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"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-20-2021, 12:53 PM
Cerberus wasn't really much different than his previous self. He had always been quiet, reclusive, but he had never felt so tired and weak before. He had once been so intent on keeping track of how Albion and Scylla were, but over the last week or so he was just too sick to even get up to the front of the cell and call for them. He was laid back in the corner of the stone wedges of the floor and walls in his cell, he was in between both Albion and Scylla's cells.

The voices were nothing new or different to him. Though he had to admit seeing the ghostly fazes floating around was just a bit alarming. They didn't bother him so he assumed they at least weren't unfriendly. He wasn't sure if the glittering clouds could touch him physically though, he guessed he didn't care much about that either. It would take too much energy to try and fight them off and away.

He groaned as he barely moved a muscle, the side of his body must have been laid down on the floor for... how long? He couldn't tell. But the sores and blisters may have suggested much longer than was comfortable or at least normal. Occasionally he coughed, spitting out the ooze and trying to wipe it away off the floor with his paws and in turn making himself all crusty and ooze covered. It hurt to wipe away the older ooze off his face these days so it almost clumped together like hard glue under his eyes and chin. Was he waiting here for his death? At least he didn't seem to be so worried about it.

Healing Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 283 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

"Cerberus Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-20-2021, 05:24 PM

Dalila had tried to keep her exposure to the poor, infected pups to a minimum for Rusalka's sake since her daughter seemed to have escaped the alarming illness, but considering Siren had been caring for them and they were together so often she assumed that if the illness was contagious she could have gotten it passed along through Siren anyway. She wanted to relieve a bit of the pressure of it from her love where she could so while Rusalka was spending time with Chimera she gathered up some supplies and went to the cells where Cerberus, Scylla, and Albion were being held for their quarantine. She hadn't seen them in the cells yet, but being here broke her heart and worried her deeply for their well being. It almost made her second guess her choice and turn back, fearing for Ruse's health, but she pressed onward, coming to Cerberus' cell first.

She frowned a little around the cloth bundle she was carrying when she saw him pressed into the corner, her ears flicking back at the sight of him coughing up more ooze and adding to the disgusting crust that was building on and around him. She pulled open the door and walked inside, setting down the supplies near the black and russet boy. "Hi, Cerberus," she said gently, untying her bundle and letting the pieces of cloth fall open to reveal the herbs, water skin, and lidded jars of solutions and polticies she had brought with her. "I brought some stuff that I hope will make you feel a little better." She didn't know how to cure them, none of them did, but she hoped maybe she could help with some of the symptoms to at least make him a little more comfortable.

"Lets get you cleaned up a little bit, yeah?" she told him, rolling out a thin fur on the floor and carefully helping the boy move onto it, laying him on his stomach so she could see the sores that had formed on his side. Her ears flicked worriedly at the sight of them, gentle paws checking the rest of him for sores and assesses that might need to be treated. "I know you feel awful, but try to at least move around a bit and roll over occasionally, okay? These can get bad pretty quickly." She didn't want to put any more stress on him and tried to hide her own concern as much as she could, but she knew some of it probably seeped through none of the less. She pulled a bowl out of her supplies and started filling it with water so that she could start cleaning him up a bit, adding some distilled trillium to the water so she could start cleaning out the sores on his side as well.

WC: 470
Total: 753 / 1500

"Dalila Vista Rocha"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-20-2021, 06:52 PM
He barely moved as Dalila came into his cell and started arranging the supplies she had brought with her to help if only make them comfortable. The only acknowledgment she had received back was just the flick of his eye as he laid there on the floor.

He whined softly as she moved him up onto his stomach and onto the fur, but he still tried hard to help roll over himself. His chin found the comfortable fur below him as he let out a long huff just of pure discomfort of being moved. They all had furs inside their cells, Chimera did still care deeply for them. But for whatever reason, his maddened state had left him laying on the stone floor.

