
Medicine Cabinet [EPIDEMIC MEETING]

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-20-2014, 03:30 PM

Dutiron had been worried sick all night for his mate's health, though upon seeking help he had discovered it was not the only case his worry would only continue to increase, he knew that at least two of his grandchildren had been struck by the disease as well. Whatever it was they needed to figure it out swiftly, try and work out what they could do to cure them. It certainly wasn't a task he could manage alone and he wasn't even entirely sure how much he could do to help in the first place but this was his start.

It was early in the morning, the sun had yet to rise but he could wait no longer. Lifting his head now he called all healthy healers of Ludicael to him, desperate for them to begin work quickly. Right now he cared how little experience they had anyone with even the smallest bit of knowledge who wanted to and could help would be welcome. They had to do something.



05-20-2014, 03:44 PM

Another pup was sick, and she did not know why. She was completely distraught though, her son was crying blood. She would never be able to get such an image from her mind, and I'd he couldn't beat the disease.. She would shudder. Her ears would perk forward slightly as she heard the summoning voice of her father. She had expected this. With her mother and two children possibly dying they had to do something.
Leaving her precious Dutiron with his father pristine porcelain paws would carry the woman to her sire's side. A look of concern and determination on her face. She wouldn't loose her family like this. Was this the terrible blight the gods had told her of? Was this the reason her parents were chosen to lead instead of her? "father." her voice would crack, full of worry as she took a seat beside him.?




10 Years
05-20-2014, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2014, 04:29 PM by Harmony.)

The damsel had only recently been following the scent of a familiar wolf, but his name was not to be remembered it seemed. Crossed over the pack border in following the scent, she found herself in a gorgeous new world it seemed, the border only a barren plains. The grass was verdant, and she would only cross further onto the territory. Suddenly, a summoning call would wash over her velveteen ears. Her own voice would sound in reply, in the form of a query. "...Dutrion?" The cry was so very familiar, and had reminded the femme of his name. "Dutrion!" Her voice would ring as she began to ran toward the cry. Surely the brown man would recognize her, for they had known each other in the old lands, and Lyric was one of the children of Dutrion and his loving wife, Novel.

She could soon spot a group of wolves, possibly where the pack lived, but a sickly scent clung to the air, almost causing the femme to vomit. It was the clad stench of something metallic. Blood? The thought tugged at her as an urgent call, and she would begin to run faster once more, skidding to a slow stop as she would see Dutrion more clearly. Her voice was worried and full of curiousity as she would speak to the man, who seemed to also be worried. "Dutrion? What's going on? Where is Novel?" Her crown would swing in every direction as she would gaze around, searching for answers to her own questions. Nothing would speak to her, as mismatched orbs could only see a gathering crowd of wolves approaching. Dutrion was a pack leader now? Incredulous gaze would look at her grandfather, awaiting his reply.


OOC: Edited to fix Table Code, nothing else changed.



10 Years
05-20-2014, 04:31 PM

He was quite loathe to leave his dear Novel, her poor form being racked with the awful sickness. He had never seen such a disease before, but he knew he needed to help cure it. He would not be able to go on with out his sweet companion. So Elohim would heed the call of his Novel's grandfather the newly appointed alpha. He didn't know I he was able to help but he would gladly die trying. He would swing from the tree tops, his golden body a blur as he rushed to the meeting. Quickly finding Song's form he would easily climb to her shoulder. His bright eyes taking in the forms of Dutiron and another girl who he had not seen before. She seemed familiar with the alpha though, so his fur would settle as a disconcerted look found its way to his features. Something had to be done about the sickness.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-20-2014, 04:59 PM

Song would be the first to arrive, no surprise really given that she probably hoped for the cure as desperately as Dutiron himself. He would step forth to nuzzle in daughter in comfort, he fought to remain positive, not daring to think of anything other than finding a cure and getting them better. The alternative hurt unbearably even in thoughts alone.

The next wolf to arrive, despite familiarity wasn't from Ludicael. He would step away from Song now, looking up and sure enough the girl that appeared was none other than his grand daughter, but why on earth was she here? "Harmony...?" A part of him certainly wished to ask why she was now here in Ludicael, though there were far more important things to worry about and it seemed that the young girl realised that as well. "Your grandmother is ill, many in the pack are." His voice was grave, it certainly wasn't the best time for her to have arrived though he certainly wouldn't turn her away now, almost certain that she wouldn't leave after receiving such news anyway.

"This is your Aunt Song." He added, glancing once more to his daughter. "Harmony is one of Lyric's children." He added for Song's benefit. These particular introductions couldn't last long however as a monkey soon arrived on the scene, moving over to join Song. "I don't mind him helping if he can, but who is this Song?"



6 Years
05-20-2014, 11:49 PM

The man had not gotten much sleep that night, how could he when his own son was so deathly ill, his form convulsing violently every so often and then there had been the blood. It was a nightmare, and one Gitan wasn?t sure he would ever fully recover from. There had to be something he could do, something more than watching and making sure his son didn?t hit his head every time his body began to shake uncontrollably. As the dawn light began to just barely bleed into the den a call reached them. He wasn?t a healer, but he was going to be damned if he sat by while his son suffered.
Rising gently so as not to disturb those of his family that had managed to sleep he exited the den. He was tired, looked like hell no doubt and frankly felt much the same way but he approached the small gathering all the same, gaze upon his paws. ?F?licien has caught this twice damned sickness? ? He would state, obvious fear in his voice. ?I am no healer but I will also not sit by and let this thing take my son. Besides of which while I?m not certain Symphony is fully recovered, I can seek out her knowledge should we need it.? He would then lift his gaze, defiance clear even if it was accompanied by exhaustion and fear.




05-21-2014, 09:24 AM

A girl would approach, her appearance familiar off hand but still so unknown. She was easily the same age as her first brood and as she made herself known to Dutiron Song could only guess her lineage. Before she could be introduced Elohim would find his way to her shoulder. She knew the intelligent primate would not let his Novel out of his sight with out good reason. The tiny healer was ready to help with anything he could she was sure. Dutiron would go on to explain her lineage, and even though she was so worried about her children Song was able to offer a welcoming smile to the child. Her father would go on, asking of her daughter's companion. "Elohim is Novel's companion. They've been studying healing together. We've found his odd paws to be much more useful than our own clumsy feet." as if emphasizing her words Elohim would show off his hands to the author. "I must help Novel." his words were desperate as vibrant gaze looked to Dutiron.
Another would appear, Symphony's own mate. He would announce that even one of their brood had caught the sickness. Song would feel her heart sink. There was hope. They had to find the cure.?




3 Years
05-21-2014, 05:44 PM

Although a part of him had wished to stay with his twin, Sorrel had followed his father instead wishing to help find something that would heal his brother. The young boy still knew nothing about healing, though he certainly wished not for the first time that he had more knowledge about such things. He could learn though and certainly would even if the middle of an epidemic was hardly the best time for any sort of lessons to begin. Sorrel didn't care right now, he just wanted F?li better.

He was pause as Gitan neared the group, now suddenly wishing that he had remained in the den. It didn't like venturing out at the best of times and now there was a gathering group and he was only able to recognise two of the wolves, his father and the white woman Song who had introduced herself to him once as another of his Aunts. Drawing in a breath he would venture forwards and join his father. "Papa, I'm helping too." He declared as he sat down next to the man.



05-21-2014, 10:48 PM

A sickness stole at her little boy Feli. Just when she thought they were all safe now, that they would never leave her sight or her from theirs, he fell ill. She could remember how horrified she was to see him crying blood and his little body shake with fever. After the initial shock of it all she had become very protective. Not like she was when she had finally come back. This was far different. In the time she had been back she spent her days close to her kids, holding them tight at night and always there at the den. Plus her leg was still healing. The break had not been as bad as she thought but surely that leg would be slightly weaker and she'd have a limp in the end of it all.

But when Feli became sick the light went back on in her eyes. The spark of healer blood flamed to life. She was careful with everything, keeping her and Feli in one of the side chambers in the den she had made quickly with Gitan and the other kids in the main one. She did not want Cerise or Sorrel to catch whatever Feli had. So far it had worked but for how long? A howl called out, one she thought she had heard before but had been so out of it lately she was never sure. For all she knew was that Song was still Alpha. She knew nothing of her parents being her. But this call was so familiar she scared her. Gitan and Sorrel were gone already, leaving a protective little Cerise on den guard. The little girl had become very serious since Feli got sick. A smile tugged on her lips. But the pressing matter that she knew that howl was overwhelming. With a sigh she would gently pick up Feli. She hadn't realized how big the pups were growing till she lifted him up. Soon they'd be too big for this. Silently she left the den, tail flicking for Cerise to follow. Which she didn't even need to as Cerise stuck close to her side of her broken leg, trying to help and be supportive.

She knew she probably shouldn't be taking Feli out of the den but this was a call for Healers. She had to go, needed to go. But would she be accepted to answer the call? Who was the one that called? It wasn't Song. The image of her parents kept flashing in her mind but she would blink it away. Slowly she made her way to the meeting, Cerise pressing against her shoulder and Feli firmly but gently held in her jaws. After some time she reached the others. Her eyes first took in Gitan and Sorrel, Novel and Song and then Dutiron. Slowly, carefully she placed Feli between her paws and laid down with a grunt to wrap her body around him. It was a little while till she could with her injured leg. Eyes stayed fixed on her father in wonderment. Was he really here or was she seeing things? She couldn't fully trust her mind right not. Not after she had been so vocally violent towards Gitan, not really seeing him that day she had returned. "I..heard the call..i can leave Feli. He needs our help." She whispered. So unaware of the situation at hand other than her own pup.


Cerise I


05-21-2014, 10:57 PM

Her dear brother was sick, so so sick. She was scared to death, not for herself but for him. She wasn't sure if he would be ok, mother and Daddy wouldn't say. So she was doing her best to be helpful. She couldn't hunt but she could help keep the den clean, get moss or cobwebs for Mother to clean Feli's face or standing guard when Daddy was gone. Mother didn't leave much, not since she had been back. And Cerise rather liked it that way. They could keep an eye on her since she was still hurt and she wouldn't panic if Mother was in her sight line. She was sure everyone felt the same way.

So when Daddy and Sorrel left she sat right outside the den, eyes sad and alert at the same time. It she couldn't help cure Feli she could help protect him. But after some time Mother walked out and at once Cerise ran to the side of her broken leg. She had seen Daddy support Mother lots of times when she went to walk about, if and when she ever did. So she would do the same as best she could. Their path was silent till they reached a group of other wolves. She knew Song but that was it other than Daddy and Sorrel. Wiggling her nose she trotted up between Gitan's front legs and watched everyone. "Speech"


05-22-2014, 04:21 PM

He had been sleeping, a restless sleep that wouldn?t last long even had his mother not gently lifted him within her jaws. The pup would give a very soft whine, bi-colored eyes opening. He had been sick since the day before... Body shaking very violently at times and given small twitches at others, or even just pangs where his muscles seemed to bunch up and hurt for a moment before leaving him alone. He had never been more miserable in his life, scared to death of what was happening to him. His parents had done what they could... His father during the day and then his mother, at some point, separating him and herself to one side of the den so that she could try and keep whatever he had away from his brother and sister. That alone had the young pup hurting. Whatever he had... It could be bad... Well, it was bad... But it could be worse.

F?licien tried to form words, to ask where his mother where they were going, but he was still trying to wake his tired form. The fever and the seizures, plus the lack of sleep from both, were wearing the young male down. If he had managed to get some sleep he might be okay... But so far nothing helped. Not even the herbs that his mother had tried to have him eat. That alone scared him, but he hadn?t told his parents this. The way how they wouldn?t tell Sorrel or Cerise for sure that he was okay was enough to make him worry too. He was almost glad the tears of blood came on their own at that point... He didn?t want any of them to actually see him crying. It was too much for his little heart to handle. So F?li remained quiet during the journey, trembling now and then, though he tried his best to keep his eyes open. He wanted to see where he was going.

The boy would curl up instinctively as his mother laid him on the ground. He saw other wolves there... His dad, Sorrel, his aunt Song... Two other wolves he didn?t know and the orange creature he had seen around the pack. F?licien shifted his head, looking first to his father and brother and then towards the others present. He wasn?t sure what to think... What to say. What if he made others sick? Would he survive this? The thought broke the small male?s heart. He had never thought about death before... It wasn?t exactly something that a young pup needed to think about... Yet here he was... The dark thoughts entering his brain. He would give a small jerk as another muscle spasm took him, leaning his smaller body into his mother?s own. He didn?t say anything... Just looked miserable as could be as he looked at the others present. Was there anything that might help at this point?


05-23-2014, 11:45 PM

Faolan hadn't been properly introduced to the pack yet, but he still answered the call. His lithe, silvery form walked through the mangroves, something he was not used to yet. By now, his frame was at the largest it would get -- three feet -- and so he proudly walked towards the group of those that had already gathered. His light green and brown eyes met Song's, whose own bi-colored gaze was filled with worry. He had known about the illness hitting Ludicael and he wanted to help any way he could.
Slowly, his eyes looked up to the male that had made the call. His maw gently dipped as he met the man's own gaze before he spoke. "I am sorry to drop in without properly introducing myself, sir. I am Faolan Aradcor, son of Silent and Bronze and, hopefully, a future healer." He was still working alongside Ara and hoped that her knowledge would make his all the better. "I came to help..." he added softly, ears perking in silent hope.
His nose began to work and he caught the scent of sickness in the surrounding air. Silver fur shimmered as he turned and saw the form of Symphony with the pup in front of her. She had him protected from the cool atmosphere, but the fact that she had him out period made him worry. That worry was wrapped around concern as he looked at how both ailed from their own illnesses. He knew that something was not right with them being out in the open.
Slowly, his eyes looked back to the group and he softly spoke. "It would probably be best for those who are being effected by the same sickness to remain quarantined. We don't know if this illness is contagious and those who have been around it may be carrying a dormant virus. I don't want to add alarm and suspicion to the current situation, but I don't want others to become sick, either." Faolan was never one to speak his mind so openly, but he felt it had to be done.
His gaze moved around to the other wolves present, even though he remained seated next to Song's sad form. "My sister, Ara, and I are more than willing to help and figure out what the cure may be for this epidemic. We have our own bundles of herbs, from here and Seracian territory, so we may have more options to choose from. My main concern now is to try and stop the bleeding, as well as lower the fevers. Once the fever breaks, the body should be able to try and work normal again. As for the blood...we will have to look more into it. Anything could be causing the bleeding from the eyes, which is now the primary point of contact that we shouldn't touch without protection. If anyone has had contact with the bleeding eyes, they will need to try and sanitize themselves as soon as possible. We don't know how long the disease will remain on the surface after it has left the body."




5 Years
05-26-2014, 08:33 AM

At her father's call Novella would be hesitant to venture forth to join them. She had certainly found out about the illness, had avoided it herself though witnessed its effects upon her two cousins within the lands, both Satu and Iorwerth were very poorly and by now she'd certainly heard that it was spreading. There was little that she could actually do to aid them however, she was not a healer after all, she knew a little but definitely not enough that would help anyone when it came to this dreadful illness.

Eventually though the desire to help would get the better of her. Perhaps she couldn't aid in working out the cure but maybe she could help take it to others in the pack or fetch any herbs they needed. There had to be something she could do to help and with that thought Novella wouldn't hesitate any longer and would make her way to the meeting.

She would greet her father first with a small nuzzle. Her attention would briefly turn to Symphony and a sympathetic look would cross her features for her sister and poor little nephew. She'd heard that Symphony had returned though hurt but Novella hadn't been able to see her yet. Though tempted to join her, she instead would seat herself beside Song, leaving Symphony with the comfort of her mate and children. Silently she would look back to her father and await his words.

Dutiron i


8 Years
05-26-2014, 09:45 AM

Song would introduce the monkey who would express his desire to help Novel and Dutiron would only give a nod of his head in response. "Of course." He would respond to them, any help would be welcomed right now anyway, anything to save his mate, family and pack. He would step away from his daughter and Elohim once more, taking his original position at the front to look ready for a meeting to begin.

Others would start to arrive, Gitan he would remember and a young boy that followed him so closely bearing a set of mismatched eyes that were identical to Dutiron's own and he couldn't help but make the assumption that this must be one of Symphony's children, another of his grandchildren. Now was hardly the time for happy introductions however and for now he would remain situated where he was. Symphony would confirm his suspicions however as she arrived with two more pups, one identical pup to the first though it seemed this one was rather poorly, ill with this dreaded sickness as well he suspected.

Before he could voice his own concerns on the matter another wolf would arrive, introduce himself and speak up. Dutiron's gaze would fall to him for a moment and look back to Symphony with a steady nod of his head. "Faolan is right I'm afraid Symphony, the last thing we need is Ludicael's best hopes for a cure getting ill as well. Perhaps Gitan could take him somewhere safe?" Given Symphony's weaker appearance and the fact that she was the better healer he would rather that she stayed, not that he really wished to play favourites here. It pained him to say that his grandson would have to leave, but it was part of the reason he'd had to leave Novel alone, that and with her hallucinations he had no idea how she would take to the gathering, it was best to let her rest and get the pack to work quickly. Surely together they could find something that would work?

