
Life is strange... (Roman)


05-15-2014, 02:03 PM
Life is strange, not so many years ago we fought as enemies." - Ser Barristan Selmy

The man had been keeping himself busy enough, meeting a few new wolves along the way but nothing too severe for his mind to handle. He had been keeping a steady breathing pattern as he ran through the forest of red trees preparing for winter as his feet crunched as they grazed the snow. It was a form of exercise, training, stamina gains even could be classified under what he was doing. He was running around the borders, all of them, as fast as he could for as long as he could. He couldn't stop thinking about several facts. One, Roman seemed to trust him because of a question he had asked on the borders. Two, he was a Tortuga wolf now but he couldn't stop thinking about Kingslanding and how things were going there. Three, he was hungry.

His stomach rumbled as he had not bothered eating for a while, but not too long to where he needed food. That was the thing, he took things only when he needed it and only took what he needed in the process. He wasn't going to play any games, he was sworn to not play any games. With that thought about not playing games he remembered the constant power struggle which he came to know as 'the game of thrones' which all the highborn wolves played. It costs lives that were not meant to be taken. The Targaryen king, Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark. They had all been men, who he had no doubt some deserved death, that had lost their lives from the power struggle.

He struggled to get back into focus as he skidded to a halt right in front of a tree. His eyes closed for a second as he took a deep breathe. He sat down and stared at the sky, examining the stars above.


05-17-2014, 07:07 AM

With the short time until Winter, the queen couldn't deny that she was worried. How would Tortuga survive the Winter? She knew in the North, the Winter was harsh, and God knows, it would snow more than it had in the Fall already. There was already a good couple of inches of snow that coated the ground, and she hated it. She was nearly constantly cursing as she patrolled the territory, just wanting to curl up in the den that she had constructed- away from the icky white residue. However, she had gotten in the habit of patrolling the borders quickly late in the night, and early in the morning- then variously throughout the day. That was what brought her out into the night, as the stars cast their white light against the snow. The indigo sky was littered with the small specks of light, and she couldn't deny their beauty.

She caught the trace scent of one of her new members, and unconsciously she followed it, her tail wagging slightly in the air behind her. Once he came into view, she approached- coming to sit at his left side. Settling her haunches against the snow, she glanced up the sky. With a half smile she spoke, "Ser Barristan, how are you settling in?" Her soprano voice swirled in the dark air, billowing about them.



05-17-2014, 07:56 PM

The man turned in surprise when the queen graced him with her presence and sat down next to her. She asked how he was settling in and the man gave a soft smile. "I have been settling in quite well Queen Roman. I haven't met many Tortuga wolves but there are four vast territories so I'm bound to meet them in time." He offered up a bit about what he was doing, his baritone voice almost quiet, very placid sounding. He had been very calm since joining Tortuga and he found himself forgetting the silly things like Kingslanding and Westros more and more. He wanted some sort of reaction from her to make sure he was not boring her. Often times he found himself a boring wolf with no stories to tell, but that was back in Westros where every wolf knew the stories of Barristan the Bold during Robert's Rebellion when he fought for the mad king.

Perhaps his stories had not made there way here, and perhaps he would be allowed to spread a few of his proud achievements around. No... he had to be humble or something like that. His arctic white fur blended in well with the surroundings. His grey muzzle was the only thing that could give him away when it was dark out and there was snow on the ground. He hated winter, it was too cold and it just ruined his months. However it tested his survival skills, so he couldn't dislike it too much. "How have you been fairing Queen Roman?"


05-29-2014, 03:58 AM

Soon the white male would answer her, and her head would tilt, violet gaze on him as she listened carefully. She was pleased to hear that he seemed to be settling in well, though reminded that perhaps she should pull the pack together for some kind of pack meeting. Just to spend time with one another. "I'm pleased to hear that you've settled in well. It seems everyone has been scarce with the upcoming season." She glanced away, her eyes landing on the snow stricken ground. "Winter is coming." She murmured softly. It was her least favorite time of year, a harsh season, a cold season. He asked how she was doing, and she sighed lightly- though a smile lit her jaws. "I am well enough. Though I'd much prefer if we had a tropical territory to spend the winter in." She spoke, giving a light chuckle. My, how she loathed the snow. "I really despise the snow." She said with a disgusted glance at the frozen liquid around their feet.
