
The Hangover

Lillith, Ulric



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-21-2021, 12:05 AM

At some point during their wonderful night of drinking and lovemaking, Romulus had fallen asleep in a drunken haze of pleasure and love with Lillith snuggled up in his arms. Tucked away beneath the stars, auroras, and moon, the gentle rushing of the Lazuli Falls had put him right to sleep. When he woke up again, however, all those good feelings were replaced by head-spinning dizziness, a churning stomach, dry mouth, and regret. Well, some regret. When steel eyes slowly pulled open to find his beautiful alabaster goddess wrapped up in his arms, tucked into his chest and sleeping so peacefully, the blurry memories of what they'd done the night before came back to him. Romulus smiled. He could never regret the love they'd shared.

Although it would have been so easy to just close his eyes and try to go back to sleep until all the bad feelings went away, his body was aching for the comforting embrace of their bed. Sleeping on the ground while fatigued from a hangover wasn't exactly his idea of a good time, and yet moving felt like just as much hell. Even stretching his legs out made him groan in displeasure, body protesting his movements as joints popped. They had to get back home though. If Ulric caught them out with the weird apocalypse still going on and hungover, he'd have a conniption! As much as he didn't want to, Roman had to rouse his sleeping beauty.

"Liiiillith..." he whispered to her in a soft, sing-song voice. He nudged her cheek gently with his snout. "Hey, wake up, sleepyhead. It's time to go home."




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-21-2021, 03:36 PM
She didn’t remember falling asleep, but it wasn’t surprising that after such thorough exhaustion and feeling so safe in Roman’s arms that she had fallen deeply into sleep. The alcohol helped along the way, but would eventually have its revenge in the morning. As Roman began to stir Lil was still deep in slumber, her mind not quite realizing yet how much the dehydration and the previous night would affect her. The young woman would have slept there on into the afternoon had Romulus remained stationary.

The sound of his voice calling to her softly pulled her from the deep heavy sleep she was in. Dreamless but blissful as the morning drew on. Her garnet gaze blinked open foggily as Roman nuzzled her cheek and coaxed her to wakefulness. She groaned softly, a combination of the sudden light sensitivity, the headache behind her eyes, the soreness of her slender body. "Do we have to?” She mumbled softly, simultaneously rubbing one eye sleepily while she buried the other half of her face into his fur. She didn’t care about the rules they were breaking or the worried wolves back in the pack, all that held her attention was the way she felt after all that wine.

Everything else about their trip here had been perfect. The gorgeous skies, the beautiful weather, and the impressive falls right beside them. More than that was how they had taken the next steps in their relationship together. Their hearts and their bodies were fully connected in ways far deeper than words could say. If she hadn’t known before last night she was certain now. Roman was her other half, and she wondered if he was suffering like she was. "Why do I feel so bad?” She whimpered while making no move to actually get up.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-21-2021, 05:37 PM

Lillith's groggy groans as he pulled her from her slumber drew a loving smile to Romulus' face. She was always flawless to his eyes, but there was something about a sleepy Lillith in the morning right as she woke up that was doubly adorable to him. Instantly she flinched away from the light and Romulus moved his head to shade her eyes. The world was still clad in night, so it was better than if they'd woken up to glaring sunlight, but even the bright auroras and moonlight were enough to bother their hungover eyes. "Yeah, we do," he replied with an exhausted sigh. "C'mon, the sooner we get up, the sooner we can get back to our bed." And go back to bed was fully what Roman intended to do! He'd lock the doors, draw the curtains, and smother their shared bedroom in darkness for them to sleep off the awful hangover together.

Knowing that Lillith would no doubt be feeling the same illness he was, if not more so thanks in part to her gender and lighter weight, Roman made sure he got up first so he could help her to her paws. It was a struggle to get his legs to respond, every muscle in his body protesting any sort of movement whatsoever. Somehow, he managed to get standing, although the effort did make his head swirl and stomach churn. Lil's soft whimpered question broke his heart, but also reminded him of just how young and inexperienced she was to the ways of the world. This was not Roman's first hangover, and he doubted it would be his last, but it definitely didn't make it feel any better. "That's what happens when you drink too much. It's called a hangover," he explained while offering her his side for support while she got up. "Come get a drink. It'll help, I promise."

