
Rolling on by



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-05-2021, 06:13 PM

Sedna and Kiyo had been out gathering herbs and had split up, deciding it would be best that way so they could cover more ground. They had a designated regrouping place and Kiyo could always regroup with her by contacting Sedna’s bird, which patrolled the air diligently. But, at some point dark clouds had started to roll in and the wind began gusting. She winced as the cold bit at her nose and Yui, her Akita, pressed close to her side, both to warm Kiyo and herself. It wasn’t long before the storm whipped up into a blizzard so fierce she could hardly see 5 feet in front of her. She tried to scan the skies with squinted, silver eyes to spot the other woman’s companion, but it seemed it had been forced to land. She let out a howl in hopes it would find its way to her and let her know her location, but it was carried away by the storm.

She knew the other would have the good sense to find shelter and they would simply have to find each other afterwards, whenever that ended up being. Hopefully it would blow over soon, rather than being a several day debacle. She turned to head in the direction of the mountain, knowing she’d passed a few open caves to take shelter. The pale woman braced herself against the wind and gritted her teeth, pushing through the snow and in that direction until she came across one. She slipped inside, finding it, with surprise, to actually be a mineshaft. Kiyo looked around for a moment, carefully placing her paws to avoid tripping over the rails, before finding a nice open spot further into the back. Her butt plopped down with a sigh as Yui immediately went to work taking off her supply pack and fishing around for flint, kindling and what not to start a fire. What bad luck.
