
A Little Bit Spicy




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-24-2021, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 09:34 AM by Dalila. Edited 2 times in total.)

With Siren mostly on bed rest as she recovered from her traumatic birthing experience, Dalila had spent the majority of her time caring for her and getting her whatever she needed to stay comfortable. She hadn't really allowed herself to go far or go work on something else around the island just on the off chance that Siren might need her, but that did mean she had a lot of time on her paws that was spent milling about the wing they occupied or taking care of little odds and ends around their room. The pups were still too small to do much more than wriggle, squeak, eat, and sleep so there wasn't much she needed to do for them just yet as long as she kept Siren cared for and made sure all her needs were met.

However, she had been rendered incapable of doing anything even remotely related to pleasure with Siren because of the recovery process the Queen was currently in. Normally this wouldn't be a problem for her. More often than not she preferred to be on the giving end of these things than the receiving end anyway and before Siren it wasn't even something she had sought out or desired. The heat that had crept up on her with the winter season had her feeling differently though. It was like an itch she couldn't reach, but it never faded no matter how much she tried to distract herself. It was early evening after Siren had her dinner and had settled in to rest with the pups and Dalila decided to go take a walk to try and get her mind off of things, promising to stay within earshot just in case her Queen needed anything.

Dalila walked through the large structure they occupied, her ears flicking as she shifted uncomfortably with a sigh. She had no idea what she was going to do and had mostly just resigned herself to suffering through the rest of the season. They didn't have a very large supply of motherwort left over after Siren's birth so she mostly only took it during the day to help ease things enough for her to focus on her work, but otherwise tried to ration it out. She was just considering going out into the island to see if she could find some growing near by or maybe asking Ali if she had some she could spare, but just then she passed where they kept their store of supplies and paused.

Her light blue gaze landed on the bottles of wine that had been gifted to them and she considered them for a moment. She wondered if a bit of wine might be able to relax her enough for her to at least get some sleep and that was how she ended up taking one of the bottles of wine out to a sitting area just outside the door of the building they occupied, laying on one of the old sunning beds and steadily drinking the sweet, slightly bitter drink. She had intended to just have a little, but her mind started to wander while she was drinking and before she realized it she had already had half the bottle. The warmth and fuzziness that came with drunkenness chased away her logic and rationality and a little grin lingered on her lips with a chuckle as she kept drinking, nearly finishing the bottle by herself.

By now it was fully dark, the stars and moon lighting up the world around her. Unfortunately for her, getting drunk didn't seem to help things in the slightest. If anything it had only made it worse and whatever inhibitions she might have had now felt like a long forgotten memory. She tried to get to her paws and swayed, but after a few moments of steadying herself she managed to stay upright and climbed down from the bed, abandoning the mostly empty wine bottle. It had changed from feeling inconvenienced or bothered by this stupid heat to feeling desperate for any kind of relief. She didn't want to bother Siren, knowing her poor lover was in no shape to participate in something like this. Ali, Viper, Hela and Chimera were the other residents of this island and none of the women she really felt comfortable attempting to approach like this even if she was hopelessly drunk.

That really only left one option and she couldn't believe she was actually considering it, but before she even fully thought through the thought her paws were already carrying her to Chimera's wing of their home with swaying, loose steps. She paused as she reached the door to his room, her ears flicking back with a beat of hesitation. It felt a bit like she was watching herself do it as she lifted a paw and knocked, half hoping he'd be asleep and wouldn't answer and wouldn't hear her. "Chimera...?" she asked through the door, her words more drawn out and slightly slurred than usual. "Could you... help me?"




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-25-2021, 09:56 AM

All day long, Chimera had been wrapped up in Aliana. Literally and figuratively. Having entered her heat, the alluring scent of the fae had kept Chimera from leaving her side. He had been on her and in her as though she was the last fae in the world. Something about her scent in particular spoke to the feral side of him. She would be very sore in the morning. If she couldn't walk due to the intensity of their sex, well... then she would put up less of a struggle when he gave her more of it.