With careful yet wobbly steps, Romulus guided Lillith over to the freshwater spring that started the falls. He bend his neck down and took a good, long drink. The cool water washed over his tongue, his palate, his dry throat and purged the foul taste of morning breath from his maw. The coolness seeped down into his stomach and instantly felt like relief. Roman drank and drank and drank until he had to come up for air, gasping for breath while Lillith drank her fill as well. "Y'know, today might suck, but I don't regret a moment of what caused it." Bleary silver eyes looked over to her with a sly, roguish grin turned to his lover. "Last night was the best night of my life, Lil. I'm glad it was you I got to share it with."




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-21-2021, 07:22 PM
Roman helped shield her eyes as the glowing world around her flooded into sensitive eyes. It was so dark these cursed days she was even more surprised at her pain. He didn’t sugar coat the reality though, they couldn’t just keep laying here. They had to go home, and the quicker they did the quicker they’d be snuggled up in the comfortable bed they’d been sharing. He was right and she knew it was it was still difficult to concede. The end goal sounded magnificent but the getting there was awful.

All too soon Roman was getting to his paws and she had to steady herself before he was there to help her to her paws. He answered her question too, why did she feel so bad? The wine, she had enjoyed far too much wine. A drink would help, or so he claimed, and she let him help her. Lil wasn’t sure she could leave his side if she tried. Her head swirled and her hips ached. Still, she hobbled along as he brought her over to the water, Lil mirrored Roman as she lowered her head to take a few long laps of water. It was cold on her tongue and her throat, but it helped to revitalize her.

Once she was satisfied she kept drinking, they still had to try and walk back to the castle. As she lifted her wetted lips Roman was speaking again. Her garnet gaze lifted to his grin as he mentioned despite this rough morning, he’d had the best night of his life with her. She couldn’t hide the blush nor the grin that overwhelmed her features. Butterflies fluttered in her belly and she felt her heart clench with how strongly she felt for him.

"Me too, Roman.” She confessed shyly, leaning into him as her ruby eyes gazed up at his features. "I’m so glad you’re still here to have shared it with me.” She wouldn’t forget how close she had come to losing her soul mate.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-26-2021, 12:43 AM

Romulus wasn't blind to the condition Lillith was in. He saw her struggling to stand and walk, saw her drinking greedily from the spring just like he had, and the general look of nausea and discomfort on her face. He also saw the hobble in her back legs, but he couldn't feel too bad about that. If anything, he actually felt a little proud that they'd had each other the ways they had. A wry smirk slowly crept across his lips as memories of Lillith wrapped around him and on top of him played back in his mind. Her reactions, her sounds, her expressions... Roman was brought out of his lustful daydreaming when Lil turned back to him once more, grinning at him with a blush on her pallid cheeks. His heart missed a beat while he gazed over her beauty, looking positively radiant in the moonlight and with this pleasured, satisfied glow about her. She confessed that last night had been the best of her life as well, and the larger brute couldn't resist the grin creeping across his face.

Once more, Lillith expressed her thanks that he was still alive and with her to share this experience with him. Roman's expression softened and he padded up to his girlfriend once more, wrapping her up in his strong embrace. "Hey, I told you I wasn't going anywhere," he said in hushed tones, as if telling her a secret only for her ears. Silver muzzle tipped down to kiss the bridge of her nose gently. "I'd never lie to you. I'm always gonna be here for you. I love you, Lil." He held her like that for a while, just savoring the feel of her warm, soft body tucked up against his, his heart beating strong and steady in his chest right beside her cheek. He reluctantly pulled away after some time, giving her a once over before smirking and gently sliding his body beneath hers. "Hang on, Lady Adravendi. I'm carrying you back to bed." Roman shifted his weight once she was across his back to let her settle over his bulk, and once she was holding on to him, he began the walk back to home.

