
The Lost Twin


05-14-2014, 12:34 AM
As the story goes, Rikku was born on Alacritis during the summer, however, she is not alone. Her mother disappeared, having had twins though Rikku was born a very late. Her brother had been borne first, approximately near a year before her. Soon after she was born, however, her mother had left her in the safety of tall grass as she moved to the aid of her other son as a malicious predator had begun to creep up. Knowing Rikku was nearby, the mare led her son away in the hopes of guiding the predator from her other child, and after some time she managed to chase off the mountain cat. Her son remained with her, the mare bloodied and injured and weakening from fending off the attacker. She suffered a fatal blow, though fought for life for several hours before finally passing into the void.
Her last words to her Son was to find his sister, and take care of her. To never leave her side for they only had each other now. It was a tragic night, and after many hours of mourning, the boy would remain by her side in vigilance until the dawn arrived. With great reluctance, he would finally decide to return to the place where his Sister awaited...though became lost in the process. Though mature of mind he was determined, and continued his search. A few days later, he would find the location, but the scent of his sister was stale.

Cold, tired, and hungry, he would continue on his search. Never stopping, and how he survived without his mother was beyond him...for it was the yearling's first time without her. Now he is searching, and will not stop until she is found.

This colt has some traits that must be instilled due to his history. He must retain the following at first, though development is expected throughout his life.
-Name; can be Rikku's male counterpart "Riku" but doesn't have to be. As long as it falls somewhere along the lines of Japanese, then it might be approved.
-Is currently/nearly 1yr old born in summer.
-costs 800 gems.
-Has a much more serious nature then Rikku
-Has vowed to care for her due to his mother's request
-Is very protective of his sister, often getting in the way of her making friends or getting close to potential lovers.
-Much more reserved then Rikku
-Might possibly be that older brother who is way too protective and serious and other things along those other words, hardly smiles due to what he's witnessed. See's no reason to have fun in life, and thinks things should be taken seriously and no "horsing around."
-Possibly gets annoyed with his sisters carefree and ecstatic nature
-Might eventually build to the point where he pushes away his sister without meaning to. (But don't worry, he will eventually figure out his mistakes c;)
-development of his nature is encouraged.

Note: Should this colt become inactive for any reason...the right to take him back is reserved. You have been warned.

You are welcome to create your own. The Mother was a Perlino Andalusian, while the Father was a Cremello Lusitano. Silvers, greys, dapples, whites, blacks, duns, and even brown is common. If you choose to make your own design, it must be approved first. Remember, sometimes foal colors are different then their adult counterparts. Rikku for example, appears as a buckskin foal but when full grown gains a pure golden pelt.
Design #1
user posted image
Design #2
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Design #3
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Design #4
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Design #5
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Chosen Name:
Personality: Site requirements or more
Appearance: Site requirements or more. Include Size; can be up to 16HH-16.2HH
Roleplay Sample: (300 words or more)


05-14-2014, 01:12 PM
You tempt me so. >.> How you tempt me.

[Edit] Gonna try out, however if I get him I may need a month at the latest to bring him in. ^^



2 Years
05-14-2014, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 02:32 PM by Ainsel.)
Oh why, muse? Was saving up my gems for a tiger, but I guess I'm trying out for a foal.

You used to be a cold wind

Always blowing through

Chosen Name: Riku


Riku is friendly enough, but he is like a solider, unmoving, unsmiling, the look on his face makes him look like he has no heart. Riku isn't a very loud one, and wolves make him nervous, so the silence around these creatures will be less shy and more awkward. When he's around his sister, though, Riku smiles, just a little, and manages to talk a little more when she's around, even around wolves, or other predators. Rikku brings out his good side, although she probably doesn't know it, because he never says a word and pretends that he doesn't like the way his sister is so carefree. But, even though he denies it with every breath, Riku loves to be around Rikku. He's not the nicest horse all alone, but he's nicer around his sister.

