
you bleed just like you puke


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-16-2021, 11:41 PM
Widow was incredibly interested in the plants that were growing and beginning to grow around Habari, mostly the ones around the river that cut through the land but also the ones that grew at the base of the volcano. As she was sure the other healers were doing, Widow was conducting her own experiements and testing trying to find a way to bring mom even the slightest bit of relief. The ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals that grew from her eye looked morbidly uncomfortable and before it found a way to spread to not only her, but her four brothers as well, she wanted to do anything that she could do help. Whether the help of a puppy was wanted or not, Widow couldn't care less. She did her best to stay out of the way of the adults, but wouldn't stop herself from listening in on their conversations. Although she knew she wasn't allowed, she often got close to the healers quarters to listen in on anything they may have learned. Unfortunately, she wasn't getting anything, but that only meant that the chances were better next time, right?

She hoped so, but today she supposed she had to go do some further investigating and research. With mom being the ever diligent alpha that she was, she didn't have the time to let Widow play doctor all day. It was unfortunate, but she had to make do. After doing some studies on the fisher she'd killed plagued with the ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals jutting from it's eye in a similar fashion, she was intent on looking for some plants. She hadn't a clue what anything was, but she would be out collecting it anyway. She wanted to study, to learn, and eventually use her knowledge. She didn't know for what yet, but she was how old? She had time to figure that out!

Her little legs carried her all over the nook, from waters edge to the packs border and to the edge of the volcano and back. She didn't only pass over a spot once either, she was careful to comb each and every cranny of the nook in search of plants, herbs, and whatever else she could find. However, of course that led to a massive pile of ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals and ̸̾͌m̴͑̋û̸́s̵̀͒h̸̏̒r̶̍͒o̷̢͊o̷͊̀ṁ̴̃s, each of their own size, color, and shape that different from others. She had collected so many, however, that she doubted she'd be able to bring them back to the den. It'd be great if she had her own space, separate and where she can keep her research and test subjects, although she doubted her mother would go for it. After quickly digging a hole, Widow deposited her ̶̿͘c̶͌̕r̴̔̉y̷̅͋š̵̾tals and ̸̾͌m̴͑̋û̸́s̵̀͒h̸̏̒r̶̍͒o̷̢͊o̷͊̀ṁ̴̃s into it and covered it up neatly, packing the dirt back down effortlessly.

She found a multitude of different plants, but also a type of mushroom that seemed different than the glowing ones. She decided to leave it in the ground anyway, just in case. She didn't want to bring anything else dangerous home, but she didn't take that thought into consideration as she blindly grabbed plants and tore them from their soil. Once she realized that plants weren't just standing on top of the dirt, she began to remove them more slowly and took care in pulling the roots from the dirt. Some plants he found near the water, some no where near it. They each looked different too, but she hadn't had any lesson on healing yet to know much about them.

She had a mouthful of herbs after a while searching in the nook and she was quick to sort them once she settled. She didn't want to head back to the den yet, since with so many herbs it was probable that she would drop one and have to return to collect more. By doing that, there was a large risk in getting caught or even just laughed at by anyone. It was hard to hide with how large the young Klein girl was, and luck she felt was not on her side today. So instead of heading home with a mouthful of herbs, Widow began to carefully set them all apart from each other, leaving space in between each plant so that she may study them and maybe learn a thing or two. That would be hard without someone teaching you about them though, and that brought a frown to her face. She knew better than to just eat some random plants that she found without checking first, but who was she going to check with? She hadn't met everyone in Habari yet, so she had her hopes up that someone that knew something would come along even if it meant showing her massive self to them. She wanted nothing more to be small, and to find a cure for mom of course.



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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 03:11 PM
Misery had met two of mom’s new litter so far and he might as well get to know the lot of them.  How many would be worth his time was the question. However, for now he had work to do.  Amusingly, this theory had been inspired by a joke that had sparked a new hypothesis.  

The small black and silver wolf had been walking rather slowly in the dark, oddly seeming most interested in the spots where the larger number of fireflies had gathered and watching them for a few moments before continuing on.  This was a set pattern versus just happenstance as it was every cluster he paused for.  On occasion, he might mark a spot of ground before moving forward.  He had his reasons.

After counting a new set of fireflies he turned his attention to one of his new little sisters and made a slow, even dainty trot to this new bit of familiar blood.  The plants scattered about were of a wide assortment and while he recognized a few by name and property he was no healer to know what each individual one did.  None of the ones he saw in the pile were poisonous as far as he knew at least.  

