
Time Marches On


05-14-2014, 01:39 PM
{{Ooc:: Just to clarify Kar hasn't crossed pack borders.}}

The last time he had seen Mako was over a year ago. How time flew by... Yet here the wolf was, searching for the young wolf he had first befriended when coming to Alacritia. So much had passed in that time... What, he wondered, would the other brute think of the wound over his right eye that was healing? It was likely going to turn into a scar... Damn that mountain lion. He thought with a rumbling growl. He wasn?t even sure if Mako would be around... Yet Kar knew the one place to try to look for him. The place where they first met.

As he neared the border of the lake, however, Kar would freeze. Wolfpaw Lake now belonged to some pack territory... The pack he had brought Nalyda to for healing The area to the west, the valley he had occupied with Zanire, still held the scent of a pack. He would give a sigh. Would no land be safe from packs at this rate? They would claim all the good lands for themselves... Leaving wolves to pick along dangerous territories just to get around them? The brute would heave a sigh, lime green eyes shining with sadness. Did that mean his friend was run off from his home too?

Speech, Thought


06-15-2014, 02:06 AM

It had been sometime since Mako had seen anyone. Or interacted with other creatures. He was such a shy and broken spirit, the boy always in hiding...more so when the first place he came to was claimed. He slept fitfully within the dark confines of an old badgers nest just on the outskirts of the pack lands. He was afraid to move elsewhere, and yet afraid to venture towards the lands. He curled tighter, his fur slightly frost bitten from the prior cold. He was a heap, a mass of silvery fur that remained in constant solitude like a non-existent ghost. He was invisible to the world, unknown to all who walked the earth. He was a child in his mind, unable to fend for himself hardly, and yet he was still alive. His mind would remain frail, body just as equal lest he find carrion or crow food, among the berries and roots he managed to dig up. But alas, winter would make it hard for him to find food. For he knew not how to hunt, and thus made his living as a scavenger at night.

His body shuddered, eyes blinking slowly as he stirred to alertness. A chilly wind would stir the boy, brushing against his small body as if prying him from his slumber. Pink and gold eyes would gaze blearily beyond the veil of lichen that hung over the entrance to the badgers den, the area giving him coverage from those who aimed to hurt him. The male would heave himself to delicate paws, stretching and wincing as the muscles within his weakened body protested. Stomach gnawing its hunger. Swallowing, he wondered if he would find anything today. Though he thought perhaps not, for the last few weeks had been scarce of food. Instead, he would exit his den and perhaps chance crossing the border lines for a quick drink of water, knowing that around this time, the patrol of the white and black toned brute that often walked the borders would have already passed. Hesitantly, he would slink his way towards the border lines, body low to the ground and seemingly melting into the snow. He would be nearly there, if not for a scent causing him to freeze in his tracks. A pack wolf? He would gaze about, heart hammering in his chest as he tried to seek out the source of the scent and which direction it came from, and without waiting he would veer away from the borders and head back the way he came.

Still, the scent would remain. He was curious, and the scent not only beheld his curiosity, but it contained something else. Familiarity? He knew the scent, if only vaguely. Something drew his attention towards it, beckoning him to discover the source and cause. Body low to the ground, he searched. And it was nearby that a figure would come into view through the mounds of snow and foliage. A wolf of basic color would fall on his view, and head lifted just slightly. Why was this creature so familiar? He would remain there pressed to the ground, dual toned eyes staring as he tried to recall why the other male was so familiar within the contours of his mind. And then, it would hit him! He approached silently, body remaining down and submissive, uncertain though he was for fear that perhaps he might be mistaken of the identity. Still, he had to know at least. He would approach in caution, eyes hopeful and heart pounding. "K-Kar? Is that you?"



06-20-2014, 09:27 PM

Life was moving on, shifting what was around him and taking those he knew away. Kar let out a soft sigh. He had hoped to see Mako again, to fulfill that promise from before. But his visits had not been fruitful in finding his friend. He hadn?t even realized now that a pack claimed the territory where he first met the other. Surely the young brute had moved on, though that left an emptiness in his heart. He did not want to think of things going south... Of losing all he knew... But then there was a shock. A voice, softly calling to him. Questioning.

Emerald orbs would shift to the silver boy with dual toned eyes. That familiar wolf... Mako. Ears would perk and his tail would wag happily as he looked at the other. ?Mako... Yes, it?s me.? The simply colored wolf would turn fully towards the other, noticing how skinny he was. He had not been eating well... Had he lingered around here, despite the pack claiming the territory? But... He would frown deeply, stepping closer to the other, closing the distance, until he gave a gentle nuzzle on the other?s forehead.
?You don?t look so well... Have you not been eating?? He asked the question gently, hoping his friend would explain. Perhaps he?d be able to convince him to come along with him... With Nalyda too. He would keep his gaze focused on the other, still as loyal to him as the first day he pledged his friendship.

Speech, Thought