
Blue Fire Babies!!

jupiter x ballad

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
12-15-2021, 11:03 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2021, 11:24 AM by Ballad I. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hullo friends! Here I have some Special Edition™ Jupiter babies aka a litter of adorable bastards. They're from Ballad but she wont be making it past their birth. Valentine will be primarily raising them alongside the Juprun litter - be sure to read up on the School of Valentine. Born on December 25th and playable January 8th - not decided on an application date yet.
-There are two babies available
-Names: I went with Aoede, a moon of Jupiter. I thought a moon theme would be fun to have but no need to fully adhere to that. Last name will start out as Regni.
-Designs/Appearance: I would prefer the designs provided here were used but outside designs will be considered. (And there will be more coming) I would rather not see any twins (+) but if both parties agree I won't say no. Any color is possible from this family tree but blue and red will be discounted 25%. Height to 42" is discounted 25% and Mom has fangs if you happen to get an inheritance pass for Christmas. Dad is medium build Mom is light.
-Personality/Plots: These babies will be expected to be good little Imperialis brood, try not to veer too hard on either side of the alignment spectrum, know that bad behavior will be brought to punishment, and strength is paramount. They will be raised in Fireside (with the possibility of Valentine leading a band? Don't hold me to that one.) Maybe it would be fun someday for them to rediscover the Ademre culture and mom's roots.

Notable Characters:
Valentine - Grandfather and primary point of authority, will be the one to really raise these puppies. Take a look at his profile to understand what they will be taught.
Jupiter - Dadio
Aoede - Sister played by Kat

Designs not to be used outside of Ardent - These puppies will be taken back if you fall inactive with them. (If you disappear or put the character inactive with out having a conversation with Laz or me.)

The Form:
<b>Design:</b> (first and second choice and if you're okay with twinning)
<b>Appearance:</b> (Include any mutations or differences you'd like to see in the design like eye color (I have most of the psd files still)
<b>Personality:</b> (Site minimum and i know characters change and develop as you thread them but a basic idea of who you would like them to be)
<b>Plots:</b> (Any big plans or ideas? not required)


Where My Demons Hide


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-15-2021, 11:34 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2021, 04:02 AM by Fern. Edited 5 times in total.)

Name: Kore
Sex: Male
Height/Build: 36" (large)/ light
Skills: Fighting/Intellect
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Design: First Choice: Design 9; Second Choice: Design 1; Twins Okay?: I would prefer no twin
Appearance: : I would add saber teeth to the character so if I get one of the pups, I would ask for the fangs to be added to be added to the ref. This refence is written with design 9 in mind.

A nebula bursts forth into the cold vacuum of space
Kore’s base coat is the deep, dark midnight blue of the night sky. It darkens to the pitch black of cold space around his muzzle, underside of his belly, the backs of his legs and the under part of his tail. Swaths of dark cerise, and sapphire deepen areas from under his eyes all the way to the tip of his tail.
A shadowy backdrop sets the scene.
Where there is darkness, light shines through. Colors surge across Kore’s coat, electric cobalt and vibrant cerise highlight the darkened areas, coating the furs and making Kore appear as a living, breathing, walking nebula. Or, as an aroura made of up of fire and ice… and space.
And what night sky is complete without stars?
White and off-white dots sprinkle his coat, planets being born in the depths of a nebula. They also soften the rich colors, making the colors blend more easily together. A child of space given form.
Gold flecks the corners of each of his eyes and four small smears of the same color rest under the line. The lines serve to enhance Kore’s brilliant cerulean eyes. Kore also has slightly longer fur on the back of legs, near his paws, only adding to the wispy, spacy quality of the wolf.
Finally, the last thing to note about Kore is his elongated, fangs. Born with a set of saber-tooth fangs, they will grow in as the boy gets bigger.

