
Coming Back Together


05-17-2014, 11:47 PM

It had been quite a while since he had been here, hadn?t it? Nearly two seasons, having left early in summer. In that time Allen had done quite a bit of searching for himself. Things hadn?t gone as planned, and, for a little while he had indeed moped about it. Hajime had disappeared, what was left of the original Tortuga seemed to be gone. In the end Allen had been alone for quite some time. The loneliness was hard.. Wandering in a lost state, with no purpose, no direction. That was until he found two of his children.

It was a surprise to the brute, truth be told.When he had met their mother, a woman part of a mighty Clan, he had not expected their one night stand to result in anything. She bore no heat scent... But yet... Here were his children, just over two years old now, at least two of them. They both bore traits of his calico-esc coat, his daughter looking much more like him then his son, however. They said they had two other siblings as well... One, Kau, that they said had left this way when war broke out in their homeland.

Since then they had been traveling with him... Or had been. Gavroche had been separated from himself and his daughter... And for now he had her resting in the tall grasses of a thicket. A scent had drifted to him, and Allen had felt the need to check on it. He was almost unable to believe it... Could his nephew have truly returned to Alacritis? It felt like ages since he had seen him last... Far too long indeed. His hope that, just maybe he would get to see his nephew again filled him with hope, bringing him to the border between Firefly Lake and the Rustling Thicket.

Allen took a breath, his dark eyes scanning for a sign of his nephew?s form. He would tilt his head back, a howl leaving him as he called for Hajime. Whether or not that answer would get a response, however, remained to be seen.

"Speech", 'Thought'


05-18-2014, 04:41 AM

The sun would come to rise as it would any other day, breaking through the entrance of the den. A rippling form of thick muscle and brown fur would shift around four bundles of fluff stirring to the call of another man, a familiar one. Hajime red eyes would stretch open as the quiet whines of his children also awakened him. Hajime rose to his paws giving a drowsy sigh as he spoke softly to his children. Raisa would be here soon so it'd be okay to leave them alone for a bit wouldn't it. Either way he trusted ebony and within the den, usual animals could not reach them.
Bulk would move out of the den as Hajime let out a well deserved yawn. Though in his half asleep state he would arrive at the borders only half catching Allen's scent. The man had recently been getting more sleep, slowly ever so slowly his heart was healing over Elsa death. His eyes would rest upon his calico uncle casually."Allen? What are you doing its like super early." was the words that left his maw. He didn't look surprised or dissatisfied, just a bit tired.



05-18-2014, 07:44 PM

A bit of time would pass, but soon a form would arrive at the borders. The very wolf he had been hoping and waiting to see. It was indeed early, the sun having barely poked over the horizon, but his desire to make sure his nose wasn?t fooling him had pushed him on to make the call despite the hour. The male would dip his head, gaze softening as he looked upon Hajime?s form. ?I know... I?m sorry for waking you but... I had to check and make sure it was really your scent that I had caught.? His dark eyes were shining, clearly relieved that, after a good bit of time apart, he had found his nephew once more.

?It has been quite some time since I?ve seen you last.. You had me worried.? He would catch the scent of Hajime?s children upon his form now, blinking with surprise. ?You?re a father now...? He would say softly. In a way they were both new fathers, though Allen?s own children were old enough to start families of their own. Still... He was only just getting to know them. All the same... He was grateful he had found two of them... And had high hopes that Gavroche would meet up with him and his daughter again soon.

?...How have things been?? He would ask, though unaware yet that though his nephew was a father his happiness, at least part of it, had been stolen from him.

"Speech", 'Thought'


05-19-2014, 07:29 AM

Of course Hajime realized his reaction had been more or less like he had seen his uncle yesterday. Though his body was slowly awakening, so in that matter things would come to settle inside of his head. Remember, Elsa is dead, she died giving birth to his children, his blood. And it painfully reminded him that unlike his relationship before, that also resulted in a litter, this one made an impact on his life like the death of his mother. Regardless, now his mind and heart were healing faster than they had before, and why was that, because someone actually gave a fuck unlike when he lived in tortuga. He slightly understood given the circumstances at the very time, where Turing had just lost his sight and procreation rights to his father, but the fact was ebony was HERE for him. And he was here for his children.
Hajime would lumber his body forward, he had grown, the winter had made him even more into a man than before. As well as his experiences in the world, he was no longer a conniving king with the lost hope of reviving the walkers old kingdom. Black tail resting upon his side as his legs tucked easily underneath his body. Giving he sat up straight, the fluff on his chest rose and fell as he took in a deep breath listening to his uncle speak. The words he heard would more or less bring an apologetic look to his brow, eyes narrowing with a softness of a sorry. He had left Allen he remembered that, then lost his memory completely, Allen had barely even existed in his world for two whole seasons until his memories returned. And after that, his uncle had been regrettably the last thing on his mind.
When he mentioned the scent of his pups, being to note he was a father, pain would strike his features for mere moments. Yes he was a widowed father, just like his mother before him having so many things going on, he no longer blamed her for her absence for his youth. The pups would have died too if it hadn't been for Raisa, the alphess herself, offering them milk. Hajime understood this did not make him special, she simply could not deny the whelps a future within the pack, and it was also that Elsa had been a good friend of hers until the very end. Somehow he felt as if he had destroyed a very important part of ebony, Elsa had been their healer before he took her away, but he would live with that burden all the same. After giving a sigh, air moving through his maw his ears flicked. "Quiet the say Allen. I am sorry I worried you, but I had lost my memory for some time on another island. Once it returned I simply wanted to come back to alacritis. I would be lying if I said things were okay. The mother of my litter and the most important woman in my life passed away a few days after birth, along with one of my son's. Two boys and two girls still remain, but me as well as the rest of the pack are just getting over the death of my mate. She was important to them. I am forever in debt to the alphess of these lands, she is providing my children with the milk they need." this would all be said in one great big breath. Broken up only by the painful sorrow that lingered within his vocal chords. Though after he would compose himself once more, pulling shoulders back and being the most presentable he had been since his lovers death. "I hope things have been better for you Allen." Hajime mused certainly nothing of the walker curse had befallen his uncle. Allen was far too kind, too innocently placed in the walker family for him to feel this pain. Only when his sister had died.



