
Crown Me



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-15-2014, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2014, 09:59 PM by Esti.)

She came her often. She didn't know why, but she liked it here. Esti pranced around, not feeling like exerting the effort of running. That didn't mean her followers abandoned her, though. No, no, they probably wouldn't do that, Esti was too pretty. And dainty. Esti was a princess in their eyes- no she was an actual princess, and these were her loyal, royal servants. They bowed down at the ground where her paws kissed the dirt, their heads followed every tail swish, their hearts at her command. Her head held high, Esti hardly had to work for things like food or medicine. Her servants did that, she just ruled a kingdom, beloved by all. The willows bowed their branches in respect to the girl, while other trees dropped their leaves to pad her walkway, sacrificing themselves to keep her feet from touching the ground. Esti was the best princess, as long as she didn't have to do any work, she would be happy, and when the princess is happy, the kingdom is happy.



06-10-2014, 04:44 PM

Strolling quite contently through the willows, the young man kept his head high. His paws kept at a delicate speed, as he admired the drooping willows. How graceful the leaves were as the wind carried them. He felt peaceful in this area, letting the cool air unlock his gentle side to his beast-like manner. He was alone, yes he was, so why would he have to go around looking so superior? This was a place for him to relax. But would this place make a suitable home for him? Or would he have to keep running for a pack?

The brute lifted his muzzle to taste the air, cyan drops twinkling. A new scent had hit his nose, and his ears pricked with alertness. Something was here. Dropping into a stealthy crouch, the man slowly examined the empty willows for something, someone. He wasn't prepared for a fight, but if it was what he smelt, then a fight he shall gladly partake. His eyes rested upon a young pup who was dancing freely amongst the willows, like as if the swaying trees were her paradise or kingdom. She seemed so happy and proud amongst the whispers of the trees. Perhaps this was her home. Alas, the man wouldn't have expected a pup to rule these willows, but he would approach her anyway.
"Good evening miss," The man dipped his head with politeness. "Fine day for a stroll isn't it?"
And a fine day it was.




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-10-2014, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 03:04 AM by Esti.)

The trees whispered. A visitor? Esti turned to the noise to see a shadowed wolf with striking blue eyes. The girl attempted to hide her surprise, she was a princess, she had to act like one too. The image of grace and calmness; that was Esti. The male greeted her, and mentioned how nice the day was. Esti agreed and nodded slowly to let him know, her stance held high and her eyes gazing easily towards the brute. A moment passed between them, and Esti finally spoke up, her voice high and clear, "I am Princess Kigu, ruler of this land and prolly all the other lands that touch it."
Esti went quiet for a moment, where did this land end and another begin exactly anyway? Oh well, she'd rule them all anyway. The pup shrugged, regaining her attention, "Then, visitor, what is your name? Also what are ya doin' here cause that's kinda important too." Esti nodded with her words, her thoughts bubbling over her mock prestige and manner. Oh well, who cared? She was a princess!"Speech"


06-11-2014, 12:46 AM

The girl ruled these lands? Dusk suspected so, but alas, a princess, the girl was. The word suited her so nicely. He was glad this girl had the respectful manners of a princess. Treating him quite nicely with calmness and gentleness, the man would treat her too with respect and loyalty. After all, she was a princess.
"I am Dusk Oaks," He answered nicely back to the girl's question. "Of nowhere in particular."
It was true. He was of nowhere in particular. The Oaks were his home. But his home put shame on his name, and he wished to never bear it. Though the history of the brute is hidden and perhaps gone forever, yet it still remains in his mind.

The willows swayed in the evening wind, the pond sparkling like a massive sapphire, dotted in green lily pads. This land looked like a true kingdom, a palace, a land to reign in pure supremacy. His eyes flickered across the kingdom, how beautiful it seemed to him. Returning his gaze to the one who ruled the lands, he took a breath and continued.
"Well my princess, I am simply on my way through these lands. Where to? I do not know." Dusk continued in an orderly manner. He wouldn't want to mention the fact he was running away from his past, such a coward he was with his beatings from his dominant father. Princess Kigu wouldn't suspect he was hiding anything, would she?




