
Take a step on the wild side!



05-18-2014, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2014, 06:57 PM by Amia.)
Amia Tulip

She had simply woken up before dawn wandering about Valhalla till she came to the Whisperer's Gorge. She had never been to this part of her home and as she moved along she did not notice the fading scent markers. By the time the sun set fire to the sky she stood before a gaping hole in the earth. How strange, going from dry earth or dirt and rocks to this. The cold bitter morning tugged at her fur, winter was finally here. Her light blue eyes stared in wonder as she slowly padded forwards, what was down there? Did Erani know of this place so close to their home?

She stood there staring into the darkness of the hole, slowly moving forwards. Her curiosity driving her on till her white dipped paws stopped just short of the shadow the hole created. Tail flicked nervously, she wanted to go look but not alone. She look back over her shoulder with a huff. It looked like she was the only one here. Maybe she could wait till someone came by? But what were the chances of that? She would grumble softly to herself before nosing at the plants around the mouth of the cave.



5 Years
Extra large
05-19-2014, 10:31 PM

Tall form would beckon him through the lands. He had left his jewels behind in Covari while he left to do some more scouting. He had not been in the lands for long and decided he needed to know alacritis better since he planned on staying for time. Paws would carry the man to an odd place. He'd heard tell of a subterranean world, but he would have never guessed he'd travel there off hand.
He knew there would be little time to explore if he wanted to make it back to Covari by nightfall. He would feel a rush of euphoria as he thought of Othello and her waiting body. A shiver would follow, he'd never get any work done if all he ever did was think of doing her. He would shake himself of the thoughts as he continued on, finding himself suddenly not alone. A delectable scent would fill his nose as he followed its trail. He had time to enjoy the company of a woman before he was off again.
It would take him little time to come upon her residence, gentle features nosing an innocent plant by the cavern's
Mouth. Tail would raise above his back as his tall head was help proudly. Liquid gold gaze would peer at her tiny form, a foot shorter than himself. "What's a damsel such as yourself doing out here all alone?"




05-21-2014, 09:54 PM
Amia Tulip

The plants here were still lush in growth. Herbs not found in Valhalla and others abundant. This find was surprising and more than welcoming to and healer's eyes. Part of her wanted to keep this little patch as her own. She might just do that. Every Healer had a patch of two they went to frequently to gather herbs. She wouldn't take someone else's little finding. Her paws moved carefully around the plants, nose delicate in their search. It was refreshing to find such a warming site compared to what lurked in her mind and dreams.

A voice sounded off to her side making her pause mid-step. Head lifted up to face the newcomer, blue eyes clear and bright as the sky above. Raised paw settled back down upon the earth silently, her fur being tugged and whipped about by the cold air. The owner of the voice was taller than her, strong looking and seeming to be dominate and proud. Her body made no response to his raised tail and high held head. A simple flick of her tail and perked ears."Damsel? I fear that is too feminine a word of me. A damsel is usually one in distress, I surely am not that." She replied back calmly. She went back to nosing a bundle of lavender of a moment. "I wonder what's down there.." She said and turned to look at the mouth of the cavern. Excitement and the need to find out tingled in her paws. Looking back at the male she gave him a questioning look, wondering if he knew.



5 Years
Extra large
05-23-2014, 08:26 AM

He would observe as she paused, his voice tickling her ears and drawing her curiosity in. ?She would bring her delicate features to face him, eyes clear as the blue sky above them as gentle paw would be placed back to the ground as she looked him over. His gaze would linger much longer over her form than she over his. Like the man had just found himself at a buffet before him vivid yellow eyes would appreciate her every curve. She was small, malleable, and very much alone. Her words would bring a smirk to his features, inner thoughts growing dark at her choice of words. They made him want to over power her, to be the cause of her distress. She would turn her attentions from him and the large brute would bring himself closer. The female's alluring scent would fill his nostrils as his body closed the distance, giving her little room to maneuver around him. She would question the caves, and then him. He had a burning question about a cave, but he would refrain from voicing his enquiries yet. He knew very well what he would want should the pair embark into the depths of the unknown. "Shall we find out?" he'd say suggestively as he took in another deep breath. The longer he stood by her the more attractive she would become. While she wanted to explore the underground he only wished to explore her.?




