


05-16-2014, 03:01 AM

Granules of obsidian sand blended against the ivory fur that coated his paws as he walked, the sand shifting effortlessly beneath him. He paused in his step, his talons flexing in the sand, digging into the ground, before relaxing and releasing the earth beneath them. The devil could only view himself as a gift to this amicable world. All the silly little fools who resided in packs, truly only chose the soft life if offered to protect them from demons like he. That wouldn't save them No, he'd bring their pathetic excuses for empires to their knees. These fools ruled with compassion, kindness, and alliances. It made him retch. The sodding fools had no idea how to rule and empire. Their common people should fear them- not seek and appeal to their mercy. Fear was a much better motivator... but where to begin?

Ivory haunches lowered to the ground, as he mulled over his plans- trying to identify what way to best go about getting what he wanted- complete chaos. There wasn't an army in the world that could stop him. However, if that army's ranks were filled with the swelling hips of many beautiful women, he could perhaps, convince himself to spare their lives. The smirk that pulled at his lips, almost caused him to miss the scent of another- his head turned sharply to the side, taking in a deep breath. Speaking of women He thought, How perfect. Words slid from the confines of his chest, with a rumbling growl. "Come out and play, darling. I promise to bite.... hard."



8 Years
05-16-2014, 03:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 04:52 AM by Othello.)

The many colours of the strange beach is what had drawn her here. It was held warmth even in the depths of autumn, the black stones soaking in all the sun had to offer. She was resting her creamy belly on that very sand when someone marched onto the beach. Her fine violet eyes watched the creature with mild curiosity as he made sounds of thought. She watched still as he sat on his rump, her presence still not known to him. Ha, she wasn't exactly hidden. Her coat stood out like a sore thumb, the sands the exact opposite of her pelt colour.

At last he picked up her scent, and she chuckled softly and she rose to her paws, shaking the obsidian from her coat. "Watch out, I bite back." She cooed softly, her hips sashaying to make her elongated tail swing behind her. She came close to the male, but still left a favorable distance between them. Staying on all fours, her lavender optics inspected him. He was strong, that was for sure. He stood five inches taller than she, and was more well built. Like herself, he had single marks on his face to off set the pure white. Strange how similar they looked, and how they reacted. She could practically feel his inner beast, coiled very delicately around him. He seemed to adapt to it, and to let it rule. Othello always tried to suppress hers.

He reminded her of another that she had met, and decided to play her cards right. He seemed to be the ruling type, maybe he would like her obedient yet sassy facade. "What brings you here, lord...?" She took pause, not yet learning the beasts name. Would he offer it? Only time could tell.


05-16-2014, 04:51 AM

A delicacy she was, an ivory temptress with spectacular violet eyes. A primal hunger stirred inside him, as he eyed her, his eyes leaving no curve of her body unexplored. How she could fold under him.. Her words were a light tease, and he wondered how it would feel if her delicate canines did in fact bite into him. A dark chuckle rolled from the confines of his massive chest, "Why don't you show me?" He taunted, wanting to bring her closer to him, wanting to feel her squirm beneath him. Could she see the dark desires in his spectacularly colored eyes? Did the same instinctual desires quake inside of her, was her body beginning to hum with a need for release? She dares to ask him questions, but the address of Lord staves off any aggression. She is feeding his already massive ego, but he'll allow it. "Creedance Voltaire." He introduced himself, his eyes moving again to study the swells and curves of her body. "Perhaps, I was seeking a form of entertainment." He spoke, his tone rough. "Why don't you come closer?" He suggested, his voice dropping to nearly coo, "Entertain me." What would she do?



8 Years
05-16-2014, 05:08 AM

She didn't miss the look in his eyes. Oh how spectacular it made her feel to have the powers of a vixen. She could sway those hips of hers and bat her eyelashes and all the males fell to her paws. She hid it though, not wanting to spoil their game. She loved to play this part, to see just how far she could take it. So she slotted herself into it, falling into the facade just a little to easy. She was burying her pain below the feelings of lust, plus her heady scent of her season didn't help calm the base urge.

