
A Dandelion A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

*on the outskirts of pack territory



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
09-04-2021, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 12:41 PM by Audra. Edited 3 times in total.)

On her journies through the land of Boreas, Audra heard of one place where she could find a good variety of herbs to collect. Though her information of what the plants and herbs did was minimal for now, she was hoping to find out more after collecting. Her paws trod carefully over warm sands as winter had not yet reached the desert, but her destination was farther. Along the outskirts, she could see a growing treeline full of greens and browns. Her heart grew hopeful as her pace picked up. So close, she could smell the grass and trees that lay just ahead.

Audra had heard of a ravine in the densely wooded area and slowed her gait to a walk as her paws touched down on moss and vines. Beneath the treetop, the temperature dropped considerably but was bearable for her thin frame. Breathing in deeply, she closed her honey-brown eyes for a moment. It was so beautiful here. Maybe I could stay awhile. The young she-wolf mused to herself before taking off in the direction of what appeared to be a break in the trees. Carefully treading over roots and through bushes, she could finally see the dip of the ravine off to her right. Glancing over the edge, at the bottom, she could see a myriad of different colored plants. Exactly what she was looking for.

Smiling to herself, Audra's small paws picked their way down the ravine side as if she were a goat scaling a mountain peak. The sunshine peeking through leafy boughs gave her ample light to see the different species of plants. A bright purple caught her attention first. Moving over to stand in the patch of late-blooming Alfalfa, Audra plucked a few pieces gently first. This was one plant she knew the cause for - weight gain. It was a no-brainer that she was always in need of a few extra pounds, but genetics always stopped that. Chewing gingerly on the flower, she swallowed it with ease. Thankfully, it was one of the less bitter of flowers. Plucking a few more with care to stow away in the brown satchel that hung around her neck, her eyes glanced around for more.

Dots of yellow, reddish-pink and bright oranges caught her attention, but they were flowers she'd eventually discover. It was the poky, bright green of Motherwort that drew her over next. Once before, she'd overheard a worrisome fellow being told to eat this if he ever felt anxious. She, herself, felt anxious all the time. This will be good to keep. She thought to herself as she continued to pluck some for her satchel bag.


audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise