
like a bare butt through a pepper patch

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
09-20-2021, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2021, 02:28 PM by Wendigo I. Edited 1 time in total.)
Wendigo Klein

A pained yelp echoed off the rocks followed quickly by maniacal laughter. The pair of sounds played out again an again. Yelp, laugh, yelp, laugh. Then, oddly, there was silence for a time. Had it been another season the insects would have crawled from their burrows and begun to sing again, but in the cold of winter with nothing but rocks and snow around, there was nothing but a heavy silence. And then it was shattered again with a laugh.

Wendigo was having the time of his life. Naturally. By himself, actually. He'd discovered snow higher up on the mountain than he'd seen for some time, which was cause for celebration. One of his favorite things was sliding down a snowy hill. He'd learned last winter that he could get pretty far down the mountain in some places if he navigated just so, and he'd been eager to go again now that there was enough snow to carry him.

There was, however, what some might consider a flaw in his plans. The snow was thinner this time around to begin with and the winds had been blowing causing it to pile up in some places but just be a light dusting in others. This meant that in some places he slid across the ground like a seal on ice. In others it was more like trying to swallow a hedgehog backwards, but that was where the fun lay! Wendigo didn't know what he was going to hit next and it was just the best most exciting game even though his bum hurt something fierce.

After another slide Wendigo raced to the top and prepared to toss himself down the mountain yet again.

screams | actions | whispers