Personality: Steadfast: In all things, Kore will be loyal to the end. The Imperialis line needs to be protected and furthered, so those of his family that remain loyal to the teachings, will have his undying trust. Family will always come first to Kore and they shall have his full support.
Fearless: You know the part of one’s brain that tells you when you should run? Kore does not have that. From a young age he will stare down tiger’s and lion’s if it means keeping his family safe. While he may have no fear, this does not mean he will charge into every battle or go looking to pick fights. Unless deemed important for him to intervene, Kore will others to fight their own battles. Again, only those who are not family. He wants to be good solider and protect his family line.
Rigid in Beliefs: Kore will take Valentine’s teachings to heart and will not be swayed. His faith is blind and others might think he is fanatical but, in a chaotic world, the Imperialis line will thrive. He will not listen to others who bash his grandfather’s teachings or their line.
Cynical: All outsiders will be met with cold indifference until they prove their true intentions. Each wolf wants something and nothing in life is given freely. Kore will be slow to trust and even slower to offer aid to outsiders who try to mislead him.
Focused: There is only one thing that matters in Kore’s life; getting the Imperialis family name. From sun up to sun down, Kore will train and devote his life to his grandfather’s teachings. He be driven with his eyes only on his end goal. However, Kore will not leave his siblings in the dust, instead offering aid in training and learning beside them in the hopes that one day, all his siblings will earn the Imperialis family name.

Plots: Kore will throw himself into learning how to fight and trying to be good solider. He will help his siblings along the path as well. So, I would like to level up his skills quickly while learning as much as he can from his grandfather and siblings. (TL;DR Kore wants all the skill threads with his family)
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
12-15-2021, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2021, 10:06 AM by wicked. Edited 4 times in total.)
Complete <3

Name: Sinope
Sex:  female
Height/Build: 32 inches (medium)/light build
Skills: intellect & navigation
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Design: 5, 1. Would prefer not to twin but would be open to plotting some stuff if someone really wants ^^
Appearance: no alterations; in terms of build she's going to be a (shorter) echo of her grandfather.  Grace and power in one, and she'll push herself to be in the best shape possible, always.  
Sinope is hard to win over.  “Viciously unimpressed” is basically her default state.  Strangers will find her chilly, at least until she has good reason to warm.  Frankly, this is a girl that doesn’t just think she’s better than others– she knows it.  In her eyes, everyone is weak until proven otherwise.  Quick to pass judgement, slow to warm up.  Sinope can be detached at best.  At worst?  Downright hostile.  

Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.  In this case, the sheep are pretty much anyone outside the family until proven otherwise.  Sinope is the picture of self love.  That love isn’t always healthy though.  She pushes herself to be the best, and towards a picture of herself that may be unattainable. A hunger lives inside her, and it's the hunger to positively excel in every way possible. A fire that cannot be put out. Her appetite for improvement of every sort is voracious.  Though the pressure of the family name and her bloodline rests on her shoulders, she’s happy to heap even more pressure on herself.  Sinope thrives under pressure.  

She did inherit a bit of her grandfather’s contrarian streak as well.  Sinope lives to cause difficulty for those she’s not fond of, though maybe not in the most outright way.  Anything from petty inconvenience to outright sabotage, she relishes in it.  Sometimes she hinges on pure defiance, especially in her youth.  That may temper with age, but for now she’s happy to push the envelope.  Consequences?  Sinope hasn’t met them.  

From a young age, she’ll be extremely calculating.  This is a girl that’s not above creative dishonesty to get what she wants, and to do what she wants– or needs.  A saboteur to the heart, and to her core.  The best way to sabotage something is to know it inside and out, and learn as much as she possibly can.  Sinope is extremely perceptive, and good at reading others.  Still, she’ll only cause problems when it benefits the family or furthers their aims.  

Family above everything.  Loyalty is incredibly important to Sinope, and always will be.  Her loyalties are to family above all, and she puts the family first in all situations.  They are the ones to see what’s under the crunchy outer shell, and they see how much she cares.  As she ages and realizes that she doesn’t feel any kind of sexual attraction, she’s going to feel self conscious.  Her contribution to the bloodline, however, will come from the time and effort she puts into helping everyone else’s pups grow stronger and come into their own.  