“Please tell me you aren’t collecting the glowing mushrooms of crystals also,”  Misery questioned softly as he considered the contents of her pile being sorted.  This really was a rotten time for pups to be born and if he’d been more of the loving sort this would concern Misery even more.  It could be seen as a good way to cull out fools perhaps.



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 11:38 PM
Widow was content in sorting out the plants she'd acquired. Of course she wished someone would come along that could answer questions and teach her, but she was perfectly fine alone. If only she could learn what these plants do on her own without trying them all. Besides, not everything was for eating. How was she supposed to figure out the plants used for eating and the plants used for, well, everything else?

It didn't take long for someone to join her, someone she recognized as an older brother though hadn't had the time to formally meet. Widow blinked up at the larger boy, but at his question she really began to understand why mom had a second litter. Were all of them this dumb? Although he had a point, yes she was also collecting mushrooms and crystals, there certainly weren't any in the collection. Her brows furrowed up at her older half brother as her lips pursed in annoyance before speaking. "What's it look like?" She spat, adding a slight smirk to change her tone to sarcasm. There certainly weren't any crystals or mushrooms laid out in front of her, so he had to be pretty dumb if he was asking!


Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 12:26 AM
Oh? Is that how she wanted to be?  Another pup he wasn’t impressed with.  Misery smiled with brotherly tolerance at the pup. It was fake, but it also looked very real.  “I’ll take that as you have collected them.” His eyes flicked to the pile then back to the pup.  Honestly, he assumed all the pups had despite the fact they had likely been told not to mess with them.  There was the simple reason they were kids.  A born liar and deceiver meant he always saw the potential and likelihood for others to play the same games.

“Quit playing with the mushrooms and crystals  I’m not asking you where you put them.”  It was a blunt statement.  Maybe she hadn’t? It was a small possibility but a pup wanted to play with everything now make it glue and be told not to mess with it and of course, they would. “Those crystals are what made your mom sick.  She’s a strong adult who until they infected her was in excellent shape.  I’m concerned it might kill a pup.”  Misery shrugged, “Not everyone gets the sickness, of course, maybe you won’t but maybe you will.  Mom’s got enough problems, she doesn’t need dead kids.  Nor do I want a sister to die.”   Though if this kid didn’t listen and did die Misery wouldn’t care all that much.  He was a concerned brother with duties chastizing a sister because he loved her.  Yeah, right.

“Now, that’s quite a pile you have of safer items.  What do you plan to do once you sort them?”  He was curious enough about that at least.  What were both Widow's intentions and interests?  He also wanted to see how she’d react to his warning.  She was as much his sister at the moment as she was a lab specimen.   There were very few things in life as fun as acting, well, there were a few other things equally fun though.



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 12:42 AM
Although he was right, what grounds did he have to assume? Did he see any mushrooms or crystals in her collection? Of course not, because there weren't any there. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with mom though without studying them though, but he didn't need to know that. Her business was exactly that - hers, and he was expected to stay out of it. Her eyes remained narrowed at him as he spoke, holding back her mouth but only barely. He went on for a moment about them and what they had done to mom, yadda yadda. Nothing she didn't already know.

When he asked what she had planned on doing with the plants she had collected, she rolled her eyes. First accurately accuse her of playing with the mushrooms and crystals, then get nosy about what she was doing? She wondered if Ghoul had met this older siblings yet, for they seemed very much alike. The snotty brothers in her litter were enough, she didn't need some older kid bullying her too. Besides, he was small and at the rate she was growing it wouldn't be long before she towered over her older brother. Not that she wanted to, but maybe he should learn who he's dealing with before throwing his weight around.

"Well I was hoping that someone that knows something about anything would show up." Her silver eyes shot up from the collection of herbs they'd focused on moments ago, her chin lifting as she waited for Misery's response.


Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 01:08 AM
Misery was done with rude kids.  He should just feed her to Wendigo and see if eating your own could cure you.  The black and silver wolf smile lovingly at the child for a second.  With one swift gesture Misery swung a paw at his little sibling to send her sprawling into those plants she’d been organizing.  Misery stepped forward to get above her form the next moment, staring down at her.  

The black and silver wolf stared demandingly at Willow, willing her eyes to see his own.  No games now.  He didn’t really give a damn if the kid did for his own interests but mother really didn’t need to lose one now.  There was enough to deal with in the pack to add mom mourning.“Listen up,”  the words were soft and venomous.  “I don’t care if it's just curiosity.  I don’t care if you have some grand design like saving mom or the entire pack.  I don’t care if you hope to learn how to use it to kill others.”

