
I'm not a woman, I'm a god



Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
09-10-2021, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2021, 03:43 PM by Kiela. Edited 2 times in total.)

The smell of sulfur was unmistakable, long before she ventured deeper into this cavern. It was faint at first, hardly distinguishable from the mustiness that was ever-present in these underground caverns - but with each step it grew more powerful and undeniable. It was a smell like nothing she'd ever encountered before and, ever-curious, Kiela found herself trekking deeper into the cave. Initially it seemed like any other cave, only significantly smellier and… oddly, warmer. Winter had arrived in Boreas, and though the weather was nothing noteworthy it was still a chilly afternoon, but she swore the ground beneath her paws was growing warmer with each step. Definitely strange and worth investigating, though she didn't plan to stay long. She had no intention of sleeping down here and she'd do everything in her power to make it back to the surface before evening fell.

She wasn't sure how many tunnels she'd taken, but she'd mapped out her route carefully so that getting back safely was guaranteed. As she took a different path though she noted that there was light from up ahead, which seemed an impossibility, given that she was steadily going deeper and deeper into the earth? But it was there and only grew with each step she took. By now the heat was palpable, not something she couldn't mistake as a figment of her imagination - these strange lands were suddenly proven even stranger as she tried to take in the sight in front of her.

The narrow cavern opened up into a wide room, and rows of molten lava poured down from the ceiling and poured down into the darkness below. A single step into the wide expanse proved uncomfortable right away; the heat that had flooded the cavern was even stronger here, no doubt a result of the fiery liquid that poured from somewhere unknown. Keeping her distance and panting softly from the heat that had slowly overtaken her, Kiela tried to get a good look around the room. This was nothing at all like she'd ever seen before, and she decided this was no doubt a sacred place - she was lucky just to encounter it at all, let alone have any semblance of understanding of what it might be.



3 Years
09-17-2021, 07:38 AM

ooc; I believe there is snow. If not I can totally change the post!

He had ventured into these lands a day or so ago. And the auburn man already disliked the weather. He was accustomed to so much warmer paces that the snow that had begun to stick to his pelt and stack in small balls that stood out against his colors. He was a thorn in the eye amongst the white that surrounded him. His bright honey eyes had been looking for shelter for quite some time now and when they fell on the opening of a cave they glistened with excitement. He had yet to settle down and look for fruit to make himself a drink. Being sober wasn't something he liked much. So with a quickened trot he hurried forward and in a few instants he was inside the cave, his feet on solid, not so cold ground.

Whiskey shook his fur and tried to get as much of the snow off as possible. A few low huffs slipped past his dark lips and formed small white clouds in front of his muzzle. Ears twitched slightly and the man moved forward, further into the cave. With each step he took towards the inside of this unknown place, the curiosity inside him grew and grew, so he didn't stop, but continued on.

It seemed forever before his eyes spotted a light in the distance of the cave. Did he walk in circles? With a sadly sober head tilted to the side he moved without hesitation and when the cave opened up, his eyes fell on the back of another, staring at what lay ahead. He halted at a good distance behind and cleared his throat rather loudly to make sure he was noticed and not cause anyone a heart attack or worse get into a fight.




Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
10-09-2021, 09:51 AM

Though this place was indeed strange, it had a way of making her feel enchanted. Kiela had no doubt in her mind that this place was sacred, which was why she wouldn't dare go any closer. Instead she was content to watch the streams of lava pouring down from somewhere high in the ceiling to  the floor of the cave, where some of it pooled. It seemed Boreas hosted more of these siedis than she'd originally anticipated, and it was slowly becoming more and more clear why so many of her family had come this way. She knew it wasn't only for the caribou; some were not nearly as drawn to that side of their heritage as she was. There were so many wonders here that she was beginning to realize why this continent was more inhabited than her home.

Kiela let out a sigh of contentment as she sat back and observed the display, wondering how long she could sit and endure the heat emanating from this room before wanting to retreat back to the chilly outdoors. She didn't have long to find an answer though before the sound of someone clearing their throat caught her attention. She stiffened instinctively, deciding she very much disliked being caught here - there was no room for her to escape if she had to, and she couldn't recall last where the cavern had veered off in a different direction. Always wary of the worst possibility, she spun around to face the stranger. He didn't seem outwardly threatening but that didn't mean he wasn't, though Kiela was sure she could defend herself either way. "Ah - hello," she called out to him simply. Her accent was still ever-present despite her attempts to integrate herself to the culture here, something that would likely never fully fade. "You have been here before? These sights are...." Kiela was hardly a social wolf at her core, but then again she'd never seen anything quite like this. She wondered if he might come closer to see what she was talking about.