
Be gone weeds!

Dalren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-10-2021, 08:43 PM

The move to the island had been more smooth than she had anticipated and they luckily got down to Auster before winter really kicked in and the snow began to fall in Boreas. The hardest part had been getting their supplies across the water and onto the island, but Chimera had come with a plan so even that hadn't been too rough. She was steadily settling into this new status quo with Siren and so far had been pretty successful in making herself scarce whenever Siren and Chimera were together just to save herself from the jealousy and caring for Siren throughout the day while her pregnancy progressed and her delicate body very quickly began to show the signs of the children growing within her. No part of this new relationship they were creating was easy, but the moments they got to spend alone and any time she got to make Siren smile felt worth it.

As they got settled into the island and started clearing out and creating spaces for themselves, she and Siren began fixing up a greenhouse that they found among some of the other run down buildings. It was a structure made almost entirely of panes of glass with plenty of space inside for rows and rows of different herbs and plants. Before they could start planting anything though they had to finish clearing out the old, dead plants and weeds and prep the ground for planting. Chimera had helped with removing some of the larger pieces of debris like some worn, broken shelving and a cracked wheelbarrow, clearing out the larger items so she and Siren could focus on the gardening part of things. She had a basket that she was steadily filling with weeds as he worked her way around the green house, pulling them out of the ground and dropping them into the basket so they could be carried away.

She lifted her blue gaze from her work to look at Siren a few feet away, smiling softly as she dropped another clump of weeds into her basket. She knew that everything had gotten significantly harder the more round her former mistress became. She walked over to where Siren was also attempting to work and helped her pull free a particularly stubborn dried up plant that seemed to be giving her some trouble before giving her cheek a sweet kiss. "You don't have to keep working," she told her even though she had tried to get Siren to relax and stop working on their little project many times since they moved here and so far hadn't been successful. "There's a pretty nice spot cleared out over there now. Why don't you go lay down and I'll come join you after I clear out this section?"




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-11-2021, 04:09 PM

The transition to this bigger island hadn’t been a difficult one. Time consuming yes, but not hard. This place already felt more at home to Siren than the islands she had grown up on. There wasn’t a huge difference living on this island, bu there was a big difference in the feeling of being in Ashen as compared to the feeling of being in Fenmyre. For her personally at least. She had gone from simple herbalist to a Queen, a real rank. Not just what Chimera called her. Siren settled back in with Dalila as they built their relationship again. Everything was different but she clung to the moments that felt the same. Which were few and far between the larger her belly became.

She kept herself busy as best as she could, she and Dalila had started a project remodeling an old greenhouse. There was a lot of work to be done before they could plant anything and no protest would keep her from using her paws in that greenhouse. Dalila tried though. She and the once slave were hard at work removing old plants, Siren was going slower but she was helping. That didn’t stop Dal from keeping a close eye on her. As the Queen struggled against a deep rooted plant she felt Dalila’s form brush up beside her and helped to finally remove it from the ground.

Satisfaction spread over her features, but she was distracted from victory by the sweet kisses placed on her cheek. Siren’s cheeks flushed lightly as Dal reminded her once more she didn’t need to be working right now. Siren was taking things easy, but didn’t want to get to the point she stopped moving. She needed to keep fit just like anyone else, and she was careful. She didn’t say any of that, just basked in the concern Dalila showed for her.

”I know I don’t, but I want to.” That last weed had really taken a lot out of her, and Siren knew she needed to take a break. ”Maybe it is time for a water break.” Siren confessed softly, leaning slightly into Dalila’s side with soft breaths for air puffing from her lips. She reached up to kiss Dal’s cheek before letting delicate ivory paws carry her to the clearing Dalila had pointed out.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-16-2021, 01:08 AM

Dalila would probably always worry over Siren no matter how much Siren seemed to assure that she could handle things. She smiled softly as Siren insisted that she in fact wanted to be working and was just about to insist that her Queen take a break anyway when she finally admitted that it was time for a break without her prompting, supporting her as she leaned into her side. Her smile widened as Siren leaned up to kiss her cheek in return before she watched Siren walk away for a moment, admiring her beauty before finally forcing herself to turn away so she could quickly finish the section of ground they had been working on. Even with her stomach growing larger and larger with the pups she was carrying she was still by far the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and she was still dazzled by the delicate woman every time she laid eyes on her.

She quickly picked the last few weeds, adding them to the basket of weeds and dried plants that needed to be hauled away, before she allowed herself to go join Siren and take a break as well. The clearing near the door to the green house had been one of the first areas to be cleared of weeds when they began their project and it was where they kept some of the supplies they were using for the job. Baskets, small shovels, water skins, and a couple of oiled skins were stacked in the corner and she went to unroll one of the skins so they wouldn't have to lay in the dirt while they rested. She also pulled out a wide bowl and filled it full of water for them to share before she settled down with a content sigh, smiling to Siren while she waited for the pregnant Queen to join her.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-20-2021, 03:19 PM
She could tell that if she hadn’t accepted a short break that Dalila was about to force one. Siren was always under Dal’s watchful eye, but she had been more serious about that role as her pregnancy progressed. Now they were in the last few days before giving birth. She was round and slow, and often needed Dalila’s help getting out of bed or off her seat. Siren was feeling spry today, and used that in her efforts against the weeds they battled. Siren stretched her overworked limbs as Dalila finished quickly and raced ahead of her to the storage pile.

