
Azhana litter — Fatalis Koi


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-02-2021, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2021, 07:37 AM by Hanako. Edited 9 times in total.)
[Image: LZsDbeI.png]


It's about damn time we got this show on the road! The rules are pretty basic but as always if you have anything you need to ask either message me or Koala. We don't know how many free pups there are yet, but I will edit it in once the number is rolled. We'll roll to see who needs to pay for the pup passes to keep it fair,  but if you really need help with gems when it comes to markings or other stuff let me and Koala know and I might be able to help you out, help with sprees yadda yadda. There are two pups available but depending on how we feel about the applications we may not choose to go full capacity.

ACTIVITY— We don't really want to deal with the hassle of readopting out pups if their players drop off the face of the earth, so we'd much rather adopt out to folks we know will stick with it for the long run. Real life happens and sometimes activity gets spotty, and that's fine as long as you let us know! It's only when players poof and go radio silent that I get a bit miffed. Overall, as long as you're making an effort to post we'll be happy with it. Once you've reached 100 posts with that pup it will belong to you and we will not reclaim it. If you leave the site or vanish without letting us know what's going on, we reserve the right to give an IC reason for your pup being gone. If you're incredibly inactive with said pup before you've reached a decent amount of posts, we'll warn you and then consider reclaiming.

LOOKS —   With Hanako being a fluke half koi, her splodges will be rather diluted and easily overshadowed by the stubborn markings of their Fatalis namesake. By now you know what the Fatalis family looks like but as a quick summary: grey/silver, blue, purple, red, teal, green, tan, brown and black are common. There is a bit of wiggle room in great-grandparent lineage, so if another color strikes your fancy let us know, and we’ll let you know if it’s acceptable. As for Hanako's side, her unknown sire sported a very handsome coat of oranges, yellows and golds. So make of that what you will. :D Eye colors vary, though a lot of blues are common in current Fatalis’ wolves. In terms of height and build this litter is going to be a mixed lot of really big and really small. Maybe it's the purples moon's curse, or just basic biology. Who knows? Choose whatever you like, big or small and anything in between works. Though just as a heads-up, Azure will likely look down on the smaller pups as runts and favour the larger, stronger individuals in the litter, as he would look higher upon mutated pups and lower upon disabled / sickly ones. Any pup that is overly sick is at risk of being culled if they can’t thrive, unless mum can convince Az otherwise. Mutations whilst common in the Fatalis family aren't required to apply and not having one won't affect your chances at all. If you do fancy getting one Azure has plenty to choose from, so do his parents and siblings. Go wild.

(For the visuals:  Grandmother & Grandfather)

PERSONALITY — It can be said neither Hanako nor Azure are entirely nice people, so the same will likely ring true to their children as well. At least a bit of meanness and snark is to be expected but psychopathic or bloodthirsty hellions will not be tolerated, either by Azure or their grandparents in turn. If a pup turns out rabid-dog insane and can not control themselves, there is a very real chance Azure may cull it to protect his family name, so please keep that in mind when making your plans. Overall I'm rather flexible when it comes to personalities and alignments, as long as there is a grounded reason for them to act that way. No one is pooted out of the womb hating their parents or family, let it happen naturally if it does and don't force it just cause you feel like it. All that being said, the pups will be raised by a loving extended family. There is room and potential for both good and bad, we'll leave it up to you!

MISCELLANEOUS —  Here's where the stuff that ain't long enough to warrant its own paragraph goes.

Naming theme: Sea monsters, supernatural, ocean themed! Maybe fire if they're very orange!

Sexuality and taboo stuff: In terms of sexuality I always encourage everyone to be flexible and write what they feel suits their muse the best. IC Hanako wouldn't really care and neither would Azure, as long as it was not something that tarnished the family name. That being said incest and non-consensual relations are a no-go. Perpetrators will be stripped of their name and yeeted out. No ifs, ands or buta

Border allowances:From an early age the pups will be encouraged to be independent and train to better themselves. That being said, whilst young it's safe to assume they ought to be escorted by a pack mate, family member or a companion. We do encourage skill point grinding even outside the pack, so it is acceptable to PP a parent nearby or one of their companions supervising as long as you’re not straying all the way across Boreas. Long-distance trips without permission will result in a scolding and/or grounding! mum will be very disappointed and guilt trip them to hell XD

Inheritances: 25% off height up to 42”, 25% off odd-color blue/green (Az), 25% off Albinism (Hana), 25% off orange/red/pink. Inheritance mutation uses = bear paws, saber fangs, bone spurs. And as an added bonus the bone spurs don’t have to be in the same location as Azure’s.


Or if you'd prefer to design your own, have at it! Just keep in mind what I went on about in the looks department.

And as always, the designs me and RK provide are to be used for this litter ONLY. Please don't be a douchenozzle and try and use them elsewhere.

