
There is NO cure



5 Years
05-19-2014, 05:45 PM

Ebony dipped limbs would tremble beneath the meager form of a crimson girl as she made her way across the blackened beach, volcanic eyes bouncing frantically from left to right as she tried to find her way back home from these unfamiliar lands. When Fiamette had left the pack's territory she had not felt nearly as bad as she did now, and she knew she needed to get home before her illness progressed and she couldn't go on anymore. She had been feeling very ill as of late, as if something had found a way into her body and was draining her of all her strength and fortitude. Surly her mother would know what to do, she seemed to have a solution to everything, especially when a conflict arose within her family or pack.

Attempting to pick up her pace the crimson mademoiselle would take off toward what she assumed was Covari's border, only to find herself crashing toward the earth within a few yards. Dirt and debris would fill her eyes, nose, and mouth, and she would grunt angrily as she slowly picked herself up, wiping the defeated tears from her cheeks with her blackened paw. She would blink a few times, huffing and puffing loudly as the thick tears seemed to multiply within her eyes, streaming down her cheeks and making it almost impossible to see. "Stop it! Stop crying!" She would exclaim, as if her command could stop the tears from seeping out of her bloodshot eyes. The overpowering stench of blood would engulf her lungs, overwhelming the girl as she frantically swung her head from left to right, trying to free her vision of the dense liquid so she could see where she was bleeding from. Desperately she would wipe her eyes again, only this time to look downward and catch a glimpse of the blood that covered her entire ebony paw. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A bloodcurdling scream would echo throughout the territory, followed by many other agonizing shrieks as she wiped her eyes over and over, only to find more and more blood dripping from her crimson eyes. Was the color in them falling out? What was going on?


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


05-21-2014, 06:03 PM

The distressed screams and agonized yelps of a child are all that are needed to captivate the attention of the morally right, but the tyrant is simply drawn to the foreboding scene out of raw curiosity. Robust appendages slave to navigate the lurking phantom in the direction from whence the terror had emanated from, velveteen lips set in a thin line in a perfect representation of her indifference towards whatever grim situation awaited her. Alarmingly enough, the paladin seemed to have been the only soul that had taken notice to the babe's anguished cries--perhaps this world had grown so much colder during her absence, or perhaps the child was simply unfortunate to only have the wraith to rely upon. Whichever the case, the fiend would only benefit, and the child would only suffer.

Against the grains of blackened sand, the vivid coat of the child would serve as an immediate focal point for the prodigy's mismatched eyes, pupils eagerly devouring the sight with a trace of malice and irritation; upon first glance, it appeared as if the babe had simply stumbled. However, as the paladin drew nearer to the weeping girl, gaze fixated upon her haggard form, she would take notice to the unnatural--tears of sanguine, so unlike that of which fell from the eyes of the healthy and weak. Tentative would become her stride as she sought to approach the babe--this carmine oddity--before halting mere feet away from where she had crumpled, silent and intrigued. Nostrils would flare at the tantalizing aroma of blood, and abruptly her jaws would slacken just minutely in a brief display of shock--the realization had struck her: the child cried tears of blood. Discomfort settled into the pit of her stomach as she observed the macabre embellishments streaking down the babe's countenance, brows furrowing as she sought her own voice. "Who is your mother?"



5 Years
05-22-2014, 11:59 AM

She could not smell the perfume of the stranger who was approaching her, her senses masked beneath her blood and concern for her life. Frantically she would wipe her eyes until the tyrant's question poured into her ears at an unbearable pitch, bringing another agonizing cry from the adolescent's lips as she pressed her paws against her ears. She could not understand the figures speech, only hearing a high pitched buzz where words should have been. Frenzied she would roll onto her side, having no balance with her blackened paws over her ears as she continued to scream over and over again despite the ghostly figure lingering above her. She would stare upward at the ghoul with wide eyes, though her volcanic gaze would see nothing but deception. Her brain was frying from the feverish heat that consumed her, and she would not register the figure above her as a wolf, but instead she would see an enemy, a threat. Bloody tears would continue to stream down her crimson face, her nymph-like body quaking beneath the wrath of a sudden aggressive seizure. Limbs would flail in all directions as she rolled onto her back, her body rocking from left to right as she writhed uncontrollably on the forest floor. Her eyes would roll into the back of her skull, exposing the whites as her blackened eyelids quivered above her eyeballs. She would gasp hoarsely for air, her screams having subsided as her consciousness began to seep from her body.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


