
New places & New Faces

Sera / Ricin



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-15-2021, 12:55 AM
Chade and Ricin had been sticking around the steppe for a bit longer than some other places.  It had certain useful aspects to it, for one thing, there was a good source of water both for drinking and fishing.  Sometimes Chade was able to hunt and get them meat but when he failed it meant they resorted to fish.  Chade had gotten pretty good at plucking the fish out of the water and while he preferred meat whatever got them to the next day was good enough.  It also seemed a lot rarer to see sick fish than sick land animals.

They had fish prior to both their sleep time and so it would be time to hunt again soon but not yet.  For now, they could take some time to explore the strange blocks of stone.  The rocks here were shaped differently than others.  Some of the rocks stood as straight and tall as tree’s while others lay on the ground but had a similar shape to the ones standing.  It had Chade imagining some large animal just knocking some of them over.  Chade was the darker blue of the two pups with some brighter blue highlights at points, along with denser fur around the coat and crested a bit of mohawk like pattern towards the forehead.

Chade was letting his brother lead on this little exploration.  Ricin had a problem with peripheral vision and he loved exploring the most so it made good sense that he take the lead while Chade watched for any danger behind them.  The two boys were around six months of age now and getting solid habits of what to do so that they could survive.  Each day was about surviving it so that they could attempt to survive tomorrow as well.  

“Hey, Ry,” Chade mused to his lighter-toned blue brother, “what do you think happened to the weird rocks anyway?” Ricin liked telling stories after all so maybe his imagination had an answer for this, or at least something entertaining.

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"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
11-18-2021, 08:34 PM
Paws weave around fallen stones and towering pillars as the two pups walk. Ricin is in the lead, plotting the path as Chade follows in his normal spot behind the lighter brother, covering Ricin’s blind spots. Lighter blue head sweeps from side to side, trying to assess their surroundings. The eternal twilight that bathes the world mares Ricin’s already spotty vision, causing his blind spots to be even greater. He is grateful for his brother, not only the company the darker pup offers but the security he gives. A familiar twinge of guilt makes itself known as Ricin thinks of all Chade has scarified for the lighter pup.

A slight shake of his head dispels the dark mood that threatens to take root, instead turning his focuse on the stones and their peculiar shapes. Ears flick backward as Chade speaks and Ricin slows his pace, eventually stopping near a downed pillar. Ricin allows his mind to grab hold of the puzzle, mulling over what kind of creature could have constructed these, let alone knock them over. Crimson eyes roam the strange thing as Ricin rumbles a noise that is non-committal. After a few moments, the lighter-hued brother shakes his skull, turning to face Chade.

Heaving a sigh, Ricin attempts to sound aloof, as if he hasn’t been trying to solve the mystery since he first laid eyes on this place, as he says, “I don’t know Ny. But there are other questions that bother me as well. Like, who made this place?” Ricin gestures around them, encompassing the whole space as the lighter brother continues, “What kind of creature could carve stones like these? Have you noticed how some have rounded corners?” Ricin beckons Chade to follow as he moves to point at a flatter, rounded stone.

The denser fur on his neck that spikes up over his forehead gives the lighter pup an almost comical appearance as he lowers his head and squints at the slab. Ricin’s voice has a hint of admiration to it as she says, “I have never seen edges knocked off rocks so cleanly.” He runs a paw gently over the semi-buried stone, humming in amazement before stepping away. Casting his gaze toward Chade, the light pup’s eyebrows arch in question as he asks, “So whatever knocked over these stones had to stronger and smarter than the builders… right?”

Silence falls as Ricin ponders the possibility of smart giant bears that can knock over the huge structures around them.