EDIT:I forgot to add in the post, sorry!  I'm planning on playing the runt of the litter (this lil shit) so could ya edit to your characters anything between small and dire! I'll also be adding their siblings profiles when they're made!

<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b> Mutations</b>: (Optional)
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b> Alignment</b>:
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-02-2021, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 11:28 PM by Mojito. Edited 9 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: lolaf
Character's Name: Ikuchi (Yokai)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 23"
Size: Small
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
[Image: 6s7dZUx.jpg]
(Backup design, apperance written using first choice)
Ikuchi is perhaps not what most would think of as a typical Fatalis, at least not upon first inspection. Visually the first thing one will usually notice is her stature, while certainly not the absolute smallest of wolves she is smaller than one would assume given her paternal side. Though she is not slight and delicate looking despite her stature, instead she will be a well-balanced wolf, small yes but clearly not stunted in her growth. Except for the notable size of her fore-paws, exactly like her father's the young girl has two massive bear-like paws, almost too big for her size, matched only by the spiraling horns she will grow, reminiscent of a Kudu.

The pelt is where Ikuchi will most clearly show her parentage. Draped in a soft almost pink-toned white, she inherited her mother's partial albinism but on a bigger scale, her pink flesh showing through the pale white of her fur. Ikuchi is a koi through and through and it's visible in the red markings that dot her, which is also where her Fatalis blood shines through, though some of the splotches are more random in appearance, like those upon her right forelimb, along her midsection, around her nose and the tip of her left ear. But the red also comes across in more familiar stripe-like markings, ringing her toes and running up her ankles on her forepaws, marking the knees of her back limbs, across her rump and tail, and across her left eye in the familiar Fatalis eye marking.

Finally, Ikuchi's look is tied together by a set of pale blue eyes through which she sees the world.
Mutations: Bear-paws and kudu horns

Personality: Ikuchi is something of a social butterfly, but she's not quite as chipper or friendly as that word might imply. Rather Ikuchi is adept at molding herself to a social situation to get what she wants, not too proud not to scrape and bow and neither so nervous that she can't match wits with the best of them. It's probably a more pragmatic choice, growing up surrounded by her family and siblings Ikuchi would learn early that holding her own in a physical fight just wasn't ever going to be her strong suit.

That's not to say she's a push-over, no when she's not interested or just doesn't care what anyone thinks of her Ikuchi is a tiny spit-fire, more sarcasm and sass than she is pleases and thank yous. Her siblings in particular will know that she is not one to take things sitting down and will banter with the best of them.

When left to her own devices Ikuchi is something of a little fashionista, interested in both her own appearance but also the accessories, perfumes or aesthetic choices of others and if given the chance will give just about anyone a makeover.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Intellect and Hunting Or Nav (not totally sure yet)
Intended plots: So far mostly just the usual, grow up, get into some trouble, give a bunch of unwilling family members makeovers, maybe have a bit of a complex about Azure favoring other kids more?
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
10-02-2021, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2021, 07:11 PM by Poe. Edited 4 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Virgil
Character's Name: Stratus Derecho Fatalis
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 41"
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
There is something to be said for the genes of the Fatalis clan, for they certainly shine through in Stratus. Chiseled physique, powerful muscles, and those legs. It takes a little while for him to grow into his adult height of 41", but from the moment of his birth it is obvious that he was never intended to be especially dainty. His fur is incredibly luxurious, falling in silky tresses all over his body and drawing the eye unconsciously with each movement. He is a muscular creature, but moves with the kind of lackadaisical swagger that completely disguises the physical prowess that he's developed from an early age. It is only when he squares his shoulders and looks you in the face that you might realize the danger presented by challenging him. Then, the rippling muscles that cover his body become more apparent under his plush fur, wrapped around a sturdy frame that suddenly isn't as lanky and frail as you had initially assumed. Stratus is all long legs and smooth curves, very easy on the eyes. Everything about him lends to the development of a false sense of security- this pretty boy couldn't possibly hurt a fly, right?

Draped in an elegant pelage, the boy resembles a looming thunderhead and at first glance he might seem plain. As the light glides over his body, a tapestry of slate blues seems to move like a stormy sea over his body. Saturated to a few shades shy of pure obsidian over his legs and shoulders, in only the right conditions can one truly notice the dark striping along his belly or the shadowy mask over his face. The eye is drawn more often to his more striking features- gilded striping that breaks up the cool tones of his base colouration. Feathered golden striping climbs from his toes to his ankles in concentric crescents like the rungs of a ladder on his forepaws. On his hind toes, the soft fur along the edges of his pads are all that have been painted in the brilliant honeyed shade. Tiny clusters of dappled blond show up throughout his ruff, easy to miss and usually overlooked, the eye typically drawn to the heavy handed application over his haunches. More feathered slashes of gold are concentrated at the base of his spine and the upper portions of his haunches. Rising like embers from a campfire, a scattered trail of delicate gold climbs from knee to hip along his right hind limb and breaks away from the relative symmetry of the rest of his markings. Both knees bear a trio of aurelian stripes that curve upwards toward the joining of thigh and flank. Stratus wears the markings of his lineage in gilded hues over his left eye, a quartet of markings that mirror the slashes of deadly claws extending out from the socket. More subtly, beneath each eye are a small cluster of golden freckles highlighting the curve of his cheekbones.