05-24-2014, 09:45 PM
Amia Tulip

A heightened excitement coursed through her blood as she could physically feel the male move closer. It took all she had to not turn to stare at him. For she was pretty sure she'd need up drooling over him if she did. He was handsome at say the least and something about him had her heart pounding her in ears. She felt hot suddenly with him close now, so closer that she really couldn't twist her head around to look at him without bumping her nose into him. Her tail flicked softly brushing against his side. She had never felt this rush before from just being with a male. She couldn't place why but she liked it. She smiled softly and pranced gracefully forwards a few steps till she was on the edge of the cavern. Looking back at him she grinned {I]"We shall, unless your afraid of the dark?"[/I] She teased lightly.

Suddenly the soil under her paws would shift, giving under her weight. She found herself sliding backwards into the cavern at alarming speed. Which she could only think it meant she was going down a steep incline. She barked out, a sound of alarm and surprise. With effort she managed she turn herself around to face the darkness. Body leaned back into her haunches to the point she was almost sitting down. The air down here was colder, sharp with the tang of moisture. The ground suddenly leveled out making her stumble and crash onto her side. Blinking a few time she clear her mind of where she was at she would look up the way she came. "Careful, going down is pretty steep." She called out as she coughed from the dirt wafting in the air.

Slowly she sat up with a wince and glanced down at her left paw. Blood oozed from it at a steady pace. She wasn't alarmed by it but surprised she had even cut it open at all. She hadn't felt it on the way down. She sighed softly and looked back up. Would the male come down and join her or just leave her here in the darkness? She didn't mind being alone but honestly this place was a little creepy and who knew what was down here.



5 Years
Extra large
05-24-2014, 11:09 PM

She would allow his closeness for a time, the fruit of his labor starting to become obvious. He'd feel the tap of her tail against his flesh, teasing motions that would spark a flame within him. He'd smirk assuredly as her words would tease him too, her movements bringing her to the edge of the crevasse. She wouldn't stay there long, her body seeming to catch on an involuntary way down. He would tilt his head curiously, watching her as she settled to the bottom. She would call out to him, warning him of the need to be careful. Dark audits would fall to his head as he turned his back to the cave, his claws digging into the soft earth. He would slow his descent down to her, landing easily next to her. He'd take in her alluring scent again, it seemed stronger in the confined space. He'd also take in the metallic scent of blood, had she hurt herself? Guess that meant she would be going nowhere fast... All the more time to spend in her presence. He would smile delightedly as he brought his form only hair widths from touching her. "it seems.." he'd look around, gaze taking in everything before returning to her. "so... Intimate." he'd purr as the last few inches of space was taken. The warmth of her pelt would only excite him more, did she know what she'd be getting into??



05-25-2014, 02:00 PM
Amia Tulip

She watched as he turned his back, thinking for a moment he was going to leave her, as he slowly made his way down. Tail wagged softly with pleasure. So she wouldn't be alone down here. She could not help this time from staring at him. This close to him down here made him stand out. Her eyes lingered over his body in appreciation. His body was no more than a hair away from her and she did all she could not to break that tiny gap. Her heart skipped and fluttered in her belly. Blood sang with a rush so unexplainable she dared not to question it. This was an adventure wasn't it? Why question things?

His voice was what made her break she starring at him. Cheek flushed as she looked around them. Goose bump raised on her skin as he purred, tickling the hairs in her ear. She smiled shyly, "It seems so..isolated from the world." She replied in a whisper, feeling talking any louder would ruin everything. She looked back at him, eyes watching his face. She couldn't stand being so close and not touching, tongue darted out to lick her lips before she pressed her body lightly against him. She moved a few steps ahead and winced, the cut on her paw most have been deep. Ears flicked back and forth with indecision. She wanted to go explore deeper into the cave but she should also take care of her paw.

She looked back over her shoulder at the male."I'm afraid our adventure must take a pause. Seems I cut my paw pretty deep.." She was kinda sad they couldn't explore right now. She sat down to look her paw over, still seeing it bleed. That was no good. She began to lick her paw, her back to the male, ear twisted back curious as to what he would do.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 03:03 PM

He would find his breath in her ear as she replied with a whisper, gentle lyrics coaxing him closer. Her vibrant gaze would hold itself upon him for a moment, her salmon tongue darting from her pretty lips. She'd be the one to close the distance between them, scorpion would savor her subtle movements. The girl would walk on, unaware of the sudden pain that almost dropped her to the ground. He would stand stoic as she explained her inability to go on, his eyebrows raising as she took to cleaning the wound. So there had been more blood than he'd thought. He'd move closer, not quite overwhelming her but their haunches would touch. He'd allow her to work, keeping his head high and features curious. "We won't have to go far to find something interesting, I'm sure." his words were quiet, the needy feelings that were pulsing through his body barely audible in them. "You could lean upon my shoulder if you wished." he would offer, just hoping to lure her further into the underground.?




