
Red Wine and Moonlight

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-18-2021, 05:04 PM

It was still late in the night when Romulus and Lillith had snuck out of Hallowed lands. The only indication he had that it was actually night and not some sort of corruption of daylight was the fact that everyone else in the pack was still asleep. Time had virtually no meaning anymore when every hour of the day looked the same. The silver-furred wolf had crossed the empty great hall and slipped down into the wine cellars as quietly as he could, absconding with a bottle of sweet red wine for him and his lover to enjoy together. Though Roman had tasted alcohol on a couple occasions in his life, this would be his first time truly drinking in abundance outside of a festival or a feast. Truly the Armada hedonism gene was strong in him! With his prize secured, he snuck off into the night with Lil at his side, reveling in the feeling of being outside and alive!

He led the two of them south, crossing some wild lands to reach the falls he'd passed when he first arrived in Auster. He remembered how beautiful they had been in the normal world, and they were no exception in this strange twisted world either. The water flowed mellifluously over the rocks of the cliff, cascading in tranquil falls into a pool so clear it reflected the auroras in the sky above. The pool drained into a gentle stream that trailed towards the ocean. The bluish glow of the full moon almost made the water appear as if it was glowing, and though some of those strange crystals still grew on the sides of the cliff and some trees, Romulus made sure to pick a spot out on the grass near the water far enough away from them that they wouldn't have to worry. Also... were they starting to disappear? There seemed to be fewer of them around now...

"Here we are!" he declared with a toothy smile to his beloved girlfriend, giving her rump a teasing bat with his bushy tail before trotting briskly ahead to lead the way up a slope in the earth to the top of the cliffs. He settled down in a spot of soft grass near where the falls began bubbling up from the earth, their elevated position giving them a breathtaking view across all of nearby Auster as well as a picture perfect scene of the colors dancing in the night sky with streaks of stars dancing and twirling overhead. "Can your man pick a location or what?" He gave a husky chuckle while he popped the cork stopper from the neck of the bottle with his teeth as he waited for Lillith to join him, the aroma of fermented grapes and summer fruits wafting from the liquid within, tinged with a bitter trace of alcohol.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-18-2021, 08:26 PM
The castle was quiet when she snuck out the gate beside Roman. He carried the bottle of wine and she had her little pack against her side. She wasn’t sure where they were headed but they were together and that was all she wanted. They could be in a mud puddle in a cave and she would have been happy just having Roman beside her. After almost losing him she felt grateful for any and every situation. A smile played on her pretty features, her heart had calmed and she was breathing easy once more, but she could still feel an unexplainable energy between her body and Roman. The warmth they shared comforted her, but there was almost an electric current racing between them. Like they were nearing the edge of a precipice.

Getting some of her nervous energy with the journey did a lot for the girl by the time they actually arrived at the falls. Lil gasped softly at the first sight of them. The brilliant full moon and the dancing borealis stunned her as the colors and lights reflected stunningly off the blue waters. Lillith was taken aback and had to pause and lean against Roman in appreciation for the scenery around her.

None of it compared to Roman’s face as he looked down to her and announced their arrival as he brushed her hips with his tail. She followed him up the path to where he chose a perfect place. Lil wriggled out of her pack and dainty paws easily carried her to Roman’s side as he uncorked the bottle for them. "I guess it's an alright spot,” She teased him as she sat beside him and leaned into his shoulder. Now that they weren’t moving there was a chill in the air and she craved his warmth. She wrapped one ivory and silver arm around his strong leg and leaned into his neck, barely able to focus on the beautiful nightscape around them.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-19-2021, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2021, 05:17 PM by Romulus. Edited 1 time in total.)

Romulus gave an overly dramatic gasp of shock and offense when Lillith teased him, calling his stargazing spot "all right". The Armada wolf raised a paw to his chest and recoiled like she'd just struck him, silver eyes wide as he made a big show of groaning in pain. "Oh, you wound me with your cruel, cruel words, Lady Adravendi!" he teased back. "I fear my ego shall never recover from this devastation! This means war between our families! War, I say!" His wide grin and playful laugh broke the otherwise quiet night, just barely rising above the steady ripple of water from the spring and the cascading crash as it fell over the sides in the falls. Once Lillith had gotten settled in beside him, he eagerly curled his larger form around hers to surround her in warmth, snuggling as close to her as he could to chase away the nighttime chill. It was far from cold, but there was a noticeable drop in the temperature from what the days should have felt like thanks to the eternal night.

Roman brought the bottle of wine to his lips, taking a long drink of the sweet red wine within. It tasted of rich grapes, hints of berries mixed in, with a pleasant edge of the alcohol buzzing on his tongue. He'd picked a very good vintage and hopefully Lillith would like it! He'd seen her try wine for the first time at the feast last season, but this would be her first time drinking in earnest. "You're gonna like this, I think," he said, passing the green-tinted glass bottle over to her. "I should really try to find us some mead. That's the good stuff that'll get you drunk in no time!" Another low chuckle rumbled in the young brute's chest while he cuddled with his lover, enjoying her warmth and the way her body fit perfectly against his, savoring the moment together.