Novella would arrive and clearly worried as well formalities would be ignored on this occasion as his younger daughter approached him, he would comfort her and take comfort in the girl, three of his daughters before him so strong was a relief as well. Novel was strong, she would surely beat this, and with this many prepared to help they all had to pull through. As Novella moved to seat herself, he readied himself to officially begin.

"I am sure by now that each of you have become aware of this sickness that has infected many of our pack. Its unlike anything I've seen before and for that reason we do need all the help we can get to find a cure. If we work together, pull any knowledge that we have of the sickness and healing methods then I'm sure we can find something that will work." Perhaps especially with younger wolves around it was wrong to fill them with a false hope, though equally it'd be wrong to state the worst in front of them as well. The grave faces around certainly suggested that they all knew the severity of the situation, they didn't need a reminder really.

"Now I may be the Author though I am certainly not the best healer amongst us so please ignore any formalities for now, do not be afraid to speak up with any ideas we are all equal in this mess." There did still need to be a leader that much he knew so he wouldn't completely abandon his post. It'd had occurred to him that perhaps would have made sense for Song to take that title again for the meeting, though he wouldn't begin to plant the idea into the heads of the gathered wolves that at the first sign of trouble he'd panic and run.



6 Years
05-27-2014, 06:03 PM

Gitan was happy to see his son had decided to join him, Sorrel had spent quite a bit of time at his mother?s side, perhaps he had picked up on some herb knowledge. He would smile down at the child, his grin faltering however as the smell of sickness approached them. Turning his head so that he could see the approach of Symphony and his remaining children, he frowned lightly, he was worried for his mate she could still hardly put any weight on her injured leg, and he was very, very worried for his son, who most definitely should not be out of the den.
Automatically the man stepped back towards Symphony coming to stand beside her as she curled around their son. Cerise wound her way between his legs and he gently bumped her with a paw. The man turned his attention back towards his son, he wasn?t too keen on the idea of him being out here in the open. Still he would not get a chance to voice those concerns as yet another wolf joined the group. The silvery youth would introduce himself before his attention dropped straight to Symphony.
Gitan felt himself tense, ever so slightly, though he did his best not to show it. He relaxed some as the boy began to speak, nodding lightly. Before he could say anything however Dutrion was jumping in as well. "Faolan is right I'm afraid Symphony, the last thing we need is Ludicael's best hopes for a cure getting ill as well. Perhaps Gitan could take him somewhere safe?" Gitan nodded, turning back towards his mate and son, expression softening.

?It is for the best.? He would then cast a quick glance at Sorrel and Cerise. ?Take care of your mother for me, alright?? Then he was right back to focusing on Symphony, slowly lowering himself into a crouch. ?I will just be in the den, I?ll call for you if you need anything.? He then leaned forwards, making to grab hold of his son, giving Symphony a small wink as he did so.



05-28-2014, 07:16 PM

A silver male would arrive next, speaking first to brown male with eyes kind of like his own... And then addressing them all. Saying that those with the sickness should be quarantined. He didn?t know what the word meant... But he figured it had to do something with separation from his family. F?li?s heart would drop, pressing closer to Symphony as a little whine left him. He could be making his family sick too... His mom... His father... Sorrel... Cerise... The tears of blood seemed to come down a bit faster now as he actually began to cry. He didn?t want to lose any of them... The very thoughts that had started to plague him were fed by this stranger?s words.

He felt horrible... Like the whole sickness was his fault. A whine would leave the boy as his father lowered to a crouch, speaking to his mom first before reaching for him. For a moment he thought of trying to move away from him... From all of them. No matter who stayed with him he could end up making them sick too... Could end up hurting him just as bad as he was hurting now. The boy would swallow hard, giving in and allowing his father to grab him. He didn?t know what to think anymore... What was right... His whole world was turned upside down.



