
bear hunting with a hickory switch


Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
10-29-2021, 09:56 PM
Wendigo was on the prowl. Some critter had made off with his favorite fox stoal. He’d tried in vain to find it and had spent an inordinate amount of time on the hunt for the thief, but it had all been for naught. At last he’d been forced to come to grips with the fact that one of his most prized possessions was gone for good. This knowledge led to a rare downward turn to his mood. To say he was sour about the theft was an understatement.

What he needed was a pick-me-up of some kind. In search of something to brighten his day, Wendigo left Habari. He trailed down the mountainside with his nose to the ground. Across the forest to the hot springs, where he wandered the pools but never really committed to any one activity. It wasn’t even tempting to jump into the water, which was a first for him.

Truly he was at a loss. When he reached the Falls Wendigo dropped his nose to the ground and began to wander in slow looping circles to see what he could kick up. There just wasn’t much of anything. He’d hunted his fair share (and then some) of glowing rabbits and the like, and was bored with that. What he needed was something new and different. Glowing fox stoal, perhaps? He would take anything novel, really, he was just bored.




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
10-30-2021, 09:05 AM

Trekking about in his muntjac mask with no real destination in mind, the young wolf was simply trying to venture away from home. Being cooped up in the mangroves, waiting for something bad to inevitably happen, was not doing anything for his mental state. A little exploration always did him some good, especially when it came with the potential to find something interesting to add to his collections. The pools that gathered the trickling water of the falls would almost certainly offer him a few hours of investigation before he lost interest. However, when he stumbled across a very forlorn looking wolf about his age, the umber and lichen hued wolf hesitated. Maybe he should talk to someone else, someone who wasn't a member of his Family- honourary or otherwise. Hesitant steps pulled him forth, green-marked ears perked as he tried to get some kind of read on the dainty young male. "Y'alright?" he called out, words escaping his maw wreathed in a fine mist and turned smoky silver in the pale moonlight. "I was about to explore the falls, see what I can kick up, if ya wanted to join?" he questioned with a slight tip of his skull, the fluffy stub of his tail twitching gently.

Lifting his nose to the air, he pulled in a few breaths of the crisp winter air. There was no threat of snow for the time being, the air didn't carry that borderline smoky scent that warned of the changing air pressure that preceded a snowfall. There would be time to do some exploring without having to worry about the weather changing on them. It was hard to tell now that the skies looked so alien, he found himself struggling to find his way to and from home.

(WC: 296 TOTAL WC: 530 / 2500 )

"speech" thinking "others"

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
10-31-2021, 10:39 AM
"Y'alright?" Wendigo lifted his gaze from the ground and then immediately jumped back as he locked eyes with eyes inside a skull. The moment he sorted it out in his head Wendigo jumped forward again with a delighted gasp. His mood was immediately brightened. "Oh, I just love your mask!" he gushed appreciatively. That was exactly the sort of thing that would have gone perfectly with his fox stole and by wearing it the other yearling instantly had Wendigo's approval. It was rare for him to find someone with a sense of style so when he did it was a very big deal. If not for the invitation that caught his attention in time he would have been all over Bog and his mask.

"I'd love to," he enthused brightly before leaping to Bog's side and following his lead. "I'm Wendigo, by the way." This was exactly the sort of pick me up he had needed. Fashionable company and an adventure. Though the theft of the stole was not forgotten it was easier to deal with in light of this brand new shiny situation. Perhaps someday he'd find his thief and tear it to pieces, but today (at least for now) he was going to try to put it behind him and focus on the adventure. Though they had yet to say more than a few words to each other Wendigo just knew they were going to be friends; no one that fashionable could be disagreeable, nope.

---ooc: feel free to PP the adventure however you like---

Some time into their journey Wendigo spied some sort of glowing tuchus peeping out from some nearby shrubbery. Delighted, he dropped into a crouch. "Oh, I'm gonna need that, yep. I'll just..." he started to wiggle his rump... "be one second..." He didn't even know what he was going for, but he was going for it! Wendigo was off like a shot. The creature, which quickly revealed itself to be a tiny glowing pig, exploded out the other side of the shrubbery and took off running as fast as its little legs could carry it. Wendigo stayed on it; he was small and he was light; speed was his thing. By now he'd eaten a plethora of glowing fauna but no pigs and even though he hadn't known it until right now, he desperately needed to eat a glowing pig. It was a fact; he was liable to die without it, yep.

He matched the pig zig for zig and zag for zag. Oh, he could see it now! The little pig was in full winter coat; he could make himself a glowing, bristly cape out of it. It was going to be great, just great! It would be such a delight he wouldn't even miss the stole anymore.

Inch by inch he slowly overtook the pig until at last he was able to reach out and swipe at its back legs with a paw. His trip had the desired effect and the pig stumbled giving Wendigo the opening he needed to launch himself onto its back. They both went rolling in a flurry of snow and squeals. After several tense seconds the squeals died down until the only sound to be heard from the jumbled pile of legs and snow was a soft growling.

Wendigo popped up out of the snow with the pig's throat clamped between his teeth. He glanced around to get his bearings and after his eyes settled on Bog he began to drag the pig in his direction. Though the pig was small, so was the yearling dragging it puma-style so it took him a minute to get back to his travel companion. He dropped it at Bog's feet like a proud retriever and then sat down to catch his breath. "Whew, what a zippy little guy! He'll make a delightful coat." Wendigo slapped it's rump. "And a nice meal too!"


WC: 648
Total: 1178