Silver eyes turned upwards to look over the bands of monochromatic borealis streaking and twirling across the sky like colorful ribbons. Every so often, a few stars would shoot across the sky, breaking between the still lines of other stars. There wasn't a cloud in sight; the entire night sky was on display for them like their own personal theatre. "Wow..." he said with a gasp and a grin. "Hard to believe something so beautiful could exist outside of dreams." Roman smirked, then glanced back down to Lil, gazing at her with profound adoration for a brief moment before correcting himself, "Actually, yeah, I can believe something that beautiful can be real." Was he a shameless flirt? Yes. Was he doing this on purpose to fluster Lil? Also yes. Was he ever going to stop? Not as long as he lived, which he secretly prayed would continue to be for a long, long time.

Romulus shifted slightly, letting his bushy tail swish up to drape across Lillith's waist, leaning his body back into hers to support her while she reclined into him. He aimed to reach across the thin gap of space between them to nuzzle and nibble behind one ashen ear, wanting nothing more than to spend every moment he could showering his precious alabaster goddess in kisses and sweet little affections. She was perfect—always had been to him—and she deserved to feel like nothing less.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-23-2021, 05:53 PM
Romulus was overly dramatic at the best of times and even more so as the subtle build of tension rose between them. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to, though she’d felt in numerous times between herself and her boy. Her own body did not allow the exploration of it, but now here in the moonlight, relaxing against Roman’s chest, she wanted to. There wouldn’t be any forcing, she knew she could trust Roman, he was slow and patient with her, especially now as they teased each other in the darkness. "Off with his head!” She teased him back as the both of them grew more comfortable there on the grass.

Lilith wore a soft grin, her skin rosey beneath her pale fur. It felt like she was permanently flushed tonight. Especially as Romulus offered up the cool bottle of wine. He assured her with a grin that she would enjoy it. She took the bottle from him as he mentioned mead, "Are you trying to get me drunk, mr. Armada?” Lil asked with a playful smile and wink as she tipped back the bottle and allowed the sweet and warm liquid to rush down her throat. It was flavorful and robust, almost too much so, but it had a pleasant after taste and helped to rid her of the last of the nights chill.

The warmth in her belly was quick to subdue her nerves she was feeling, and soon it would whisk away her inhibitions. Maybe for just a single night she could control her illness instead of letting it control her. Lil tried not to think about the night the two of them first kissed, and how close she had been to ruining everything… Garnet gaze drifted from the sky back to Roman’s features as he exclaimed lightly about the beauty of the sky above them. Her cheeks only growing more red as his silvery eyes turned to her, and he took back his statement. Obviously speaking to her own beauty.

She was far too humble for his compliments and he knew it, Lil wouldn’t say it but she loved his teasing. She loved that he thought she was so beautiful, she loved his attention and devotion. Lilith loved Romulus and found herself overwhelmed with gratitude that he was beside her again. The heat of her blush was intensified as Roman’s nose pressed into the soft fur behind her ears and she shivered lightly as his teeth brushed over delicate skin. He sent a tingle down her spine and all through her body as the wine loosened her mind and the stiff feeling in her muscles.

Lilith relaxed against him, embracing the intense feelings he caused with such simple affections. He made her heart nearly race from her chest, certainly he could hear it or feel it? "You aren’t just a dream, right?” She asked him quietly, leaning into his affections, closing her eyes blissfully as she basked in his attention that she had craved for so long. She thought she would lose him and now she never wanted him to let her go again.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-24-2021, 03:48 AM

Romulus barely contained a snort of laughter when Lillith demanded his head as he declared war between them. It was so easy to fall back into a comfortable normality with her, despite the end of the world crashing down around them, despite all the fear and uncertainty, and despite how he'd nearly been dead just a couple short weeks ago. It had never felt strange or bizarre to him at any point; being with Lillith and being himself had always just felt... natural. Roman hadn't ever really stopped to think about it or consider it until this point, but he realized where he recognized their bond. It was the same thing he'd seen between his parents growing up. The way his mom and dad would smile at one another, how she'd laugh at his terrible jokes and how he'd always have a paw around her like he needed to be touching her at all times for his own sanity. He hadn't understood as a pup—but lying beside Lil, curled up into one another beneath the borealis painting the sky, he was beginning to.

Lillith took the wine from him with a playful accusation of his intentions, giving him a wink that made his heart miss a beat, to which Roman just grinned and batted his eyelashes innocently. "Why Miss Adravendi, I have no idea where you could've gotten that idea from. I'm trying to get us both drunk, as a matter of fact!" He snickered and waited for her to finish her drink before taking another long swig for himself, chasing that pleasant buzz of the alcohol as quickly as he could. "Life's more fun when you can let go of inhibitions and just enjoy your time. I'm never gonna take another second for granted." And that was the gospel truth. After his near death experience, Romulus wasn't going to let another moment slip away from him. Life was meant to be savored and enjoyed, so he would do just that for the rest of his days.

A tingling warmth began to spread through his core, starting in his stomach and branching outwards through his veins. The alcohol hadn't quite hit his brain yet, but he was beginning to feel its effects. Underneath the colorful starry sky, the two wolves passed their drink back and forth, enjoying the night together in their own way. Amidst all the chaos and horror, Roman had found his piece of solace with Lil. He liked looking at her, watching her react when he complimented her, liking the way her skin flushed red beneath pallid alabaster cheeks and the way she shivered beneath his teasing touches. While Lillith relaxed against him more, Roman lifted his foreleg and draped it across her side to hold her close, the heat of her body almost searing as their coats blended and mixed amidst their cuddling. Even that little touch left static dancing across his heated skin. In his chest, his heart beat to a strong and steady rhythm, faster than it ever had before while it beat against his ribs. He silently wondered how close their heartbeats matched.

