
Only time will tell



3 Years
05-19-2014, 06:51 AM

Oh, now he knew damn well why his brother had been so enamoured by this pack. It had barely begun and it meant that he had been chosen for one of the higher ranks within it, something that would surely do wonders for his ego. Soliloquy meanwhile remained in the lower ranks with his sisters, at least they were there at his side suffering the same fate yet it didn't really make it all that much easier on him. There was no competitiveness, he was pleased for his brother and certainly wouldn't hate him, but that part of him always itching to lead by Scorpion's example desired a higher rank of his own.

Despite that however the boy remained. There was more to it than the rank, the pretty and unique appearances of the Samrata and Rani, there was something else for them here or else he was sure his brother wouldn't have accepted quite so willingly nor been quite so eager to bring them all here in the first place. And so he'd oblige, give the pack a chance and make an assessment of his own. Perhaps one day he'd leap through the ranks as well, the fact that Scorpion had so swiftly surely meant that at the very least these wolves were fair with who they assigned ranks to.

For now he made his way through the lands, acquainting himself with his new home. The scent of the former pack and its wolves was fading quite rapidly now and the numerous Covari scents swiftly filling it up. For a new pack it was growing rather swiftly, and he wondered if perhaps any more Destruction blood would travel this way to aid that growth, Scorpion had informed him of other members residing in the lands and he couldn't help but feel curious about the new family though they could wait for now, there were other wolves here in his new home that would require his attention first.



5 Years
05-19-2014, 11:15 AM

Desire? had taken on the role of patrolling the borders. The season has turned rather bitter, though no where near as harsh as what the North would bring. She would raise her small crown, mismatched orbs scanning upon the relentless amount of land to see if any strangers would dare to pass through the claimed territory. She would sigh, before her attention would rest upon another figure, one she knew scarcely of. For a moment she would wait, thick lashes patting softly before making her way over towards him. She would carry herself with the dominance a queen should have, but her delicate facade remained soft and gentle. " I dont believe we've had a chance to properly meet... Im Desiree Carmel." her words would slip from thin lips, kissing the surace of the mans lobes. She would only wait for a moment, before inquiring further. " What brought you to Covari?" Was it luck? or perhaps deliberate. The purple nymph would take a seat, a respectable distance away from the larger man.


05-19-2014, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2014, 12:05 PM by Svanerna.)

I became insane

with long intervals of horrible sanity

She had been doing some adventuring. Her paws carried her all over. From swamps to the range and back. She found a lovely hollow tree to call her own within the swamps. But, she was growing tired of the gross, musky, feeling of the moors. Her fur was always slightly damp and sticky, for the vain Fnnvi it was hard to deal with. Her lovely metallic eyes would sweep over the range in curiosity. She had been wandering the lands, maybe some patrolling here and there. Though, a few other scents caught her interest. The scent of the violet Dove and another scent of a male. Her curiosity was peak and the woman slithered to the area the scents wafted from. Her fur bounced with each bounding step and her ears flicked from the sound of voices. It was small talk, barely a conversation yet. Svanerna dipped her head in respect as she neared. Her head then returned to being quite high and her tail was aligned with her body. The german girl was dominant by nature, a monarch. She had always been in charge of her family and she saw the pack as her.. extended family. But, she was smarter then to challenge authority. Her voice would flutter into the brisk air with delight. "Greetings." Ashy eyes, dappled with gold, would meet both of them politely.



3 Years
05-20-2014, 06:34 AM

As if on cue another would arrive suddenly and Soliloquy would turn his attention the the purple female. Her colouring had immediately struck him as unique, even more so than the vivid reds of Viridiana and her children though all he certainly thought were rather attractive. Remembering manners that Uroril had tried to force into him and that for whatever reason Scorpion wished this place to remain home for now, Soliloquy would dip his head slightly in respect. It was hardly an extravagant manoeuvre though at least it wasn't overly done in a sarcastic manner. The boy had some difficulty with respect though loyalty at least would remain for as long as he saw fit. For now and for as long as they were in Scorpion's good books, he was certainly on their side.

"No, we have not." The meeting had hardly been the place for small talk, and with so many wolves present it would have taken forever had Desire? attempted to speak with them all. He certainly wouldn't blame her, no to wander across each other in manners like this was far more relaxed and certainly less rushed than any conversation at the meeting would have been. "Soliloquy Destruction."

The Rani would seat herself now as she asked him another question, how had he come here? It was a simple question, one that would apply to him and his sister's as well and perhaps in time other Destructions that might possibly join them, he knew not what had happened to his other siblings nor the other members of the family that Scorpion had informed him about. The closest member of his family was here though, and that was all that would matter to him for now. "My brother, Scorpion." Soliloquy explained simply, there was no more to it than that. It was both how he'd heard of the pack and how he had come to be a part of it.

Another wolf would approach them now, another female older and somewhat more basic in colouring than Desire? though none the less still beautiful in her own way. A greeting would pass her lips "Hello." He would respond simply, angling his body slightly so that he could face them both and then taking a seat of his own.