
Just a moment of your time




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-16-2021, 12:17 AM

Dalila slowly resigned herself to staying in bed or at least remaining resting for most of the day until her pregnancy was over. She had a sneaking suspicion that even though the herbs Aliana gave her didn't end up preventing the pregnancy they might have made the pregnancy more difficult in the end. Part of her wished that she hadn't taken them at all, but it had been a chance she had been very willing to take at the time and now she was simply enduring the after effects of all of her decisions within that two day period from getting drunk and throwing herself at Chimera's feet to when she had taken the herbs to try and prevent what she was now living. She stretched out on the large bed in her and Siren's room, wincing a little as a cramp gripped her. They never lasted long and they didn't happen all the time, but they worried her enough to take it very easy and keep herself pretty much on bedrest.

A cool breeze blew through the nearby window and she lifted her head a bit to enjoy it with a soft sigh. She would much rather be outside training or gathering herbs or anything else besides laying here, but she'd do whatever it took to make sure she didn't endanger these pups. Her pale blue gaze turned down toward her round belly that seemed to be getting bigger by the day—though not as dramatically large as Siren had been. She didn't know if that was just because of the fact that she was taller than Siren or because her pups weren't growing as large as Albion had ended up being. She smiled slightly and reached to press her nose to her side when she felt one of them shift and kick at her ribs. Even though she was just slightly over half way through her pregnancy now it felt like it was going so incredibly fast.

A noise made her ears perk and she lifted her head to look out the half open door, a smile pulling across her features when Siren appeared. "Hello, beautiful," she said happily, her tail wagging gently behind her. Perhaps the worst part about being forced to rest like this was the stretches of time she was forced to be alone while everyone else tended to pack duties, but she never complained. She knew it had to be done so she simply enjoyed whenever they did have time to spare.
