
Won't Stop Til The World Ends



8 Years
10-02-2014, 09:53 PM

Sarak?s paws crunched softly on the sand as he came to a stop, moss green eyes gazing out to sea. Or what used to be the sea. Now a land bridge stretched out, and far off on the horizon, he could see the smudge of darkness that spoke of land. A soft rattling cough broke from his jaws, a remnant of the goring he?d experienced when desperately trying to make up for vanishing. He?d seen her, a last time, radiant with her fury, until she?d seen the blood. He?d taken that path he?d seen after he?d fallen unconscious. He?d awakened, but he?d been in a haze, and when that had cleared? She was gone.

Her ears canted back, a soft whine leaving his throat. Was this punishment? He could just vaguely remember her words while he?d floated. Slowly his haunches lowered, green eyes lowering to his paws. He?d watched his children, a mixture of himself and Azalea, from a distance. Been a watchful shadow after the worst of his wound had been healed. He had young Arian to thank for that. Now, his mate was gone. Would their children even want to know him, a father figure that had been absent their whole early lives? Another whine left him, barely more than a sigh of air.

The ache in his chest wasn?t just from healing tissue. It was from once again not knowing if he?d see his mate again. It was the worry that his own children would want nothing to do with him. It was the indecision. Should he seek out Erani and the family? And if he could connect with his children, and Azalea never came back? what would he do?

He?d wandered south, searching for her, and had come to where he sat now. The sea hissed and roared like some furious monster snake that?d been trod on by one of Obsidian?s hooves. It was tempting to keep walking; maybe she would be on the other side. However, her rose, preparing to head back north, to watch over his children.