After hours of sex, Chimera was asleep. Aliana was on the giant spread of fur covered bed with him, also asleep. He refused to let her out of his sight. Something in the more base, feral side of his brain told him that, if he didn't keep her close, another wolf would swoop in and fill her with their pups. This was not acceptable, so he would keep her with him at all times. He was the only man on the island, so perhaps it was terribly irrational of him to think this way, but there was no helping it.

A knock at the door roused the beast from his sleep. He blinked a few times and looked towards the door. A muffled voice called out, asking for... help? Panic struck as he recognized the voice to be Dalila. Had something happened to Siren? Rising from the expansive bed, Chimera bolted for the door, sliding it open and making it bang on its track. He stared down at the smaller wolf and instantly noted her drunken appearance. The second thing that he noted like a punch in the face was the rich scent of her heat. These fucking women would be the death of him.

With the scent of Aliana filling the room and the scent of Dalila filling the doorway, the already sexual brute was set ablaze. He wanted to sink himself into the mottled woman right where she stood, but it was no secret that they weren't fond of each other. He had promised that Dalila would be Siren's property alone, but she was making his life so very fucking difficult right now. With teeth clenched, Chimera released a soft growl and spoke. "Dalila, go away. If you stay, I won't be held responsible for my actions." A warning enough. If she stayed, she was getting fucked just like the sleeping woman behind him. Fucked until she couldn't walk. Claimed by the two-toned bastard that towered over her, barely in control of his own mind and body.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-25-2021, 10:21 AM

Dalila stood in front of the door after she knocked and called for the man inside, swaying slightly as she stood there, and if she had been more cognizant of her actions she probably would have understood the mistake she had made or regret what she was doing. Unfortunately, her brain was currently too muddled and foggy from the heavy amounts of wine she had been drinking to think of anything else besides filling this need she had. She heard a movement from the other side of the door, the sound of paws rushing across the floor, and suddenly the door flew open with a bang making her jump a little as she looked up at the massive King in front of her with wide blue eyes. She watched as his expression changed as he noticed the scent of her heat and with the door open she could now smell the obvious scent of Aliana and sex that came wafting from the room. It was a heady mix even to her so the obviously forced restraint crossing his features made sense.

Her heart was beating hard as he spoke, warning her that she should leave, and the last little bit of remaining logic in her head tried to tell her that she should take the opportunity he was giving her to do as he said and leave, but that was quickly snuffed out by baser instincts that she had never really encountered before. Her first heat hadn't seemed this bad, but she had also been also been captured by slavers and slightly malnourished at the time and had been too busy figuring out her new life with Chimera and Siren toward the tail end of it to think about it. This time though, there was no distractions and she had been introduced to what pleasure actually was for the first time during the last year so now she understood what she was missing. She built up a bit of courage as she took a step toward him, replying, "That's why I'm here..." Her ears flicked back, eyes pleading as she looked up at him. "This heat is driving me crazy. I just want some relief so... please, can you...?" Never in a million years would she have thought that she'd be asking Chimera to fuck her again, but here they were. She was horny and desperate and was far too drunk to care.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
09-25-2021, 11:27 AM

She was either so drunk that her mind was gone, or she was terribly stupid. It was no secret that he and Dalila weren't fond of each other, but it may have been a secret that he had wanted her this entire time. Ever since the first time that he had her, Chimera had wanted to dominate the woman. Losing her to Siren had been a sore point with the gargantuan man since the very day that Dalila had swayed his sister against him. Oh, the payback that he could give her if he took her to his bed. On her heat, perhaps he would plant his pups within her. That would be sufficient enough payback for him.

As Dalila took a step towards him, begging again, her sweet tones caressing his ears, Chimera grinned. He inhaled her scent; rich and earthy, tinged with the very herbs that she worked with and the hint of the sweet wine on her breath. Leaning forward, Chimera slid his muzzle along the mottled fae's cheek, his fur barely touching her own. The brute's growling tones were a soft, whisperish purr as he spoke into the drunken woman's ear. "I'll give you everything that you want, Dalila. I'll fuck you until you're beyond relieved." Sweet, sweet promises. He would fulfill her every wish. He would give her sex throughout her entire heat cycle if she needed it. There was just one little thing that he needed to hear from her.

