

Seasonal prompt - fighting (Skelle)



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-08-2021, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 02:02 PM by Ares. Edited 2 times in total.)
He wasn't sure why he decided to head North in the middle of winter! This was a terrible, terrible idea, but here he was doing it anyway. He made it as far as the Northern Mines before a blizzard decided to roll in and trap him here. Well, that sucked. He was stuck here until the blizzard passed, so he supposed he ought to find something to do while he waited, right? He wasn't really one to sit around and wait. He was always used to being on the move, used to doing something. He hadn't quite settled down enough to just laze around and take naps, and quite frankly, he didn't think he could take a nap right now with all the wind howling outside, anyway. So what was he to do? He supposed he could explore the mines, but he also didn't feel like going around and getting lost in its depths. He pulled the wool cloak tighter around him to keep himself warm, and he was glad he had brought it with him just in case. There was no telling what the weather would have been like, but at least he was prepared enough to keep warm at least.

Sighing, he tried to figure out what to do when something caught his eye. The mouth of the cave had icicles hanging from it. Maybe he could do something with those...but first, he had to figure out how to get them down. Either he'd get lucky and they came down whole, or he got unlucky and they broke into pieces. He narrowed his eyes in thought and ultimately decided he was likely just gonna chuck rocks at it. There were plenty of those here, lucky him.

He grabbed a pawful and just yeeted them at the icicles, and after a few hits and misses, a big chunk of them broke free and fell to the ground. Some on the hard ground of the cave, others on the softer snow that the blizzard swept in. Well well, he supposed he had a bit of luck in both worlds. Lazily, he began to move some of them off to the side so that he could see what he could do to work with them. Maybe he'd break them up and build a small wall to block some of the snow and wind that was hurtling into the cave...

WC: 398