Riku has a hard grudge against mountain lions, and his sister will see the side of him that is cold and unforgiving, the side of him that insults the mountain lion with all he's worth. He doesn't play around, instead being serious and alert, after having his fair share of bloodshed, a murder that he had to watch happen. Riku isn't an aggressive horse, and wouldn't hurt anything unless he has to, and the sight of blood makes him sick and weak, from a tiny gash to a huge gash, from a thorn scratch to anything else. But he still stays strong, even through the blood, and tries to find his sister. Riku doesn't share his fears much, so he is supposed to only have two, but two of the most major fears that a horse could fear. Riku likes colder weather, and rain, because of this first fear, which will be described in great detail.

Riku is terrified of fire and smoke, from having to smell the dead animals, hear them crying for help, and because he actually got caught in a forest fire once, trapped and scared, until he managed to jump over a flaming branch. The branches had scorched his stomach, of course, and left him with some scars that would forever remind him of one of his fears. So, whenever the younger horse finds a fire, small or large, he panics, and runs away if any direction, except for the one the fire is in. Afterwards, he'll probably get embarrassed about running from the fire. After all, to him, he has done enough running.

The other fear that Riku has, worse than the first fear, is the fear that he may never find his sister, or that she'll be dead long before he finds her body laying there. He is going to calm down a little when he finds her, but will refuse to leave her side, because of the fear that she'll be dead when he gets back. This fear may be underestimating his sister, but Riku's nature is constantly underestimating his sister, and worrying about her. He's a survivor, and Rikku knows nothing about this world, not the fights, not the blood she'll see, not the packs. Nothing. And Riku knows a little about surviving. He is a solider in this world, after all. And soldiers are meant to survive in this world.


Riku is a large horse, with muscles rippling beneath his black fur, and pale pink scratches covering his body; he is 16.2 HH, and his legs are long and powerful, built for running. His hooves, strong and powerful, enough to give a good blow, are like the purest black, not like the lighter black that coats the rest of his body. Riku carries himself gracefully, with his head raised high, showing the scars that cover his neck, without seeming to have a care in the world, like Rikku. But, if it wasn't for the look on his face, his eyes narrowed, but still alert, his ears pricked, and the way he steps almost cautious, no other animal would know that he isn't carefree horse that he appears to be. Riku's ears are constantly twitching, picking up the slightest of sounds, his nose is always working, and he is always looking around for any signs of danger. If it isn't for his nervous glances, and the scars covering his body, Riku could have the potential to be a handsome horse.

Three pale pinks scars rest on Riku's neck, looking deep and dangerous, slightly hidden by little short stubs of black fur, but not enough to cover those big scars that nothing could hide. On his snout are three tiny scars, stretching across his face a litle, with little stubs of white fur peeking from it, like the scars on his neck. A huge pale pink scar, half covered with black and white fur, hidden except for spots of pink, rests on his right side, the the scar barely even visible even with the pale pink coloring. A few scars cover his body besides the ones that are noticeable, but most are small and covered with fur. The last scars may be the worst, or make you feel the worst for him, because these are the burns. Around the center of his stomach, the fur is scorched off, and the pink flesh is showing, changed only by the darker pink scars.

Riku has deep ebony fur, covering his body like a cloak. If it weren't for his eyes, or his other markings, he would not be visible during the night. He looks like a moving shadow, at day, but at night, something that seems magical happens. Riku's white markings seem to glow with an iridescent shine, and the black fur makes him look so much stranger. His eyes shine and look like the sea. The boy's white markings begin at his snout, where the cover it, speckled with black throughout. Then the white fades into a single stripe that goes down his back, to his rear. Then it widens out again, the white markings speckling both hind legs, on his flanks. These colors, making Riku look like Yin and Yang in one horse, is what makes him so special. After all, his sister doesn't look like him.

Riku's eyes are dark blue, darker than the sea, and they shine so bright sometimes.

