
You're that one guy from that one thing, right?

Chimera take 2



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
09-10-2021, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 09:32 AM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
As winter settled in he was glad that they were making their way back toward Auster, keeping to the warmer weather and lack of snow. In the northern parts of Auster it was still a little on the cooler side in the morning and evening, but it was till a far cry better than if they had stuck around the falls where they had been for most of fall. He had wandered off on his own for a bit, exploring through the grove of aspen trees. The last time he had passed through here it had been to go visit the large island just off the coast and even from here he could make out the shape of the buildings and ships that surrounded it in the distance. That had been a strange night to say the least and he had frequently wondered about that split toned man, hoping he had recovered from his injuries okay after that. He certainly hadn't had the best supplies to help him then, but hopefully it had been enough for him to get home okay.

Segin followed the creek that wound through the forest, pausing to take a drink from the slow moving water before continuing on his way. The sound of chittering and scraping up ahead caught his attention, making his ears perk curiously, and he followed the sound till he came through a stand of trees and found a huge pile of sticks and branches that were formed into a dam that was alive and active with activity. Beavers moved and crawled all across it, some of them going to and fro to collect more sticks to add to their collection. He grinned and settled back in the shade of one of the trees to watch them work for a while, settling down onto his stomach and crossing his forepaws one over the other after slipping out of his bag and setting it off to the side.

Segin Epsilon



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-15-2021, 04:55 PM

The beavers scattered as a hulking form snatched up one of their number by the neck, quickly ending its life and spilling its blood on the ground near the dams. With the dead beaver between his jaws, Chimera moved towards a large pile of corpses, depositing his kill upon it. Beavers were stupid and would soon be out milling around once more. They were easy kills and he could haul them all back to the island without too much trouble.

Wrapping his kill pile up in the giant bearskin. Chimera hefted the sack and began to move back towards his island. A purple lump seated nearby stopped him in his tracks. The massive man's eyes narrowed as he looked at the plum colored wolf. There was something familiar about him. The wind brought the scent of the smaller male to Chimera's nose and realization clicked. It was the little brute that had given him healing herbs and food when he'd broken his ribs. Chimera... hated owing anyone anything. He really, really hated it.

Dropping the sack to the ground with a squish, the two-toned beast moved forward towards the small man. "You there." He couldn't remember the mans name in the slightest. Mismatched ears flicked backwards for a moment before standing erect once more. "I owe you a debt for your service to me on the ship. Name your price." It was evident that owing someone was a little uncomfortable for the big man, but he would set things right, make them even, and be done with it.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
09-18-2021, 12:55 PM
While he was resting and watching the beavers move about their lives, he noticed them suddenly get startled and begin to duck inside their home within the dam just moments before he noticed the brute that came around from behind the beaver dam with one of the dam dwelling creatures dangling from his jaws. Segin blinked with surprise, his silver gaze following the familiar form of the man he had helped as he dropped his prey on a pile of what he assumed was over beavers though it was hard to tell from here. Whatever it was the man started to collect his things and Segin debated with himself if he should get up to go greet the gruff man. He hadn't exactly been friendly the last time they met, but it would at least satisfy his curiosity and concern for his one time patient to see how he was feeling. Clearly his rib wasn't causing him any more trouble if he was out hunting and carrying large sacks of beavers, but he'd still like to confirm for himself.

He didn't have a chance to fully decide on that, however, because the split toned man suddenly noticed his presence and their eyes met. Segin's ears flicked uncertainly as he tried to decipher the reaction that the other man had, but his expression was hard to read. Suddenly the larger man dropped what he was carrying and moved toward him with a strangely pointed determination that Segin didn't really understand until the other man greeted him just as sternly as he would have imagined based on their short time together before and demanded that he be given a price for the "service" that he had given him on the ship. Segin blinked in surprise with wide silver eyes at the demand, confused by the whole idea of him being in debt to him over just examining his rib and giving him some herbs. "A debt? No, of course not, you don't need to..." he started to say, but the look in the larger man's eyes told him that he was going to repay him one way or another whether he liked it or not.