05-23-2014, 03:25 PM
art doesn't quite get that fia is sick--she think she's a demon xDD

Again the babe unleashed an anguished scream as she turned her bloodied visage to cast a glance upon the phantom queen?her only potential savior?and a singular pallid ear would flicker minutely as the pitch penetrated her senses, but it would be the only reaction offered to the oddity. Mismatched amethyst and silver gaze scrutinized the child intently, uncertainty clouding her mind as the weeping demon proceeded to desperately and hectically claw at her ears as if to block perceived cacophony, intriguing the tyrant greatly with its abnormal and unnecessary nature. Reclining to her haunches, poised immaculately as she hovered over the frantic carmine princess, a grin sluggishly elongated across her own facial features as she observed the girl amusedly, attention fixated upon her and her alone. She knew not what had possessed the babe to act in such a bizarre and feverish manner, but she was wise enough to know that there was little in her power that she could do to aid the child?not that she would if she could, for her actions thus far had proven to be quite entertaining to one who thrived upon and sought chaos. Surely she was no selfless God that could cleanse the child of whatever ailed her; she was merely a sinner in the skin of a wolf, taking advantage of what amusement another?s misfortunes provided her with.

Abruptly, the child would begin writhing upon the earth beneath her, her miniscule form dominated by violent convulsions and demonic motions, gored eyes rolling to the back of her skull to expose the bloodshot whites, completely dissociative. Delight would involuntarily rise within the prodigy?s chest as she witnessed the spasm, and immediately her own forepaw would rise from the earth, outstretching towards the child in an attempt forcibly slam down upon her ribcage, intending to quell the babe?s motions and ensnare her attention. ?Little demon,? she cooed uncharacteristically, mismatched eyes glazed over in unveiled mischief. ?I asked you a question.? ?And you?d be wise to answer.



5 Years
05-28-2014, 09:24 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 09:26 AM by Fiamette.)

The seizure would not cease with its wrath, rocking the nymphs helpless body like a rag doll as she involuntarily tossed from side to side. Suddenly a heavy force would be brought down upon her rib cadge, and the girl would gasp as the air leaked from her body all at once. Pain would radiate throughout her body from the unexpected blow, bringing an anguished growl to vibrate within the sprite's chest. A voice would call out in the distance, but she could not make out the words in her barley conscious state, and so she would assume it had been a figment of her imagination, a side effect due to the rising heat within her body. Finally the convulsions would subside, and as the crimson babe grew still her consciousness would leave her body completely. Blackened lids would fall over her volcanic eyes, and she would slip into a deep sleep before the devious tyrant.

-exit fiamette via sleep-


OOC: worst tag ever omg ;_; anyways fia is passed out so art has free reign with her

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


05-28-2014, 09:22 PM

Silence is all that remains in the air polluted by disease (unbeknownst to the phantom queen) as the child?s vehement motions cease altogether, leaving the paladin dissatisfied and without the information she had desired. Cryptic gaze rests stagnant upon the devil?s delicate facial features, pupils devouring every inch of her countenance with fervor as her twitching subsided and her blackened lids fell to obscure the crimson depths beneath as she drifted in and out of consciousness before finally slipping into oblivion. Transfixed by the oddity placed so vulnerably before her after witnessing such a chaotic performance, the former tyrant could do little but stare soundlessly at her stilled form, the forepaw she had so effortlessly draped across the babe?s ribcage falling back to the safety of the earth once more as she straightened her posture. Releasing a singular and exasperated sigh, the phantom pulled herself from the demon?s side with one last glance at her stained visage, having breached a decision to leave her to the vultures. After all, there was little gain in saving the life of the babe?or so the prodigy was wont to believe at first.

It was in that moment between abandoning the babe?s side and moving to exit the scene that the thought of the child?s family occurred to the maleficent deity, impregnating her mind not with guilt, but an idea. Surely the life of the demon meant something to somebody, and surely the prodigy could use this for her own benefit. Halting abruptly in her tracks, devious scheme in mind, the phantom pivoted, gliding back to fill the void she had left at the devil?s side before encasing her scruff between ruthless jaws and lifting her limp body from the weathered earth. A muffled grunt resounded in her throat as she supported the babe?s weight with her own teeth, pace slowing noticeably as she moved to flee the area, child in tow.

? ? ? ? ? --exeunt artemis with fiamette