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 03:03 AM

The male respectfully introduced himself. Good boy. Esti smiled pleasantly. She didn't know where the "Nowhere" lands were, but apparently they were in "Particular". Esti shrugged it off, it was plausible, the male didn't smell like he was from here, so he probably wasn't, and that was okay. Technically Esti wasn't from here either. Thinking back, she couldn't really remember where she was born. She didn't think it was Valhalla, but her earliest memories were in Valhalla. Oh well, it didn't matter, she was the princess of Wilty-Whisper Trees now.
The breeze passed through the trees. The members of her kingdom spoke in hushed voices about the male. What would their beloved do? The brute addressed her as "Princess Kigu" and Esti giggled. She wasn't actually a princess! She was just pretending! Maybe he didn't know that... Maybe he didn't need to if he was okay with her being a princess, "Well, Dusk Oaks of Nowhere in the lands of Particular," she began, her tail swaying behind her, her people going silent, "these lands are full of prey. Also lots of small ones that are easy to catch." she added, her tail speeding up. Her thoughts went to her imaginary kingdom, they were nice- really- but she did sometimes get lonely, "If you wanted to stay her for some time, I'd grant you access if you'd be willing to lend a hand in hunting and maybe expanding the royal den?" Esti's voice trailed upward questioningly with the last request, "I'd be okay with it- just for a few days." She didn't want to seem needy, but some company would be nice. Even nicer would be if she had a bigger den to sleep in and food to eat. Actual followers could come in handy... "Speech"


06-12-2014, 04:04 AM

The princess granted him access to stay in her lands for a few days? How delighted he was! Finally he wouldn't be lonely and he had a home amongst the kingdom of willows. Grateful he was for such a kind offer from the princess. Why, he was just a rejected rogue from a broken family. His wish for a home and friend had been granted.
Though he didn't want to look silly with his excitement, so he acknowledged Princess Kigu with a respectful bow.
"Thank you, princess. I would be delighted to stay in your lands." He solemnly thanked the princess, an excited look spreading to his jaw. His eyes sparkled with adventure. This was it. A home and a friend. But not just any friend. He was friends with a princess.

He understood the fact that he would hunt and help build a den. But hunting was a breeze and came quite naturally to Dusk. Even in winter, the man has always been capable of sniffing out hidden rodents. Building a den? He knew what was a safe den and what wasn't. But he would think that through once they both got to work. And he also had to protect the princess, he knew the princess was quite capable of protecting herself with her many wise skills, but just to be on the safe side. But the willows were so peaceful and sheltered that surely no-one would bother to attack the two? And he knew that for sure. How? He just did.
Dusk knew he was going to enjoy his stay with Princess Kigu. It all seemed so...perfect. He knew the many willow trees approved of his decision. And he knew the princess also approved of his decision, why, she looked delighted herself! Remembering what the princess had asked, Dusk paced excitedly.
"Well, Princess, when do I start hunting?"
He couldn't wait to start. Start what? A new life. An exciting and happy life. The new life with Princess Kigu and Dusk Oaks...of nowhere in particular.




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 08:02 PM
I sent you a pm! ;D

The brute seemed pleased, as he should, with Esti's decision to let him stay. Her followers whispered in agreement, they would have a new member! How exciting! He even bowed down to her! The gesture made her feel a little giddy. Esti wasn't really sure if the two were still pretending or not, but she decided that as long as both were happy, it didn't matter. What made a real princess different from a pretend princess anyway? Followers, that's what, and now Esti had one, so she obviously could be a princess. Her royal servants agreed.

The brute asked when he should start hunting. She didn't know! Oh yeah, she was the princess, she was supposed to. What other responsibilities did princesses have? Oh well, if it was too much, she could probably get a loyal servant to do it right? That's probably what Erani did. Being an actual princess seemed like it might not actually be too hard as long as her servants were loyal! Esti smiled in reply to the brute, "Well, I'd assume any time you're ready to start proving yourself, you can start hunting."

Esti took a few steps closer to the brute, "Here, we gotta rub shoulders or somethin' so that if anyone sees you, they'll know you're a part of the Kigu Kingdom" or something. Esti knew all the Valhalla wolves smelled similar and like each other, so Esti assumed that they had parties where they would all just gather and rub against one another until they smelled right, "I'm sure the longer you stay here, the more strong it'll be, but this oughta work for now." Oops- the longer he stays? "I- I mean for the few days you're here. Of course unless you need to stay here. Then I might allow that." She would totally allow that. "Speech"


06-13-2014, 04:54 AM
Dusk has just been for a hunt. The separate thread can be found HERE

