
They're gonna eat me alive.


05-19-2014, 06:25 PM


It wrapped around the brute like an ever-churning sea, whitecaps rolling over its waves. A metallic stench would drown everything out, a wolf giving a stomach-churning scream. From honey irises, blood would stream, as each muscle of his body would twitch and spasm in a never ending rythmn. Eyes were wide and struck with pure fear, rolling off from him in massive waves. Another wail would fill the darkness as the thick red liquid would pulse harder, reaching his inky lips, the metallic taste stinging. Honey gaze would narrow in pain, ears pinning against his head, a fearful look cast into a distant direction, void of any existence.

"No. GET AWAY." In the edges of the gorge, honey gaze would wail into, his voice echoing from wall to wall. Ears would pin harder, and red specks would dot the edges of his vision as blood would cloak his gaze. Each breath came in a shuddering and heavy gasp, as if he could not get enough to breathe. Bloodied fangs would snap at thin air as he would give a roar, his body spasming. "GET. AWAY." Was he slowly going insane? What was going on? Fear would only get the best of him as he would back away, body in a submissive pose. Only a few days ago, he had finished training amongst the Tortugan wolves, and now, here he was, ridden by insanity and the occult demons of below. "Tortugans." The word would roll of his tongue like venom, as a growl would build in his throat. In the delirium he was suffering from, a cold-hearted demon thrived. "Those DAMN hellions are the cause of this." His body would twitch, as the blood would clot his vision, stinging once more, a cry of recoil rolling from his body as he collapsed, everything going black, shapes swimming in and out of his mind, of the real world. Two were of his siblings, some were of Tortugan wolves, but their faces were masked in those of the demons. If only. Someone. Could. Save. Him.