Othello smirked at his words, asking him to show her. "Was that an order?" She teased, snapping her jaws together in a show-off type fashion. Her sharp ivories glimmered when she showed them off, turning her head this way and that as if she was showing off a prize. Giggling softly, she awaited the brute to speak again. And he did, quite quickly telling her what to do. She would not object this one, it was a clear order that was made to be followed. So she stepped closer to the pale male, her paws sinking into the obsidian beneath her. He did not ask her of her name, so she didn't speak it. "Pleasure, Master Creedance." Although there was still a slight tease in her vocals, she did not miss addressing him by a title. If she forgot it, he would surly show her just how hard he could bite.

She had not been allowed to touch him, so she just flipped her elongated tail around, blowing her heat scent towards him. She tantalized him with its heady scent, it was surly something that he could not resist. Her lavender eyes tempted him towards her, telling him that she was ready to take all of him, no matter how rough he may be. She may walk away from this with a few love scars.


05-16-2014, 07:07 AM

He was attracted to elegance, exquisite beauties, like a moth to a flame. The way their silky hues felt beneath his mass was ecstasy. He watched her, bemused as she spoke and proceeded to show off her teeth. He could only imagine how those teeth would truly feel if they were dragging against his skin. She moved closer to him, addressing him as Master, and he couldn't deny the sort of erotic thrill that coursed through his being. As he breathed evenly, his nose detected something he hadn't noticed before. She was in heat. That knowledge sent an electric charge up his body, and he couldn't stop himself from leaning forward- his teeth seeking to nip sensually at her nape. Darkly he would speak, "That's not close enough." Even from his distance, he could practically feel the heat radiating from her hips, the smell alone was sending sensations racing through his body. "Closer." He barked slightly, his tone demanding. He wanted to feel her, every damn inch of her.



8 Years
05-16-2014, 08:23 AM

The thrill that ran down his body matched on her own, that site of pure exotic lust making her hunger for what was to come. She ran her tongue slowly over her lips, listening to his commands to come closer. His teeth collided with her nape, and she cooed at the thrill of it. Her whole body was alive, the fact that she was in season making every nerve come alight with each touch. Her body burned with sensual heat where he connected with her skin, and already she was craving more. Slowly the dame stepped even further, close enough that she pointed her nose at his cheek, stretching out to caress it with its cold dampness. This dull heat wasn't enough, she was craving a roaring fire. Her eyes pleaded with him, but she could not speak. He had not addressed her, and to speak out of line now may wind up to him leaving her in this state.

Not wishing that to take place, she kept her lips sealed, allowing a soft whine to break the silence between them. Would he keep her waiting, draw it out to torture her? Or would he force her into the black sand, taking her like the vicious beast he was. She drooled at the thought of the attack, she wanted him to bite her and take her. Bloodlust mixed with her erotic state, turning her into a dangerous little seductress. But she needed to hold that at bay, for the ivory being before her held much more power and thirst for blood than she did. Othello was simply feeding off of his energy as her heart pounded in her chest.


05-23-2014, 03:45 AM

He may have been a lot of things: a bastard, monster, demon, perhaps even Satan himself. However, he was first and foremost a male. The intoxicating aroma of a females heat sang to the oldest instincts, the instinct to breed. Wouldn't the gods look down on him for denying himself that right? He could care less about producing offspring, no, he sought only to release the pressure building inside his body. She came closer, her body tempting him- and he wanted nothing more than to grab her viciously, and force her to scream for him- to tear into the desires that her body held. He wanted nothing more.. than to torture her first. Her muzzle touched his, and his head pulled back, eyes boring into her. "Tell me what you want." He ordered, wasting no times with supplementing words. He wouldn't coo to her, call her adoring names. She meant nothing to him. All he wanted from her, was the warmth and depth that her hips held, he wanted her to scream from the ecstasy only he could provide. She whined slightly, and he could feel the monster in his chest fighting to break free. His body stiffened, endorphin's flooded through his veins. As if the beast was awakening, his body prepared itself for what it would surely take, now it was all a matter of timing.



8 Years
05-28-2014, 12:18 PM

He wanted to know what she wanted? She thought that she was making it pretty clear with the way that she was moving her body around him. But the demon had asked something of her, and she would obey. "I want you, master." She said, her vocals low and full of her need for him. She wanted to feel, to grow numb after this encounter. She wanted to walk away from this with the feeling like she actually meant something, that her body could feel this kind of bliss, the release that she so desired.

Othello could tell that she would be walking away from this one with scars, but she didn't care. She wanted him to bite her, to make her bleed. A mix of pleasure and pain would surly drive this dame over the edge and let her plunge into the feelings that she so craved. She didn't want to be numb anymore...
