
A pinch of this a spice of that...

Orchid I


5 Years
05-14-2014, 05:18 PM

The meeting had been a very new experience to the woman, so many people, so many opinions so many things to organise and sort. The poor leader Vi must have a great deal on her plate at this moment. It seemed horribly selfish that she wanted to find her place here within this pack considering all she had going on, but it was a thought that chewed insistently at her until it consumed her thoughts. Well, that and of course Scorpion who was never far from her mind. Especially now with an entire pack out before her and all these wolves within its borders. She shivered at the thought of sharing a land with so many beings, and yet the safety that came with was appealing.

he was sure Scorpion was well caught up in whatever his role was within the pack, and did not think he would mind her exploring her new home. After all, she would not leave the borders and couldn?t imagine a rouge being foolish enough to cross these lands unbidden. So the girl would pace, and allow her thoughts to think and grow, grow past what she had ever allowed them to before. There was a whole pack outstretched before her, so much she could do t make her brother proud, where could she start? Well.. she was beginning to get an idea. How about start where her strengths lay, she knew herbs, she knew poisons and healing, she knew remedies and how paralyses another.. She would begin to get a storage and if her brother ever needed anything of her she would be ready. She started with the poisons? carefully collecting them in a malleable leaf that folded up around them. She was sure he would need poisons before he would need anything to do with healing?



05-16-2014, 10:23 AM

Running a pack probably should have been busy work, should have kept her busy but in all honestly Vi didn't really give a flying fuck. She needed to sit down and chat further with Desiree, discuss what she wanted to do with the pack because Vi was already getting sick of plastering on a smile and faking her way through accepting members. She really just wanted to lounge and bask in her own power. Which today she had completely planned to do just that, to lay around on her back, white belly to the air and legs splayed every which way. Happiness is... But then she heard a rustle, a movement in the distance and slowly one yellow eye would peel open, squinting against the sunlight until the form came into focus. She recognized the girl. Scorpions sister right? Suddenly her curiosity hit her harder then her laziness and she flipped, twisting oddly so she was laying on her stomach for a moment, studying the girl. He had spoken of her like she was his prize... She had acted like she was a prize... What was so special about her? Vi had to know...

Long legs unfurled and pushed her upwards before setting off towards the girl. She would let out a little bark to alert the girl of her approach as to not startle her. Long legs pulled her along at a sort of prance, paws flicking to thrust her body upwards with each step, neck arched slightly and tail curled above her back. "Hello! Orchid right?" She asked, forcing a vomit worthy sweet smile on her features. Should all her plans come together the bulk of the pack would have to see her as a kind and just ruler. Barf... Ugh. But whatever. She could stomach her way through this. ?What are you up to?" She asked as she stopped a short distance away, head tipped curiously. She didn't look like anything overly spectacular. What made her so special?

Table by Azil

Orchid I


5 Years
05-16-2014, 03:16 PM

The dainty girl would bent her head gently closer to the ground when something caught her eye, swishing her tail across her well formed curves as she did so. She would be well pleased when her eyes fell upon a darkly shaded herb. ?Nightlock? she breathed softly, scooping it up with the leaf, careful to keep her paws clear of the herb that held her attention. It would be here that a soft bark would alert her of another's arrival, and her eyes would swivel abroad and lock upon the red form of her Alpha. She would dip her head gently in greeting as the red woman came before her, her steps prancing and pleased much as the smile that filled her maw. Orchid herself only held a light upturn of one lip as she raised her leaf carrier a little higher with a claw to see the black herb that settled within. ?That's right, my queen? she said in a softly subdued voice, forcing her eyes back to the queen and not her precious new find.

?You made the Swamplands our home to, yes?? she asked, equally as soft as before, but with a spark of excitement to her tones, before she would settle her thoughts to answer the others question. “Do you see this black herb here?? she would ask, twirling the leaf basket ever so softly to move the black herb towards Vi. ?It's called Nightlock, its very deadly? she found herself giggling softly. ?It does fascinating things to a persons body, and means a quick death, and its flavour is quite mild if you need to hide it in their food? she added, which should adequately describe what she was doing ? searching for herbs that could be as fascinating as this one.