Chimera's tongue moved to gently stroke up the length of Dalila's ear from base to tip. silent promises to accompany the verbal ones that had been delivered. "Say that you're mine, Dalila." Before he gave her what she wanted, he wanted to hear the woman say it. He needed to hear her say it.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
09-25-2021, 04:12 PM
Aliana was sound asleep beside Chimera in bed. Her body had been so exhausted from her day of endless sex with Chimera that she'd been given the reprieve of merciful dreamless sleep. He'd dragged her back to his chambers after he'd found her on the beach and had his way with her at every opportunity in every position he could. He'd been rough, he'd been impassioned, he'd been feral and primal and dominant in every conceivable way with her. The two wolves spent all day in the king's bedroom having sex like this was their last day on earth; Chimera was obsessed with her since he'd discovered she'd been in heat in a manner Ali had never seen him in before. He was like a brute possessed, never leaving her side, keeping her close at hand for whenever his desires flared up again, which thanks to her heat was more frequent than she'd ever thought possible. He was never sated, no matter how many times he spilled himself within her and found his relief beneath her tail. It was as if he was hellbent on making sure her belly was full of his pups, which after today was more than likely. She knew she hadn't been able to get to her stash of contraceptives in time from when he'd first had her to when he essentially abducted her to his bed, and that dread hung over her every time he slid himself inside her.

Ali had fallen asleep in Chimera's arms on the soft, warm bed tired and sore, thankfully neither seeing visions of him nor the slavers nor the monochromatic puppies that were no doubt in the process of being made within her. She just slept, warm and exhausted, her body trying to prepare itself for another day of satisfying her king's lusts while her heat still burned strong and potent. She had been so deep in sleep that she didn't feel Chimera stir next to her, nor notice the absence of his large body around hers when he went to the door. She didn't hear the first exchanging of words, but as the conversation between the two wolves at the door continued, Ali began to stir, one gray ear twitching to catch the sound of voices. Her body was sore, especially parts deep inside her, but that didn't stop her. With a soft, groggy grumble, Ali blinked open sleepy eyes and lifted her head to peer around the bedroom. She saw Chimera at the door, spotted the mottled fur of Dalila from around his bulky frame, saw him teasing her ear with his tongue. That was when she realized what was happening. Chimera was trying to entice Dalila into his bed as well.

Ali's heart wrenched in her chest, realizing the other woman's heat had no doubt drawn her to the only male on the island. She sat up, trying to give Dalila a concerned look. She knew how Chimera was in bed, especially how he'd been with her in heat. Adding another fae in heat to the mix... Aliana couldn't begin to imagine what he might be like. She didn't say a word though, simply watching and letting the scene play out. If Dalila went down this route, there was no doubt in her mind that Chimera would try to impregnate her as well. She was well aware of Chimera's baser desires and fetishes by now, and his breeding kink seemed to be the strongest one in his matured brain. While she didn't know if it was too late for herself to find her contraceptives or if Chimera would even let her take them, she knew she could give them to Dalila and spare her at the least. She had enough for one of them to make it until the fresh herbs flowered; one of them could be saved a Chimera pregnancy. If she had the chance, she'd make sure Dalila at least had the choice she hadn't.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-25-2021, 09:38 PM

Dalila's heart was beating anxiously against her ribs as she looked up at Chimera's two-toned gaze, waiting for his response to her pleading. She didn't know if he would brush her off, demand she leave and slam the door in her face or if he would give her what her body was craving, but she got her answer in the brush of his muzzle against her cheek and salacious words that were spoken into her ear in a low, growling purr. His voice made her breath catch, every need and instinct firing on every cylinder and craving what he promised her. Her gaze caught a hint of movement from the shadowed room behind him, glancing past him to see Aliana sit up a bit from the bed and give her a concerned look. That made a bit of worry and realization flash through her like a moment of clarity for what she was asking for - but that was chased away by the lick that Chimera gave the length of her ear.