Only one of those bright eyes deigned to shift away from that pale puppy blue hue, and his right eye darkened into a stunning jade hue. The stunning gems of mismatched oceanic hues are rimmed with thick black lashes, and prone to drawing unwitting victims into his hypnotic gaze. Stratus grows up to have a deep, smooth voice that he uses to sway hearts with honeyed words and sweet nothings. His demeanour is that of a wisened nomad, prone to wandering and strange knowledge. Always moving, always searching for something new. As he grows, he will begin to carry a scent of the ocean, paired with a hint of cinnamon.

Mutations: basic childe, no mutations! (But would love some spurs maybe? Or extra long fur, just for the AestheticTM? Maybe halloween will give himb some gifts)
STUBBORN: If there's one thing that should be avoided with Stratus, it's an argument. One would be better off tunneling through a mountain with only their forehead. The Fatalis brute will dig his heels in simply for the sake of it, and is quick to abandon reason simply to uphold whatever nonsense he's decided to express that day. He will not cowtow to anyone, and cannot be prodded in any direction that he doesn't want to move. Whether it's taking up a certain role in the pack, or getting up early for a patrol he hadn't been previously scheduled for, Stratus will probably argue about it. This makes him truly horrible as a diplomat, and for that reason he tends to be passed up for any important meetings. On the other hand, his unwillingness to bend to the whims of others makes him well suited to emissary work, where he will simply observe without risk of having his viewpoints swayed by other parties.
CHARMING: Stratus has a silver tongue that could draw tears from stone if he put his mind to it. From an early age, his way with words is evident. There's a certain degree of manipulation to it, and he is proficient in code-switching to suit his needs. It allows him to fit in with most crowds, mingling with nobility and slaves alike with a simple shift of his posture and speech patterns. He develops an easygoing smile, which only serves to compound the soft edges of his features and make him seem nearly cherubic when he smiles. All of this is based around his own selfishness, charm and wit are tools used to secure his own desires. Perhaps he will talk his way into a lovers arms, or convince one of his relatives to take pity on him after getting in trouble with his parents, it all depends on how bored or annoyed he is that day.
LOYAL: At the end of the day, Stratus loves his family. They might scuffle and argue, but he would never dream of leaving them. His littermates are his closest friends, and his extended family will be a safety net whenever he needs help. He would go to the ends of the earth to ensure everyone is happy and safe, even at the cost of his own happiness or health. Stratus understands the importance of his family name, and strives to do his best not to sully it with his actions. Every mistake hangs heavy on his shoulders, though he would never admit his guilt over any transgressions. Any friends that he makes will be hard pressed to get rid of him, and he treats them the same as he would his family. To that end, those closest to Stratus might find they have the easiest time manipulating him. Since he wants only to please them, friends and family can readily persuade him to do anything they ask- regardless of the morality of that action.
CARING: He doesn't show it all that often, but Stratus is a teddy bear at his core. From day one, he will strive to make sure those around him are doing well. He expresses his affections in the form of small gestures like gifts and spending time together, though his tenderness is often hidden by an air of bravado and some light ribbing. Like many of the members of the Fatalis clan, he has a propensity for adopting the mistreated and overlooked. There is a great deal of softness tucked away at his core, only expressed under certain circumstances, and typically far from the public eye. After all, he has a reputation to uphold, and if he were to be pegged as a soft-hearted idiot, he might never live it down.
PROUD: He wears it readily upon his face and in each swing of his long legs when he walks. Stratus knows exactly the weight his family name carries, and isn't afraid to make sure everyone else is aware of who he is. At his worst, he looks down his nose at those he decides are unworthy of his time and energy, perhaps even curling his lip in a sneer when they look his way. A terrible habit borne of his regimented upbringing, where his father was quick to ensure that all of the siblings were aware of the weight carried by their name, and the ramifications of their mistakes. As he ages, some of that haughtiness might fade into the background, only rearing its ugly head when insults start to fly. However, the smooth grace and cunning glimmer of his eyes will never fade.
ADVENTUROUS: Here is where he gets into the most trouble. Stratus loves to explore, to see new things. From the minute he can get his legs under him, he wants to use them. Before he could open those pretty blue eyes, he tried to escape the confines of the whelping den whenever there was a lapse in attention. As soon as there's even the tiniest bit of slack in his metaphorical leash, Stratus takes advantage. Constantly poking his nose where it doesn't belong and getting into new and unusual situations. He wants to see everything, to collect as many memories as he can fit into his thick skull. Whether he has to sneak away when his parents aren't looking, and evade the keen eyes of his babysitters as a child, or find himself abandoning a patrol when he notices something odd in the distance in adulthood- Stratus will find himself constantly on the move. He loves to drag someone along for his adventures, and share the beauty of the world with others, but he is also just fine wandering about on his own. He had a nomadic heart, and will likely wilt into a shadow of his usual self if forced to spend too much time in one place.

Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Fighting & Navigation
Intended plots: I can see him taking after his mother, with wanderlust showing up early and potentially getting him in trouble when someone realizes he's disappeared from their eyeline when their back was turned. Maybe they find him talking to strangers, maybe he's 15km away with his head in an old badger den. This will probably happen one too many times, and he might be A) Forced to focus more on his warrior training until he learns his lesson, or B) End up sticking close to mama because she'll feed into his adventurous nature more than dad. Either option will create a very different child, and I'd be leaving the decision up to y'all just for the heck of it.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-02-2021, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 01:10 AM by Modesty. Edited 10 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: NachoMumma
Character's Name: Cerce
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 30”
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Appearance Description: Inheriting from her mother a pink nose and bright golden eyes, that is where Hanako’s influence almost ends. These two tones stand out as the only warm hues on an otherwise chaotic coat of charcoal, grey and white. The only other look in her mother got was in the splodge-shaped markings that litter her face and rear feet, but even those carry her fathers colouring of teal and green. These colours further accent her flanks and the midsection of her tail. Disappointingly, despite her oversized bear paws hinting at some great growth spurt yet to be achieved, the girl will forever be average in height and never grow taller than 30”. Cerce will also forever struggle to fill out, a terribly fast metabolism keeps her on the light side despite rarely being found far from food.
Mutations: Bear paws, maybe something else depending on my bills next week
Personality: Unlike her mother, Cerce is a real people person. She is always trying to be helpful, although until she grows into her paws (which will never happen), she is likely to be more of a hinderance. A bit of a clutz, and short on common sense, it won’t be uncommon to need to repeat an instruction or sound out your reasoning more than once for it to maybe, possibly, probably not stick.

This social butterfly can have a bit of a temper at times, her skin is thin and her belief in herself is unshakeable. She is fiercely loyal to her siblings, and will often exacerbate a situation that could have been solved with words into a brawl (she might have a touch of imposter syndrome).

She likes to be in the centre of the action and will probably find herself in trouble as a result. A true damsel in distress.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Nav & Fighting
Intended plots: I don’t like to get too ahead of myself. Shenanigans shall ensue.


Character's Name: Zee Junior Lusca (would be happy to interchange between these two as well)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 25”
Size: Small
Build: Light
Appearance Description: The plain beige base of the small girl is broken up with slashes and splashes of white that extend across her back and up her legs, much like her fathers markings, but in white. A blanket of turquoise stretches down her back and along the top of her tail, 5 similar coloured slashes mark her left eye. It is safe to say the girls mother barely got a look in, with not a dappled spot in sight. Her eyes will never lose their puppy blue hue, making the brightest days difficult for the young Fatalis. Additionally, the girl has inherited bone spurs from her father, although they are mostly concealed in the plush fur of her tail.
Mutations: Bone spurs

A happy child from the outset, there won’t be much that will fluster the small girl to anger. Curious, but also cautious, she won’t be one to test the boundaries or go out of her way to break the rules unless others lead her to it. That being said, she will be quite attached to her siblings and will go out of her way to insert herself into their interactions. A social butterfly and a little bit clueless, she will have a deep thirst for knowledge and will forever be asking those older and more experienced, why?

She might be a bit prone to heartbreak, particularly if someone treats her critically or openly voices their opinion of her being less. Once she gets over her tears, a stubborn streak might come into play pushing her to try harder to make sure disapproval isn’t aimed her way again. She wants to be happy, and make wolves around her happy. It will be interesting to see if she can manage it without burning out.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Nav & Fighting
Intended plots: I don’t like to get too ahead of myself. Shenanigans shall ensue.



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2021, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2021, 06:23 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 21 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Kirin Fatalis (Japanese/Korean mythology)
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 42-45"
Size: XL-Dire
Build: light-medium
Appearance Description: Standing at 42" - 45" (haven't decided yet), Kirin's coat is akin to the colors of Autumn. Her base coat sports varying shades of brown, the most prominent being a darker shade similar to mud. She has lighter brown along her underside from muzzle to stomach, and lightly blended into her sides and legs. Her tail, however, sports a richer, clay-like brown more noticeable at the fringes and sprinkled into the rest of it. Varying shades of orange markings are spread across her head, neck, and back. Darker tones on the tips of her ears, neck, and shoulders, and gradually lightens across her back and sides. The autumn colors are lightest on her paws and darkest - like auburn - on her tail. The markings on her face outline her dual-toned glacial blue eyes before swiping downward towards her muzzle underneath, and upward in the opposite way above her eyes. Orange markings are mottled throughout her pelt in the faintest hints, defining her part Koi heritage as well as Fatalis. From her father's line, she inherited more than just height. She has also inherited bear-like paws complete with grizzly sharp claws, as well as elongated fangs. What sets her apart from others, however, are the two bone spurs that have grown on the bridge of her muzzle in a similar manner to a rhinoceros.