The road back to the Hallows seemed longer not he return trip—or maybe that was just the hangover making everything seem so much worse than it was. Romulus was quiet most of the way back, happily reflecting on the night they'd shared and the way their relationship had evolved, but also trying to prevent from hurling with the way his upset stomach churned. By the grace of the gods, he somehow eventually made it back to the castle with Lillith on his back, stumbling through the gate and gardens towards the doors. "What'dya think the odds are we get to bed unnoticed?" he asked Lil with a devilish grin on his face, sauntering up the terrace and through the main doors. So long as Ulric didn't notice them trying to slip back in, perhaps they could play off their sneaking out as never happening. Then he wouldn't have to try to explain to the former alpha how he and his little girl had gotten drunk and fucked each other under the stars all night long.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-27-2021, 07:25 PM
Roman saw more than he let on, Lil still felt she was in a fog, half because of the hangover and half because of the lingering euphoria. Everything that happened, all the weight on her shoulders, she felt like it should have been too much. Then she looked at Romulus and knew that he was there to share the weight. He wouldn’t let her stand alone, she knew his word was good, and he held her life in his paws many times over now. Just as he held her in his arms. Romulus shifted, wrapping his strong limbs around her slender shoulders and squeezing her as he reminded her of the words he’d said.

Lillith gazed up into his liquid silver eyes as he spoke and placed a sweet kiss on her nose. She smiled softly up at him as he reiterated exactly what she knew to be true, but she took his words to heart like the vow they were. Her body pressed against his as he confessed his love made her heart flutter and her cheeks warm.

"I know, and I love you too.” She reached up slightly to kiss his nose briefly, just enjoying his closeness. He was hers and she was his. It seemed like all too soon he was letting her go, but the sooner they made it back to the Hallows the sooner they could get back into bed. Lillith was prepared to make the walk back, but before she could protest Roman was lifting her to his back.

She hadn’t been up here since they first met, and the deja vu like feeling brought butterflies fluttering in her belly. "You don’t have to carry me.” She reminded him as she settled down the length of him, resisting any argument. She grinned into his fur as she wrapped her arms around his neck while he promised to carry her to bed. And he did just that.

Lillith felt extra grateful because of how she felt, she knew that Romulus couldn’t have been doing much better. The evidence was in how quiet he was on the return, but their bed was calling and Roman was determined. As they stumbled through the gates Rom asked if she thought they’d make it back undetected. "I hope 100%, I just want to be asleep.” She joked with a groan but squeezed him lightly, not trying to slip off his back early. Though they might look less guilty if she did. "Almost there.”




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-30-2021, 01:56 PM
With the state the world was in Ulric had been even more vigilant than he might have been otherwise, though Eska's recovery did take away a good bit of his attention. He hadn't noticed Romulus and Lillith's scents leaving the pack's territory until at least several hours after they had left considering how the trail had begun to fade by the time he found it on one of his patrols. Considering the command given to the whole pack to remain in the territory it was already a bit concerning that they had disregarded that to leave, but he let it go considering the fact that it was the first time in quite a while that Romulus would have felt up to traveling and he was sure the pair needed some time to stretch their legs as much as any of them. He kept the discovery to himself and just kept an eye out for their return for the next several hours, but his worry started to build the longer they were gone.