05-22-2014, 03:08 PM

What was so special about this girl that her dear Scorpion felt the need to protect her so? She was nothing spectacular to look at and in all honesty her personality left something to be desired. A timid little thing... Not really Vi's favorite personalty but still her curiosity egged her on, the need to figure out what was so special about this girl keeping her from turning and leaving. She was reserved and quiet, neither being traits that Vi valued in a woman, only smiling slightly and dipping her head in response. Honestly if not for the herbs she was carrying Vi would have probably turned around and left right then and there. Vi knew that herb, knew it very well and after a moment of careful consideration she would take a step back, smile fading from her lips. The girl asked about the swamplands and Vi would nod slowly, gaze hard as she continued to stare at the plant. The girl would ask about if Vi had seen the plant there before explaining what it was and what it did. Vi sat slowly and cleared her throat, suddenly mind a buzz as she started down at the plant offered to her. She knew poisons? Interesting... "It grows on the southern end, less reedy but still damp and moist." She said in an almost automated, detached tone. "Opium poppy, hemlock and moonkshood all grow in the same area if your interested. I haven't had much time to see what else there is. Some bleeding heart perhaps in the range here... Do you know your poisons well?" Was this why Scorpion was so interested in her? Held her so dear? She could definatly be a valuable asset if she knew all this...

Table by Azil

Orchid I


5 Years
05-22-2014, 03:30 PM

The girl?s eyes were up and upon her queen, watching with true interest as the subject of herbs unfurled her quiet and timid state. She could see the queen as she noticed her herbs, saw in her eyes that she knew it and took from it a step back, yes she knew well what it was and could understand Orchids own caution as she kept the herb well off her skin with the leaf she used. She couldn?t help it, she laughed softly, a sound of pleasure as the queen not only knew this herb, but many others and where they grew. ?Thank you, My Lady, that will help me considerably? she admitted. ?If you like I can let you know what I find? she would add as the queen told her she hadn?t had time to fully explore the herb range. She wasn?t surprised, the queen had a great deal on her plate. All Orchid had to think about was herbs... poisons? what delights might she find in the swamplands? She hadn?t had a chance to explore it yet.

She would nod again as the queen asked her about her extend of knowledge. ?For Opium poppy, you have to dry the juice of the unripe pods, very addictive narcotic? Hemlock is great for a slow, painful death if you can keep administrating it? ? she started to describe, then laughed ?Moonkshood can be known as a wolfs bane, it?s a toxin? she furrowed her brow in thought, then nodded, they would be a good start up to collect, perhaps that was why the queen had mentioned them, a narcotic, a slow poison, and toxin



06-05-2014, 11:02 PM

Vi nodded slowly as the woman voiced her appreciation, even offered to let Vi know if she found anything good in the swamps. But really the swamplands weren't the best place for herbs, yes they were the best probably for poisons but not herbs in general. She had always loved the mountains for collecting herbs and druids moor though now that was valhalla's territory? "You can crack the seeds in your back teeth and suck on them too? Poopy seeds are quite addictive? Hemlock is my favourite though." A chill ran through her spine and for a moment she just collected herself, allowing eyes to flutter closed before she forced them open again and looked to Orchid. "You seem well versed in poisons. Do you know enough about herbs to be one of our packs medics?" She asked, head tipping as she forced a small smile on her maw for Orchid's sake. Who needed to hear about her problems and issues.

Table by Azil

Orchid I


5 Years
06-05-2014, 11:29 PM

She tilted her head as the woman spoke, clearly she knew her poisons as well if not better than Orchid ? but then she hadn?t explained the herbs to instruct the queen, but allow her to see an extend of the girls knowledge. But the reaction Vi gave to Hemlock would be a surprise, Hemlock could be deadly, had her queen once been addicted? The red woman spoke no more of it and Orchid let it pass ? despite her curiosity, she herself had a perverse love of poisons and drugs.

The question of knowledge would rise again, and Orchid would nod her head. ?With normal herbs I still have some to learn, but I know the basics and a few advanced, I know how to store them how to administer and all the doses on the most common? she had concentrated more on poisons in her explorations, but of course with her love of herbs and need to care for her brother she would have picked up enough to get by. Her grin would spread across her lips - healer was exactly what she wanted and needed. "So yes, I believe I know enough, and i'm good at learning on the fly.." with a few experimentation's and unlucky wolves.. woops. "That I could be a medic. and its what I want" she added, with a slight twitch of lips