Navy-dipped ears flipped up to catch Lillith's quiet question as her body relaxed, almost completely limp against his side while he snuggled and loved on her. The Armada brute paused in his ministrations while he considered her question. Perhaps they were dreaming. Maybe he had actually succumbed to his illness and died and this was his heaven. A peaceful evening, a gorgeous night sky, his beautiful lover wrapped up in his arms, a bottle of good wine... Yeah, he could spend an eternity right here. "Hmm, if this is a dream, then I hope I never wake up," he murmured in response, brushing his lips up the back of her neck to nibble at the edge of her ear while he spoke, whispering right into it for only her to hear.

With a roguish grin, Roman slowly slid his paw along Lillith's side, tracing the contours and curves of her slender body until soft paw pads were running circuits along the underside of her belly. "You feel pretty real to me though. Warm, soft, alive..." Shifting his head so he could gaze down into her breathtaking ruby eyes, he brought his lips to within millimeters of her own. He could feel her warm breath against his chin, smell the wine on each exhale she made. "Do I feel real to you...?"




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-24-2021, 05:57 PM
Roman defended himself against her accusation, insisting that he was actually trying to get the both of them drunk. Lillith hadn’t expected the answer at all and a laugh burst from her lips uncontrollably. It wasn’t the greatest joke, but it struck her funny as they began to share the drink. As Romullus pulled the bottle from his lips Lillith took possession of the bottle again, noting his words. Like she felt about nearly losing her life as a child, Roman experienced the fragility of life. There wasn’t much of it, and they needed to seize the day while they could. Lilith knew tomorrow wasn’t a promise, there were things she wanted to do before her expiration date. And all of it included Roman.

He held her and offered gentle kisses and nibbles along her neck and delicate ears. He caused her heart to flutter in its rapid beating but she could still breathe easy. Her skin was tingling but she wasn’t going to burn out of her skin. Blinking open her garnet gaze to watch the incredible dancing lights above them as he held her tight Lillith wished she could remain in this moment forever. Of course that couldn’t be so, but they had the rest of the unending night, and that would be good enough.

Roman paused slightly sa he thought about her question, and echoed her sentiments on a round about way. This really was the perfect dream, and Lillith didn’t wish to wake if it were. She’d seen the harsh cruel side of life, but maybe that was what made this perfect moment so incredibly special. Either of them could have met their fate, this moment almost hadn’t happened at all. Lil grinned at his whispered answer and tilted her head back as she could better see his moontouched eyes. "To never waking up,” and she enjoyed another long drink of the sweet wine.

Roman’s paws trailed through her silver and white fur, tracing her side before gently caressing her soft underbelly. The shift was subtle, but enough to suddenly change the pace of the night. Lilith tensed, though she had no reason to. His words soothed her and though unfamiliar the sensation was truly pleasant. This was real, they were real, how she felt for him… Roman tilted his head, bring his lips temptingly close to her own. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her tongue, his strong protective arms supporting her body, and hear the adoration in his soft deep voice.

"Like nothing has ever been so real before.” She returned with a tooth grin and lidded gaze, unwilling to let him tempt her for so long. Lilith was nervous and felt like her stomach was doing summersaults, but there wasn’t anything she wanted more than to kiss him right then. Lilith leaned in, one pale white paw tipping his jaw just enough for her to brush her lips against his.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-28-2021, 01:36 AM

Gods, but there could be no sweeter music in the world than the sound of Lillith's laughter! All of his terrible jokes and snarky retorts just seemed to bring more of that lyrical laughter from the girl he adored and it made his heart flutter every time she laughed. Time and wine passed between them while they enjoyed the quiet night to themselves, listening to the flowing of water and cascading of the falls, watching the auroras dance and wave in the star-streaked sky. With each sip, Romulus could feel that entertaining buzz of drunkenness start to creep in over his senses. It wasn't enough to take away any of his cognition, but every touch and sensation had this delightful warm tingle to it now. At some point Lillith tilted her head to look up at him with shimmering ruby eyes and proclaimed a toast to never waking up, Roman taking the bottle of wine when she'd finished to have a swig of his own with an emphatic, "Hear hear!"

As he gently loved on every part of Lillith he could touch, he felt his lover's body tense to a few more intimate touches. Yet where she had nearly combusted before, the snow and silver fae seemed to be taking everything in stride. In her eyes he saw the same smoldering desire that burned in his, the two wolves' eyes locked as if nothing else in the world around them mattered. Lil confirmed that he wasn't just real, he was the most real thing she had ever felt. The corner of his mouth turned up in a crooked grin he wore so well, though it didn't last long once the Adravendi girl began to lean in closer. Roman's heart missed a beat when a dainty paw caught his jaw to turn it down so their lips could brush together in the softest of touches. That lightest of kisses sparked electricity across his muzzle that ran straight to his racing heart. The desire within him grew, a tightening tension mounting deep in his belly. He wanted to kiss her—kiss her harder and deeper than he ever had. Lillith had struck the match. Roman was ready to ignite the powder keg now.