He was looking out of one of the castle's windows when Romulus finally came slowly walking through the castle gates with Lillith laying along his back and Ulric's worry immediately doubled. The concerned father darted down the stairs from there he was observing the world, hurrying out the main doors to meet them in the courtyard. He had been one breath away from calling for Gwyn, assuming that they must have gotten hurt while they were out or maybe that Lillith had exhausted herself again, but when he got close enough to catch their scents his concern fell away and was replaced with what he could only describe as exasperation. The smell of wine and tale tell signs of sex lingered heavily on the pair and as he stood there between them and the main entrance to the castle all he could do was sigh and shake his head with a strangely relieved chuckle. If they had pulled this kind of stunt before the world descended into chaos he might have been more angry with them than he was, but at this point just having them in one piece and healthy was about all he could ask for—though they were looking a bit worse for ware and very hungover. "Come on, you two. Get inside."

He held the door open for them so Roman could carry Lillith inside. He couldn't exactly say that he liked the fact that the Armada boy had been sleeping with his little girl, but Lillith was getting older and had proven to him again and again that she was more than capable of fending for herself and making her own decisions. Romulus had at the very least been nothing but good to his girl and had slowly been working his way into Ulric's good graces simply by virtue of making Lillith happier than he had seen her in ages. He still couldn't resist giving Romulus a stern look as he passed, but would the young man really have expected anything less from the father of his girlfriend? Ulric nodded to the stairs and added, "Go ahead and go to your room. I'll bring you some supplies."

Ulric Adravendi



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-31-2021, 09:24 PM

Romulus gave a half-hearted chuckle to Lillith's groaning response of a 100% success rate for slipping in undetected and going to bed. He could sympathize with that feeling all too well. He'd get them up to her room, get Lil into bed, draw the curtains and fetch a bowl of water, then spend the rest of the day sleeping off the hangover with her. Easy peasy. And they would do it all as smooth and easy as their escape had been. No one would catch them sneaking back in. Especially not Ulric. That would just be the worst possible outcome, but surely his luck couldn't be that bad!

Then, as if the universe was pulling a cruel prank on him, Roman glanced up and spotted the giant earthen Adravendi patriarch come darting down the stairs towards them. Steely silver eyes went wide with shock and panic, freezing on the spot with Lil still across his back and clinging too I'm with her forelegs around his neck. For a long, silent moment, he just stared at the former alpha, knowing full well they reeked of alcohol and sex since they hadn't had a chance to wash up yet. Romulus saw his very short life flash before his eyes. Was this really how he died? Mauled to death by a dire wolf in a castle garden after fucking his daughter? Well, at least he had a hell of a good sendoff from Lillith if this was how he went out.

To his surprise, however, Ulric just shook his head and told them to get inside. Roman's ears flicked back to his skull and he tried to slink past Ulric without making eye contact, his face flushed hot with embarrassment at having to walk past the father of his girlfriend who he'd just spent all night ravaging. He slid in through the open door, still carrying Lillith's exhausted body, and cringed away from Ulric's stern glare, offering the dire brute an apologetic and bashful grin. "Yes, sir," he responded when Ulric told them to head up to bed and he'd bring them some supplies, starting to make his way carefully up the stairs. Once they'd reached the second floor and were headed down the corridor to Lillith's room, he glanced back to his lover once more with an embarrassed grin. "Well, looks like your dad knows you're not a little girl anymore." He snickered, then finished the rest of the walk to Lillith's bedroom, pushed the door open, and stepped inside.

Romulus carefully carried Lil over to their bed, depositing her gently onto the plush mattress before moving to the windows to pull the heavy curtains shut. Blissful darkness consumed the room, giving his eyes and head some relief from the too-bright moonlight. "How're you feeling?" he asked Lil as he approached the bed again, resting his head on the edge of the mattress and gazing lovingly at her silver alabaster form, waiting for Ulric to return with some water and medicine for them.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-01-2022, 10:00 AM
They were so close, she could practically feel her bed beneath her as Romulus carried her into the courtyard. Rom chuckled softly at her answer, but it was understanding and shared. They both wanted the relief of a dark room and fluffy cushions. She sighed dreamily, but those warm fuzzy feelings drained from her whole body to leave behind frozen terror as she caught sight of her father racing down the stair.