05-25-2014, 06:34 PM
Amia Tulip

His presence would come closer to her, their haunches touching and she was enlightened in the simple gesture of them touching. She could feel his eyes upon her as she gently cleaned away the blood, noticing the bleeding was going down. Mentally she shrugged, she could always get herbs for it later. She would pause as he spoke, looking up at him. "No we wouldn't have to at all.." She said, directing it right at him being the interesting thing. She blushed once more, looking away shyly. Had she really just said that out loud?

His suggestion made her smiled and she stood up, rear slightly bumping into him. Ears laid back as she became momentarily flustered."That's..a um..good idea." She replied. She moved so that her side would gently lean into him. Eyes looked into the darkness, ears perked up. "I wonder if this leads to anywhere. Maybe there's some kind of den like area down here. Could you image living underground?" She said softly. She loved the idea of going into the unknown, of being with this male. He made her tingle from the inside out. When was the last time she had felt anything for a male? Cormalin was sexy yes but he was older and seemed so disinterested in her. When was the last time a male took interest in her? Not since she ran away from her birth pack.

She would wait for him to begin walking, keeping herself close to him, breathing in his alluring scent. That musky scent that was all male, she loved it, mixed with the scent of earth. Her tail would brush his occasionally as they walked."What's your name? I'm Amia Tulip." She whispered next to him after awhile. Unknowingly her body ached for the touch of a male. She was young, didn't fully understand these things. But her body gave off the scent of its interest.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 07:08 PM

Her features would turn to him as she agreed to his statement, her curiosity in him flourishing under his careful paw. He would barely see the reddish hue of her cheeks in the darkness, but it would only cause him more excitement. She was enamored, there was little left to do to convince her of his wishes. She would stand, her curvaceous hips nudging his chest as she became fluster. He wondered briefly if she'd ever been touched by another wolf before. She held his curiosity tightly to her as his gaze would grow ever hungrier. He would first take up his position by her side, an adequate adventure before he had her screaming his own name. She would voice an odd fantasy and his only reply would be a deep rumbling in his chest as they began walking. He'd take in her tasty scent, the aroma beginning to wake the greedy beast inside of him. His vivid gaze would become more concerned with her ripening curves than the scenery of the underground. She seemed young, not fully understanding of the cravings her body would have. It wouldn't be long though, he would gladly make her completely aware.
They would walk for a time, Scorpion would memorize her breathing patterns and the way she walked. Though she was injured it was obvious her natural elegance, he wondered how graceful she would be while squirming under his provocative touch. Lyrics would sound out from her lips again, giving him her delicate name and asking for his own. He'd groom the soft fur behind her ears tenderly, offering his name as an intimate whisper. "Scorpion Destruction, my timid tulip." he'd finish with a sensual touch of his tongue to the base of her ear.?




05-25-2014, 07:42 PM
Amia Tulip

The training Cormalin had given her was paying off, even she noticed it gave her a more graceful walk. Her steps were silent, the only noise down here was that of her and the male's breathing. Her blue eyes scanned the area in wonderment, every sense in her body alert and on high drive in the darkness. She wondered where this would lead. There were tunnels off to the side and for a while they remained on the main one. A flickering light to her left drew her attention there to a tunnel. She would turn down that way finding it in fact to be a shallow bowel in the side of the cavern with holes in the roof that let in sunlight from above.

He would groom the fur behind her ear, making her body visibly shiver at the touch. His voice whispered into her ear like silk. She blushed and hummed softly at his touch, eyes closing briefly. She would press into him more firmly, body curving to his."That's..a strong name for a sexy male.." She found getting out words alittle distraction with his touch. It was nice to say the least. Her neck would bend, head bowing to nuzzling his chest softly. "Can we rest here?" She said softly, her paw was throbbing but it was more due to the fact she wasn't sure she could keep walking with him touching her. It was too distracting but not in a bad way. She'd probably end up walking into a wall if they continued.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 08:11 PM