05-19-2014, 08:12 PM

Hajime would give a sigh, and Allen would frown deeply as he began to explain. He had lost his memory... Guilt would pierce the aging brute?s heart. Hajime had lost his memory... And was alone for quite some time as well. When it returned he came to Alacritia. He would have no knowledge of the fact that Allen had left for some time either. But the news wasn?t over yet, and the older male?s face would take on a more somber look, dark eyes softening with understanding. Hajime?s mate, as well as one of his children, had passed... And the pack he was in was trying to hold it all together and cope with the death. The alphess herself had taken over, helping Hajime carry the burden of parenthood by giving the little ones milk.

?Oh Hajime I?m so sorry...? His words were sincere. First his nephew had to deal with losing his mother... And now the next femme to come into his life of great importance would pass on as well. How hard it must have been. He couldn?t imagine it at all. The mother of his own children was gone... But he had not had the time to bond with her as Hajime had done with his own mate. No doubt they had even planned for children, while his own had come at a surprise. He would shift, making his decision. His daughter and himself would come here... To support Hajime and his little ones.

He would give a nod as Hajime spoke. It was time now for the young man to learn of his cousins. ?Rather lonely for a time... But I suppose in the end nothing too bad has come my way. I left Alacritia for about two seasons in the beginning of summer. I wandered for some time, heading back up the way we first came to the lands. I was surprised to find two very special wolves... A male and a female with a calico coat.? Allen would smile some. At least he could share some good news with his nephew. ?Turns out, Hajime, that I?m a father myself. Those two, Amber and Gavroche, are my children. There are two others, Kau, another son and another sister that weren?t with them. Their brother left after the murder of their mother... Who was a lady of quite some standing it seems. Amber and Gav left as well... And eventually met up with me. We were traveling together to Alacritia... But we got separated from Gavroche. He knew where we were going though, so I have faith he?ll find his way here.? His eyes would sparkle a bit more. ?They have both decided to talk on the Walker name as well... And you?ll be meeting Amber soon. We?re going to be coming here to this pack to seek acceptance.? He would smile even more now. The presence of some additional family members should cheer Haji up, right?

"Speech", 'Thought'


05-20-2014, 07:03 PM

ooc: since there is gonna be five kids act like haji never said his kid passed

Hajime listened intensely, a skill he had picked up easily now. His body had shaped and formed into that of a king, though that ideal had long since flown his cranium. His tail flicked, as Allen spoke of his own children though no doubt they were of age and ready to move on the world unlike his five newborns. Hajime smiled softly though, they were coming to ebony? Surely Raisa would be happy with more healthy able members for the pack. After all she had such a reputation he was certain they couldn't be rejected. And it would make him even more happy to have the walker family flourishing within Ebony with the royal family all the same.
"I'm certain Raisa will welcome all of you. Things have been harsh lately, but they are getting better. With my five children and Raisa's own they have play mates." Hajime said with a slight wag of his tail. "I would show them to you, but I doubt Raisa would take kindly for a low ranked member as myself inviting a stranger inside." Hajime said twitching his ears.



05-22-2014, 04:35 PM

To be welcomed into the pack would certainly be a good thing. Allen could feel his own heart lifting with hope, and Hajime seemed a little happier too. Things were getting better. As long as they kept thinking like that then they should have no trouble at all moving forward and keeping their chins up. It was good though that the small children would have playmates... Though with five he was sure that they wouldn?t be too bored. He couldn?t imagine watching out for so many small bundles, even if he had ended up with four children of his own. He hadn?t had the joy of watching them as puppies, however, and Allen did feel bad about that.

If he ever had children again he was going to make sure to be more active in their lives next time. He would help them grow, not just see the final result. The calico male would tip his head forward, dark eyes shining in understanding. ?It is alright, Hajime. Don?t stress about it. The time will come when I can see them soon, I assure you. Once I?m a member of the pack as well... And then you can meet the first of your cousins.?

"Speech", 'Thought'