With their lips just barely pressing together, Roman tightened his hold around Lil's side while his other paw snaked up to stroke the side of her neck, trailing up through pallid fur until he was able to lift her muzzle and guide her mouth back to his. Romulus didn't hold back, fully pressing his muzzle slow and savoring to hers, kissing her in much the same way they usually did. This time, however, the steel-furred Armada didn't hold himself back there. Navy blue lips moved against pale white ones, gently parting them and sliding his tongue lazily into her maw to taste her. Steel eyes slowly slid closed behind dark lids as he deepened their kiss. Every motion and advance was done so slow, a gradual build of heat and passion rather than the all out explosion he'd tried on their first kiss. Lillith needed a slow burn so she didn't burn out. Roman was fine with that. It just meant he got to explore her mouth with his tongue all the longer, gently probing along teeth and gums, gliding across her tongue and palate while he sampled her flavor. Lillith tasted of the wine they shared (something he was sure he did to her as well) but she also tasted saccharine sweet, like honey. She was delicious and addicting.

Roman slowly released Lil's muzzle, gliding his paw up to caress her cheek and gently urge her to remain in their deeply passionate kiss. The paw that had been trailing over her side once more resumed its course along her underbelly, running careful claws through her silken, thin fur there. The coil inside his belly tightened further, becoming almost unbearable but in all the best and most pleasant ways. His foreleg pulled Lil closer to his side, keeping every possible inch of their bodies touching, though it still didn't feel close enough for the inebriated and lustful young brute. It just wasn't enough anymore; he needed Lillith more than he'd ever needed anything else in his life.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-28-2021, 03:08 PM
The pair of them managed to consume a hefty amount of the bottle of wine by the time Lillith gave her toast and Roman drank along beside her. Already she could feel the tug of inebriation. Her movements felt fluid and her head heavy. Every touch they shared was more intense, but somehow it kept her from translating into extra excitement. They’d skirted around how her illness made her behave, Roman knew so much better how to proceed with her and Lillith knew she had to build the rising feelings in her belly much more slowly. Slow, but there was no stopping.

Lillith leaned forward to press her lips against his, and with little coaxing Romulus held her more tightly before he delved into their kiss. The affection was everything she wanted, a reminder of what she had almost lost. The way his paw trailed through her fur and up her jaw sent shivers racing down her spine. He tilted her head carefully and gently led her into a deep er kiss. The feeling of his tongue against her lips, and then against her own brought a soft sound of surprise. But Lil showed no hesitation, she savored the taste of his wine laced tongue and fell eagerly into the gentle rhythm motions of their kiss.

He caressed her cheek gently, but there was little chance of Lillith pulling away from him now, and his dark paw traced his claws through her ivory and silver fur. Again caressing the soft skin of her vulnerable belly. Her flesh trembled at his touch and her breath quickened against Roman’s lips. He pulled her closer and wrapped himself around her, promising nothing but his protection and love while she was in his grasp. Lillith instinctively pressed herself to him in turn, fitting perfectly against his form.

Her heart beat with a quickness and her breath was short in the best of ways. With every daring touch Romulus sent electricity over her skin, nervous energy built in her belly along with a hot flame Roman was determined to stoke. He made her unafraid, he carefully led her forward as they navigated the gallery of feelings for one another. Roman was the one she wanted to give herself to, her, mind, and body. He’d seen her through her worst, and he would be the one to share the best with her.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-28-2021, 08:25 PM

Romulus had been preparing himself to stop and pull back at any moment when he decided to push boldly into making out with Lillith, knowing she could overheat at any given moment with her condition. Imagine his surprise then when Lillith not only didn't resist, but began kissing him back in the same manner! He hummed with surprised delight while their tongues danced between their mouths, savoring the flavor of the other, hinted and enhanced with the bittersweetness of the wine. Electrifying shivers ran their way down his spine to settle deep in his burning core, creating a tension and pressure the likes of which he'd never felt before. It was like he was being burned alive and electrocuted all at the same time, and yet Roman had never felt more alive!

As their kiss deepened and went on, Roman felt Lil's body quiver gently beneath his touch, then shift to press all of herself tighter to his side. He shifted to welcome her in against him, her svelte side fitting perfectly into the creases of his own. Masculine muscles hugged feminine curves, and the silvery Armada wolf let his paw slide from her cheek down the side of her neck until he had both his forelegs wrapped around her sides. Without breaking their kiss apart, Romulus began to shift their bodies, gently urging Lillith onto her back while he shifted to cover her with his own body. Their lips only finally parted once he was completely above her, steely-silver eyes flickering open to gaze down into pools of ruby red and the most beautiful face that had ever been placed in this unworthy world.

From his position above her, Romulus reveled in Lillith's beauty. His heart raced and pounded in his chest, pumping blood like liquid fire through his veins to every part of his body—some more so than others. His paws held her by her sides, keeping every possible inch of their bodies pressed tightly together. His bushy tail wagged with excitement behind him, but there was still that hesitation, that pause while he checked to make sure she was okay and felt and wanted what he did too. Maybe it was the wine making him so bold, or maybe it was the near death experience—or perhaps their relationship had just grown to that next stage. "Lillith..." He whispered her name beneath heated gasps for breath. The question wasn't explicitly asked, but there could be no mistaking the look in his molten steel eyes. He glanced down their bodies for just a moment, then back to her claret gaze, wanting so much more with her but not wanting to take that plunge unless she was ready too.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-29-2021, 08:53 AM
The sound of his pleasant surprise when she kissed him back furthered the feeling of ease Roman created in her. Everything was electrifying but the pace kept Lillith in control. She knew that he was sharing the same feelings that were only barely kept at bay as she kissed him and pressed her form against his own desperately. Lillith knew where the night was taking them, and she eagerly wished to follow along, but that impatient spirit would be her downfall if she did not take care as Roman began to show just how much he loved her.