He paused for one second, wanting to make every whispered word said to her was soaked in. “You seem to think your smart.  You're being an idiot and selfish whether or not you see it.”  Bear bait.  Fish food.  Lava dunking.  Lots of fun things to do with fools.  Mom surely loved her though.  “You want to help? Then we set you up with one of the healers and you can assist them.  Is that what you want? I’m not letting you kill yourself either way.”  More's the pity.

Misery’s eyes narrowed, “and don’t try to insult me, little sister.”  Not only as an older sibling but as any pack member.  No one would fault him for making sure the brat understood basic manners. “Understand?”  How did she want to play it?  She could submit, back down and he’d let this go and be back to nice brother mode. Besides, he was offering to help her get set up with a healer.  She’d probably tattle and he’d have to explain to mom later but that should be fine.  So far Misery was playing nice.  



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 01:31 AM
Widow was shocked when Misery smacked her across the face and into the plants she had gathered, effectively crumpling them beneath her. She didn't yelp, since it didn't hurt, but it certainly surprised her. It wasn't what she was expecting, really, and she thought for a moment that she might tell mom. Would she punish Misery for hitting her? Probably not, but it was a nice thought while it was there. Laying in the dirt and herbs, Misery stood over her and despite his short size, this would be the one time he towered over her. Widow would make sure that next time, it would be her towering over him and she definitely wouldn't promise the only exchange between them would be words.

She listened quietly as he spoke, mostly ignoring him with a flat, annoyed expression on her face. He was assuming a lot of things that he didn't know. Only Ghoul and Viscera knew that she had an interest in them, and for as far as she knew, they hadn't said anything. Mom certainly hadn't come running to rid her of her collection, so she doubted Misery heard it from them either. He was just grasping at straws, hoping to hit a sensitive spot and make her obey. Control freak.

Well, Widow wasn't about obeying anyone just because. Her respect deserved to be earned and this wasn't the way to do it, in fact, he was just digging himself a grave that he'd later be placed in. She waited for him to finish, audibly sighing when he asked if she understood. She rolled out from underneath him and put some distance between them, glaring once she found a place out of paw's reach. "No, you need to understand. You don't know anything about me. You see me here, looking at a bunch of plants, and you accuse me of collecting things you don't see?" Her eyes were narrow as she spoke, definitely understanding why mom had another litter now.


Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 01:57 AM
Misery had wanted someone to practice how to cause pain too.  He wanted to scare and threaten.  It was one of those things he expected would be as fun as acting.  That one time his siblings and he had gotten to fight that wolf together had been so much fun.  It wasn’t the fight, it was the causing it pain and throwing power around.

A child telling him off?  She had no idea how good it was she was mom’s child.  Sure, she had size to her and that was part of the reason he liked the idea of killing off the pups he didn’t like.  Threats eliminated early were smart.  No way mom would allow it, hell, she might kill him for it.

“I tell you what,” The boy purred softly to her, “I am terribly sorry if you haven’t.” He didn’t seem to expect he was wrong though by his look, nor had he backed down.  He could tell her exactly why he didn’t believe she was telling the truth, he could list off his reasons.  Misery saw no reason a little kid deserved for him to have to explain it.  He didn’t give a damn whether or not she’d picked the mushrooms or crystals, he hadn’t cared about that ever since he’d bothered giving her the warning.  It was her attitude that irritated him.  It was not wanting another arrogant shit of a sister like Kali, and even worse one who hadn’t earned the right to respect yet.

“If you have messed with them, fine, keep at it.  If you get the sickness and suffer, if you die, well, remember I tried to warn you.” Kid’s test boundaries, guilty until proven innocent.  Her pretty little neck could be bit into, not because she had done an act any pack would consider earning of death but because Misery would have fun killing.  He backed off with disgust, “I can tell mom you want a healer, I’m also going to suggest you learn to respect those of higher status beforehand, however.”

He didn’t hit her again or bite her mostly because it would likely keep the contest of wills up and soon it would mean going too far.  She got to win this round and it irked him but if she wanted to press it, well, not his fault if she went off exploring and a bear found her.  Not his fault if she drowned or fell in lava or hey maybe she would die from the sickness.

“What’s your name?” He was turning to leave, obviously done with her  