The small affection made her breath hitch again and a little shiver ran down her spine, making her eyes flutter and causing her to sway on her paws slightly. A strong breeze could have knocked her over and the force of the lust that brought her here nearly did. It was so unlike her and so out of character for her, but a bottle of wine and a very strong heat were a hell of a thing. His demand of her brought words to her lips before she fully had a chance to process them, saying them without a beat of hesitation. "I'm yours, Chimera... All yours," she breathed as she was drawn into him, brushing her cheek against his and stepping across the open doorway to lean her chest into his. Logic and conscious thought were gone, only hormones and instinctual need remained. The only slight clear thought that ran through her head was the shame she felt that Aliana saw her like this, but it was too late for that now. There was no way for her to have known that Ali would be here and all she could do now was deal with the consequences of her actions.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-01-2021, 07:25 PM

Dalila, in her drunken stupor, told him exactly what he wanted to hear. She was his. Chimera's maw split in a grin and as she stepped towards him, he stepped towards her. The scent of her heat was like a drug and he was about to imbibe. Leaning down, Chimera claimed Dalila's lips with a low growl. He had dreamed about this for quite some time. Having a woman not want him... it had done terrible things to his ego. Now here she was, crawling back, begging him oh so prettily. He would reward her efforts and he would reward them well.

Chimera lifted the smaller wolf and slung her over his shoulder, striding across the room and tossing her onto the fur covered mattress beside Aliana who was now awake. The two-toned bastard didn't give a single fuck that his lover was awake and was about to watch him plow into another fae. In fact, it kind of turned him on. Chimera growled low at Aliana as he joined the ladies on the bed. "Don't even think about trying to run away." The clouded woman had run away from him before and it had ignited the brutes feral side. He'd had to chase his prey and he'd claimed her just as roughly as he wanted. If she did it again... well it might turn out badly.

Secure in the knowledge that Aliana would be sitting still, Chi got to work on the drunken fae in his bed. Lips and tongue and teeth and paws worked over the woman's body, touching every inch of her. She was his. Dalila belonged to him once more. She was his just as Aliana was his. Just as Viper was his. Just as Siren was his. They all belonged to him. With a low growl at the thought, Chimera swept his tongue over the lowest reaches of Dalila's body, tasting her heady flavor and preparing her for what was to come.

The bastard flipped Dalila onto her stomach, positioning her so that both he and the fae beneath him were pointed right at Aliana. With one massive paw, Chimera adjusted the mottled fae's body, positioning her as needed while his big body covered hers. Staring straight into Aliana's lovely face Chimera gave Dalila exactly what she wanted.

---Fade for Halloween!---

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-01-2021, 07:41 PM
All it took was one sentence, and then Aliana was watching Chimera hoist Dalila up over his back like she weighed nothing, carrying her to the bed where he deposited her roughly. White-furred ears folded flatter to her skull when Chimera climbed up and growled a command for her to not try and run. No, she wouldn't be making that mistake again. Her body still had the bloody wounds from where the brute's jagged teeth had found purchase in her flesh during their fucking, and even if she wanted to run, she doubted her body would cooperate with how sore and tired it was. Chimera had worked her over good in his primal rage—if she incensed him further, she didn't know if she'd end this night with her life.

Swallowing back the lump in her throat, Aliana was forced to watch while Chimera prepared Dalila, listening to the mottled fae's moans and desperate cries of pleasure. Her heart went out to Dalila. The poor girl was having it so bad with her heat that she'd come begging to Chimera for relief, and now she would pay the price with her body, just as Ali had. All throughout their mating, Aliana remained silent. She watched Chimera flip and mount Dalila, watched as he had his way with her roughly, dominating the smaller wolf, watched as Dalila gave in to everything and saw the pleasure contort her features. Was this what she had looked like in the throes of passion with her king when they'd visited the island for the first time? She knew it hadn't been what she looked like tonight, but she couldn't deny that Dalila looked beautiful lost in the ecstasy of carnal delights.