Kirin is a woman who holds herself strong and proud, always standing ready and waiting for battle. While she may appear imposing and beastly, she may at times, hold herself with feminine air. Think Amazonian warrior mixed with a lady-like princess. Poised, graceful, and may even do all the pleasantries yet she is always ready and prepared to fight if the need arises. She isn't bulky and beefy like her father and grandfather. But rather, shares her mother's physique in terms of lightness and figure. She can be a dancer on her toes, and a nightmare in battle. Truly an equal combination of mother and father.
Mutations:  Bear paws/claws, elongated fangs, & bone spurs on the bridge of her muzzle like a rhino...maaayybbeee major mutation if I can figure out WHAT 8(

Alignment: Lawful Evil(?)
Skills: fighting x hunting
Intended plots: Honestly it's hard for me to come up with plots out of the blue/pre-plot things. I'm more go with the flow type thing and kinda let IC stuff guide the chars XD I'm definitely always open for plot ideas though <3


The Hallows

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze - Variation 2By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Critical Block!The Ooze Participant1K
10-02-2021, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 12:00 AM by Grimshaw. Edited 16 times in total.)
fuck I changed my mind

Kelpie Fatalis
male - dire (45") - heavy - fighting/hunting - chaotic good?? probably idk
by skelle

Appearance Description:
-- Mutations bear paws and sabers. Will add Indy's mane if funds allow (get paid on the 30th)
There isn't a single doubt that Kelpie is a Fatalis boy, as there are a vast array of markings and mutations that set him and other Fatalis apart. Like his father, his forelimbs are sturdier and thicker, with massive paws nothing like a wolf's natural paws. Long, curved fangs will grow to a length far beyond his chin, yet still manage to pierce anything that dare get in their way. From his other uncle, Mortis, a sooty dark grey covers the forefront of his body, accented with a mask like his fathers, only dark and much less winged features. Curved stripes nestle themselves across his cheeks, bending near the mask but just far enough away to not touch. Like so many Fatalis before him, a scratch-like marking colored in a beautiful seafoam over his left slightly-more-blue eye finally brands him as who he is and who he will become.

His name comes from his striking resemblance to the sea creature obviously called a Kelpie. While known for being the darkest of blacks, Kelpie is just a bit shy of that and like his Fatalis family before him, an unnatural shade of green claims his rear and some features. Splotched and freckled like his mother, it is the only trademark he possesses of the koi lineage. Deep blue-green splotches are seen traveling up each forelimb as well as claiming the upper portion of his thick scruff. Black tips each ear, however at the very tip the seafoam strikes again and also claims a few singular hairs inside of each ear.

Quiet → Introvert
Kelpie isn’t the typical rambunctious child that talks your ear off day in and day out. He tends to keep to himself or spend his time with adults rather than other pups. He could be described as more mature for his age, rarely engaging in silly play and choosing to spend his time learning. As he ages into an adult he will hardly change, still preferring alone time over time spent with groups. His friend group will be limited to a handful of close friends and family and being the way that he is, it’s not the easiest to get to know him.

Curious → Calculative
Beginning life as a curious child, this will be the only time it will be damn near impossible to shut him up. Asking question after question, his desire to learn anything and everything is powerful and he will go to great lengths for knowledge, even pushing whatever boundaries his parents may have set for him. He will become quite the intelligent man, well versed at reading others due to his introvertism and from his never ending search for knowledge.

Stubborn → Even More Stubborn
If there is one thing constant about the boy from puphood to adulthood, it would be his stubborn attitude. If he doesn’t want to do it, he won’t, and he won’t stop to hear you out either. As he ages, he’ll even believe that he knows better than everyone (besides a few select others, of course), and no one can tell him otherwise. It’ll be like arguing with a brick wall.

Active → Athletic
While he won’t be a particularly playful pup, Kelpie will be quite fond of adventures (in his quest of knowledge). He will love to explore, climb on things, swim in rivers and oceans, fight enemies, all of it. While toning his mind, he will also inadvertently be toning his body and come to enjoy the structure of training and the thrill of the fight. Kelpie won’t stop at just the smarts, he wants the hot bod, too!

Difficult → Power Hungry
Kelpie will be difficult, to say the least. His attitude is large and he won’t hesitate to stomp a foot to try and get his way. He will definitely take a firm hand, but through training and learning to channel his aggressions into his fighting, he will learn how powerful he really is and unfortunately, he will try to use it. He certainly isn’t afraid to throw his weight around to get what he wants, but he’ll definitely try to talk it out of you first. While he does have (a few) limits, he will stop at almost nothing to get what he wants if it’s important to him.