Her breathing was exaggerated, and fluttered with each sultry touch and careful kiss. Her heart fluttered with every shiver down her spine. As his paws moved down her side to better manipulate her form Lil’s delicate arms wrapped around his neck as she was shifted carefully and gently to her back. All the while Lillith continued falling into their deep kiss. Lilith settled easily into the soft grasses beneath them and Roman finally pulled away from their kiss. Lil followed him for only a moment before she settled back and gazed adoringly up into the Armada’s moon silver gaze.

He pressed himself to her as much as she held him, every inch of their bodies against one another but still the feeling of not being close enough remained. Nervous excitement raced through her veins, but her lips still portrayed a soft blissful smile. No one made her feel like Roman did, no one had her love like this young man. They paused for a moment, Romulus looking down into her garnet gaze it felt like time stopped. Lillith wished again that this night would last forever.

Roman spoke her name, breaking the spell that lingered around them. There was an unspoken question, he needed to know that she was alright. Lillith knew this was what she wanted, the girl wanted her boy more than anything else in the world. She needed Romulus. "Yes, Roman.” She gasped softly, suddenly alight with foreign tingling all over her body, but most concentrated deep in her belly. She squeezed his neck tightly, nervous and eager all at once. "Slowly…” Lillith cautioned with a sweet whine as her lips pulled back into a grin and she gazed up at him from silvery lashes.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
11-30-2021, 05:19 PM

Every beat of the young Armada's heart felt exaggerated and intense, pounding in his head like a drum, every breath taken shorter and hotter while he waited for Lillith to permit him to have what he wanted or deny him. Beneath him, his silver gilded alabaster goddess smiled up at him with a look that melted his heart. Just as the girl wanted her boy, so too did the boy want his girl. He'd never felt a stronger need, a primitive desire to have her in the way a brute was meant to have a fae. Romulus needed Lillith. He needed her like he needed air to breathe, water to drink, food to survive. It was a primal need hardcoded into his genetics over millions of years.

Then she said the words he longed to hear. "Yes, Roman." The fire in his belly surged into an inferno,  his breath hitching when she squeezed her limber forelegs around his neck and clung tighter to him. A twinge of nervousness touched him, but it was almost entirely excitement that consumed the young wolf. In her eyes, he could see the same anxiousness, but also the same enthusiasm. Lillith wanted this as badly as he did; she wasn't just conceding to give him what he wanted. This desire was mutual, and she wanted to feed it as much as he did. Lil urged him to go slowly, and Roman grinned back down at her, dipping his muzzle and letting pink tongue snake from between dark lips to glance over her chin. "As slow as you want..." he whispered back, husky voice now heavy with wanton desire. Molten silver eyes held Lillith's while he shifted to align his hips with hers, one larger paw sliding down the curves on her side to hook beneath her waist, lifting her into a more comfortable position for them both.

"You set the pace, Lil. Whatever you want, you tell me." Slower, faster, softer, harder, whatever Lillith desired, he would perform. Tonight was about the culmination of their love for one another. They were both exploring uncharted territory and learning new things, but they were doing it together. Lil would be the guide and Roman would be the conductor. Moving his lips to brush over hers one last time before their lives changed forever, Roman held Lillith's garnet gaze while he pressed his hips to hers and sank within her, making them become one. Teeth gritted and growls of pleasure escaped the brute, but he didn't dare look away from her. He wanted to watch the reactions of his lover while they both reached new highs together. Working in tandem, the two of them would create the most beautiful music together, writing a love song beneath the swirling auroras and streaking stars that was theirs alone.

- fade -




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-01-2021, 08:10 AM
Lillith was grateful for the wine that Romulus brought along with them to enjoy this beautiful night. The full moon in the sky, the aurora glittering and dancing above them, sending streaks of color over their pelts as bodies entwined together. Roman was silhouetted by the dancing sky, his smile nearly as bright as the celestial bodies above. Lil felt more beautiful, desired, and needed than she ever had before and those feelings were reciprocated completely. She embraced the foreign feelings that she’d never really allowed to grow before, because of the wine the scary edge was taken away completely. Laying here beneath Roman was easy, and she’d never thought him so handsome, had never needed him or held such deep desire before. The illness that gripped her made her hold back, but Roman moved slowly with her, they’d climbed to this point together.

If it was possible she was sure his grin widened as she spoke to him in breathy whispers. The warmth of the wine was nothing compared to the heat he caused within her. She tried not to squirm beneath him from the flames that licked her skin and anticipation that built between them. Roman leaned forward, his tongue caressing her chin as he assured her once more. His deep voice in her ear as his massive paw trailed down her body and pulled at her waist. Lil moved with him, feeling her hips fit against his like lock and key.

She shivered with anticipation, Roman told her he would do as she asked, whatever her desire he would deliver. Lillith felt herself tense as moonsilver eyes gazed down at her, the only hesitation coming from uncertainty of the unknown. Roman leaned forward, just as slowly as she asked, and brushed his lips against hers. Lillith felt her heart slam against her chest like it was going to burst from her white fur. Garnet gaze found her lover’s as he shifted against her gently. The pressure was intense for a moment, Lil’s ears slicked to her skull and her features contorted, and then he took her breath away.

Lilith gasped for breath as Roman brought them together as one body, it was a deep and intense feeling that she couldn’t describe. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her mind couldn’t grasp anything but the warmth and pleasure of this ultimate act of love. She held to him desperately and spoke guiding words as Roman carried her to soaring heights Lillith had never imagined. She gasped his name and cried out for him as the night blurred around them.