He chuckled softly and sighed as he started racking his brain for what he could possibly ask the man for that wouldn't feel entirely ridiculous to ask for in exchange for what he thought was just a simple act of kindness. The band was doing pretty well as far as keeping their supply of food maintained right now since they were back in Auster where things were far warmer and more pleasant. He was able to find all the herbs he was wanting for that reason as well. He couldn't think of any other supplies that he might need and being in a traveling band kept him from asking for anything that he'd just have to carry around like furs and the like. That ruled out most of the obvious things he could have asked for.

He eyed the larger male curiously for a moment. He hadn't really slept around the way he used to since he met Indigo and with Indigo wrapped up in everything happening with Duchess and Aslatiel he also hadn't gotten to be with a man in a significant amount of time. It wasn't like he wasn't getting plenty of satisfaction being with Emersyn as often as he was, but it was just a different experience being with a man. The larger man was certainly a good looking brute at the very least and from his personality thus far he had no doubt that he'd be a dominating lover which suited Segin's tastes just fine. He smirked a little at the thought and raised a brow at him. "Well, if you really want to pay me back... The only thing I haven't had in a while is a man to sleep with." He figured he'd either get turned down and he could finally convince this man that he didn't need to repay him after all or he'd get that itch scratched and either way would be fine by him.

Segin Epsilon



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-25-2021, 09:29 AM

At first the man balked, trying to refuse his offer, but Chimera wouldn't take no for an answer. He would give the brute what he wanted and they would be even. He didn't like owing anyone anything and now that he was a king, he liked owing others even less. He would pay this man in furs or slaves or whatever he wanted, then they would be square and they'd never have to see one another again. What he hadn't expected was the man's response.

A man to sleep with. Chimera stared blankly at the smaller wolf for a moment, eyes blinking. He had to replay the statement in his head to make sure that he'd heard it correctly. Yeah, 'A man to sleep with,' clear as day. Chimera's gaze narrowed after a moment as his dual toned eyes locked on the black and purple man. Did he not realize that they were both men? Of course Chimera had heard of brutes fucking, but there was no way that he would ever entertain the idea of letting someone penetrate him. He did the penetrating and women were built specifically for that. Men were not and so he had never considered them. As he thought about it more and more, Chimera's lip began to pull back in a sneer.

Fucking another man... it was disgusting in theory. In practice, he didn't know, having never tried it. If ever there was an opportunity though... Somehow, his gaze narrowed even more as he looked down upon the small wretch before him. If he didn't like it and felt embarrassed after, it would be an easy thing to just kill this man and leave his corpse with the beavers. If he was somehow pleased by the encounter, the man could live and Chimera's horizons would have been broadened. He wouldn't be the one taking it in the ass, so there really was no downside here. Right?

Chimera had never been one for foreplay. He wanted to get in there, fill them up, then get out, recover, and do it again. Only recently had he taken to caring about his partners pleasure, and only when it was one of the important women in his life. Being an entirely different hole, Chimera was quite aware that he would need some lubrication first. He began moving towards the small wolf, a low growl sounding before he spoke. "Fine, but how wet your mouth is will determine how much this hurts." In other words, he was telling the black and purple man to get to work.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
10-01-2021, 07:10 PM
Segin watched the other man's face curiously as he seemed to process his offer of how he could be paid back, a whole range of expressions flickering across his split colored face. He raised a brow and had to fight back a smirk as the larger man's eyes narrowed and he sneered. Segin thought perhaps this was the beginning of his denial of the proposition and then he could more reasonably wave off the man's insistence of repaying him for the favor he had given him, but then his expression began to smooth and get more thoughtful and Segin watched as the scales began to tip in the other direction. He blinked with a bit of surprise as he was approached, a little grin pulling across his lips and his heart skipping a beat at the gruff response he finally received. He was genuinely shocked that the suggestion was accepted, but he wasn't disappointed in the slightest. He very clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into, but that didn't slow him down.

"Trust me, I know that all too well," he said with a chuckle as he got to his paws and gave himself a quick shake, his voice taking on a bit more of a sultry tone. He surprised even himself with how easy it was for him to fall back into his old ways and how casual and easy it felt as he stepped toward the larger man. He lifted a dark paw to lightly nudge the man's chest, getting him to sit back onto his haunches and giving him a smirk with a glance of his silver gaze before he lowered his head down between monochromatic thighs. There was a very obvious difference between how he felt now with this almost stranger and how he felt when he was with someone he actually cared about like Emersyn or Indigo, but this had it's own appeal as well. Even if he had more genuine caring relationships now, he didn't know if he'd ever fully give up these more casual, one off flings - especially not when the wolf in question was a massive, domineering man like this one.