There hadn’t ever been a moment in her life before this one that she hadn’t wanted to see her dad, but this was the one time she wished he hadn’t seen them. Her cheeks flushed bright red as she watched his expression change from dread and worry to obvious exasperation. The scent of wine and… everything else she and Rom had done last night, was heavy on them. There was no way Ulric didn’t realize exactly what they had been up to, and Lil was mortified. She couldn’t meet his eyes, her cheeks were blazing ruby just like her gaze as she tried to melt into Roman’s fur and just disappear completely.

She didn’t know what she was about experience with Ulric’s discovery, but it wasn’t his insistence they quickly get inside. Surprised she glanced up to her father, and she regretted it immensely. If Lil hadn’t been holding to Roman’s neck she would have covered her face with her paw to keep the shame from showing on her features. She shouldn’t have felt this way, what they’d done was the natural progression of their relationship. But maybe they’d skipped an important step. Lilith knew that Roman was her true love, her soul mate, the one she wanted to spend her life with.

Roman was looking, and feeling, much the same as she was as the timid pair slunk past the once alpha. He answered for both of them, with Lil giving her dad a very bashful look as they were told to get back to her room and he would bring them up supplies. They were quiet and Lil was somewhat mousey as they traversed the stair and made their way down the hallway to her room. Roman chuckled when they nearly reached the door. Mentioning all too lightheartedly that Ulric knew what they’d done.

"Ugh, don’t remind me.” She did cover her face that time. Why did her dad have to be right there, and now? With the hangover and everything it was the last things she wanted was her dad to know they snuck out to drink and have sex for the first time. She would have happily kept that secret for a little longer.

Rom carried her through the threshold and towards her plush bed, lowering her gently onto the plush surface. She made herself comfortable, snuggling into the blankets, furs, and pillows as Roman closed the curtains and made them a dark cave all their own. Despite the presence of her father still looming she felt so much better being in her bed. Always looking out for her Rom asked how she was doing as he returned to the bed and lowered his head next to hers. She grinned bashfully as her garnet eyes gazed into his liquid silver eyes.

"Better now that I’m here.” She told him, shifting slightly so her delicate pink tongue could kiss his dark nose. Lil’s body was still quite sore from the new ways she was using it, and her senses still sensitive from the hangover. Still, she felt more at ease, relaxed, and very happy to be back home with Roman at her side and not ended by her father when he found them. "How are you? You really didn’t have to carry me.” She smiled brighter, her gratefulness obvious in her sweet expression.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
01-01-2022, 05:06 PM
Ulric watched the pair of young wolves slink past, seeing how obviously mortified Lillith was as she avoid his gaze from where she was perched on Romulus' back, and once they were up the stairs and out of sight he sighed and turned toward the pantry and kitchens to start gathering some things to bring them. It took a lot of effort to keep himself from being angry. It wasn't that he could blame the boy for what they had done and he was sure Lillith was just as much to blame considering their ages and how close their relationship had become, but it was still just the fact that Lillith was still this sweet, innocent girl in his mind and it was hard for him to accept that she had actually matured into the young woman that she was. He was abruptly confronted with the fact that his children were no longer children. He gave another small shake of his head as he walked into the pantry to pick up a small bundle of dried meats, a bowl, and a water skin. As long as they were happy and healthy that's all he could really ask for. Young wolves were allowed to be young wolves and he knew that. In reality he knew that the pair were lucky that his view of things had been tempered by Eska in their time together. Otherwise he might not have been so understanding.

