
Kalentzi Bois

Sibling Search for the Kalentzi House



2 Years
10-31-2021, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 06:53 PM by Ba'al. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hullo hullo everyone!
Im starting a character, and i feel that Ba'al having sibs will not only give the Kalentzi House a bit of a jump start on popularity, but it will also allow them all a jump start on character development.

There are, unfortunately, a few rules i'd like there to be followed when you've adopted a design from me.
1. I'd like for these designs to STAY within Ardent's forum, however you are allowed to post the design on Toyhouse as long as you credit me.
2. The names should be Northwest Semitic language based. The two actual siblings Ba'al had was Anat and Habat, feel free to use those names!
3. Do not change the design, sell the design, retire the design, or kill the design without letting me know first as i may have plans for said design or may buy the design back.

You are free to pick personalities, names, genders, and you may change eye colours as well! You will, unfortunately need to buy the Odd Markings Item. Please do not adopt a design if you cannot afford the items in which these designs heavily rely on! I will not allow "design holding"! Thank you!

Lineart here : Kittnboys lineart
Design #1 - Leaching Limbs :
[Image: Untitled410_20211031163743.png]

Design #2 - Molten Tail :
[Image: Untitled410_20211031163818.png]

Design #3 - Melting Eyes :
[Image: Untitled410_20211031163936.png]

Design #4 - Bleeding Heart :
[Image: Untitled411_20211031170126.png]

Design #5 - Oozing Ears :
[Image: Untitled411_20211031170215.png]

You can message below, or feel free to ask me on the Ardent's discord!