His muscles winced and tightened as Dalila poked around at the sores and around him to inspect him, though the sores weren't only from laying on the hard floor for such a long time. The sickness too had made them worse, and festered under the skin from the inside out. He took a deep breath as she asked him to try and move around some, his eyes moving while his head still laid comfortable on the fur under his chin. "You shouldn't be helping us." His hoarse voice let out almost hopelessly, "They say we are supposed to die." Again he mentioned the voices without name that had plagued him for all of his short life or at least what he remembered of it. Though maybe they were more altered by his experiences in life. Cerberus was such a calm child, maybe they voices were actually expressing his fears.

Healing Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1027 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

"Cerberus Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-20-2021, 09:07 PM

Dalila glanced up at Cerberus as he told her how "they" had said that they were supposed to die, her frown deepening. She didn't fully understand the extent of the voices Cerberus was hearing or what caused them, whether they were directly tied to the illness he was currently fighting or not, but they still startled her either way. "Nonsense," she insisted as she dipped a washcloth into the water she had prepared, squeezing out some of the excess water before beginning to clean away some of the ooze and crusted bits out of his fur. "Don't you listen to those terrible words. You're going to be just fine." She gave him a reassuring smile while she gently lifted his head with one paw so she could get a better view of his face without him having to strain his neck to lift it himself, her other paw lightly scrubbing his cheeks and muzzle with the cloth. There were some spots that were just too hardened to get off without a full soak and a real bath, but this was certainly better than nothing. She was able to get a majority of it off of his face, rising out the cloth before moving on to his forelegs and chest.

She didn't know how sure she was of her own statement as she wiped away a fresh bit of ooze from under his eye, but she'd never let him see how much she worried about whether he would pull through this or not. Dalila shifted around to the side where the worst of his sores were and got a fresh cloth, soaking it in the trillium infused water and lightly wringing the cloth over each one to start rinsing the wounds and cleaning them gently. This was obviously far worse than any infection she had ever seen or dealt with before, but she hoped perhaps the principles were mostly the same. With as careful and gentle paws as she could manage, she washed away as much of the ooze and infected looking grossness that she could, her ears flicking whenever she noticed that she was hurting him. "I'm sorry, I know it doesn't feel good. We've gotta do something about these though or they're just going to keep getting worse," she told him quietly while she worked.

When she was done cleaning them she sat the bowl and rags aside, getting up to dig through her supplies again. She pulled out a jar with a lid and opened it, using the lid like a plate and scooping out some of the sweet mixture onto it. Honey, blueberries, meadowsweet, ginseng root, elderberry, and marshmallow had all been mashed together into a sweet, medicinal paste and she sat the plate of it in front of him. She didn't want to give him more that a couple scoops at a time, but some kind of herbs or treatment needed to happen to help with these awful symptoms. "Go ahead and eat that, okay? It's just some herbs to help you feel better with some honey and berries so hopefully it won't taste too bad."

WC: 520
Total: 1547/1500

"Dalila Vista Rocha"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-20-2021, 09:21 PM
The pain from Dalila working at the blisters and sores on his side was actually more unbearable than he may have made it seem, but either way the kind of pain and emotion he had showed now was probably more than he had showed in his entire life. His young eyes looked up sadly at Dalila, though he knew she was just trying to help. He grunted and whined to get through the worst of it, clearly he was holding more in as he huffed from the aching, surging pain with everywhere she was working.

Finally, she had pulled out a jarred mixture of many things, some he could identify if he was really paying attention but he was just in a very wrong mindset to even want to. Dalila had asked him to eat it and while he wasn't really feeling well enough to do so he still carefully lapped up a little bit at a time, swallowing hard with each gulp. He didn't know if it was a cure or just something for the symptoms he was having. But if he was meant to die, he supposed it was how it meant to be. Or so he listened from the voices. "Thank you, Dalila." he spoke quietly, wanting to lay back down and go to sleep.

"Cerberus Klein"



11-22-2021, 06:00 PM

You find yourself unable to speak properly for two hours.

You gain:
  • Mushrooms (7x)- Used in Firefly's Shoppe, and perhaps elsewhere...