
Oh my little shining light [joining]


05-14-2014, 12:11 AM

I Turned With Doubt But Saw You
"It's been a long time, do you remember me?" a giggle left the maw of the little brown pup that stood in front of him. Draught looked like he was starring at nothing as her grin grew slightly with the idiotic giggling that was leaving her throat. Aside from the small flicking of his tail as the girl hopped over to his side. She moved over to his ear promptly trying to whisper, "You should remember the wolves you steal from others." she giggled before running off into a territory of pack wolves. Draught's lips would make a quiver before she vanished into nothing. Moving his body forward as he stopped at the border and barked.
So the delusion had led him here, after he discovered his family within Arcanum this was where he stood. The man then sat down, respectfully waiting with the same expressionless look on his face as he always had. It was hard to tell if he had a heart, because he really didn't give a shit. Blood ran from the bottom of his paws in a river into the territory. The scent filled his nose as he sunk it into his brain. Of course no one else could see, hear or smell this stream. But....he had gotten used to the ridiculous ones. Though sometimes others were not so lucky to slip past his thoughts and just seemed real.
"I do hope nothing boring happens here." the words slipped from his mouth without thinking. Of course he was a very silent man, but right now his thoughts were running as dry as his stupid name's rhyme partner Drought. His tail flicked remotely as the purple of his eyes narrowed moderately.

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W.A. of GS


05-14-2014, 12:28 AM

The Range. This was where she would start. These lands were hers. Where she expanded to after this she wasn't sure but for now and for today she was focused more on continuing to scent mark the boarders, replacing the scent of Destruction with her own. She would let the scent markers on the other territories disappear for now until she decided where she wanted to take over next. Today she was kind of everywhere, marking boarders, getting to know her new territories so coming across the male at her boarders wasn't odd. But the male himself was odd, he looked a bit out of it. All and all he seemed pretty chill, content to sit at her boarders without crossing and staring off into the distance. Vi stood a short distance away for a time, studying him to try and maybe see what he could see but when she realized that would not happen the woman would slip forward, head lifted though chin would remain tucked down to protect her throat. "Welcome to Covari... May I help you?" Words were an easy purr as she came around to stand a little off from him but still before him. Was he a potential member? Or simply lost? He was kinda cool looking, she could appreciate that much but there wasn't much she could tell without speaking to him.

Table by Azil


05-21-2014, 06:20 PM

I Turned With Doubt But Saw You
A giggle wished to erupt from the man's throat, but instead his tongue hung loosely out of one side before it made it's way out like a snake and licked over his snout. Making his lip twitch lightly at the woman, she looked so fabulous, and if he hadn't come here to pay respects to his damn father he'd never met than he would want her right here and now. Though she obviously had some power being an alphess, so no doubt he would have to be careful of his lustful thoughts. Though he simply imagined busting that pretty little head of hers over a rock, the blood trickling down delightfully as she begged for mercy. The image popped, like a bubble bringing him back to reality as things settled down.
"Yes please, my name is Draught Hatake. I came to seek entry into Covari, I was going to go to Arcanum but I decided otherwise." To him they had plenty of members to spare. He explained in a voice lacking emotion or even a hint of caring. His tail flicked a little, now he was more concentrated on speaking with her than he was with anything else. Draught's little killing fantasy had simply slipped into the oblivion of blackness.

- - - Words: 000 | Notes: 000 - - -

W.A. of GS