All while she watched Chimera fuck Dalila before her, Aliana just kept repeating a mantra in her head. Find the silphium. Dalila would not suffer the same fate she would. Afraid that looking away might upset Chimera, Ali's aquamarine eyes danced between Chimera and Dalila, taking everything in from beginning to end, holding her king's gaze while he slaked his endless lusts with yet another fae. Would he finally be satisfied after this, or was she and Dalila in for a very, very long night?


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-01-2021, 08:42 PM

As soon as Chimera was given the response he was waiting for, she was swept off of her feet with a gasp as the larger male put her across his back and carried her into the room. Her heart wouldn't stop it's frantic, rapid beating, a small chill of realization settling in on her as he brought her over to the bed and dropped her down beside Aliana. There was a fire burning her alive from the inside out that demanded to be put out that chased away any last shred of doubt, but when her gaze met Aliana's she did feel some shame for letting herself get to this point. Desperate and drunk, going to the man that she had hated for so long for some kind of relief. Her ears folded back against her head as she looked at Ali with guilt and shame, a silent apology for having to see her like this.

But once Chimera started having his way with her, started ravaging her with pleasures that every instinctual fiber of her being craved, it was difficult to think of anything beyond the pleasure that he was giving her. All conscious thought was gone, all of the possible consequences were forgotten, and she was blinded by pleasure. While Chimera worked her over, she tipped her head back, finding herself looking at Aliana while she gasped and filled the room with the reactions he was pulling from her. She really hadn't had a chance to spend time with the fellow former slave and had been too concerned about avoiding Chimera and staying close to Siren to make the time. Chimera flipped her over and she put up not an ounce of resistance, giving herself fully over to the situation she had put herself in. He was rough and took what he wanted, but not nearly in the same way he had when he had raped her once upon a time. It was only her second time with a man and the first time she had enjoyed herself.

She turned her light blue gaze up toward Aliana as it was happening, her ears flicking when she noticed in a small moment of clarity how Aliana had been forced to sit here and watch them while Chimera claimed her with this new found freedom over her body. She whined softly in among her panting and moans, reaching out an ivory dipped paw to gently pull Aliana's paw toward her, lifting her muzzle up toward Aliana with a questioning look. One thing she was actually familiar with in all of this now was being with a woman and she would feel better if Ali at least had some bit of pleasure in this as well if she was forced to stay here with them. Whether Ali took her up on her silent offer or not, Chimera certainly wasn't slowing down and soon enough he fully claimed her, taking full advantage of the possession she traded in exchange for this relief.

- fade! -



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-01-2021, 10:18 PM
Never in all her life would Aliana have expected to find herself in this position, watching from mere inches away as the brute that had owned her plowed another fae into the mattress beside her, both of their sounds and reactions a symphony and a show she couldn't look away from. It was unusual, awkward, and undeniably arousing to be a witness to her king demonstrating his dominance and might over another, all the while looking at her as he did so. What she had never expected though was Dalila's eyes to seek hers as well. Ali caught and held the mottled fae's eyes as her brains were fucked out, aquamarine locking with sky blue. The whine that left Dalila's lips while she reached a paw out to take hers made Ali's breath catch in her throat, gaze widening in surprise as she stared at Dalila. Was she offering what she thought she was...?

Aliana didn't know how to respond at first, looking from Dalila back to Chimera, then down to the desperately needy woman who would be sharing a bed with her and their king for the night. Her heart raced and skipped in her chest, seeing the questioning look in those blue windows. Ali's tail swished eagerly, unintentionally fanning her scent. She could not deny her salacious curiosity; she'd felt it develop when she saw Siren and Dalila together, knowing what both the beautiful women did with one another, but to experience it herself... More than just her own desires and lusts though, Ali saw the need Dalila had for her—not just physical; the mottled woman needed Ali to help her through this. And when else would she ever get the chance to do this again?