The upper half of his body was lowered to the ground between his momentary partner's legs with his ebony tail swishing occasionally in the air while he took his time pleasuring the other man and getting him ready for the main event, enjoying even this portion of things as well. Even though he hadn't partaken in the more physical pleasure focused side of himself in a while it didn't mean he didn't enjoy it. The only real difference now was that he could do these things from his own free will and not a desperation just to feel something. He pulled back after a while with a gasp, swiping his tongue across his lips as he looked back up at the two toned gaze above him. "I think that should do it," he said with a smirk, leaving his hips in the air expectantly.

Segin Epsilon



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-24-2021, 03:47 PM

There was no hesitancy as the purple man accepted the offer to prepare Chimera for entry. The smaller wolf settled between the dire bastards thighs and quickly got to work. Teeth clenched to hold back a gasp or groan as pleasure was given. One thing was immediately clear: being with a male was different. He could only surmise that it was due to knowing what a man wanted. Knowing what felt the best. Knowing just how to... ooooh...

In time, Chimera's eyes closed and he gave in to the feelings being delivered to him. Such exquisite service should be enjoyed and he intended to do just that. In the back of his devilish mind, Chimera wondered if he could capture this little morsel. Or perhaps simply talk him into giving his women some lessons. After the thought, he was a bit surprised at himself. Considering taking a man into his harem was... new and not at all something that he had thought about previously. Yes, there were male slaves and yes, he had taken his rage out on them, but he had never used them like he would a woman. This little plum colored man... he was opening a lot of doors within Chimera's mind. And this was only the beginning.

Chimera kept his eyes directed downward, watching the brute at work. His breathing became unsteady at points, but he held it together for the sake of knowing what was to come. In time, the man pulled back, inspecting his work. After giving his verbal seal of approval, he shook his slender hips and Chimera was ready to give him exactly what he wanted.

Rising from his place, Chimera hooked a large paw over the brute's hipbone and pulled him in close. A low growl pulled from Chimera as he ground his hips into the man. He wouldn't try to damage him, but he wouldn't be gentle either. "Be prepared," he growled low, his teeth next to the man's ear. Then... he got started, working the brute over just like one of his women, only this was drastically different. The feelings, the sensations. It was all so different and... gods, did he enjoy it.


"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
11-30-2021, 06:58 PM
Segin had no way of knowing if this was the man's first time being with a man or not, but he didn't particularly care or mind either way. The way the larger man hooked a paw around his hip and pulled him close and the deep, rolling growl he heard made a shiver run down his spine all the same. It had been quite a while since he had been with anyone new since he settled into his life with Indigo, Emersyn, and the others and it had been even longer before that since he had been with someone that handled him the way this two-toned man did. He always enjoyed being submissive like this, having someone that wasn't afraid to take him how they pleased, and he certainly delivered on this front. And not only that, but the fact that the man was throughly enjoying himself despite this pretty obviously being his first time with a man made it even better. Segin enjoyed giving other wolves different perspectives and experiences when it came to sex and this seemed to be no exception. He fell into the pleasure easily, but even more so once he heard and felt how the other man was enjoying it as well. He relaxed into his own enjoyment and got lost in it, his breathing ragged and a grin split across his lips as his partner of the moment had his way with him.

- fade -

Once everything was done and he was left quite sore, but very satisfied he stretched out on the grass with a content groan, casting a grin back at the split-toned man. "Say... What's your name anyway?" He hadn't bothered to ask the last time they met considering how surly the man had been in his pain and he hadn't really had the chance before they fell into sex with each other. It was one of those things like he should probably have known his name by now so it felt a little weird to ask, but he did at least like to know the names of the wolves he slept with—especially if there was any chance that they might meet again. At the very least he hoped they might meet again. All of his partners had a filled a certain craving for him. Indigo gave him a tender, passionate love making, Emersyn gave him a special kind of love and let him be submissive to her in her own way, and now this man scratched the itch he had for something even more dominant and rough that he didn't get anywhere else right now.

Segin Epsilon