Roleplay Sample:
Raising his head, Riku looked at the dead body of his mother again, the blood staining her golden fur like red markings. Closing his dark blue eyes, Riku didn't say anything, but a single thought went through his mind, and Riku opened his eyes. He needed to find his sister, but first, he needed mourn, in silence, for the one who had died saving the two. Lowering himself on fragile legs, Riku dipped his head, his snout pressed into his fur as he breathed in her scent for the last time he'd be able to. With a final snort, and a few oily tears running down his face, Riku closed his eyes and let sleep come over him, even as the scent of the mountain lion barely touched his nostrils. When he wakes up, he would follow his sister; he was sure of it, he would try to find her, and keep her safe. After all, he had promised his mother, and he would keep that promise, even if it meant killing. Even if it meant dying.


But I won't take it anymoreRIKU



7 Years
05-15-2014, 08:37 AM
Chosen Name: Riku


At a glance Riku is a young stallion who will come to stand at fifteen hands high. Riku bears a strong looking figure and he can almost appear intimidating at times. Though he is young this stallion?s body shows muscle, especially in his shoulders, back, and chest. His chest is more broad, holding powerful lungs. His coat is a little on the thicker side for a horse of his breed, though not enough so that it would make him uncomfortably hot during the summer. His mane and tail fall down, much more rough to the touch than his soft coat.

Riku?s base coat is a soft gray, covering the majority of his large frame. His legs on the other hand are black, which, like his coat, will lighten by the time he is two years old. In the end his base coat will be silver and his legs an ashy gray. Another noticeable thing about his coat when he ages is that patches of his foal coat color remains remain on his rump, creating a soft sort of dappling on his haunches. Riku?s muzzle, as well as the tips of his ears, are white. His mane and tail, as a foal will be a dark gray, and rather than lighten with his coat, his mane and tail will actually darken into a beautiful black.

Riku?s eyes are perhaps the most beautiful thing about him. They are a soft blue-green color, sometimes even seeming more green depending on the lighting around him. He bears looks that are generally more serious or grim, from the things he has seen, but he is hardly the kind of stallion that one would need to worry about lashing out and harming for no reason.


Once a colt whose only mind was to have fun Riku has taken a one hundred and eighty degree turn away from that. Horrified at what he witnessed when his mother drove off the mountain lion Riku would find himself having a hardened heart to the world around him. His fun loving side was gone... All he cared for now was fulfilling the vow that he made to himself and the promise he made his mother to find his sister, Rikku.

Riku is a stallion who rarely, if ever, smiles. He takes life seriously, perhaps too seriously at times. He doesn?t care to trust others now, particularly those of other species, seeing anything with fangs and claws as a huge threat. He has a soft spot for Rikku that, when he finds her, will be shown by being overly protective to the point of even trying to drag her away from the wolf friends she has made. He is somber, even when others are just having a good time. To him there is no longer any point in doing so... In the end they were all going to die.

Though he is determined, and refuses to give up searching for Rikku and keeping her safe from everyone and everything, Riku is hardly the optimistic sort. In fact such optamism, even if it were to come from Rikku, would drive the male crazy, perhaps even to the point of snapping slightly at them. Though he doesn?t necessarily have a temper, Riku does not tolerate those who fool around and pay little attention to all that surrounds them.

Deep down, however, if one can manage to get pass this stallion?s serious exterior, and put up with his downcast nature, they might find that part of him that was there when he was still just a child, seeking to have fun and smile all the time. It is through the harsh lost of nature that Riku has lost his innocence, and ?lost his heart? so to speak. It will take a lot of work from others to help bring this stallion back in the direction of something he once was, though that part of him is not yet lost to the darkness.