Reasoning that it was for Dalila's sake and her own curiosity, Ali gave in to her sapphic desires and gently squeezed her digits in between Dalila's as she shifted her slender body to slide closer to the rutting pair and face her fellow former slave. Her breath coming out in short, shallow gasps, Ali dipped her muzzle and brought it closer to Dalila's, following the instincts she'd discovered in the paws of Chimera. Ali was by far submissive in their relationship, so she was trepidatious and looked to Dalila for guidance. Being with a fae seemed like such a different world than giving herself to a brute, but some things translated easy—like kissing. Giving Dalila one last heated glance, Ali closed the gap between her lips and Dalila's, catching the other fae's moaning mouth with her own in a slow, exploratory kiss, holding her paw all the while and letting Dalila do her best to show her what to do and put on a show for their alpha while Chimera fucked her.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-02-2021, 12:33 PM

Now, one might think that after such a long time of desire and want, Chimera might have pounded Dalila right through the mattress. This was not the case. The beast was surprisingly gentle with her, despite his own rough style. He had hurt her before and it had created a vast rift between them that had, in turn, created tension between himself and Siren. He wouldn't allow that to happen again. The two-toned behemoth had taken out his powerful lust on Aliana and, truthfully, he was feeling the strain in his muscles with each thrust. Had Dalila sought him out before he'd repeatedly filled Aliana, then it may have been a different story.

With his hips locked firmly against Dalila's rump and his eyes upon Aliana, Chimera saw every second of interaction between the two fae's. He watched curiously as the mottled woman reached out to the clouded former slave. The hesitation crossing Aliana's gorgeous face was exquisite, but she eventually gave in. He watched as their paws met first and their lips met second. A deep, rumbling chuckle left the man and he slowed, allowing them to have their moment together. There was no jealousy or disgust in the man. No... He was surprisingly proud of Aliana. Proud of her for taking him like a champ, despite her blatant hesitancy. Proud of her for giving in to her curiosity and bestowing affections on another woman. Proud of her for... everything. After all of this, he would have to show her how much she meant to him.

Once he and Dalila were finished, the exhausted brute sprawled on his side on the fur covered mattress. The mottled woman had been better than he remembered. Before she had been rigid and abrasive, but who could blame her? He'd been an inexperienced young man then. Now he knew what a woman needed in order to give him what he needed. Based on her moans and sighs and the reaction of her body to his attentions, this time had been much, much better for both of them.

A yawn pulled from the beast. He wanted nothing more than to take a well deserved rest, but that feral fear was still in him. The fear that his mates would sneak away and be taken by another wolf. That another man might plant his seed within them. He couldn't allow it and so he fought to stay awake. Whatever the women were doing to one another, he didn't care. They could continue to play for as long as they wished as long as they stayed in this room. One paw stretched out and gently stroked Aliana's silvered hip, seeking to give comfort and a bit of an apology. The time would soon come where he would have to tell her how he felt about her. Truly felt about her. He was both looking forward to it and dreading it.

With one forepaw stroking Aliana, one of Chimera's hind paws extended, the tops of his toes settling against Dalila's rump. She had come to him and she'd been a trooper about taking him and all of the power that he held in his hips. Whatever animosity they had towards one another, Chimera was willing to let it go. As long as she continued to come to him and for him. Gradually, Chimera's eyelids stayed closed longer and longer between blinks. He just needed a short rest. Touching both women, if either of them moved away from him, he would know and would wake immediately. If they stayed in place, then he could afford a short nap to refuel.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-02-2021, 02:50 PM

Even in the haze of lust and surprising pleasure she could recognize the distinct difference between Chimera now and how he had been the first time he took her. The first time had been painful on many levels and had changed her view of him almost permanently. She had only come here to fill a need that her instincts demanded, but now that she was here and was in the midst of it all she shocked herself with how much she was actually enjoying everything he was doing to her. In the back of her mind she still knew he could be the rough terror that had raped her previously, but right now he was doing everything she needed and more. But the wine had unlocked all of her lust and desires that she normally paid no mind to and seeing Aliana here with them made her want even more.