He made a quick stop in the pharmacy to pick up a few things. He didn't know much about healing, but he had partaken in wine enough times to know what kind of things helped get a wolf back on their feet the next day. Some dandelion to ease the nausea, some meadowsweet for the fatigue and headache. With the supplies gathered he went back to the stairs and climbed them to the second floor, walking down the corridor to Lillith's room. He gently pushed open the door that was still ajar wide enough for him to walk through, catching a glimpse of the smile on Lillith's face as she spoke in quiet whispers to Romulus. That smile made it even more difficult to feel any kind of anger or animosity toward the situation and softened his expression a bit. It did twist a little pang of emotion in his chest knowing that Romulus was undoubtedly sweeping Lillith off her feet and was taking away his little girl, but if it made her happy then it was for the best. He walked over and sat the things he had gathered down near them both. "Water, some dried meats to nibble on once your stomachs can handle it, and some herbs," he explained briefly, keeping his voice down so he wouldn't cause any additional pain with speaking loudly. He glanced to Lillith with a soft smile and added, "Get some rest." With that he retreated from the dark room and gently closed the door behind him so they could have some privacy. He sighed again and walked down the stairs and out of the castle so he could walk a patrol and clear his head.

Ulric Adravendi



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-03-2022, 04:56 AM

A light chuckle tickled Romulus when Lillith groaned from her place on the bed as she got comfortable, clearly overjoyed and relieved to be back home. He could empathize; he was just as eager to collapse onto that bed and sleep for the next century. But first, he had to make sure she was taken care of before he could join her in recovery. A gentle, sweet smile touched the Armada wolf’s lips while he held her gaze, sterling silver and faceted ruby never parting from one another. Lillith assured him she felt better now that she was home and Roman gave a hum of acknowledgment. "Hmm, good." The smile on his face broke out into a full ear-to-ear grin when Lil tilted her muzzle to plant a tender kiss on the end of his nose, even that little affection starting up the swarm of butterflies trapped in his stomach once more. He wanted so badly to just climb into bed and snuggle her until the end of time, but he forced himself to wait, wait for Ulric to bring them some medicine so they could rest.

Speaking of the devil, the bedroom door opened then and in walked the Adravendi patriarch. Roman lifted his head from the bed and greeted Ulric with as much attention as he could muster at the moment, which wasn’t much but took a great deal of effort to not double over or puke. He looked over the supplies Ulric had brought them and immediately began to separate out the dandelion and meadowsweet, giving half of the herbs to Lil along with the water while he quickly chewed down his own herbs. The earthy taste wasn’t unfamiliar, but his queasy stomach definitely protested them this time. Still, he mustered on and swallowed the medicine then took a long drink of the water to keep himself hydrated. The food could wait til later. Right now, sleep was his priority. Anything that took away his consciousness so he could forget about how ill he felt.

"Thank you, sir," Romulus called after Ulric. The door shut behind him, and then just the two lovers were left alone again. Giving Lillith a loving smile, Roman hoisted himself up onto the bed, collapsing with a grateful groan into the mattress and proceeded to snuggle up into the blankets and furs. Once comfy, he reached over to Lil, inviting her to come lie across his chest and snuggle up to his side. All the young brute wanted now was his girlfriend in his arms and a quiet, dark place to forget the rest of the world. "Y’know, as sucky as I feel right now… I don’t regret anything we did last night." Roman tilted his head down to peer at Lillith, gazing at her with nothing short of total adoration. "I love you, Lil."




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-03-2022, 01:29 PM
Lillith grinned at Romulus as he stood at the edge of her bed, and her attention was torn from his features as Ulric slipped into her room with the supplies that he had promised. The girl smiled sheepishly at her father, still mortified that he’d had to find her in this state. Despite that though, he was still taking care of her because she was still his little girl. He brought them both water to help with dehydration and a few plants that she thought would help rather well in their recovery. Had her father once found himself in a similar situation. All of a sudden a situation she thought would pull them apart somehow made her feel closer to her dad as he explained everything displayed. Lil finally met his silvery gaze as Ulric only gave them one command, to get some rest. "Thank you, Dad.” She answered just as softly as he slipped out the door and closed it behind him.

Romulus had already been busy partitioning the herbs, dividing them according to each weight. He didn’t waste any time in consuming them, but Lil’s belly had her pausing a long moment before she got them down and chased the bitter tasting plants with the waterskin flavored water that washed down her throat. She took a deep breath and let the pouch drop to the floor as her attention easily focused on Roman as he pulled himself into the bed.