3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-02-2021, 04:59 PM

As Lillith had asked, Romulus took his time and went as slow as the young she-wolf needed. There was no urgency to his actions, no forcing or pressuring. They moved at their own pace, savoring, lavishing in this culmination of their love together. Bathed in moonlight and the shine of the auroras, Roman explored new sensations and pleasures never before imagined with his Lillith. The feelings were intense, the emotions even more so, and at one point they had overwhelmed him so thoroughly that he couldn't even keep his eyes open. Their lovemaking was a symphony of their own creation, each line punctuated by gasping breaths and airy cries. Roman moaned her name in response when the two of them reached that inevitable peak together, all the while making sure Lil never burned up.

When all was said and done, Roman collapsed to his back in the soft grasses beside Lil, panting to catch his breath while blinking open silver eyes glazed over with ecstasy. He stared up at the swirling bands of colored light above them, hypnotized for a moment while his mind and body swam in these floaty sensations that made him feel lighter than air. Gods, if he'd known how good it was going to be...! Turning his head just enough to peek over at Lillith, the Armada brute reached over to scoop up his lover in his arms, strong forelegs pulling her body close to his so they could snuggle and bask in the afterglow of their incredible lovemaking. The steel-blue wolf didn't say anything for a short while, instead trying to catch his breath while holding Lil like she was the most precious thing in the world. His muzzle dipped down to lick, kiss, and nibble across her crown and ears, lavishing her in tender little affections.

"Wow...!" was all he was able to say when his breathing had steadied enough to speak. "I love you, Lillith." He paused his affections long enough to check her over briefly. "You're still okay...?" More importantly than anything else, he had to make sure Lil was all right; that their passion hadn't harmed her or incensed her illness.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-03-2021, 07:27 PM
Every slow movement created new sensations and pleasures that Lillith hadn’t ever imagined, and Roman moved at a perfect pace for her to keep up with. Whenever she started to lose her breath too heavily or she felt herself tensing up, Roman sensed they were going too far and kept her from burning completely. The girl handled the high emotions and intense sensations and she had her lover to thank entirely. Roman knew her better than any other wolf, and was the only one worthy or able to experience this with her. Together they culminated their love for one another.

Lillith could barely catch her breath as the both of them exhausted each other. Roman pulled away from her and flopped into the soft grass beside her, just as breathless as she. Lil was breathing heavily but a grin played over her silver features. Her heart beat heavily in her chest and she felt tingly all over. There was a warmth within her she hadn’t felt before, and it showed itself in the flush of her cheeks. Roman peeked over at her, looking just as satisfied and blissful as she felt.

Somehow he made the moment even better when he wrapped his arms around her and held her closely to his chest. Nothing needed to be said, feeling his strong arms around her after everything they experienced together she didn’t want to be anywhere else. Lil thought she had loved him before tonight, but now those feelings were so much more intense. He truly had her heart, and this night proved it. Roman’s sweet affections assured her further, soothing her and her breath.

Finally Roman spoke, his first word much of how she felt, speechless at the experience and in awe. "Yeah, wow.” She said wondrously. "I love you too, so much.” He pulled away enough to check her over concernedly. "I’m fine, better than fine. Amazing.” She grinned and squeezed her legs around his neck, still feeling the effects of the wine. "You’re amazing.” She told him whimsically as she lifted her muzzle to kiss him again. She wanted him closer, and the feeling of not being close enough returned.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-03-2021, 08:20 PM

Even if she hadn't answered him verbally, the look of total bliss on Lillith's face told Romulus everything he needed to know. She'd enjoyed their coupling as much as he had—perhaps even more so!—and was totally fine once they were done. She amazed him in everything she did, in how strong she was, and once more she had proven that with a little time, effort, and nurturing, she could overcome anything and have whatever she wanted. It had been as much a triumph for him as it had been for her. Seeing that loving grin on her face, the way her alcohol-glazed eyes shone with love and desire, it made Roman's heart flutter in his chest. He never wanted to let her go—not now, not ever. She had all of him; his heart, his soul, everything.

The loving smile on his lips stretched wider when she proclaimed her love for him back, snuggling into his embrace across his chest with ease. When Lil confirmed that she was better than fine, Roman gave a husky chuckle and leaned his muzzle closer to hers to whisper against her lips, "Good." Long, slender legs squeezed around his neck, and he replied by squeezing his thickly corded forelegs around her svelte sides, also still reveling in the pleasant buzz of the copious amount of wine in his belly. "Mmm you're amazing too." He wore his typical roguish grin while he brought his muzzle to receive her kiss, gently pressing his lips to hers, then pressing more firmly into her mouth. A large navy-dipped paw slid up to cup her cheek, kissing her slowly, deeply, appreciating her in every aspect with every sense. The fire smoldering in his belly had burned down in the aftermath of their lovemaking, but already he could feel it roaring back to life. He needed Lillith closer to him again, all around him, clinging to him.

