
spooky scary



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Novice Navigator (20)

4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Overachiever
10-01-2021, 07:11 PM
D i m o s t h e n e s

Night was very slowly arriving, and with it, a growing sense of unease. Probably the feeling was meaningless; it could just be an effect of not being around other wolves for too long. As much as Dime liked the freedom of being alone, he was still a social creature at heart. He'd have to find a pack eventually. He could travel around, maybe? See all of them and decide which one he liked best? But he still felt that he'd dislike all of them and end up right back here, still a loner. He almost wanted to form his own.

But that was a long time coming if the time ever came at all. Dime wasn't a leader. It just seemed like wayyy too much work. And responsibility. Dime hated being responsible.

He couldn't ignore that gnaw in his gut, even as he glanced around at his surroundings. It felt like an empty routine now. Look here, look there, look everywhere. A light snow had covered the area, and the winding river was frozen over. It was quiet. The sunset's bright colors were faded now. He gazed up at the sky, looking for stars. It was a bit harder than usual. The very few stars were all a little blurred, like a wet dot of ink that someone had pulled their finger across. They were not shooting stars, although Dime was very close to pretending they were. He could always use a wish.

He'd wish... Oh, what would he wish for?

A tiny blue firefly-ish flash of light danced at the corner of his vision suddenly. And then there were more of them, putting on an elaborate dance recital just for him. It was beautiful.

"I wish I wasn't alone," he whispered to the stars. And maybe, just maybe they twinkled back in response.


304 words