The pair would follow the main shaft, had his companion gone much farther off it he would have stopped. He wanted to make sure he could easily get out when the time came. Especially since he'd allow himself to get so distracted, he would go over her petite curves again and again as they walked. She would become distracted, leading them into an interesting room. Lights would sparkle through the ceiling as he touched her so softly. A grin would appear on his features as he felt her delicious shivers run down her form. He would make her purr, make her want to adventure further as her body would mould into his. Her words would come to him broken and distracted, he would begin to fully grasp her attention. Her body had caught onto his advances, she was already so eager for his touch. Her mind had yet to find its way after her instincts. She would go on to gently nuzzle his chest as she slowly found her way into his domain. "mmhm, this seems the most interesting room so far." his grooming would turn into provocative nips as he attempted to keep her shivering. He'd fall back on his haunches as he moved down her spine with his teeth. She was so warm beneath his touch, it would spread to his skin as the fire spread over his body. He'd take in her intoxicating scent, his grooming shifting to the base of her tail. Did she realize what she wanted yet? It was much too late to look back. He would feel a desire for her, and he would have it satisfied before he left her presence.?




05-25-2014, 08:42 PM
Amia Tulip

Her body knew what it wanted but her mind had yet to make the connection. Even if it did would she be ok with it? But again what was an adventure if you questioned everything? His touch would be more intriguing with nips down her spine making her purr softly and shiver more. She was lost in his touch till he nipped at the base of her tail. Eyes would flash open, tail flicking as she looked back at him. It was then her mind caught on to everything, piece the puzzle together. She shifted nervously, slightly pulling away from him." Scorpion..i..I've never.." Her voice broke off as she became nervous and shy.

She had never been with a male like this, didn't know what it all entailed. She realized her body craved for it. But what exactly was it? She might be a healer and love the idea of love but she was a stranger to more intimate ways of love. She would look to Scorpion for reassurance, for guidance. She wasn't sure what she wanted mentally. She pressed her cheek into his shoulder, gently licking it. She soaked in the warmth coming off his body, warming the air between them. Did she want this? She wanted more explanations yes, then maybe she would. After al her body was on fire with need now, she couldn't put the fire out, not even quench it. She looked back up at him with a questioning look where desire hide behind.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 09:13 PM

Her alluring purr would resonate within his ears, sending thrilling waves over his body. She seemed pleased, even leaning into his touch. Reaching her tail he would seem to catch her attention, vibrant gaze widening at the sensual touch. She was obviously ignorant to the intimacies of life, her verbal confirmation coming afterwards. She would become nervous, obviously shying away from his touch. Though she would find his gaze, looking for the reassurance and guidance he could provide. Obviously still interested and more than curious she would seek his touch once again. Licking his shoulder he would purr, allowing her to think on her body's needs. He didn't need to push her, she was already on the path. Her gaze would return to his own, a hidden desire was waiting there. Ready to flush it out he'd slowly bring his chest to meet hers. He'd breathe softly, allowing a gentle nuzzle on her cheek as he leaned in closer to whisper in her eat. "Shh, my eager tulip. Have no fear, making love is easy." he'd caress her ears with his touch once again, "just listen to what your body is telling you." his nose would run down her cheek and under her chin. Bringing his muzzle close to hers as a gentle kiss was laid upon her lips. "Come adventure with me.." his breath was hot on her lips. His paw brought up to caress her shoulder. He wanted to pull her in close, but he wanted to see if she could listen to her instincts.?




05-25-2014, 09:41 PM
Amia Tulip

His answer was simple and at first it frustrated her. That didn't help her at all. Looking away she thought deeply about everything. She loved making him purr with her touch and wanted to keep doing it. But he moved to where his chest nearly met her's. Her breathing quickened as he began to touch around her ears, whispering to her. His nose ran down her cheek to her chin, making her emit a low soft rumble in her chest. Suddenly her lips were laid with a kiss and it felt like a damn just broke within her. Her body felt hot and flushed, her heart rate kicked up to a hammering fast pace. She would look up at him from under her lashes with lust.

She hummed softly, she wanted to touch him again, to be touched. She loved the taste of him, invigorating. She leaned in closer to him as he placed a paw upon her shoulder. She wormed her way closer, nuzzling into his chest. She licked and nipped gently, up to his jawline, nipping away hungrily. "I..i want you. More of you.." She whispered up into his ear. Tail curled around her side to wrap around one of his legs. She didn't care anymore, she just wanted him, to loose herself in him. To forget the world and just focus on his touch. Her body felt on fire, burning to an unbearable heat yet exciting. She embraced each feeling he set on fire. Each nerve sang with pure bliss.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 09:56 PM