With gentle insistence, Roman parted Lil's lips to slip his tongue into her maw once again, savoring her flavor. His other paw roamed down her body, following every natural curve with ginger touches of paw pads. He kissed her long and slow, parting only once the heat inside him became impossible to ignore. Liquid steel eyes slowly flickered open, gazing lovingly at Lillith through smoldering half-lidded eyes. His trademark grin on his lips, Roman wrapped his forelegs around her sides and gently lifted Lil's slender form up to drape her across his prone body, letting her lie across him while they cuddled and let the fire rise inside them for round two. "Never before has a wolf been as beautiful as you, Lillith," he whispered in heated, husky tones to his beloved girlfriend, bold paws roaming over every part of her body he could reach, savoring her softness, her warmth, her presence all around him.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-04-2021, 04:58 PM
Lillith rose to every challenge in front of her, she beat her illness, she became a fighter, she left pack lands on her own. Lillith had so many accomplishments and many of them were in tandem with her relationship with Roman. He encouraged her, he pushed her, he helped her whenever she needed him. He was the wind beneath her wings, her ultimate cheerleader, the man that she loved. Maybe she could figure things out for herself, but she knew she’d be dead if Roman hadn’t found her that day in the gardens.

Maybe she’d have figured things out on her own but it really felt like alone she was nothing, and with Roman at her side she could do anything. She was so grateful for him, so grateful to still have him. Her thin frame relaxed against his chest as she squeezed his neck as Roman whispered in her ear. He hadn’t hurt her, and though maybe her hips were a little sore she was no worse for wear. He held her sides, squeezing her lightly and holding her tightly. He grinned up at her and returned her sentiments. She was amazing too, but she interrupted him with her kisses.

Roman lifted his paw to her cheek, easily falling back into those sweet kisses that were so lovely to share. The fire in her belly had settled but it was easy to reignite as the love of her life melted deeper into their affections. Lilith could have stayed there all night enjoying the taste of Roman’s wine laced breath and the feeling of his tongue along her lips. He ran his paws along her fur and easily shifted her body like she weighed nothing. He perched her atop his chest and belly, gazing into her garnet eyes.

She giggled at his dreamy words as he proclaimed her the most beautiful she wolf to exist. His paws traced over her curves and every bit of her form. "You think so?” She returned mischievously, pulling a paw up to boop his nose playfully. Lillith was ever the humble young she wolf, and even now after everything they’d experienced together she couldn’t so easily accept a compliment like that. "Cause you make me feel like the most beautiful wolf in the world.” She offered him breathlessly, grinning and running her claws through the thick fur behind his ear.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-04-2021, 05:41 PM

It was so easy for Romulus to simply relax and exist with Lillith. Being with her felt as natural as breathing. There were no pretenses to hold to, no need to try and show off or be someone he wasn't. Lillith made everything feel right. From the day he'd met her in the gardens to this magical night they'd shared beneath the haunted moon and stars, this was where his destiny had always meant to lead him. After all, what were the odds that their paths would cross at just the right times when they needed each other the most? Him, a wayward traveler in foreign lands with nothing but his name, and her, a determined spirit withheld by a faltering body. She'd given him the home and the purpose he needed, and he helped her find the strength to take back charge of her life. Together they had grown tremendously, faced and weathered storms and tribulations, even overcome disease and death. Not even that inescapable force could pry them apart.

Roman beamed gleefully when Lil giggled and stretched out across his body to settle in more comfortably. She teased him back some, then booped his nose with a gentle paw, making silver eyes go crossed for a brief moment before they settled back on her angelic face. "Hmm, 'think'? No no no, that implies there's even a small chance of doubt. No, I know you're the most beautiful wolf in the world," he remarked with a flash of teeth in his devilish grin, a playful mirth lighting up his argent eyes. Low murrs rumbled deep within the young brute's chest while his beautiful fae combed claws through the fur behind his ear, one paw sliding down her back to massage around the base of her tail. It seemed like there would be no chance of either of them keeping their paws off of one another anymore now that they'd had a taste of what physical pleasures together could be like—not that he had any complaints whatsoever! He would have been perfectly content to lay there all night, savoring the sweet taste of Lil's wine-soaked lips and tongue and the warmth of her body tangled up with his.

"You keep that up and you're gonna have an Armada all over you again, my little Adravendi goddess," he spoke with a vibrating growl beneath his tones. It wasn't so much a warning as much as it was a promise. Roman had always had an affinity for physicality, his love language definitely one of touches and cuddles and kisses. Now that he'd explored the more carnal side of love with Lillith, that added a whole new repertoire of ways he could show he loved her, over and over and over again as often as her body allowed. She was stoking those embers inside him and Roman honestly didn't think he'd be able to resist from taking her again if she kept teasing him and playing with him like that.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-04-2021, 08:03 PM
Lillith took too long to get to this place with Roman, from barely able to touch him to this. Sprawled over his form, perched upon him like she belonged there. She did belong here, she belonged with him. Roman was there with her as she grew into herself and grew out of her illness. He helped her on that journey he bolstered her confidence, he’d seen her at her lowest and highest and she didn’t want anyone else at her side. She hated the thought of what she would be doing right now if he hadn’t made it through his own illness. There was no other explanation than they were meant to be together, they had both overcome incredible odds and they were together now.

And neither of them could have been happier. Under the everdark moon with the auroras above them, Lilith wasn’t so sure getting to tonight wasn’t magic itself at work. Roman grinned as she questioned him lightly and he assured her that there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that she was the most beautiful wolf. No question at all. Lillith's grin widened and her cheeks flushed rose. Her blush increased as his slate dipped paw trailed over her curve and rested at her tail. His gent;e affections stirred the deeper desires within her, and made her gasp breathlessly. She continued to trace her claws through his silvery fur as he spoke, and she smirked lightly as he warned her of his intentions.

