


05-20-2014, 06:23 PM

He hadn't been feeling well, sticking close to the den. He had only moved outside because he started feeling so hot. His body was spasming, his muscles aching. He wasn't sure where his mother or father or father was... or Cerise... but he knew Sorrel was near. Likely still in the den. He was panting a bit, whining as the spasms got worse. It felt like his body was on fire. Body would even twitch occasionally, something he wasn't about to control. F?licien let out a loud whine, curling up. He hated this feeling... hated it. He wanted his parents.

The smell of blood would meet his nose, and the pup lifted his head, opening his eyes. He'd look around... it... smelled close. As his head lowered something rolled off his muzzle onto his paw. He'd look down at it, eyes widened. Blood... and it was coming from him!? F?li scrambled back, stumbling and falling on his side. What... what was going on!? A loud whine escaped him, body trembling more as he tried to get to his paws.

"Momma! Momma I need you!" He howled. He was scared... something was terribly, terribly wrong. He'd stumble, trying to get back to the den. "Sorrel! Sorrel help!" He wasn't sure what his twin could do, if anything. His body would fall to the ground again, giving violent shakes as he closed his eyes. Why was this happening?



6 Years
05-20-2014, 11:21 PM

There was disturbing news starting to swirl around the pack, and Gitan had gathered what bits about it he could. It filled him with a sense of dread, if there was really a sickness spreading then his own family was in danger, particularly his Symphony who still seemed to be recovering from her ordeal. The earthy man had left the den early that morning but now as the day wore on it occurred to him he should bring this epidemic up to his family, or his mate at least, there was no need to worry the pups quite yet.
Still as he approached the den a scent hit him and panic took hold of his heart. Then he heard it, the howling of his son. In an instant Gitan was running, closing the distance between himself and the convulsing boy. Dropping instantly to the ground he curled himself around his son. Gently he would try to slide a paw under F?licien?s head to cradle it. ?I am here mon grand, , I am here.? He spoke as calmly as possible but a tinge of fear was creeping into his voice.




3 Years
05-21-2014, 05:37 PM

Sorrel had indeed been inside the den, resting almost completely unaware of his twin's troubles. Something certainly hadn't been quite right with him, though both boys had drifted off and Sorrel it seemed into a rather deep sleep, not noticing as F?li left the den to go and get some air outside. He'd stirred lightly at that point, the air around him suddenly feeling much cooler though it hadn't been enough to wake the boy.

The cries for help however had certainly caused him to wake up. Mismatched eyes would glance to the spot that F?li had been lying in earlier though of course his twin was not to be found there. Realising that the other had now gone outside, Sorrel would be quick to rise and let out a horrified gasp as he saw the blood staining his brother's pale coat, falling from his eyes. He stood there frozen for a moment before dashing back into the den without a single word. There he headed to the small pile of herbs and plants he'd collected from around the den area. Honestly he had no idea what any of them did nor did he even know what they were even called, he'd planned on asking his mother to teach him once she had gotten a little better but the lessons hadn't started yet.

Grabbing a mouthful he'd run back outside where his father had now reached F?li and was trying to comfort the boy. Dropping his selection of plants he'd look up to his dad, hoping that perhaps he could help. "Papa, will any of these help?" He asked, glancing at his herb pile and then looking back to Gitan.


05-21-2014, 10:24 PM

He couldn?t stop shaking. He wasn?t sure what the hell was going on... But his body was shaking and jerking... Small movements though they felt sharp, massive to his still developing body. Please... Someone... His thoughts were desperate, at least those that could form. Finally someone would approach. A flash of brown, and his father was curling around him. F?li opened his mouth, trying to speak, but the words wouldn?t come. His father?s voice would reach his ears, bringing the boy some sort of calm as his body slowly fell still. His father was curled around him, adding to the strange fever and cradling his head. He was panting a bit, keeping his eyes closed for a moment, though he would hear Sorrel arrive, asking his father if something he brought could help.

The twin would open his mis-matched orbs again, a soft whine coming from him. Even if he was already hot he was glad his father was there. His body felt numb after what had been a mini-seizure, combined with the some more intense spasming in places. His head would shift slightly, just so he could look up at his father as more of the blood tears continued to fall. His voice was afraid... So very afraid of what was happening to him. ?Daddy... What?s wrong with me?? He knew he was sick... Very sick... But this sickness wasn?t like a regular fever or an upset stomach.

Worry would grow too. The healers would be able to make him better... Right? He would give a shiver, a soft groan as his stomach seemed to clench as it did when it was upset. ?My body hurts... And it feels kinda numb...? His words were another whine. He was hoping someone knew something that could help him. Someone. Anyone. He didn?t turn his gaze towards Sorrel... He couldn?t imagine what his twin might be thinking at seeing him in this state. Ears fell back on his head, hoping, praying that his father might have some sort of answer for the strange illness.



05-21-2014, 11:25 PM

She had gone out just to stretch out her legs, to test her back one and her gather more herbs she needed for it. Her leg was still very weak, unable to bear any weight. She growled softly in frustration. She hated being in the rut she had fallen in. She seemed so void of everything but her love for her family. It was the only thing she could ever focus on. She had heard howls and such around them, none ever clicking any familiarity to her. When the pups were asleep she would lay there curled tightly around them just staring off into the distance. Her head felt fogging, a fog that would never go away. Moving was hard for her even if her leg wasn't broken. She just didn't seem to have the energy for it. So she was usually at the den with the pups.

A howl of agony had she spin sharply, nearly off balancing her to the ground. She need not guess who that was. A mother always knew when it was their own child. She took off at a sprint, even if on three legs. When she got there she saw Gitan with Feli at his paw, Sorrel with herbs and Cerise coming around the back side of the den with wide eyes. Her own eyes widened as she looked at her son. Blood streaked down from the corner of his eyes. After a few long heart beats she shook herself and calmly walked over. She could not afford to panic infront of the kids."Good job Sorrel. Feli, Mommy's here now. Im going to help you ok. Cerise dear find me some moss ok?" She said softly to the kids. She looked down at the herbs Sorrel brought out, thinking carefully over what to use. But first they needed to clean him up. Feli's little body shuddered and was hot with fever. She eyed the boneset in the pile Sorrel had. She had to start somewhere."Feli my dear I need you to eat these ok. I need you to do you best for Mommy." She said gently and laid down to push the plant to his nose.