Intended plots: be a general pain in the ass to everyone in the armada and where ever hes allowed to go trying to learn things. also just being a general pain in the ass. i'm always around and available for threads/plots!
Grimshaw has a septum ring, a fluffy curled tail, and a horrible facial scar (hover)
that may not be reflected in his art!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex


"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
10-02-2021, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 04:42 PM by Avantika. Edited 16 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dikui
Character's Name: Morgawr
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 30"
Size: Medium
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: Mor's colors mix fire, ice, and night. Her pelt is covered by a rich reddish-brown, which darkens as it travels to her neck, paws, and the tip of her tail. Flecks of ember-like red remain on her ruff and dash over the tips of her ears. Her face lightens only very slightly and then plunges into a black mask with sharp edges and with stripes and curls along the outside. Contrasting with this darkness are two sky blue eyes that imply shards of ice, a gift from her mother. The darker parts of her coloration continue along her back, stretching in between white stripes, similar to her father's but somewhat wider, that give the impression of walls holding the darkness back. The tip of her tail is this same white, and so are the small flashes dusting her toes.

She's a handsome girl, and strength is heavily emphasized in her physique. While she isn't particularly tall, she is hefty in a healthy way. When she doesn't get enough exercise, she'll be prone to becoming overweight, but most of the time, her weight makes her a powerfully muscular machine. Just by looks alone, she is not someone most would cross without thought.

Mutations: Maybe if Halloween gives me good things, otherwise I don't think so
Personality: controlled, egotistical, reserved, occasionally violent, jealous, loving, internally very sensitive, 2w1, INTJ

As a child, Morgawr will be quite a loner by nature, even more of a natural introvert than her mother. She'll love her family deeply, but she'll still often end up playing alone. It's just more fun that way. She'll have a habit of daydreaming and making up fantastic stories to put herself in, and she might grow very protective over these stories and only let others play in the more shallow and unimportant ones. All kids play make-believe, but some of Mor's stories and characters might follow her to adulthood, and she'll never entirely forget them.

She prefers her own company to that of others, and that tendency will grow into a slight egotistical streak, believing she is better and particularly smarter than others. She'll tend to make little jabs at the people around her often. She thinks she's very funny. You can decide whether you agree.

As she grows into an adult, Mor will realize that she secretly does want to be loved by people outside of her own mind, very much actually, and this will become one of her driving motivations. However, she won't have very good social skills because of all the time she'll spend alone as a kid. People are irritating and confusing, and yet she needs their affection. This may make her a very jealous and possessive friend or lover. She'll try her best to be nice and kind and do relationships the right way, but there's a limit to her temper, especially when she feels abandoned or neglected. Still, everyone is a mix of good and evil, and when healthy, Morgawr will be shy but loving and very protective over those she cares about, showing her love through actions and practical help. She'll naturally prefer to support the ones she loves over chasing spotlights herself.

Mor has a habit of suppressing her emotions and will be self-controlled to a fault. Especially as a young wolf, she won't know how to express her feelings properly and won't ask for help for fear of being a nuisance, and so will forcefully bottle them up until they explode, turning her violence outwards. At her worst, she will be destructive towards everyone around her, falling into the cycle of an abuser: angry and violent, then apologetic, then cold and aloof as usual, and then angry again.

All in all, she's a block of ice with a dangerously sensitive, fiery heart.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting + Healing
Intended plots: Some depend on who else is chosen as her sibling. If she's able to pick up on her parents' insecurities, I think she'll be deeply motivated by wanting to help them, and particularly bond with Azure since she'll relate to him a lot as she gets older.
Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-03-2021, 11:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 12:05 PM by Mud. Edited 13 times in total.)


Out-of-Character Name: bones
Character's Name: Brine
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 44"
Size: Dire
Build: Medium

Appearance Description:
Brine is a large beast. As an adult, he will tower over most of his family, except his father and (isn't sea's character huge)??. He holds muscle easily due to his lifestyle, so underneath thick pale fur show brawny muscles. Most of his weight is his impressive musculature. His gait has an air of confidence to it like he's better than anyone else. Brine's voice is appealing; rich and deep, and a bit gravelly especially when he first wakes up. His eyes are similar to his father's, a brilliant green-blue hue. His face bears a marking like a messy splatter of paint with the vague hint of Fatalis across his eye in a shade of aqua. The rest of his pelt is mostly pale, with a splattering of soft pink and intense aqua. Brine's legs are similar to his father's, but messier, as is his tail. He inherits elongated fangs like Azure.
Mutations: Fangs