She felt the deep growl all through her body as it reverberated from Roman’s chest. She grinned again and pressed herself closer, feeling her heart flutter as he called her a goddess. Lillith enjoyed this advancement in the level of their relationship, knowing Romulus intimately enhanced everything about how she felt about him. "I’ll keep going then.” Lil returned boldly as she blushed again and desire built in her belly. He paw trailed from the thick fur of his neck to his cheek and up along his jaw as she aimed to tip his lips back to hers. Lillith felt like she was starting to get the hang of kissing him, but there was so much more that she wanted.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-05-2021, 06:53 PM

In all the time he had spent with Lillith Adravendi, he couldn't recall a time where she looked more like the wolf she was always supposed to be than how she looked to him right now. Romulus was in awe of this beautiful, lively, feisty young fae draped across his body, grinning and smiling with eyes shining like nothing was wrong in the entire world. There was no apocalypse, there was no sickness or fear. All she knew was happiness, love, peace, contentment. She was confident and sure and loving and he'd never found her sexier or more attractive than he did at this very moment. She was perfect, flawless, the ultimate epitome of beauty, grace, and strength. And she had chosen him to be her lover. No greater honor had ever been bestowed upon the young brute, save for maybe being born an Armada. That was how deeply Lillith had affected his life: that she was of equal importance to his very existence as his family.

The reactions he saw play across Lil's face while feisty paws roamed over her body in a playful manner stirred that desire deep inside Roman once again. Her grin widened and his grin stretched to mirror hers. The flush that painted her cheeks was so damn adorable! That breathless gasp was almost enough to make the silver and slate wolf flip her over and begin ravaging her all over again, but he somehow restrained his baser urges for the moment. But that thin fraying rope holding himself in check soon tethered when Lillith pressed her svelte body closer to him and kept running her delicate claws through his fur, boldly declaring that she'd keep going. Roman's breath caught in his throat, silvery eyes widening in surprised delight and heart picking up speed. This was a whole new side to Lillith and Roman was loving every bit of it! It was such a profound and wonderful advancement of the intimacy of their relationship, and he knew there'd be no going back now. Their lives were forever interwoven and connected, from this day until the end of days.

Little trails of electricity danced across his skin wherever Lil's paw trailed from his neck to his jaw, the brute offering his fae zero resistance when she tipped his muzzle up and guided his lips back to hers. Settling into kissing Lillith had become as natural as breathing. Once more, her taste greeted his lips and tongue, and though kissing her brought so much relief to the growing tension inside of him, it also fanned those flames of desire and made him crave so, so much more. With Lillith's body pressed tight to his, Roman knew she was wanting the exact same thing he was—and so they would both get what they needed. Gripping tight to her body with one paw supporting her lower back and the other holding her rump, Romulus held Lillith's body tight to his, kissing her deeply, tongue dancing with hers with all the fire that threatened to burn him alive.

When the heat and pressure in his lower regions became too much to handle, Roman reluctantly broke their kiss apart, gasping for breath and gazing up at his gorgeous girlfriend with a smoldering love and lust in his liquid silver irises. There would be no denying what both of them wanted and what would come next. "You take the lead," he said, voice rough and husky with breathless desire. Roguish grin crept over his lips while his paws rested on either side of Lil's hips, pulling her body tighter to his while she straddled him. "We'll do this together..." Just as they'd figured out their first time, Roman was ready to explore all new facets of their relationship with Lillith, starting with this.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-05-2021, 09:04 PM
In all the time they spent together even Lillith couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt more at ease, more comfortable in her own skin, or like she belonged than in that moment. She could ignore her illness as they managed her symptoms. She forgot about the illness that had very nearly stolen Roman from her. She forgot about the world crumbling around them. This was the culmination of her determination and more so her love for Romulus.

He knew how to touch her, how to best kindle the desire deep in her belly. With his paws, with his expression and the easy way he fell into that deep kiss with her. She savored every caress of his paw and lick of his tongue. Lil could feel him hold back as she claimed his lips instead of the other way around. She was the one to cause him to lose his breath and the scene made her grin further, from ear to ear she was grinning. Their relationship had changed and Lil was convinced it was for the better. She felt closer to him than ever before.

Again they easily dived back into their kiss, paws trailed through fur and tongues danced together. Electricity crackled over her fur and fire danced beneath her skin. She kissed his deeper, holding her paw to his cheek as she clung to him with the other. His own paws shifted along her hips and supported her rump. She grinned against his lips, losing herself again in their affections before Roman broke their connection with a deep gasp.

She gazed down at him with garnet eyes as he returned her stare. Lust, desire, and most importantly love flowed between them. Again she felt his voice rumble through his chest as he prompted her softly. Take the lead. Surprise flashed over her features, and she suddenly felt a flurry of nerves but Roman continued, they’d be together, she would never be alone again. She had nothing to fear or be nervous about, she had control.

"Together.” Lillith agreed softly, smiling and feeling Roman build her confidence as he ran his paws over her hips. Lil pressed herself closer and pressed her belly to his, grinding her hips against his own as she tried to return to the rhythm that they had created earlier. She pulled her confidence from him as well as her cues, and with a deep breath Lillith joined them together once more. Her movements were hesitant as she swiftly lost her breath and herself in everything that Romulus was. Her true love, her soul mate, her sweet lover. With every shift of her body her confidence grew, and the night became more incredible with every moment together.