Once he was settled Lil scooted closer, accepting the invitation into his embrace. She pressed herself against him curling into his body as one arm draped over his chest. Lillith could feel the gentle thrum of his heart and despite the headache she smiled as she settled in perfectly beside him. Finally, they were snuggled in bed, it was dark, they were hydrated. There wasn’t anything else Lil wanted except maybe for her headache to go away.

Roman’s words rumbled through his chest as he reminded her, despite the hangover, he didn’t regret a moment. "Definitely worth it.” She giggled pitifully as he gazed down at her with striking moonsilver eyes. She could barely see him in the dark but there was no mistaking his smile. "I love you too, Roman.” Lil returned sweetly, her emotions evident in every word she said. She hadn’t ever felt such a great love before as she did for the one who held her. "Now and forever,” She went on to confess, Lil wanted him like this for the rest of their lives.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-04-2022, 01:22 AM

Once the two of them had gotten fully settled into bed together, Romulus was finally able to let his exhausted, weary body relax. With Lillith tucked up snugly to his side, her body fitting perfectly against his like she was always meant to be there, and her head on his chest and arm around him, the Armada wolf couldn't think of a place he'd rather be than right here. Okay, sure, maybe he'd like the pounding in his head and overall fatigue and nauseousness to be gone, but everything else could stay the way it was. Roman wrapped his foreleg around Lillith to keep her held tight and secure to him, letting her use him as her personal pillow, while he gazed lovingly at her through the darkness. He could just barely make out her garnet gaze in the dark of the quiet bedroom, listening to her steady breathing between her sweet words. It was in that moment, gazing at the love of his life, that Roman knew he'd achieved true happiness. Nothing could ruin what he shared with Lil.

Lillith returned his vow of love with one of her own, adding the addendum of now and forever to the end of it. His heart skipped a beat like a stone off a placid lake and those electric tingles raced through his veins once more. Lil made him feel alive unlike anything else in his life had before. Where once he had been a bit of a playboy and some might have said he'd been domesticated by the silver and snow fae, Roman would argue that he simply found the best he could ever have. Lillith was perfection to him; beauty and grace, strength and drive, tenderness and love. She complimented his strengths and supported his weaknesses. They were two halves of a whole and whatever other romantic clichés one could think of.

"Now and forever," he repeated back to her, bringing a navy-dipped paw up to softly stroke over her velvety cheek. Slowly trailing his paw down her cheek, Romulus followed the curve of her jaw until he caught her chin and gently tipped her muzzle up to catch her lips with his own. It was a long, slow kiss he gave to his girlfriend, his lover, his soul mate, mouth moving tenderly over hers yet pouring forth all the love and desire in his heart and soul for her into that kiss. He wanted so badly to let some of that desire simmer over, but even though his libido was ready for a repeat performance of the prior night, his body was severely protesting any physical activity. With a reluctant groan, Roman let his lips part from Lil's after a few blissful moments of making out, mercury eyes holding her rich merlot gaze from little more than a couple of inches. "We should get some rest, huh?" he whispered to her through the dark, just loud enough for her to hear.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-04-2022, 12:57 PM
Lillith felt herself relax next to Rom, though her head was still raging and her body sore, all the tension seeped from her. The two of them sank into the bed together, exhausted but happier than ever.Had she not been gazing into his vivid silver stare she might have already started drifting to sleep. As it was her eyelids were heavy and drooping. Still there was an excitement in them as she looked up to Roman’s dimly lit features. Lil saw her whole future in the man that held her close to his chest.

She’d been through a time when the future didn’t exist for her, Ulric went many sleepless nights to see her through to the morning. She almost didn’t make it to the place they were right now. Roman almost hadn’t made it and yet here they were. Together against all of the odds faced against them. That was one of many reasons how she knew they were meant to be, that he was made for her and vice versa. No one looked at her quite like he did, and she felt and shared the admiration he held for her.

