
Ψ · And all of us, some of us love you




2 Years
10-18-2021, 03:11 PM


the most dangerous thing is to love

She moved on from the hot springs, away from the dark man with fangs that drove a spear into her heart. This land was unknown, far from the home she had known, but that home was long gone. Her second "family" - if you could call it that - had been splintered and scattered in the heat of summer and she had been forced to flee. Since then... she had never found a home.

Well. They say your home is where your heart is. If that was the case, then she was just as lost as ever.

She moved through the darkness, eyes wide and gleaming to take in her surroundings. The glowing mushrooms and crystals followed her here, pulsing in the dimness of this forever-night. This strange Arctic dusk that hinted at the sun but never gave it to her. It was a tease, a brush of fingers pulled back just as swiftly.

Meissa felt moisture between her toes and stopped, eyes flashing downwards to the murky darkness that drifted up and over her toes. This was a swampland. She had faint memories of swamp lands, but not here, not anywhere near here. She looked through the shadows at the forms she recognized now as trees, lit dimly by the fungal growths that scattered along their edges, their sides, the soil at their bases.

No - there was hardly any soil. She squinted, lowering her head to try to make sense of what she was seeing. The trees appeared suspended by their roots, a tangled web of tree-flesh weaving together and apart.

Is this a metaphor for my life? she wondered silently, Coming together just to drift apart.

She sighed, leaning against the damp bark. She was tired, so tired of wandering alone trying to find what she had lost. Meissa lifted her head, letting out a long, mournful howl into the dark sky, her song meeting and dancing with the strange whispers that seemed to leak through the empty woodland.

Out of Character - Dialogue

(Accessories and split tail are present in art only)
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