Siren watched with her vibrant two toned gaze as Dal worked to make an appropriate sitting area, complete with a clear bowl of water to share. The Queen grinned brightly when Dalila eventually called her over beside her. Siren had long been waddling by now, and she really was now. It was mostly obvious from the front, and no matter how hard she tried to hide it her wide girth swayed. Trying her best to just ignore it as she found Dal’s vibrant eyes and swiftly went to lay beside her. Leaning her round form against Dalila’s feeling grateful for her presence and her help through all of this.. Despite everything that she did to her.

Her heart clenched at the thought, that Dalila loved her so selflessly that she remained after so much strife. Turmoil that wasn’t even complete yet. Not by a long shot. Pregnancy was hard but new motherhood was worse. She had already gotten a taste with her beloved nephew, but she knew it would really be different with her own. "You always make me feel so special, Dalila.” Siren confessed softly as she buried her face in Dal’s soft neck.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-22-2021, 12:18 AM

Dalila smiled as she watched Siren come toward her to join her in their little clearing, her steps swaying and waddling with each movement because of her enormous stomach. It was strangely endearing and if it wasn't for the situation that had caused these pups and the destruction of their relationship that followed she probably would have throughly enjoyed Siren's pregnancy. She liked taking care of the smaller woman and this had given her an excuse to do that ten fold. She tried to make herself not jump to tend to Siren's every little need now that she had been "freed", but as Siren's pregnancy progressed and she became more and more restricted by it Dalila was given an excuse to care for Siren the way she used to without feeling strangely about it.

With Siren leaning into her side, Dalila made sure the water was easily within reach and curled her tail around Siren, leaning over to gently kiss Siren's cheek. She couldn't quite read the Queen's expression before she leaned in to burry her face into her neck, but her words made her smile and her expression soften. She dipped her head down to kiss between Siren's ears, her paw gently playing with the braid that had fallen across it. "You are special, Siren. You deserve to feel special," she said softly, tucking her head down over Siren's for a moment and nuzzling into the back of the dainty woman's neck. What had happened between them was behind her for the most part. She was still figuring out how to navigate everything, but she knew that she loved Siren and that Siren loved her so for now that would be enough. She had to learn how to be content with this life since this was the one she had been handed and was better than any alternative she could think of.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
09-23-2021, 05:54 AM
Siren felt like she was incapable without Dalila, especially now that her pregnancy was so intense and she was getting so huge. The Queen realized as she looked up to Dalila and made herself comfortable that there was no living without the woman. She had managed well enough after the reveal of her deception, after she had hurt the one she loved to severely. But Siren had almost lost her, and deep down she knew she didn’t deserve the mottled woman. She could say what she wanted but Siren had slashed her to the core. She hurt her, and Dalila deserved much more than what Siren gave her, even with all of little appreciation. She couldn’t turn back time, she couldn’t make things like they were. Siren never deserved Dal’s forgiveness.

Dalila leaned forward and kissed the top of her head, it was sweet and affectionate and everything that Siren wanted. Her life was so complicated now their love was so complicated now, and it was all her fault. She wanted to relax into the easy love that they shared, but it felt so far off. Dal tried to assure her, telling her she was special and she deserved to feel that way. Siren didn’t want to believe her, but even after everything she could believe Dalila’s words. She wouldn’t lie to her. Even when it had damaged their relationship the two women spoke in truths to each other.

"What do you think the future will look like?” She asked softly as she buried her features further into Dal’s fur as she asked her timid question. She pulled her strength from the lovely woman who always saw to her every need in every way. Siren still didn’t feel like she deserved such devotion and love. Siren pulled back slightly to find Dal’s bright eyes with her own, wanting desperately for her sweet lips.

"Siren Primrose Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-24-2021, 10:52 AM

Dalila's ears flicked when Siren asked what she thought the future was going to look like and she was grateful that her face was currently tucked into her neck so her Queen couldn't see her expression or reaction. At one point she had been comfortable and certain of the future, fully convinced that she needed nothing more than Siren's love and that she would be fully content caring for Siren for the rest of her days. She hadn't thought that anything could shake that reality for her, but all that had changed. She had gotten past her own hurt and heartbreak enough to forgive Siren and fit their lives back together, but the future was murky and unclear at best. "I don't know," she said honestly after a moment, giving the top of Siren's head another kiss. Once these pups came Siren would have to incorporate motherhood into her life and their relationship would be forever more complicated than it already was.

Siren's gaze lifted up to hers and her heart skipped at the beautiful two toned gaze that looked up at her. A little smile touched her lips and she lowered her lips to Siren's, giving her a gentle kiss. "We'll figure it out," she told her, brushing the side of her muzzle against Siren's. No matter how unsure she was of what she wanted or how she would feel seeing Siren raise these pups that had come from the thing that destroyed their original relationship, she knew that her place was here with Siren. She was too hopelessly in love to leave and even if she could stomach the idea of leaving she didn't know where she'd go otherwise so whatever the future looked like she was going to spend it with Siren regardless. She'd stay with her and take care of her and help her with these children one way or another. She gave Siren another kiss, this one lingering just a bit longer than the last, and her paw lifted to gently brush her Queen's cheek. "I love you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