Roman agreed with her softly, stating similarly that forever was the end goal. Like he said while he was sick, he wasn’t going anywhere and he meant it. Lillith tilted her head as he ran his toes up along the curve of her jaw, bringing her lips to meet his own. Her eyes slid closed as he kissed her, and everything else melted away. She could ignore her headaches and pains, all that mattered was Roman. Now and forever. She didn’t need reminding, but renewed was the feeling of love for him as he poured his emotions into his affections. Her own pale paw pulled to his cheek Lillith mirrored him.

Eventually both of them would have to give into their exhaustion, and reluctantly she felt Rom pull away from their kiss. She lay her head back on his chest as she caught her breath, but she didn’t bother trying to open her eyes again. He said exactly what she felt, they needed some rest. "We should.” She spoke quietly into his fur as she nuzzled into his chest and cuddled in closer. "I don’t want to fall asleep without you anymore.” She went on sleepily as her mind began to wind down and the last thoughts before rest flittered through. She wanted him to stay with her in here from now on and more than that. "I want to be your wife.” Lillith whispered, a dream-like quality tinting her voice. Her drowsy words spoke nothing but the truth of her desires, they fell easily from sleepy lips as if she were already dreaming.

As her breathing evened and her body relaxed against Roman’s maybe she already was.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-07-2022, 05:41 AM

Watching Lillith fall asleep in total bliss and comfort had fast become one of his most favorite things. Romulus savored the quiet stillness surrounding them in the bedroom, the only sounds besides their voices the steady breathing of his lover. He held her close to his side with strong limbs, letting her settle across his chest like a living body pillow, a smile creeping across his dark lips while she nuzzled herself into his chest like she were trying to hide away within him. Large slate-dipped paws roamed slowly up and down her back, tracing the natural feminine dips and curves of her body, following the ridge of her spine from shoulder to hip. Despite how rough they were both feeling, this moment felt like perfection to him. He would forever remember their first time together, giddy on young lust and alcohol as they made love over and over again beneath the stars, but he would also remember this moment with it—the after a of their passion, when they were left to their most raw emotions.

Lillith spoke again, mumbling in her sleepy daze about how she never wanted to fall asleep without him again. A low chuckle rumbled in Roman’s chest. Since they’d gotten together officially, Romulus had spent more nights with her in her bedroom than in his own. In a way, he’d already unofficially moved in with her. He supposed there was no reason to not move in together totally now—especially if she was planning on having as much sex as he was hoping for now that they’d both experienced the other in totality. "Hmm, guess I’m just gonna have to move in with you permanently then…" he replied between chuckles. As if Lil would ever protest that. Hell, she was probably wondering why he hadn’t done so sooner! He only had a few personal things in his mostly unused room to move down; cohabitating would come easy for them also.

But then Lillith stunned him with her final groggy confession right before she drifted off to sleep. She wanted to be his wife. Silver steel eyes flickered back open and he lifted his head to gaze down at the now sleeping girl on his chest. Had he heard her right? Roman’s heart was racing in his chest. She wanted to marry him?! A mixture of excitement and nervousness churned in his soul. On the one hand, how much different would they really be from their everyday life? The two wolves practically lived each day with one another, seldom ever parting for more than a couple of hours. On the other, was he really ready to make that sort of commitment? Romulus had always lived his life flying by the seat of his pants and following his heart’s whims. It’s why he’d never had a long term relationship before Lillith, or why he’d never settled down anywhere before. Was he really prepared to take that step?

Ah, but his throbbing head refused to dwell on the matter for long. He needed to join Lil in sleep before his body led a total revolution against him. Allowing his heavy head to flop back to the pillows, Romanc closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling consciousness blissfully drift away from him. He gave Lillith a gentle affectionate squeeze in his arms. "You will be…" he whispered under his breath, knowing she couldn’t hear him, just before he was lost to healing slumber.
