge contrast in color but in hue is stands out against the rest of her body. Blood red eyes that she is quite proud of stare out from underneath that mop. A black stripe lines the top of her muzzle from nose, between her eyes to somewhere under that ?hair?. Then the rest of her face is a dark hue of green with her lower jaw and cheeks black and a line of the same color as her hair on the lower rim of each eye.

Her back is the same shade of dark green as her face but along her sides it starts to take on a bluish tint. Her underbelly remains black along with the insides of her legs, paws and up to her elbows on the outsides of her legs until it fades to the greens. Just above the black on each of her long legs are a dashing of spots that could be compared to freckles, a shade somewhere in between the dark green and the black of her coat they stand out nicely. Her tail is the last feature; looking like a raccoon tail because of the pattern it alternates between that dark green and the bluish green from her coat from base to tip. That was how she was born, since then she has had three lines raked into her right hip.


05-20-2014, 10:11 PM

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