She held Ali's paw as she drew the other fae in while Chimera was still filling the need her heat demanded, not quite registering the fact that Chimera was watching their every move. If she did she might have been more self conscious about what she was doing, but for now she was long gone and soaring too high on pleasure to notice. Between panting and moans she managed to give needy whines as she urged Ali closer, seeing the other woman consider and hesitate, but eventually Ali gave in and as their lips met Dalila let her eyes close and returned that kiss in earnest. Occasionally she would have to break from their making out as Chimera continued to push her to peaks of pleasure, pulling trembling gasps and reactions from her each time. All through the rest of her mating with Chimera she made out with Aliana, letting her free paw brush over Ali's cheek, neck and chest, reaching any part of her she could. Aliana gave her a sense of familiarity that she was missing in this moment and she tethered herself to the other woman like she was trying to keep herself from being washed out to sea.

When Chimera was spent and they were both flopped onto their sides, she laid there for a moment with her back to Chimera and Ali in front of her. She was satisfied, the need she had come here to soothe had been eased for now, but she was more of a giver rather than a receiver when it came to pleasure and the heavy making out she had shared with Aliana had shifted her needs and desires to something else. She reached to pull the smaller woman closer, holding her close and kissing down the side of Ali's neck while she tried to catch her breath from the vigorous mating she had experienced from Chimera. Once she was able to catch her breath though she gave Aliana her full attention, showering the woman with all the affection she deserved, pulling similar gasps and sounds from her that she had just been making moments ago. Her paws and lips moved over Ali's body, feeling her and tasting her, and the high she got from making Ali react like this was as good if not better than the pleasure she was just experiencing.

- fade -

When Ali was satisfied she flopped back onto her side again, a floaty grin on her features, her pale eyes half open as she settled in against Aliana with the cloud-marked woman between her and Chimera. They all collectively ended up in a pile snuggled closely together and she nuzzled her face into Ali's fur with a contented sigh. The reality of the situation - of the fact that she had slept with Chimera while she was in heat, that she could very well be pregnant by him now, that she had slept with other wolves after feeling so hurt over Siren doing the same, that she had gone from hardly knowing Aliana to knowing every part of her - had yet to really settle on her and she doubted that it would tonight. The drunkenness from the wine was beginning to fade, but in its place came exhaustion and a headache that she was eager to sleep off as they all settled into a messy pile in this room that was absolutely filled with the scent of sex and their combined heat.

She didn't notice Chimera's paw on Ali, but when his hind paw brushed her hip she blinked and lifted her head slightly to glance at him over Ali. How she felt about him now was still muddled at best, but whatever animosity she might have held was at least dampened if not eased entirely. She had already begun seeing him in a different light after how Ali had spoke about him in their last conversation and from how he had taken time to give her advice in the midst of the turmoil she had experienced, but now, after all of this... She could maybe see herself doing more with him - maybe even without the wine next time. She pressed her face back into Ali's soft fur again with a little smirk, content to ignore her worries for now.



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-02-2021, 10:47 PM
The careful press of her soft lips to Dalila's own was rewarded by an enthusiastic and earnest return of the kiss by the other woman, causing Aliana to make a muffled sound of surprise. The passion with which Dalila kissed her was surprising and nearly overwhelming, but Ali hadn't shied away from anything she'd been given by the wolves in her life before. Not when Chimera first bit her and claimed her, not when he'd ravaged her after the jaguar attack, and she wouldn't start now. Gradually Aliana began to melt into Dalila's kiss, aqua eyes fluttering closed as she tasted Dalila's tongue within her maw, moaning quietly into her new lover's mouth as they made out while Chimera claimed her. Whenever their lips would break apart as Dalila reached climax after climax with Chimera, Ali would take a deep breath to calm her racing heart, eyes flickering open to catch the expressions on Dalila's and Chimera's faces as they fucked. It was a fascinating experience watching them from an outside perspective, and despite her turbulent feelings on her situation, she couldn't deny that watching the mating wolves was having a physical affect on her too.