05-31-2014, 01:53 PM

She could feel the eyes of Gitan on her, the way other's saw her judgement as a bad one in bringing Feli here. Body would tense up, head gently pressing into Feli as she stared up at her father. Why was he here? When did he get here? And then questions on her mother began to form. She didn't like this. Had not Song left because of their mother? Had not Howl, Anthem and her gone to look for Song and also get away from their mother? Her eyes would harden slightly, looking away. Was their disfunctional family going to endure the same thing again?

A young male appeared at once introducing himself and jumping onto Symphony and Feli's case. Lips pulled back and hackles raised. How dare he make any judgment? He knew nothing, he was just a pup! He knew nothing! Surprisingly her father and Gitan seemed to side with this youngster. She curled tighter around Feli. Eyes darted between the three males with uncertainty. Her mind had not been fully sound yet since being back, she still was recovering. No one seemed to see that, no one seemed to care. As gitan moved towards her to take their son she blocked him with her head, eyes fixed on him and pleading. "No! I'm going with Feli." She turned to her father, eyes held slight anger. "I obviously am not sick. I've spent every moment, every heart beat with my son since he fell ill. I am not leaving him. I lost them once, im not letting that happen again! And for all of you that are blind, my leg is broken, its not like I will be moving around much anyways. I'll stay with the sick. I'll watch their symptoms, i'll be more helpful watching and learning this illness than trying to hobble around on three legs and worried over my son." She said firmly."Bring the sick to my den, there should be enough room for everyone." She added in a tone that meant she wasn't backing down or changing her mind, a voice of the healer she was.




10 Years
06-02-2014, 05:58 PM

The vixen of mocha hues would give a respectful nod, as she would in agreement as well. She watched as Symphony would speak, as well as the other wolves who gathered. Her eyes would meet her grandfather's before she would speak herself. "I am no healer myself, Grandfather. I will do my best to help finding the cure, even if it is simply to find the herbs for the cures. I do know of a few, though." Her mismatched orbs would look about intently as she sought out herb stores around the rocks, but it would be rude to simply butt into the stores without the premissions of whoever had gathered the leaves and such.

"I think we should get something to help calm them down, so they don't fight the cure, should we find it..." Of course, the vixen only was taking a guess, but she would prepare herself in case she would be met with criticism for the little knowledge she had. Only time would tell should she get a reply or not.


Dutiron i


8 Years
06-07-2014, 09:56 AM
ooc: Come on everyone! We need to get in some guesses!

Gitan would begin to move to take F?licien away but Symphony would swiftly step in and speak up with her own thoughts on the matter. The girl had certainly found a voice it seemed in her departure from Ahlon though Dutiron hardly felt that now was the time to be using it. "I'm not requesting for a minute that you leave him permanently." Dutiron responded. "I merely thought that perhaps your knowledge as a healer would be useful here to discuss what you've found has or hasn't worked and what else we might be able to use. There are many able bodies around that can and I'm sure will help you with anything you need but if you wish to leave Symphony then of course do so. We all want this cure just as badly as you, it's not just your son that is affected, your mother is sick, your nephew and cousins as well." He spoke firmly, though compassion was still evident in his tone. She was worried, they all were and he wouldn't grow angry with her for that. This however was hardly the reunion he wished for with Symphony, at this rate is was perhaps even worse than the cold stares that Howl had cast their way in the meeting.

Harmony would be the first to speak up, though she hadn't listed a herb by name her idea was one that should certainly be taken into consideration. He gave a steady nod of his head and glanced around at the others. "I have witnessed hallucinations from this illness, and perhaps something to calm them will at least make those easier if nothing else. Perhaps lavender or Valerian root then maybe." He would look to the more knowledgeable healers for their thoughts upon the matter. Hopefully more would follow Harmony's lead and speak up now.



06-08-2014, 08:44 PM

Symphony would find her way into the meeting, her family coming along with her. Obviously she ahd been injured, but with her own ill children on her mind Song could not bring herself to ask about her sister's obvious injury. She would watch, but half so as her attention was focused on her ailing children. However once it was asked that Felician be removed she knew she needed to speak up. As Gitan moved to pick up the small boy Song would chime in. "Wait.." slowly her body would find its full height, her paws carrying her closer to her sister. "We need to find a cure, and we aren't going to if we don't have anyone to administer it to." She would give an affectionate bump to Symphony's muzzle. "We also need Symphony's input. None of us have ever seen this disease before. We may need to try something a bit less conventional. Symphony, may we use Feli to test our medicine?"

"Speech" Think "You"