
still i call it magic



4 Years
05-19-2014, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2014, 01:04 PM by Serra.)

With winter building, Serra had been toying absently with the idea of finding a pack to dwell within at least temporarily. Though she knew that Quelt had been thinking of forming a pack of his own, she was beginning to think that perhaps a temporary home wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe Serra would just go as far south as she could and stick around there for a little while, and leave when things got warmer or her brother gathered enough followers to create his own pack. Whichever came first. But there wasn't any particular rush, was there?

The snows were just beginning to fall when Serra began to journey onwards, leaving her temporary den behind without second thought. Her thick winter coat insulated her from the cool weather well enough that Serra didn't mind the light dusting that had coated the earth around her, and though the female was alert for any signs of life in her general vicinity, she was content to spend some time alone for at least a little while. There was no urgent need pushing her to hunt or socialize; instead, Serra was as peaceful and serene as the snow covered world around her.

Though she stood out enough from the environment that it would be easy to spot her, Serra wasn't particularly worried about there being any other wolves out and about. It was the kind of day that most wolves would want to spend curled up inside their dens, basking in the comfort of a mate or a sibling - and while Serra wouldn't have minded the latter (she missed Quelt already), she wasn't the kind of wolf to spend her days cooped up in a little den. No, Serra had wanderlust itching at her paws, and she fully intended to sate it on this day.