Ali made out with Dalila for the entire duration of the coupling of the two wolves, becoming intimately familiar with the feel of the mottled fae's tongue and the taste of her mouth. The soft, gentle strokes Dalila gave to her face, cheek, neck, chest, all made her quiver and whine softly against her lover's lips. A spring was tightening slowly in her core and her body felt electrified with each new touch. While she was giving Dalila familiarity, Dalila was opening her up to a whole new unexplored world of passion and pleasure. Ali had always had a curious mind and an eye for beauty, whether it was a handsome brute or a beautiful fae. Now she knew that attraction went beyond glances thanks to Dalila showing her this new side of her sexuality. Snowy gray ears pricked up when she heard the unmistakable sounds of Chimera's climax, and then the wolves were all collapsed across the mattress. Aliana watched as both brute and fae panted, spent and satisfied, her own breathing hitched from the erotic sight they both were.

But her night was far from over. Dalila made that point clear when she reached her paws out and pulled Aliana's slender frame up against her larger one. Soft, feminine gasps escaped Ali's parted lips when Dalila's found her sensitive neck, trailing kisses down her warm skin that made the petite fae quiver and thrum with a need she didn't know she had in her until this very moment. Dalila slipped down her body, her lips and tongue and paws and pads moving with her on her slow descent down... down... down... Even though she knew where Dalila's destination was, she couldn't help the gasping moan that escaped her when her lover found her mark. Ali's eyes rolled closed and her paws scrabbled to seek Dalila's head, clinging onto whatever parts of the other fae she could reach as Dalila brought her pleasures she'd only ever experienced at the paws of Chimera. It was wildly different though, the ecstasy Dalila brought to her. Her tail whipped against the bed, her body squirmed, and Aliana held nothing back, letting every sound her voice wanted to make escape her while Dalila brought her soaring to all new heights.

- fade -

Dalila didn't stop until Ali was collapsed limp and floaty across the bed, breathing as quickly as the other two had been after their carnal acts. Aquamarine eyes hazed with pleasure stared blankly up at the ceiling as the clouded fae floated in a warm afterglow with both Chimera and Dalila touching her and holding her between them. She felt Dalila snuggle into her and nuzzle her fur, and she was all too happy to nuzzle into Dalila's chest in return, taking in the other woman's sweet scent of maple. Chimera's paw stroking over her hip left little tingles on her skin, and Ali turned her head to glance over at the split-toned brute. He was being sweet and tender with her now, perhaps in some sort of apology for his actions. But he hadn't been apologetic when he'd hunted her down and raped her, when he took her back here and filled her again and again and again despite her pleas. It was almost certain that she'd be pregnant with his pups by the end of this and she doubted he regretted that. She would need time to process what had happened, to get over the fear and dread. At the end of the day though he was her king, and if he desired her to bear his children, then she would do as she was told.

She ignored her conflicted emotions around Chimera in favor of focusing on Dalila. The mottled fae brought her a warmth and comfort and made her heart beat faster when she pressed herself deeper into Aliana's sea of monochromatic fur. A small grin crept across Ali's face while she watched Dalila bask in her, enjoying her. Dalila stirred that aching need deep inside her belly, hot and eager for more of what Dalila had given her tonight. She was addicted to the sapphic pleasures she'd uncovered, entranced by the newness and lewdness of it all, and she wanted more. Using a dainty paw, Ali stroked over Dalila's head and cheek, caressing her ears with each pass. The mottled fae was beautiful, strong, yet gentle. She could move and manipulate and do what she wished to Aliana, and that turned her on. Ali liked when others were dominant or controlling of her, like Chimera was, like Dalila had been when she'd done to Ali as she pleased. Bringing her muzzle to Dalila's, Ali began a series of small nibbles and kisses along the other woman's chin, quiet needy whines slipping from her throat as she tried to coax Dalila into showing her more of the pleasure she and Siren knew so much about. Ali was an eager student and she wanted to learn.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.