Plots: Sinope in Greek mythology remained a virgin her entire life; outsmarting three gods to do so, and I'm planning on this girl doing the same.  Also, she may undergo an alignment shift after Valentine's eventual death, as it will devastate her. Also, I started a moodboard for her here, but it's by no means complete.

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-15-2021, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2021, 06:25 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 1 time in total.)
Changed my mind


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
12-15-2021, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2021, 07:24 PM by Virgil. Edited 3 times in total.)
BIG WIP but I can't resist those Aeris genes coming through like that, or an astronomy name scheme

Name: Callisto Regni
Sex: Male
Height/Build: 39-41" / medium build
Skills: fighting & navigation
Alignment: Lawful / Neutral Evil (undecided)
Design: 4 or 7 (no twins plz)
Appearance: (Based on #4, first choice)
Coat: Harkening back to the earliest iterations of his ancestry on the continents of Boreas and Auster, to gaze upon him is to know the splendour of the cosmos. Callisto is wreathed in nebulas of magenta, amethyst, and azure. Scattered artfully over his pelage are thousands of golden spots, arranged in myriad unfamiliar constellations over the length of his body. His extremities are dark as coal, and even the tiny specs of stardust across his form are absent over his limbs. Streaks of sapphire frame the soft fur along the backs of his thighs, and mingle with subtle magenta at the point of his elbows. A few broad slashes of alabaster traipse over the curve of his bicep and shoulder, all the way to their apex along his spine. Mirroring them are a pair of brightly hued slashes along the middle of his back, which transition from cerulean at the furthest point, to lavender, and finally to amaranth over his back. At the base of his spine, where his tail meets with his hips, lie two streaks of ivory. Along the mid-point of his tail one will find a few more of those thin sapphire stripes as well, almost indistinguishable from the mingling hues of fuchsia and ebony. Imperialis heritage shines through in his facial markings, where a dark muzzle leads into a pair of kohl-dark bars that flow along the inner corners of his eyes to join with his onyx brow spots. Under each eye, gilded streaks are then lined with a series of delicate silvery spots that are nearly lost among the riotous scattered gold. His tall ears are the same rich black as the rest of his extremities, though the golden constellations that cover the rest of him have managed to climb over the backs of his ears where the fur is thickest.
Eyes & Voice: His sockets have been filled with shining mercury, striking against the celestial patterns painted over his dark visage. Even in the darkest conditions they seem to glow against the shadowy backdrop of his fur. Once Callisto reaches maturity, his voice will be a rich and sonorous croon. While not especially deep and brassy, there will be a musical lilt to his speech that is easily mistaken for an ambiguous accent.
Quirks & Mutations: Callisto bears a rather subtle quirk of genetics which manifested in his teeth. Rather than the long, serrated fangs of his ancestors, his oversized teeth hardly extend past his chin. Upon opening his deadly jaws, one will find that all of his teeth are enhanced. Each tooth is oversized and sharp as steel. Incredibly thick enamel is resistant to chipping and wear, with subtle serrations along their ridges and points. The gap between his canines is uncommonly wide, allowing his oversized fangs to slot neatly against each other, with his lower canines nearly breaching the skin of his upper lip when he closes his mouth. So while his upper canine teeth are the largest of the bunch, you would be wise to avoid contact with any of those pearly whites.
His paws are always fidgeting, he can never keep them still for long. Whenever Callisto is still, he always finds himself fiddling with something nearby. Rolling an errant pebble between his paws, or tearing clumps of grass up by the roots while engrossed in conversation. There is no one around to tell him it's a subconscious predisposition to use his mother's subtle language of gestures, which he will never have the chance to learn.


Plots: Spread that gotdamn Imperialis (-Aeris) blood across ardent. Get real good at fighting, probably aim high in ranks, show no fear or cowardice. But also probably end up being a bit of a shithead/troublemaker.