proud, rash, loyal, fierce, clever, jealous, spiteful

He believes that he is the best thing to happen to the world, and his conceited attitude shows. He's proud of his family and heritage and finds anyone outside of that family to be... less. That being said, he can put on a pleasant face if he needs to be diplomatic. If he feels wronged or slighted in any way, he will remember for quite a while. He may not mention it, but in the back of his mind he knows, and if he feels like he needs to act on it he will. Sometimes in the heat of the moment, he may act a little rash; rushing in to attack without asking enough questions will be his cornerstone.
He loves his family dearly and they are what keeps him going. His loyalty cannot be tested. If anyone he holds dear is threatened or in peril, he will fiercely protect them, whether it be with words or teeth. Usually teeth. When it comes to politics and mysteries, he can be clever in putting two and two together. Sometimes this skill works against Brine because he'll overthink and become jealous. If he feels he isn't getting the attention he deserves (read: all of it) then he will act out. His malice is usually emotionally charged and spiteful. He'll point out that one thing you wish he didn't, and he doesn't see the problem.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Fighting & Hunting

will need albino pass, fangs, green color...



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
10-03-2021, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 01:41 PM by Audra. Edited 2 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Bunni
Character's Name: Kairi Fatalis
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 36"
Size: Large
Build: Light
Appearance Description: (I also really like Sea's design so if that's an option, can switch it around?)
[Image: des0ds7-6acd8bef-a004-4a55-a892-6448ed45...uaKOas4DEk]
Take the spotting of a koi, but make her greyscale. Aside from the bright oceanic teal of her eyes and the soft pink of her nose, not a single color touches her silky coat. On most days, it appears as if she rolled around in black ink. With a similar build to her mother, Kairi is tall and slender with her appearance at utmost importance. In her free time, she will do what she can to ensure that her coat is always clean and free of dirt and debris. At first glance, you would believe she couldn't fight as there isn't a single scar on her body, but her long legs and well-conditioned muscles prove she has some ability. With a slender face, wide eyes, and a subtle grin, it doesn't take much to get all heads turning in her direction.
Mutations: N/A
Age progression will really entail what her personality fleshes out to be. As a young pup, she will be doting on her mother and possibly intimidated by her father. Naturally, she will be strong-willed, extroverted, and intelligent. Quick-witted and fast on her feet, she can problem-solve her way out of any predicament. Resilient and tenacious, Kairi will make something of herself one day. Until then, she is a pup through and through. Curious and a bit reckless, she will challenge her elders and push boundaries as she molds herself into a fine young lady. Eager, a fast learner, and easily adaptable, she will probably be the protector of her litter. Her family will always come first and there isn't much anyone can do to sever that bond for her. Like her father, she will be competitive and ambitious, ready to follow in his footsteps. Both Hanako and Azure will be good role models for her - if she can learn to listen and not wander.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunter / Intellect
Intended plots: Probably befriend and pester the hell out of her runt brother Levi.
ooc: i would love to make her dire w/ mutations but alas i am poor and would not be able to afford it

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-05-2021, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 06:20 PM by Theory. Edited 3 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Xarae
Character's Name: Makara "Taken from Hindu myths, these sea creatures are protectors positioned as guardians at throne entrances and entryways into sacred sites and temples. Makara is also a word used to describe any animal/human hybrid with a mixed land animal torso and aquatic lower body, like a mermaid." Source
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 36"
Height: Large
Build: Light
Appearance Description: this one!
Imagine being born into this cold, harsh world - and surprise, everything is trying to kill you! Or make you very, very itchy. In addition to the regular plights of an albino (sensitive eyes, prone to sunburns), she is also extremely allergic to all sorts of fun things. Grass, pollen, sometimes it feels like the very air itself. From a young age she will struggle to thrive, often skinny with bald patches and flaking skin. Her pale fur won't fully come in lush and thick until she's almost a year old, and her eyes will almost always be bleary and streaming with liquid. The worst of it all will be the hives on her paw pads from her grass allergy. Stepping on grass will cause red, angry hives that itch so fiercely she will be nearly unable to walk comfortably barefoot. Later in life she'll take to wearing fancy shoes or covering her pawpads in beeswax to prevent severe reactions.

Once she grows into maturity, you won't be able to tell much about her afflictions at all. Mak will take to wearing furs in order to prevent sunburn, perfect her footwear, and overall slip more or less seamlessly into society (except for her almost perpetually runny nose, which lends her voice a husky and sometimes nasal quality). Due to various food allergies, she'll always stay lanky and slim. Not for lack of trying (which often leads to unfortunate consequences). Makara is a clear descendant of both her mother and father, having inherited Hana's albinism and the tell-tale Fatalis markings from her father. The deep russet stripes swirl around her front paws and swipe with precision across her left eye and over her back thighs. Scattered russet flecking can also be found in limited spots across her mostly cream pelt.
Mutations: Inherited bone spurs near her eyes
Personality: Be still, wolves of Armada. Do you hear that? It is silence. Treasure it while you still have it. Makara will tumble straight out of the womb asking questions, absolutely unafraid to interrogate the world around her. This often results in a muddled, stream-of-consciousness type babble that will hopefully, eventually peter out. She's a relentless chatterbox. Makara will beg her parents for stories and lessons of all sorts so that she can soak up the world around her. From a young age she will feel compelled to explore, despite the many bumps along the road (encountering fun new allergies wherever she roams). While you may think her poor immune system might slow her down, it's anything but. She finds everything to be a fun, new challenge meant to be conquered. Makara is unafraid to pick (and win) fights.

