
Tired Of These Damn Cats

Bronze, Pyrite



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
11-08-2021, 11:29 AM

Onyx looked more pretty than she was sick but not until recently did she think the crystals were really a problem. She could have almost boasted about them, well she did to Kuroki at least. And that landed her in a pit of writhing pain and regretting ever thinking the crystals were a blessing. They didn't ooze much actually except when she woke up each morning from the pressure on the floor and moving around. She had to admit they felt a little sore now too, but not enough to make her complain about it. These days she just tried to ignore them.

She was out and about in the pines because so help her if she stayed in then den for one more minute past breakfast. She was staying close to home now because of the crystals, but she did miss wandering out further and actually away from the northern lands. She was built for the winter tundra out here, so she wasn't really comfortable in the southern, warmer climates. But with the moon always stuck on the horizon, the snow from the previous winter still lingered around in lands away from the north. It was still a little chilly, just the way she liked it.

Normally she would have caught on to the scent, sound, or any sort of identifying factor that she was being stalked. But somehow she overlooked it as her eyes were down at her paws taking tiny steps forward in no planned direction. She was missing her... friends. Yeah, her friends. Though were they really friends? She had taken quite a liking to Cina but he had run off after Incendium was taken. She felt like she had made a fool of herself in front of Kuroki. Though really, all she needed was her little family here to be happy. Everyone else could fuck off if they had to.

Seemingly out of no where, or just from her own lost negligence, a white bobcat struck her right on her behind, slashing apart her hip and hind quarters with it's claws and teeth. She was completely unprepared for the attack and fell in her spinning from the pain that started to run down her whole leg. She even screamed to the surprise, but didn't waste any time now with the bobcat latched on top of her. Her own jaw came closed just between it's stomach and thigh, though the crystals she had missed from first glance poked her just above her eye socket, making her retract from the aimed bite. She was really getting beat up today.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 432 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
11-08-2021, 09:18 PM

Onyx's sickness was something that needed to be figured out, and soon... though Bronze wasn't sure if it was the sort of thing that needed curing or if she'd fight it off on his own. He'd never seen anything as serious as this - the most he and his family had ever dealt with, that he knew of, was a little cold. And this was weird. No matter how much their parents tried not to get too worried in front of them, their nervousness was quite palpable and told them everything they needed to know: that this wasn't something they'd experienced before, and that they had no idea how to treat it. Bronze would stand by his sister in solidarity through her sickness, and would keep close - overcome with a need to protect her and keep her safe, despite knowing she could do that perfectly fine on her own. The ooze was just unpredictable and he didn't know what to expect if things got worse.

Today - or was it tonight? It really wasn't possible to distinguish anymore - he went looking for her, overcome with a sudden worry since he hadn't seen her for a few hours. Surely she was fine, but he couldn't keep himself away from her lately for long and he'd rather smother her and annoy the hell out of her, than to leave her to her own devices for too long. And he was grateful he'd gone to check on her, for as soon as she came into view she saw something lunging at her.. and was that ooze dripping from its mouth? Or was that coming from Onyx? It was hard to tell in the spur of the moment, so he kicked off hard and lunged for the bobcat's hindquarters, aiming to grab hold of one of its hind legs and yank it down hard toward the ground.

Words: 312
Total Words: 722



Advanced Fighter (85)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Extra small
11-09-2021, 08:48 AM
Not much had changed for Pyrite since their pack disbanded, like their father always said their loyalty was more to the land they called home than the wolf that led them. She never had a high opinion of authority, as far as she was concerned Song and Kirsi were the highest authority. They were the only wolves that mattered. Everyone else was gone, just as she had always known that they were inferior they proved the fact to her, especially their once alpha and his family. His lack of skill and determination was what had Incendium set to dissolving. Not that Pyrite cared, she had more freedom than ever now.

And she was using it to follow Onyx. Her sister was obviously effected by the strange illness that came with the unending darkness and creeping glowing crystals and mushrooms. At first Pyrite thought Onyx blessed with the crystal that decorated her body, but as time went on it became apparent that was not the case anymore. Naturally she remained close to her siblings, Bronze and Onyx both. They were of the same blood, they were some of the few worthy of her attention.

So she followed through the woods, not close enough to bother but not far enough away she didn’t realize what was going on. When she heard the commotion the small Destruction girl came running. She was greeted with the sight of both her siblings engaged with an infected bobcat. Her pretty gem like eyes widened in surprise but her tiny body was swift to react. She too rocketed towards the cat, aiming to back Bronze up and slam her tiny chest into its shoulder to help knock it back.




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
11-19-2021, 08:46 AM

By the time Bronze had arrived which wasn't too long after the cat jumped on her, she had spun around under the cat so they were stomach to stomach. Her goal would have either been to bite around it's face or go for it's throat and finish it quickly. But while she had rolled, the cat still had her pinned in an uncomfortable position to where when she tried to lunge her face forward she didn't get close enough to bite down anywhere on the snowy bobcat.

Onyx yelped as Bronze pulled the cat off of her, the claws of the bobcat extended and clung into the skin of her chest, scratching nearly right down the center. She struggled to get up as the pain surged through her and she started bleeding out onto the snowy ground below her. She saw Pyrite jump in, knocking the cat brutally with her chest even with her smaller size. Almost wobbly, Onyx stood defensively before launching herself at the cat herself. It probably wasn't the smartest with her fresh injuries, but she was a pretty tough girl at least. Time would only tell how bad the scratch to her chest was.

She leapt onto the back of the cat just as it had done to her originally, her teeth meeting the center of it's spine and almost getting it pinned underneath her. Without realizing until it was too late, one of the cat's crystals from along it's hindquarters jutted into her stomach. But that was the least of her problems now.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1262 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (270)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantDream WeaverSnake Eyes
12-06-2021, 07:17 PM

He didn't have much time to react before he lunged, intent on helping defend his sister at all costs. Before he could even sink his teeth into the thing he saw something else entering his vision - it seemed Pyrite had heard the commotion too. She wasted little time in joining the fray, slamming her smaller body into the bobcat in an attempt to knock it back, causing it to momentarily stumble. Normally by now a bobcat of this size would've most likely realized it was defeated and tried to make a run for it, but still it stood its ground, even knocking Onyx over and pinning her before he was able to rip it away temporarily.

Its defenses were down for long enough to Onyx to scramble to all four paws and lunge for its back. Bronze followed her lead and leapt forward too, putting his weight into the attack as his parted jaws aimed straight for its face. Anything to keep it from getting a second wind. By now it was obvious it was infected, bright ooze pooling from the corners of its mouth - he just hoped it wasn't contagious though he hadn't gotten sick from being near Onyx thus far.

Words: 202
Total: 1,464



Advanced Fighter (85)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Extra small
12-07-2021, 08:32 AM
Pyr slammed into the infected cat with all of the force her tiny body could manage. She had been training for as long as she could remember, going against this predator now was no different. Pyrite could feel the adrenaline race through her veins as she backed away from their opponent, but she was comforted knowing Onyx was out from underneath the beast. Normally an animal like this would realize that there was no hope of victory, not against three yearling wolves, but the dripping ooze and mad look in its eye told her everything she needed to know. They weren’t getting out of this without killing the beast.

The girl rounded on her siblings and the bobcat, determined to save her siblings especially as Onyx got tangled up with it again. Pyr was able to slip in with relative ease, and ignoring the ooze dripping down its fur she took her shot at its throat. Pyrite felt her teeth wrap around and sink into flesh and with a quick jolt of her head she shook and tore with her sharp teeth. It only took a few moments for the creature to succumb to its wounds as it bled out, but the trio were successful.