-after the hunt-

Dusk had returned to his kingdom, his freshly caught rabbit dangling from his jaw. The hunt was quite successful, not a single error, not a single disturbance. The hunt was quite...effortless, for such a slow and fat creature. Yet that didn't mean he would waste the food. No, he was grateful Alacritia had such thriving food and he was grateful the many wise hunting skills his family had taught him. Noticing the gleaming pond ahead, he found himself at the entrance to the kingdom, willow trees greeted him as he entered the palace. Delicately walking through the trees, his eyes spotted Princess Kigu, who had awaited his return. Happiness gleamed in her eyes, and he shared the same feeling. A feast this was to be, and he quite looked forward to it. He dipped his head silently, yet a gentle and kind look came to his eyes. Stopping by the princess, he dropped the rabbit by his paws.
"Well, princess, I've returned from the hunt. And feast we shall tonight." He reported to her, yet his calm tone emerged into joy. Now only one thing was left to do. Look for a place to enjoy the meal. Princess Kigu had mentioned something about a royal den. His eyes flickered across the willows, where exactly was this den? Well, that, of course, the princess knew. So he would ask her.
"And if I may ask, where is the royal den?" The man asked her curiously with interest. His catch was warm, and it would be best to be eaten quickly. But what rush was there? There was no rush in the lands of the swaying willows.




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2014, 05:06 PM
OOC: She's not supposed to be AT the hunt, is she?

Esti had waited, half convinced that the male wouldn't be able to catch anything. Her followers whispered to her. Did he really believe she was a princess? Was he okay with it if she wasn't? Of course it was, because... Because it just was! Esti was just as good as any princess in the world! She even marked off her own territory just as a real princess would. Now, others passed through it, but that was okay, Esti had been through every corner of the place, so no one traveling the land would think she wasn't there. Everyone who passed through would scent her out and know she was there... Probably.

The brute- Dusk- came back with food, actual food! Not that Esti was starving at all, she was just surprised the male actually caught it and brought it to her. This was a first, and it was as if a part of her dream came true. Her tail wagged as she greeted him, hopping to her feet and prancing up to him. He set the prey down and asked about her royal den. How did he not know where the royal den was- oh yeah, she hadn't told him yet. She turned towards the scent of the lake, "It's just around lake, follow me!" She turned and began to run off before stopping suddenly. She was a princess, where were her manners, "Please."

The two made their way around the lake- or pond, whatever- the sounds of frogs echoing their steps. At the other end of the lake, Esti walked some distance away, far enough to avoid flooding, and next to two large willows who's limbs brushed the ground, forming a canopy from above. Between the two trees was a moderate sized den- one that seemed pretty big when Esti first moved in, but was feeling smaller the more the girl grew, "Here we are! The center of the Kigu Kingdom!" Esti spun around and bowed. Her blue eyes opened slowly, waiting for Dusk to put down the prey, "The feast shall begin!" she announced, waiting ot see if the brute would take the first bite or offer it to her.


06-13-2014, 08:21 PM
OOC: I made the hunt for Bandit to post. But if Esti comes along in future hunts she is more than welcome to post

He followed the princess around the lake, admiring the pond and how it was such a beautiful touch to the Kigu Kingdom. The grass felt soft underneath his worn out paws, what a place this was to rest. He would rest here in luxury and comfort, with his friend by his side. And the rabbit? Well that would be in both of their bellies.
The sun began to retire for the night, letting its remaining rays streak across the kingdom. The night would soon take over, in the vicious cycle for dominance, the day and night will compete to rule the earth, yet neither wins and neither loses. Perhaps there were many stories Dusk had been brought up with, yet his favorite one is still being written to this very day.
Hidden between two willow trees, the royal den await, snug and cosy. A delightful den it was, and he would certainly get many moons of sleep in it. It had been such time since Dusk had seen and slept in such an organized and comfy den, and he looked forward to his stay with the princess. Princess Kigu gently bowed to him. He certainly agreed with her. The feast shall begin. He smoothly stretched, lying on his belly. He waited for the princess to crouch down beside him. And when she did, he nosed the rabbit to her.
"You deserve the first bite. After all you've done for me, I am very grateful." He whispered to her soothingly. His tone was gentle and affectionate. He let his words relax her as he waited for her to take the first bite. And he would wait until their meal was over, and the night had claimed the lands. But the night will never claim the lands. Her...and his lands.
