
Rayflower! -plot with Sei-



6 Years
05-14-2014, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2014, 07:25 PM by Vereux.)

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Vereux Armada, Male|Glaciem|1 year|Single

Friends: Irune, Athena(Sister), Etern(Uncle), Eris, Genesis(Brother)

It's rather easy to get into this boys good graces. As long as you are not doing harm to his family he is rather easy to get along with if not for his slight attitude if you were to call his fathers work useless.

Lovers: N/A

Far too young, and foreign to the concept of love Vereux hasn't even though about loving a woman. You could try but with his experience his mother betrayed his father.

Enemies: Argent(Mother)

Vereux is not very vengeful, but there are some things he believes he cannot forgive. Vereux doesn't like making enemies right now, but he might change his mind in the future.

Others: Isardis(Father), Eris(Ex-mentor), Liberty(Overseer)

Others he has high respect for, or has known in the past.
Ortzi "etern" Armada, Male|Glaciem|4 years|Singlish?

Friends: Vereux(Nephew), Sendoa(sister), Eris, Liberty

Friends is a very hard word to get into his head, but his loyalty is unwavering. Etern without a doubt is a friend to hold onto, but if you betray him he also can easily want to ruin your life within a moments notice.

Lovers: Eris?(maybe)

Love is important to him, his last lover died in a gruesome way and his heart has a hard time grasping what he loves. Etern is forever loyal to those he holds feelings for, but it takes him a bit to actually know what he wants.

Enemies: everyone who hates his brother or sister

An enemy is an enemy no matter what, he doesn't care about their personal life. In the past he was known for slaying children if ordered and he wouldn't mind doing it again for his family.

Other: Isardis(brother)

Others he has met, or looks up to.

Vahva Hutashi, Female|Valhalla|4 years|Single

Friends: Erani, Azalea, Chrysanthe, Arian(cousin), Hajime(cousin), Odette

Vahva holds her friends very dear, she may just pull idiotic stunt to protect them. She isn't one to betray so easily, and sometimes she can get easily pumped up when someone is making fun of her friends.

Lovers: N/A

It's been a long time since Vahva has felt loved. Having two children during her time as a slave loving a man might be a little tough. But if someone can woo her all the better just don't break her heart.

Enemies: Glaciem

Most of the time Vahva is mild mannered, but there are some things she finds herself never forgiving. Things done to her family, and the grief caused can make her anger flare up.


Anyone else she meets.

Ragna, Female|Arcanum|2 years|Single

Friends: N/A

Ragna does not believe in friends, she is a burden and a monster. While she can give off the illusion of being friend, they will always be more important than she herself. So she might as well be a slave with shackles as she believes.

Lovers: N/A
Again Ragna has never thought of love, and she hasn't really enjoyed children because of her jealousy of them.

Enemies: Arcanum's enemies

An enemy is an enemy all the same like any other. If she is ordered to kill, she will kill. She has no choice but to listen to what others say so that she does not cause them trouble.


Most of the other people she meets.
Quelt Arrow, Male|Loner|3 years|Single

Friends: Roman, Erani, Mariposa, Serra(sister)

Quelt gets along with pretty much anyone. He doesn't care about your life style as long as you are not hurting those who are really really important to him. But otherwise he gets along with others well. Quelt is not one for being in a pack though.


Quelt doesn't like the thought of being tied down. It would take a lot for someone to convince him to stay, and pups would be a good reason for that. Though if they asked him to leave he would. He is fine with one night stands, since as it seems it gets a little lonely at times.

Enemies: N/A

Quelt can make enemies as easily as friends though. And he is not one to care for his enemies at all. He can be vicious and fairly uncaring to them.

Others: N/a

Anyone else he has met and has no opinion about.
Orochi Raven "Walker" Kigu, Male|Loner|Pup|Single

Friends: Siblings, Erani

Orochi loves his friends, immensely so. As long as they are taking care of themselves and their pretty coats Orochi is one to protect to the end and make sure everything is fabulous.

Lovers: N/A

Too young to love right now, but because of his behavior Orochi prefers men over women. While being bisexual, his rather girlish stereotypical gay ways may detere many of the girls he meets.

Enemies: N/A

Orochi can easily make enemies with his slightly evil ways. Being a little bit of a manipulator could possibly piss some other wolves off.


Anyone else
Loutka Glass, Male|Tortuga|4 years|Single

Friends: N/A

It's hard for loutka to make friends since of his odd behavior for others. He is actually a woman but specifically prefers to be called a man and lives that way. Though also because of his apathetic nature with most things at that.

Lovers: N/A

Being very passionate, and well rounded for both men and women Loutka can be the best partner if they'd let him.

Enemis: N/A

Can be easily made, if not for the fact half the time he really just doesn't care.

Others: N/A
Anyone else
Levaithi Walker, Male|Ebony|Pup|Single

Friends: Raisa, Kassander, Ixion(brother)

Levi is a curious cute adorable pup who wants to know everything about everyone. He can be a bit annoying at times, but he means well and cares about others greatly. Not fully understanding distrust yet.


Way too young right now

Enemies: N/A

Levi doesn't understand what it means to hate someone, or to have them as an enemy.

Others: N/A

Anyone who isn't a friend.
Hajime Walker, Male|Ebony|2 years|Widow

Friends: Raisa, Calli, Vaughan, Vahva, Arian

Friends are the most important thing to him in close second to his pups. Hajime will always be someone who wants to help his friends, and make sure that they are alright.

Lovers: Elsa N/A

Hajime's last mate died giving birth to the pups he is currently raising. With a broken heart, he is not yet over Elsa but maybe over time he will be willing to take on another. He is also fully open to being in love with a man.

Enemies: N/A

An enemy can easily be made with Hajime, if you piss him off. Just sometimes he won't admit it.

Others: N/A

Anyone else
Draught Hatake, Male|Covari|3 years|Single

Friends: N/A

Draught doesn't really make friends, anyone stupid enough to consider him one in the end will get back stabbed. Draught really only cares for himself and his survival. And his joy of tearing things apart, but it doesn't mean he can listen to others and cooperate.

Lovers: N/A

He won't settle down, women are tools.

Enemies: N/A

Draught pretty much hates everyone who is in his path and doesn't want to give him what he wants. His dellusions could be his friends and enemies at the same time, but he really doesn't care for others.

Others: N/A

Anyone Else
Arian Adravendi, Female|Loner|1 year|Single

Friends: Epiphron(mother), Maverick(father), Syrinx(uncle), Virgil, Destruction, Aiden, Syren

Arian is a very friendly girl, she cares about others, and tries her best to stay positive no matter what. It makes her strong in her own mind, and she tries to cheer anyone up.

Lovers: N/A

Arian hasn't really thought of love before, she's been too busy with her studies.

Enemies: N/A

While Arian may get a bit pissy when others are hurt, on the inside she's a little bit soft right now. She can't but help to help others.


Everyone Else.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-15-2014, 08:18 PM
I already threw up a post for Arian and Quintus!

Also, I think Vahva and July could get along? :)

Divinity Ouros


06-17-2014, 05:49 AM
I think I would like to try my hand at Mako+ Hajime. He doesn't know it quite yet, but Mako is attracted to males as opposed to women.


06-26-2014, 09:35 PM
Ohohoho. Yesss. Wren and Quelt? Ehehehe? He seems like a good character and Wren isn't possessive if that's what he's afraid of. And I think they'd get along great. Maybe they can meet someone and we'll see how it goes? But it's up to you. These are beautiful characters, by the way.



5 Years
06-28-2014, 01:56 PM
draught and desiree can thread, would be interesting