He would seduce her subtly, gentle movements would graze her features. Her chest emitting a low rumble with the caress. He'd cause the dam to break, her expression would change slightly her instincts taking control. He would elicit a soft hum as her body would come a light with need. She would bring herself closer to him, her body craving the touch of his skin. She would mirror his movements, provocative nips placed in a trail up his neck and to his sensitive jaw line. He would growl hungrily with her motions, oozing desire with her innocent words. She would have him, that was certain. He liked to play with his prey however, and wanted to tease her inexperienced body. He'd feel the curling of her tail, the need in her movements as she brought herself closer. He'd push himself into her, his long arm sliding from her shoulder around her spine and down the opposite leg. His chest would slide to her shoulders, a needy growl pulled from his lips. He would give her tiny kisses down her neck as he tasted her. His teeth grabbing roughly on her scruff as he began to push her a little harder. Still leaning back on his haunches he waited for her to present herself to him. He wanted her to beg him take her.?




05-25-2014, 10:24 PM
Amia Tulip

How alluring it was to make him emit those sounds from her touch. She loved the power that she was able to do such a thing. The tables would turn again as he returned the caresses. His body pressed more firmly into her and she had to press back to keep from sliding back. She murmured softly into him, no words in particular just a noise of pleasure. He would drape himself over her, making her seemingly already hot body boil even hotter. His kisses trailed down her neck making her groan softly. Suddenly teeth bit into her scruff. It didn't hurt it was simply surprising and she growled back in return. It was a low throaty, needy growl. Ears flicked back and forth. Twisting her body her rear half was now under him and she pressed back into him with another growl.

She no longer thought of what she was doing, just did it. She listened to her body, let her needs take control. A primal need had taken over, a natural act in nature. The filter light danced around them setting the mood. She barely noticed where they were anymore, hidden from the outside world. Their lust closed off from everyone and everything.



5 Years
Extra large
05-25-2014, 10:42 PM

She seemed to find her stride with ease, no more words were necessary as the girl would find the fire ignited within her. Pleasurable whispers would slip from her maw, needy moans as he pulled her along. She was far away from focusing on real words. Her animalistic side would come forth, her needy growl filling his ears as he grabbed her wantingly. She would not hold back, her body would beg for him as she positioned herself before him. Pressing herself into his belly, her needy whines filling his mind. He'd tease her a bit longer, his nips increasing with intensity until he would finally rise from the floor. With his chest against her back and his hips perfectly in line with hers he'd find a low growl ripple through his chest as he took her innocence. Pleasure would blossom from his loins as he taught her exactly how to make love.




05-25-2014, 11:00 PM
Amia Tulip

-fade in-

Her innocence was gone just like the time that had passed spent down in the dark of the cavern. She had woken after some time curled up next to Scorpion, her light blue eyes blinking the sleep away. For a moment she was confused on where she was till she remember everything. She turned her head to look over at Scorpion with a soft smile. Shifting slightly to see him better her body groaned with ached that was unfamiliar. Not too unpleasant as it reminded her of their little deed. She let her mind wonder over how long they had spent down here, if anyone in Vahalla had noticed her missing. Chances of that were slim, other than maybe Imena noticing.

She tried to let him sleep abit longer but she couldn't help or resist the need to touch him. She leaned into him gently, nuzzling his shoulder, and with kisses to his neck."How did you sleep?" She asked softly. Her eyes notice the filtered light from outside shone weaker down here. It most be close to evening by now.



5 Years
Extra large
05-30-2014, 04:42 PM

He had fallen into slumber quickly after his lusty encounter with the girl, his body recuperating with the nap. His body would stay sleeping until the evening when Amia would begin to stir. He was alerted to her wakefulness as she shifted to look at him, his own form moving nowhere. He would continue his rest until he felt her nuzzle into his fur, delicate kisses placed on his neck. He hadn't opened his eyes, so before he heard her voice he had been sure Othello was beside him. However as her timid lyrics fell forth vibrant golden gaze would open to take in the earth colored female. His body was still tingling as a reminder of their encounter, his lusty needs had been sated then. Now though, she was still as alluring as she had been hours ago. The innocence she offered him was tantalizing, and he knew already he wouldn't be able to restrain himself from taking her again. "I've recovered." he would mumble as he took hold of her, pulling her tiny frame close to his chest. He would inhale her heady scent, "I hope you don't have anywhere to be, Amia. I don't think I'm quite done with you yet." his deep vocals would resonate into her plush fur as delicate nips were placed on her neck.?
