
Never Touch What's Mine




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-18-2021, 05:35 AM

The world was dark and the night was still full of horrors and terrors that most wolves of the land had never even seen in their nightmares. The crystals and mushrooms had taken over both flora and fauna, leaving them bathed with various shades of luminescent glow. The animals had been controlled by it as well. Predator and prey alike roamed the land with strange growths and pouring, viscous fluid pumping from deep within their bodies. It addled their brains and left some of them in an agitated, almost rabid state. Because of this, the patrols around The Hallows were strict and tight. The livestock needed to be protected constantly and, thanks to both Eska and Ulric's dogs, they were. The duty to protect the alpaca's had fallen almost exclusively on the foursome of canines. It was lucky that they had their fealty.

Tonight, Eska was on patrol. The silver brindled woman practically glowed in the swirling miasma of lights above, though she didn't truly glow. Not like the infected. When pushing past the various trees that bloomed bright blue, the colors seemed to cling to her coat as if wishing to become a part of her, but she ignored it. There was no time and it was easier to simply trudge ahead and not think about being invaded so personally by crystals and spores. Part of her knew that, if she continued these patrols, she would eventually get sick as well, but to protect her pack, it was a worthy risk. She would continue into the long night so that she could keep Ulric and his family safe. So that she could keep her own adopted family safe. She would do what needed to be done just like her mother before her. Personal risk was a hazard of the job to protect that which you loved.

As silver dipped paws flew quietly over the land, up ahead a strange lowing sound pulled from a set of long grass on the plain. Dark ears perked and Eska's pace slowed until she stood still. The fae's dusty blue nose worked, trying to pull the scent of whatever creature was ahead of her. In time, she was able to decide that the animal in question was indeed a wolverine. The huntress hadn't had many encounters with the squat creatures, but she did know that they were terribly aggressive and could inflict a lot of damage. Should she call for Avaset and Baz? Would there be time? No... it didn't seem that there would be. A moment later, the long, brown muzzle of the wolverine poked out of the long grass, its gaze staring right at her. There was only forward now. No going back.

The wolverine was infected with the crystals that covered the land. Green and blue gems protruded from the flesh on its face, mostly around its eyes and ears, though some stuck straight through the forehead, leaving trails of glowing ooze in their wake. The creature released a low snarl, lips pulling back from sharp teeth before it moved forward, stiff-legged. Teeth gnashed as it came towards her and Eska took a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable fight that was to come.

Within the beasts glowing eyes was a sort of confused ferocity. It was as though it needed to fight, but didn't quite know why. Perhaps Eska could have taken pity on it, but she needed to focus or there was a good chance that she could lose this battle. The brindled dame loosened her stance, toes spreading on the cool grass as she prepared herself mentally and physically to end the life of the creature before her. Yes... she would kill it whether it was the wolverine's own idea to attack or not. She would not risk this creature passing her and harming her family. So, when it came, she was ready.

With a snarl, the earthen colored beast launched itself across the distance towards the wolf. Eska's jaws were wide and she caught the cheek and the underside of the predator's jaw within her own. Back and forth her head shook, tearing great rends of flesh from the wolverine's neck and cheek. It didn't even scream, instead simply trying to open its own mouth wider so that it could bite into her in turn. Eska would not lose her hold. Using her greater weight, she pushed forward, slamming the black and brown creature onto its back. Wide paws found its chest and she pushed down hard, keeping her teeth locked in place while continuing to lash her head back and forth like some great crocodilian. Eska could feel the crystals cutting into the corners of her mouth, but it didn't matter. She would heal. The wolverine... it would not. Blood poured from the wounds, mixing with the luminescent fluid. The closer that the creature came to death, the less the fluid glowed. By the time the wolverine took its last breath, it was as normal as any other creature, save the dull rocks pushing from its body.

Eska stepped back, breathing hard. Her only wounds were claw marks to the shoulder where her quarry had tried to hold on. Not a bad way to end a fight. Rolling her shoulders, she left the corpse where it was and hurried back to the castle. She needed to let both Ulric and Artorias know that there was danger in the plain.