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-15-2021, 07:53 PM
Name: Kalyke
Sex: Male
Skills: Fighting / Intelligence
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: 1st option: 5 2nd option: 1 - twins: I'm neutral - happy to go with/without being twins
Black with vibrant rich blue's and little flecks of specks of the rich blue in the dark coat

Personality: The lad tries hard to be a great fighter, he truly does put his heart into it. Apparently, four paws are too many to manage though as he's rather clumsy. Those twigs or holes in the ground or even his own feet seem to come out of nowhere to get in the way.

He dreams of being a great fighter and tries to show the world but is constantly frustrated when he can't pick things up as quickly. He tries to always act confident but inside he fights between pride and self-doubt if he'll ever make it.

Where his fighting ability is hard to seemingly master the boy will use his mind to compensate and try to outsmart others.
(obv changes can happen depending on what happens in his puppy life)

Noooot really. I expect he'll be pressing for lots of spars/lessons.
--- willing to listen to any ideas though! gotta see how growing up is going
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
12-21-2021, 05:56 PM
Name: Themisto
Sex: Male
Height/Build: 40"/Light
Skills: Fighter/Navigation
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: 1st - 9 2nd - 2 (I'd be fine with twins)
Appearance: Written for design 9, includes eye color changes. (Eye color changes would carry forward for second choice if need be)

[Image: spacefire.png]

Themisto is among many when it comes to how striking he is, though he stands an impressive 40 inches tall he isn't particularly strong looking, his height he clearly got from his father but his build is all his mother. Light and almost delicate he has a dancer's build more than a fighter, though to assume he has no teeth to him is a grave mistake. His coat is plush and luxurious looking, adding to his almost cushy appearance.

But when you look past his height Themisto is something to look upon. The base of his coat is a dark night sky, ashy black but if that was all he was he would hardly be obviously Jupiter's son, as he is now. Instead, that night sky is speckled in vibrant colors,  nebulas of red/pink and blue play across his whole body in a sort of brindling, and atop even those a starfield of golden speckles dot across his whole body. Under his eyes are golden markings, his Imperialis blood clear in his appearance if not in his name.  

Finally, his eyes are a mismatched set of nebulas all their own, his left is the blue of his markings and the red the same cranberry colors of some of the darker red markings.

Personality: Themisto if he'd been raised as an Ademere wolf would be vastly different than he is under his father's care. As it is he will be something of a little shit disturber. Not a menace but he has a mischievous streak for sure. He will in particular have a penchant for trying to prank his siblings and father. He will be well known for pulling others into his bad plans and coming up with some less than thought-out ideas, neither will her turn away from a fight if, given the chance, puppy scuffles will be a common occurrence in his early life.

All that being said he knows where the lines are and won't cross them, he only really just wants to make things fun and he will learn well enough early enough that hurting others makes things very unfun for others. While young he may push boundaries once and a while but will take clear signs of taking things too far and learn from them.

Themisto makes friends easily and will be a rather social wolf who really thrives in social situations, though he is not shameless he, in particular, will be an open flirt. Discerning and yet he won't hesitate to take a moment to try and make someone feel good about themselves if he can do so with just his words, when it comes to something more than that? Well that's Themisto's secret weakness, he's kind of a nervous wreck when his ability to brush of more serious things with humor fail and he's not really sure what it is he really wants beyond a good time and no strings attached. He's maybe not particularly vulnerable and it's clear he's uncomfortable with anything that demands that from him.

Plots: Not totally sure, I kind of get a lot of enjoyment out of the idea of him being very similar to Jupiter in a lot of ways, flirting his way across Boreas but never more than that because intimacy scares the shit out of him. Probably getting teased for being the perpetually single one.

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
12-21-2021, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2021, 09:31 PM by Ballad I. Edited 3 times in total.)
Alright! So everyone can get purchases in really quick we've made a hasty decision. Thank you so much to all of the applicants we appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm (especially lolaf's last minute temptation) but since we can only choose two the winners are Hermes and Shard!
Where My Demons Hide