Roleplay Sample:

Days had passed since he had seen her. So many minutes... Hours... No... Days. His mind seemed to be in a fog now, weariness dragging over his body, but Riku would not yield to the feeling of weakness. The sun was going to be coming up soon, the sky lightening with color as he plodded along. Blue-green eyes sought the form of his little sister, determination glinting within them. He was tired... He was hungry... But somewhere, somewhere he knew she was still alive. There was no blood upon the grass where her scent was. It had been stale... But he knew Rikku was alive. He could feel it burning in his soul. It told him not to give up, never give up his search.

For a moment the young stallion would come to a stop, looking up to the sky. Dawn... It was a beautiful time of day... A new beginning coming from the end. That was what he needed the most now. He needed to find Rikku and start again, make a new life. She was all he had now... And right now she was alone.

Alone... He hated the feeling of it. His heart was more bitter now, still mourning the loss of their mother. He knew what it was like to be alone now... And he hated it. But Riku wouldn?t trust just anyone... Especially not those damned creatures with fangs and claws. No... He would never forgive their kind. They were the enemy.

Slowly eyes would open once more, head raising as his nostrils flared. ?Rikku... Wherever you are... Please... Just hold on.? It was strange surviving without his mother... It was something he honestly hadn?t really been able to understand yet. He was alone, without any sort of guidance, and yet he still stood. He was still alive. It almost made him feel rotten to think that his mother could have passed on so easily and yet here he was.

The young stallion would shake his head, starting to move forward again. He could push on a little more, a little longer before he needed to find something to eat and take a rest. He honestly couldn?t remember any time he had traveled for so long, or so hard. His mother had always made sure that they were well rested and had full bellies. But she wasn?t here. ?...and I?ll never see her again...? The thought would echo in his mind. That bitter feeling, that feeling that was hardening his heart more and more each time it came up would arise.

No. He wouldn?t ever see her again. But he would see Rikku again. He had to find her. He had to protect her. For Riku there was no other option in his life, and no matter what happened he would keep searching until his last breath left his body if need be. His resolve, his determination, would never, ever falter. This was his mission, his task... And no matter how many times he would walk along as dawn filled the sky, he would never give up.

?I?m coming Rikku.?

History:: When Riku was first born he was much the same way his sister is now. He was carefree and wild, happy just to live life and run about. He loved all things, especially the widen open skies and the lands on which he could run. It didn?t matter where he went when he was younger, just as long as he went somewhere. He was a child, innocent to the harsh ways of the world, until the day Rikku was born. His world would be shattered then.

His heart would become hardened due to the horrors he witnessed that day. He had been with his mother every day up until that day, but fate would take his mother?s last breath from him. As he stood by her her last words would reach him, and Riku would make the vow that, no matter what, he would search for Rikku and keep her safe. He would remain by his mother?s side, keeping a vigil until the first rays of the sun would brush over his boy. All that night Riku would have thought... His mind realizing the harsh realities of the world.

He would leave his mother reluctantly, ever few steps glancing back until her form was eaten up by the horizon. Then he would press on, searching for his sister. He had to find her... No matter what happened from here on out. His mother?s dying wish would be fulfilled, no matter what. But though his resolve was very strong the boy would become lost. He was determined however, pushing on with minimal rest. He would become weary... But he refused to give in to the hunger and cold that clawed at him. Finally he would find the location where his sister had been... But she was no longer there. A few minutes would pass, the boy wondering what he needed to do. There was no blood... So he deemed that his sister was still alive and would pick up the search once more.

Notes:: Yeah... Kingdom Hearts referencing a bit in that. -Coughs.- I honestly couldn?t help it... Darn you Dragon and your cute little Rikku. For visuals of the appearance I can do a quick ref if need be. :3


06-05-2014, 02:29 AM
Keno has been awarded this lovely foal c:

Sorry Croa ^^; His personality type really isn't supposed to be scared nervous or anything. Not with his history anyway.


06-05-2014, 07:01 AM
Thanks Drag! After I bring in Kau and get my Ellis babu paid for I'll be getting gems for him ASAP. :3