
my sweet blooming flower


05-18-2014, 05:46 PM

Upon this a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? The blonde and brown man wanted to see his good friend that he met at the Col again. That purple coat just swept him off his feet. But unfortunately, he had heard she resided with another woman as her mate. It was heartbreaking to hear, but after all, there were many fish in the sea! Maybe one day. For now, that purple beauty of a girl would remain his good friend. Besides...Viridiana, as he heard her name was, sounded dreadfully scary. She challenged the Serica alpha and won...that takes guts. And alot of muscle. If he tried to ever flirt or act silly with Desire? again- he may just become her new royal mat. Not something the boy was looking forwad to. Either way, a good friend was fair enough. Vi couldn't get mad at him for that!

Thoughts of seeing Desire? again suddenly were cut off as he heard the sound of seagulls squealing ominously in the air. He saw a tiny figure shoot down into the water, and immediately the gulls shot down after it. A fish, the man assumed. The sun that hid away behind the hills several hours ago had risen, and brought light to the darkness. And everything on the black beach had come to life. The obsidian beneath his large paws shimmered like a sky full of stars, and a soft breeze kissed the ground, shifting the sand and ebony debris. He liked the unique beach of Alacritia- but he wasn't here for the view or the scenery. The man was here to see Desire?. He had picked a place fairly close to one of the Covari territories, for he found it rude to his friend to cross the border like it was his home. After all, she was a queen now...right? As Vi's mate, he was positive she had at least a decent rank. But her rank didn't matter. Even if she was a slave, he'd still want to see her.

Rivulet, after taking a long walk across the beach while the sun gradually lifted, yielded in his tracks and swung his head into the air. His lips would part into a sloppy howl, and he would summon his cute, purple friend.




5 Years
05-24-2014, 01:58 PM

A sweet call rang out just for her; leaving his thin lips quickly, kissing her delicate lobes. Oh, so quickly she would rise to her paws to meet him. He had quickly grown upon her, though they had only met a few times she trusted him enough to confide to him about anything. Her small paws would press firmly against the ground, bringing her closer and closer towards her target. The purple nymph knew she was close, soon being welcomed by his handsome presence. Engulfing in his appearance, from his cremes to his browns and finally his forest green hues. She would slow down her pace, walking swiftly towards him, her hips swinging side to side with each step she took. A grin would easily pull against her own lips, happy to know he had called for her, that he hadnt forgotten about her so soon."Oh so my knight in shining Armour hasnt left about me so soon? What have you been doing all this time" She would tease him, her thick lashes patting together before a laugh would trace her silken tongue and depart as quickly as it had manifested. She would lean her crown towards his, caressing his cheek in a friendly greeting. She was keen to hear how exciting his life had been while she was absent.


05-28-2014, 05:00 PM

Not long after the man had called for his friend, she was running toward him at a fleeting speed, her beautiful purple fur swaying flawlessly in the wind. He adjusted his eyes so he could see hers, those two-toned jewels gleaming with such perfection. This caused a soft, satisfied moan to drive his mouth open slightly. And after, his lips pulled back into a playful grin. His lucky star. She may also be Vi's- but she could be to busy to love Desire?, or show her love. To touch her and keep her warm. Rivulet would gladly volunteer as a substitute any time. And maybe, just maybe his purple princess would let him get close to her. But suddenly his thoughts blackened, and he fluttered his eyes wide open as he focused on Desire? approaching him again. But this wasn't Desire?. This wolf had bloody velvet fur, and a soft white underbelly. Her eyes were a burning liquid yellow- and to his knowledge, she looked furious. The first name that came to his mind made him whimper with horror.


As the illusion took over his mind, the man whined and shifted through the obsidian with complete fear enveloping him. His alabaster nails tore through the blackness of the sand and scratched at the small pebbles nervously. But finally, Rivulet gave up. The boy found his paws and hobbled backward quickly like a newborn pup learning to walk. He whispered muffled words of fear, and pleaded this was only a dream. But once the wolf stopped infront of him, foam bubbling from her mouth and saliva stringing off her lower jaw, he snapped back into reality. Everything came back to normal. His whole body trembled softly with his head tucked into his chest. It felt as if hell just opened up to him, looking to swallow him in the darkness it developed in. The boy had a problem with seeing illusions as a pup- but he didn't think it'd come back. And now he probably looked beyond stupid in front of his little flower.

Rivulet shivered and managed to lift his head to see if it was all over, and it was. Her soft lyrics danced into his large ears and caused his spine to tense up slowly. 'Knight in shining armour?' Cute, but not true. He's never been so scared of something in his life! What has happened to the bad boy he once was? Since when was he scared of...girls?! The boy slowly lifted to his paws and smiled nervously to his friend, tail tucked in between his hind legs. He wondered how she'd react to the whole thing..."Um...sorry about that." He paused for a moment and repeated her question in his mind. Then smiled and replied, "But all this time I've been missing my purple beauty." The banana boy tried to make the whole event prior suddenly become nonexistent, as he slowly went up to her and kissed her cheek gently. But only because he was a silly friend. Nothing serious. "Speech"



5 Years
05-30-2014, 03:29 PM

She was happy to get away for a little bit, often liking to stroll by the beach. To hear the roar of the sea, or the whistling of the wind. It was nice to take a moment to relax. Though in all honesty, it was Viridiana that was doing all the work, and it was due time that Desire? started helping out more. The pack needed constant attention to ensure no trespassing was going on, or if anyone was waiting to be accepted into covari. Though, just as she was welcomed into her friends precense he'd go a little weird, as though he had seen a ghost or something. She would step back, raising a brow in confusement and amusement. What made him so... afraid? " Why so silly?" She would tilt her head, never understanding why he randomly changes. It was rather amusing, though for a moment she held a tint of concern. Though, she wouldnt stay on the subject long seeing he was quickly over his phase.

She would shake her head, focusing again. Desiree had gotten into the habit of zoning out or appearing as though she was staring for to long, when really she was just over thinking. She would look upon him, chuckling at his rather wise response. " Smart move, Rivulet. Your acting like whatever was going on a moment ago didn't just happen" He would soon plant a kiss upon her cheek and with that she would act no further. She was well aware it was friendly... or she would have hoped. " So confident, though i dont need to kiss a frog to find my prince charming." she would refer to him as a frog, though she really wasnt looking for another, seeing as she had already become loyal to Viridiana. she hoped it worked both ways. Who knows how the purple nymph would react if Vi was to leave her for another.