At some point, Makara will discover her first human artifact. It might be a rusty spoon or a dented hub cap, but to her, it will be a revelation. Consumed with the desire to research more about these mysterious creatures and all they've left behind, she'll take after her mother's wandering ways and explore as many lands as possible to discover and catalogue evidence. You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty! But who cares? No big deal! I want moooore!
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Fighting/Nav
Intended plots: TO ONE DISCOVER AND PROVE THE PRESENCE OF THOSE GREAT BENEVOLENT BEINGS WHO CAME BEFORE (aka obsessed with humans and human artifacts)


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-19-2021, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2021, 05:14 PM by Hanako. Edited 1 time in total.)
Bumping this here for non discord frequenting folk, we are choosing TOMORROW!

So any last min changes or apps are welcomed!

oh and i added a new design ;p
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
10-19-2021, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2021, 02:21 PM by Tyrian. Edited 3 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Lazuli
Character's Name: Lucifer "Luci" Fatalis
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 40-45"
Height: -squint-
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description:  
Build - Even as a small pup it's clear that Lucifer's going to be big. He will start out life as a blocky-headed, chubby-legged potato with floppy, too small ears and paws that are two sizes too big. There will be a long stretch in adolescence where you can sort of see what he'll become once the baby fat's gone and then a short awkward teenage phase where's he's all thin sides and spider legs. Then, finally, metamorphosis. Standing head (and possibly shoulders) over the average Boreas wolf, Lucifer will become a force to be reckoned with. His build will be reminiscent of a lion's; overall muscular with a deep chest, broad back and thick legs.

Coat - this is my least favorite part and I'm not filling it out until I know whether or not I'm getting him, sorry! Design

Eyes - Lucifer's eyes are pale gold. Though he is blind there's no physical sign something is wrong with his eyes besides seeming unfocused most of the time. His eyes are clear and bright, and they just so happen to be entirely useless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mutations: None unless halloween gives me treats; this includes possible dire height.
Tenacious - though his setbacks will be many, Lucifer will take them in stride. If he falls down he will get back up again and think nothing of it as that, as far as he knows, is part of life. He accepts he will fall or run into things and instinctively knows that it is what he does after that matters. That acceptance coupled with a natural boldness will make him an unstoppable force. If he sets his mind to something he'll do it.

Adventurous - fearing nothing except boredom, Lucifer is liable to set off on an adventure at the drop of a hat. As a child he will be the sort to rove over hill and dale, and will be deterred neither by reprimands nor stories of boogeymen. Should there be any in his life who wish to treat him special because of his disability, this trait right here is sure to give them much vexation.

Independent - like any child Lucifer wants to be loved and accepted, but what he will not accept is being coddled. Cuddles and kisses are nice and all, but hold him back from playing with the other kids or keep him from doing something on the basis of his blindness and this willful little boy will vow to pack his bags and go somewhere where he can play with other kids. Whether or not he has the moxie for that sort of thing is debatable, but he will certainly pack his bags.

Vengeful - love might be patient and kind but come on, be real now, revenge is more fun. While he's inclined to be fairly good-natured, for every speck of patience he possesses he has an equal amount dedicated to getting even. Lucifer can hold a grudge with the best of them and is exactly the sort to stoop to pettiness. Make him mad as a child and he WILL wax your forehead or powder your buns with something itchy while you sleep.

Extroverted - Lucifer doesn't really do subtle or lukewarm. He believes and feels things strongly, and is rarely on the fence about anything. He is the sort to love deeply, to follow his convictions to the end of the earth, and to hate with a lasting bitterness all should be wary of. His feelings for family are likely to end up varied as those who accept him will earn his love and loyalty while those who do not will always be aware of the depths of his dislike. He gives his feelings and opinions freely without thought of the consequences. By nature he is sharp of tongue and any childhood adversity will only sharpen it further. Slights will be casual and natural to him; delivered with a playful smirk and a devil-may-care attitude.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Hunting and Navigation, I think!
Intended plots: Do a lot of exploring as a youngster! Run into many things, fall into many holes. Aside from that it really depends on how he's treated by his family. That might make him callous and bitter, or goad him into becoming his best self. It's hard to say!
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-20-2021, 06:07 PM
We adored each and every one of your apps and had such a hard time choosing!! (as an aside we're very miffed Sea wouldn't give us her 8 litter pup pass, woulda made this SO much easier!)

But after a lot of back and forth we've decided the pups will be Makara (Xarae) and Morgawr(Dikui)!

Slide into my DMS if you have any questions or need help with gem purchases!!
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]